fighting deathlords


Junior Member
i was wondering if anyone has ever actually thought of what to use if you wanted to take on a deathlord in a direct conflict?

i always thought you would get




Filial Wisdom

you think that any of them could do it?
No, Kejaks is far from a front line men, one good hit, if it were to connect, he's dead and off to his next body like that. He would be there in the first place, he'd convince the other three to go.

Leviathan...if he took mortal form anymore...maybe, biiiiiiiiiig maybe, but doubtful, even the new Mask of Winters is a fearsome fuck. I don't even wanna think about the stats for the 2nd Ed FaFL *Shudder*

Filal Wisdom, if he's fighting from surprise (even then it's iffy) he can hold his own, but not for long.

And Ahlat...I'd say he could do only so much, ghost eating charms would scare most spirits, but from a fucking Deathlord? Ahlat would run to mama.

This is assuming they get through every single counter measure and trap the DL has.
Exactly, a Coalition of the powers of the world. And sadly, that's one on one x.x only...thirteen more times...
so pretty much what i have gathered from all everything i have read around different forums and stuff is that. Deathlords... FaFL primarily are on a one on one Fight unbeatable?
Lotus said:
so pretty much what i have gathered from all everything i have read around different forums and stuff is that. Deathlords... FaFL primarily are on a one on one Fight unbeatable?
Well they are basically first age solars in powerlevel, essence 8+ perfect effects, access to and able to craft level 5 artifacts. They are a tad weaker cause of the missing access to the solar circle which limits their artifact building a little but that is nothing which you will actually notice in a fight.

I'd say a circle of essence 5+ solars geared for combat and well prepared is what you need. and with well prepared I mean they at least know some of the basic signature moves and the special powers of the deathlords artifacts... any surprise will be a deadly one.
well i figured a group of solars could probably do it if they were in  a group.

but i am talkin about like just one on one. like no one can take em?
Lotus said:
well i figured a group of solars could probably do it if they were in  a group.
but i am talkin about like just one on one. like no one can take em?
I think some lunars could give them a hell of a fight, like for example leviathan, perhaps he might even kill one. same goes for kejak and some other first agers. but ultimately they are going to loose. kejak relies on martial arts, leviathan on shapeshifting and natural powress both per definition weaker than solar charms (or abyssal).
What is the point of being the master planner of the Bronze Faction if you can't get others to wander into combat for you?  Heck, what is the point of being a Sidereal if you can't get others to do the dirty work, like rolling against Deathlords?

Taking down a Deathlord should be an epic quest, but ultimately, you're not going to get a Deathlord in open combat, not without some serious planning.  They're dead, already, and smart.  They know they'll reform under most circumstances, but they aren't about risking the Oblivion--because ultimately, they are some scared ass bitches about the whole Wheel thing.  They'd rather hang around the Underworld, and the Neverborn, than face that shit.  The whole Deathlord gig came about because they are scared to move on, which means they are going to be some muthers to put down.  Not because of their power alone, but because they are HIGHLY motivated to avoid getting sent on to their just reward.

In game terms, it would require not just raw power to disrupt them, though you'd need that, in spades, but a good Circle of Solars with a ton of XP and goodies should be able to do that--even without the Charcoal March of Spiders.  A good high Essence set of Charms should do the trick, along with an army to back that ass up against a rock and a hard place--which means facing the Deathlord in the place of his supposed choosing, but that means out thinking the bastard and predicting his final choice of retreat, and taking that into account, and neutralizing him there. That or surprising the shit out of him with some secret Uber-Charm that immediately takes that option out of its hands.

You may have won this round, but I shall return...WTF?  I'm not fading into the...oh's really dark out there...
From a thematic point of view, it needn't be a Circle of Solars.

 A Circle of Siddies would certainly be motivated to do so. As would a Circle of First Age Lunars.

 For that matter, a Circle of Abyssals tacitly backed by their Deathlords to take down another Deathlord...

 And for a final treat, don't forget a Circle of Invested, should the Yozis see an advantage in doing so.
There never was, canonically, a secret weakness. That was a story put about by Dreamweaver and Talespinner when they wanted to scare off Princess Magnificent with etc etc etc etc etc. It might have been true. Or it might have been false, but the story powerful enough to make it true. Or it might not even be vaguely true.

I very much doubt they would change this vagueness in 2E. The whole point was to not dictate a canon method for taking out a DL.
I'm using the "secret weakness" device in my Solars game because it suits me, but the concept is on that slippery border between "archetypal" and "cliched."
Most certainly. Besides, I don't think a Circle of 5 Essence Solars could do it, maybe not even a Circle of Essence 6. Why? Because the difference between essence 8, 9, or even 10 charms is EXPONENTIAL from Essence 5. Most people don't even take the time to think that far, just take brass tack charms and hope for the best. Besides, if the DL you're fighting is only throwing out Essence 4 charms is probably just his Abyssal lacky in disguise while he gets ready to rape you from behind.
BurningPalm said:
There never was, canonically, a secret weakness. That was a story put about by Dreamweaver and Talespinner when they wanted to scare off Princess Magnificent with etc etc etc etc etc. It might have been true. Or it might have been false, but the story powerful enough to make it true. Or it might not even be vaguely true.
I very much doubt they would change this vagueness in 2E. The whole point was to not dictate a canon method for taking out a DL.
Come on listen round for the tale I have to tell

I have found a sure fire way to send the lion to hell

If you want the first and forsaken to go straight to hell

Just take that fucking deathlord, and throw him in the well.

Throw that fucking Deathlord, down Oblivion's well

(with apologies to the violent Femmes)
Amusing, but ultimately pointless. Lion had little to none of the powers he should be able to call on.

 With First Ed rules regarding perfects, it was just a matter of time (assuming the Solars weren't stupid) before Lion went down.
Yeah, that's why I never believed it. I refuse, utterly and completely that a group of twinks can bring down THE Dawn/Dusk of the setting. They might as well say 'I attack the darkness.'

The Lion is a beast and is never seen as such, just as a D&D twinks next mountain to leap so he can pray for XP.
Meh I for my part did not mean the first and forsaken lion when I was talking about 5 essence 5 solars killing a deathlord. but the mask of winters or some less martially inclined dl surely can be beaten.
Indeed, I can see that now. But everyone thinks FaFL is the same pushover like Mask apparently is. It's just odd to me.
I kinda like the first and forsaken lion. out of a variety of reasons. the first is that he uses melee and not martial arts like every other "cool dood" and it ends with the tragic love story he has with the princess.
Yes! I was very surprised by that, and it kinda screwed him over hardcore in the Autobot scenarios >.> But that's Exalted. And any tragic love story.

FaFL is not indestructable, he is "the biggest and strongest of all the Girly Men." He is not weak like the mask of winters, but he is not invincible.

I get this from the write up he was given in Autocthonians.

This is thhe core difference in tone between Exalted and WoD. In Exalted you CAN grind the jewelled thrones of the world beneath your sandalled heel.

The Exalted are the Princes of the Universe. (with apologies to Queen)

Soyes they can defeat him, but it is an epic battle, not merely one more monster to get XP from

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