Fight to the New Dawn


The Goddess of Insanity

Character Sign Up Sheet













My Character sheets

Name: Willow

Age: Can not remember

Gender: Female

Species: Unicorn



Alignment: Against

Personality: Humble, yet wise. Uses her knowledge for the betterment of everyone not just one species. She says she can feel it in her old bones that something bad was going to happen with the new era, that's why she's against it. She has a rough sense of humor at times and likes having the last word, she is all knowing after all.

History: Many have known her through there lives. Some say she was best friends with the creator of the world. She had lived in a forest most of her life and protected those in it. Nobody knows her date of birth nor her date of death. Supposedly she can not die from age, but not immortal. She can injured to the point of death.

Likes: Wisdom, happiness, good deeds

Dislikes: Sorrow, Pain and un-fair ruling

Weapon: Her horn and magic, though she will resent to fight


Name: Embora Fireas

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Species: Fire Nymph



Alignment: With

Personality: Loyal, but saucy. She will stay true to her heart, but hates when people say she is doing something wrong. She likes being right, but will step down to someone of higher power. She will not do anything to endanger an innocent life unless they have gone against her word.

History: Has worked with the royal family for many years. The Fire Nymphs are personal protectors of the Royal Family, and she is the 5th of the Fireas family.

Likes: Flames, Power and being right

Dislikes: Being told what to do and hurting the innocent

Weapon: Knows Fire spells and can use the flames on her body (also knows martial arts)


We will start once we have at least 4 on each side (excluding my characters)

Maximum: 2 characters per Roleplayer

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Character Sign Up Sheet

Name: Keederic Orlval

Age: 20

Gender: male

Species: centaur

Appearance: A rugged young stallion, tanned and weathered from growing up on the steppes, Keederic is black haired, and black coated. He's well muscled, with an tattoo of stylized wings gracing his upper chest. His green eyes sparkle with mischief most of the time.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Personality: Goodnatured, with a decent sense of humor, Keederic's main failing is his overwhelming sense of curiosity, which pulls himself into trouble more times than not.

History: Raised on the steppes among the migrating centaur herd/tribes, Keederic often found himself in trouble with the elders with his experiments into new ways of travel and camping equipment. As a result, it was agreed among the elders that he should go further into 'civilization' to prevent further fires and other dangers among the tribes. Keederic had made similar plans, himself, after hearing rumors from visitors to the camps, of new inventions being created in various towns around the country.

Likes: Keederic enjoys very bitter beer, and a well cooked meal. He also is constantly tinkering with one gadget or another.

Dislikes: He dislikes doing things in a traditional manner, just because it is the traditional manner.

Weapon: He is an expert in archery, and spear fighting, due to his youth among the herd/tribes, but he is working, with various success and disaster, on a better sort of arrow.

Other: Keederic is on the new tech side of the battle, excited about the new knowledge, and tired of the old well-worn traditional magics.

Other: 'tech'
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Name: Leanna Maline

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Species: Witch

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Leanna.jpg.e6e8e643060fb95b5deefaf4533df247.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22017" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Leanna.jpg.e6e8e643060fb95b5deefaf4533df247.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Alignment: With

Personality: She is a very kind, optimistic person that can sometimes be a bit too trustful to others. Depending on the situation she can be cowardly.

History: All wizards and witches are connected. If one dies then they all can feel it and their souls grieve. So when the great and powerful wizard died they all knew. Everyone in Leanna's small town had known about the studies he was doing but none of them expected it to cost his life. This was proof that something went wrong with his studies, something that might change the world they knew. Leanna saw that everybody else in the town was too busy with going out, traveling out to assist other kingdoms, towns, villages, wizards are always in demand with assistance. This was what their little town safe, it was the many debts other people owed the people from their works in magic. This was where Leanna stepped up to the plate even though Leanna is just a witch in training. Since everyone else was doing their own business she volunteered to go out to investigate the whereabouts of his studies. (which was most likely in a book since there really is no other way to document his studies) The High Wizard did not see any problem with this seeing as though they had many races and kingdoms that owe them.

Likes: meeting new people,cooking, helping others, and insects... she thinks many of them are cute.

Dislikes: When she makes a mistake, when someone belittles her, and pears... don't ask why.

Weapons: She can use minor magic spells but the only physical weapon she has is a shield <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Shield.png.e57bf9f49c3ade5f1171a8c3d3b8cc41.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22016" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Shield.png.e57bf9f49c3ade5f1171a8c3d3b8cc41.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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[quote="IowanCorn, post: 1176370, m

Name: Keederic Orlval

Age: 20

Gender: male

Species: centaur

Appearance: A rugged young stallion, tanned and weathered from growing up on the steppes, Keederic is black haired, and black coated. He's well muscled, with an tattoo of stylized wings gracing his upper chest. His green eyes sparkle with mischief most of the time.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Personality: Goodnatured, with a decent sense of humor, Keederic's main failing is his overwhelming sense of curiosity, which pulls himself into trouble more times than not.

History: Raised on the steppes among the migrating centaur herd/tribes, Keederic often found himself in trouble with the elders with his experiments into new ways of travel and camping equipment. As a result, it was agreed among the elders that he should go further into 'civilization' to prevent further fires and other dangers among the tribes. Keederic had made similar plans, himself, after hearing rumors from visitors to the camps, of new inventions being created in various towns around the country.

Likes: Keederic enjoys very bitter beer, and a well cooked meal. He also is constantly tinkering with one gadget or another.

Dislikes: He dislikes doing things in a traditional manner, just because it is the traditional manner.

Weapon: He is an expert in archery, and spear fighting, due to his youth among the herd/tribes, but he is working, with various success and disaster, on a better sort of arrow.

Other: Keederic is on the new tech side of the battle, excited about the new knowledge, and tired of the old well-worn traditional magics. 
alright, sorry about the double post but I'm still figuring out this site. And Keederic is for the New technology, and against the old traditional magic.
Name: Dawn

Age: 236


Species: Wood Elf



Personality: it's her way or the highway; she doesn't tolerate people against her and she usually works by herself. She is sneaky and perceptive. Usually underestimated by others.

History: Ran from home at 79 not wanting to have conformity in her life and having to live up to her parents expectations. She hired herself out as a mercenary.

Likes: quiet, forest, night

Dislikes: loud noises, people, laws

Weapon: bow and arrows, throwing knifes, twin daggers, poison

Other: Magic never came to her, but she likes her way of doing things and doesn't want 'new knowledge' to mess it up

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