Fighting the Beast Within Character Thread


Elder Member
Name: (first and last) Age: (between 14-30) Gender: (male or female) Appearance: (picture or discription) Animal DNA: (what animal dna were they injected with?) Personality: (list some traits) History: (just talk a bit about their past) Other: (anything else you wish to add)
Name: Rosalind Faire

Age: 20

Gender: female

Appearance: Rosa has a grown a tail and ears but her ears have been cropped quiet similar to those of a fighting dogs. Her tail has not yet been docked. Her skin is actually covered with a soft layer of tan fuzz that darkens slightly towards her hands and she has a dark stripe down her neck. Her hair has changed color to match the dogs and it is coarser but still quite soft.

A lot of the changes to Rosa are actually in her body. She now also goes in heat instead of menstruating. Her sense of smell and heart and lung capacity has doubled therefore her muscle stamina is amazing. But more blonde/ tan like the dog

Animal DNA: Pitbull

Personality: Quiet, feisty, witty, Sharp

History: Rosa grew up on the streets. Her mother was a prostitute who brought her clients home. Occasionally they were interested in a younger crows and until she knew better Rosa was forced to cope with this. At age 15 she ran away and picked up odd jobs living in shelters. She finished high school and was saving money to try and apply for college.

Other: (Do they have id codes on their neck and what are they wearing?)

Name: Evan Darling

Age: 19

Gender: male

(See the different colored eyes? He’s got a tail to)

Animal DNA: A husky

Personality: He’s a bit hyper but loyal, he’s rarely calm but put some music in his ears and he might calm down. He loves to make friends and talk.

History: He had a pretty normal life and worked a fast food place. He has a younger sister who he cared for a lot. Although she doesn’t talk much he has much love for her. They ended up here together.

Other: nope

Name: Sarah Darling

Age: 16

Gender: Female


Animal DNA: A fox

Personality: She’s quiet shy and very different from her brother. She not hyper at all but rather calm, she is embarrassed by her brother sometimes.

History: She’s always been with her brother and often found that he was over hyper and needed to be calmed down. She manages to keep him from jumping off the walls.

Other: She has a fox tail and ears, and she has fox eyes.

Name: Ginger Arc

Age: 20

Gender: female


Animal DNA: tiger

Personality: She’s bold but very shy about her appearance since she has fur allover her body now ears and a tail. She’s playful and loves to swim (Lol tigers love to swim.) She’s quiet though but stubborn.

History: After her father died she stayed with her mother. She found her mother was dating other men and in a rage she left home at age 16. Worse mistake of her life.

Other: Nope.
Name: Edwin Parker - Age: 20 - Gender: male Appearance: He has spiked blonde hair, yellow eyes, slightly tanned skin, 6ft tall, has some muscles, and has large black bat wings on his back. - Animal DNA: Fruit Bat - Personality: He is rude to others (mostly men), likes to flirt with girls, doesn't like to listen to authority and is unfaithful in relationships. - History: He moved in with his girlfriend when he was 18. She kicked him out when she caught him with another girl. He was walking along the street when he was captured. - Other: none ------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Ophelia Robins - Age: 17 - Gender: female - Appearance: She has light brown hair that travels halfway down her back, bright green eyes, pale skin, 5ft 2in tall, and has bangle tiger ears and a tail. - Animal DNA: Bangle Tiger - Personality: Softspoken, sweet, caring, hardworking - History: She grew up in a loving family. Her family owned a winery and she helped her parents out with picking the grapes and making the wine. She was walking to the market, which was a few miles away from where she lived when she was captured. Other: none--- Merged Double Post ---both accepted! sorry didn't see the posts.

Name: Mia Grey

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Appearance: See picture, also has a black panda tail

Animal DNA: Panda

Personality: Sweet, loving, protective

History: Mia came from a very rich family and up until she was 13 was very sheltered. She had been sneaking out of her parent's house since she was 13 and when she was 14 she decided to sneak out but never came home (which is when she was kidnapped.) Her parents, thinking she ran away, have sent out search parties and have the authorities searching for her night and day, but with no luck.

Name:Azriala Rea IronaAge:17Gender:FemaleAppearance:

Animal DNA:Avian/BirdPersonality: Azriala is a feisty, smart girl. She grew up in a lab and hates scientists and chemicals.History:Azriala was born on December 19, 1995 in London. Her parents didn't want her, so they donated her to science. In the lab they infused her DNA with Avian (Bird) DNA. --
View attachment 2248

Name: Mariah Winston

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Animal DNA: Black Panther-->> (She has black ears, a long black tail, and claws that she uses only in a time of need.)

She was taken away from her parents when she was very, very young. Probably around three or four.

She was put in a lab full of deadly chemicals and crazy scientists that experimented on her for years and years. They tortured her, treated her badly, and never let her out of there sight.

They injected many chemicals that made her dangerously sick, but not enough to kill her. After about six years, they finally managed to give her claws, ears, a tail, and a Panther like personality. How they did it? No idea. But all she knows is that it's all originated from a Black Panther.

They put her in training for the military, but that's not what she wanted to do. So she fled soon after the training and escaped into the city of Los Angeles, California, where she now is in hiding. She has managed to get away from attackers so far, but it won't be long till they capture her once again.

She no longer has the right to trust anyone, which makes her seem heartless and cruel, but its really the only way for her to survive.

In real life, she is very kind and sweet and will help anything or anyone who need help. But ever since she got taken away, she's never been the same, and is actually very aggressive and ambitious now.

Other: She extremely skilled with guns, since she had to train for the military for about eight years.
[MENTION=646]Xx-Katherine-xX[/MENTION] - we already have two tigers. Could you chose another animal please? [MENTION=1136]14hca14[/MENTION] - yeah, they have collars with an id tag. - @ Lost_in_Paradise - accepted! also lol mariah is my real name!
Name: Kreg Bael

Age: 22

Gender: Male


Animal DNA: Hawk

Personality: Kreg used to be a fun-loving guy, until he awoke in his cage and saw himself. Since then, he hasn't spoken a word.

History: Kreg was born in a small town in North America, and has lived an average life. He went to school like a normal teenager, had relationships like a normal teenager, graduated like a normal teenager. After high school, Kreg went straight to working to help support his family the best he could. He job-hopped, from fast-food to factory. He considers himself a jack of all trades.

Other: Kreg now has talons on his feet, curved talons instead of fingernails, and wings that normally curl around his body on his back. He hasn't been able to try them out yet.
[MENTION=646]Xx-Katherine-xX[/MENTION] - ok the animal dna is good now but mind adding somethin to her history and personality? doesn't have to be much
*giggles* I found you! *giggles some more*

Name: Bianca Alair

Age: 18

Gender: female

Appearance: View attachment 2260being spiderified, her human legs and bottom half have been replaced with the body and eight legs of a spider. She also has fangs for biting and injecting venom with.

Animal DNA: black widow spider (I literally looked up 'most poisonous spider'. The black widow is 4th on the list I viewed)

Personality: sharp, gentle, sweet, demure, soft-spoken, sometimes wise

History: Bianca was raised with two younger sisters and an older brother in a small town. She looked out for her little sisters, one of whom was often teased. Her older brother looked out for all of them, and often got into fights. She was kidnapped on her way to a school dance, dressed in a black dress with red lace and trim. Still she is dressed in this, a truly black widow.

Other: Bianca has trained with knives and guns, as was her father's wish. She is better with hanguns, but best with throwing knives.

Name: Aaron Zell

Age: 21

Gender: male

Appearance: View attachment 2261bottom half of his body is the bottom half of a wolf's

Animal DNA: wolf

Personality: protective, fiesty, fiery

History: He never knew his parents, and jumped from family to family. He simply couldn't get along with anyone. He was kidnapped by a man he thought was supposed to be his next father, when he was fifteen. Six years later, he still lashes out at the guards.

Other: Strong. He also got in a lot of fist fights, and took a few kickboxing classes.

Name: Marie Natalie

Age: 14

Gender: female

Appearance: sView attachment 2262he has gained white butterfly wings, but that's the only remarkable feature

Animal DNA: butterfly (some kind of white one)

Personality: shy, submissive, scared, gentle

History: Born to an inebriated mother, abused by both parents, she fled to a foster home. She fled the foster home later, and lived on the streets off of the goodness of the inhabitants of a small town. She's afraid of people larger than her, and basically everyone else.

Other: Why the idiots kidnapping her chose butterfly, we'll never know. She has no special abilities.
[MENTION=1658]Rhi'a[/MENTION] - accepted! post when you can! (sorry it took me so long to reply)
Name: Lacy Mariott

Age: 19

Gender: Female


Lacy is a gorgeous girl with ravishing blue eyes surrounded by a thick black eyeliner at all times and wavy brunette locks that reach her slender waist. Her body is curved, hour glass like and covered in pale green scales. When convenient, she may mold her legs into a tail. She has four fangs, two in her upper gums and two on her lower, incredibly sharp with a slight paralyzing venom contained. If needed, her mouth can extend far beyond jaw line with a serpent like snap.

Animal DNA: Pit Viper

Personality: Angry, Lonely, Pensive, Cross, Blunt, Intelligent, but rarely kind. She is extremely guarded.

History: Lacy grew up in a fairly normal household with fairly wealthy, but neglectful family members. She is the youngest of five siblings but was somewhat spoiled. Her hatred stems from disloyalty of those close to her, creating her distrusting attitude. After being thrown in a cage and changed, she has no idea what to believe anymore. All she knows is no one could ever or will ever be trusted.
[MENTION=1913]Heather Konvicka[/MENTION] - accepted feel free to post. as of now people are being sold to either a farmer to work on the farm or a general to work as a weapon in the milatary. in my option, I think lacy would do well with the general but it is your choice.

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