~Fight for Life~


Two Thousand Club

The W.U.F.S or world underground fighting society has traveled the world looking for people who excell in hand to hand combat. The W.U.F.S will then make you fight for either their freedom,fame, or wealth. In these fights you are not allowed to use weaponry at all only your pure fighting skills. Some fights you will fight animals of a mean variety or you will fight each other. They have found you and captured you for your exceptional fighting abilities. They have made you pass out and placed you in your own room which is actually very accommodating.


All the rooms are underground in an array of long hallways.All the hallways lead to two places a room like a lounge or the Areana. The arena is closed in by a large dome of fence. As an extra procausion they have placed shock collars on your necks.

-Character Sheet-






Style of Fighting:
(Karate, Akido, Kung Fu, etc)

(When I say abilities I don't mean magical more like physical enhancements.)



? Rules ?

- No bunnying

- No god modding

- If at all possible refrain from cursing

- Simply anything over grotesque go black.

Thank You. What's your favorite Animal? Answer is required.
Name: Tataku "Taki" Ki

Age: 18

Looks: http://www.seaslugteam.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/imas17_2258.jpg

She has a scar on her right cheek.

Personality: Fiesty, devious, smart, cunning, tough, and a bit head strong.

Style of Fighting: Aikido* and Karate

Abilities: She is skilled with physical stregnth and speed.

Bio: When Tatuku was younger, she was attacked by a stranger with a knife. She got away safely, but with a few marks on her right cheek. She decided to take karate to strengthen her defense up. She soon broke the record for most boards broken in a minute on worldwide TV. She also does Aikido. She was a hardcore trainer, up intil she was abducted.

*Aikido is performed by blending with the motion of the attacker and redirecting the force of the attack rather than opposing it head-on. This requires very little physical strength, as the aikidoa (aikido practitioner) "leads" the attacker's Momentoum using entering and turning movements. The techniques are completed with various throws or joint locks.

Jazzalynne 'Jazz' Logan






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Due to her past, she is not very trusting. She often comes across as cold, but she's generally only assessing people and their value/threat to her.

Style of Fighting:

Combination of kickboxing and tae-kwon-do


Jazz has had six years of dance and gymnastics (age six to sixteen) and is thus very talented when it comes to moving quickly and dodging. Extremely flexible


Jazz has been active since she was very young. She would always look for an excuse to be outside running, swimming, anything, and if she couldn't be outside, she was practicing for her dance recital or competitions in the basement. At sixteen she switched from the feminine activities of dancing and gymnastics to more confrontational activities after she was attacked coming home from dance. She managed to escape from her attacked unharmed, however it raised her awareness that she needed to protect herself.

She immediately enrolled herself in a kickboxing class and tae-kwon-do through her local gym. The urge to no longer be weak pushed her to do everything as well as she could. Naturally, her teachers encouraged her to compete and put her dedication to use, so she entertained them by doing so. Much to her surprise, she began to actually place at these competitions, which only increased her drive.

Leaving the gym one night, all Jazz can remember is looking for her car key before blacking out as she was taken for the WUFS's personal interest in her abilities

I knew I forgot something! hehe

Well, depends. Are we talking about domesticated animals, wild animals, or anything under the sun? Or even mythical =o Each of those leads to a different response, lol
Hmm, I'm gonna have to go with a wolf, methinks. Although, chances are if you asked me in a few days I'd say something different x3
Name: Hadix Hyde

Gender: Male



Except American facial features.

Personality: He is generally kind but can't easily keep his cool.

Style of Fighting:
Scorpion Style Kung Fu

His kicks were known as the strongest in the temple. His fighting style consists of many kicks. His kicks have the potential to break bones including the skull. His kicks are block able but it's a much better idea to dodge for the possibility of breaking whatever your blocking with. He lacks restraint and can often go overboard.

Bio:As a child he was left at a shaolin temple where he started to learn the arts. He showed great potential from the beginning but when he became of age he was kicked out for his lack of restraint and not being able to focus. After he was kicked out he came back to America. To bad the first day he was there he was abducted and brought to he areana.

Just feels like it takes whenever when you really want to do it and you keep refreshing the page. Hmm I wonder who does that ._.
Name: Nick Schneider





Personality: She is a sadist to the very core. However, you would never expect if of her til you both are alone in the same room. She craves blood and tears and fear and the loose bladders of her victims, breaking into men up to twice her size gives her pleasure beyond anything ecstasy can offer her. Beyond the bedchambers, she is

incredibly nice if not awfully shy. She has a distinct passion for animals that may seem awry. She holds their peace far above that of the common mans. Anything else about her personality would take too long to explain.

In Short: She's messed up.

Style of Fighting:
Modified Torture and Subjugation Techniques (e.g. The 2 pry )

She has bright eyes. By bright she sees the person as they are, not their fist, not their face, but their body. Even if her opponent is stronger, faster, more skilled, she can read what her opponent would do a millisecond before it happened. Now a millisecond does not seem much, but she can at least brace herself for impact, which may make all the difference.

From an early age, Nick has seen girls swoon over those hot hunky guys with their 8 pack abs and unshaven jawlines. Now being a young pre-adolescent girl, Nick did not see what was so great about such guys, and she was content to stay away from such people. That is...until they started hitting on her. Well being about the age o 12, Nick obviously was not looking for a boyfriend, but the guys were pressuring her, trying to coerce her to try them with honeyed words, gifts of flowers and chocolates. Well after a period, Nick was forced by the biggest most violent boy in the group into the boys bathroom for some fun. Well, fear and desperation came first, then her nails as she clawed at his face and gouged into his fat cheeks. He ran away screaming like the little pig he was, but soon other boys became drawn to her.

Now either the community was full of rapists or Nick was just REALLY unlucky since they came at her again and again. And over and over she sent them home with ugly scars and maimed faces. Now after a fashion, Nick found she liked hurting these boys, liked watching them squeal... and such she started to seek them out.

The strongest type of blow is one they do not expect, and they are sure as hell not gonna expect this!

ah .-.

well it's mostly bullying techniques.

the 2 pry which was in the example is where you force two fingers from each hand into ur victims mouth gagging him. You pry on either side of his jaw putting pressure on it. At the same time you are gagging him forcing him to open his mouth wider to intake air so he can't bite down.

the positioning of the hands make it almost impossible to break the hold. Although it cannot kill, it can suffocate and traumatise, and whilst the person is panicking, they cannot think straight making it more difficult to fight back.

The hands are still free but normally the victim is too close to throw a proper blow.

Normally the legs would still be functional even under the strain, which can be remedied by knocking down the back of the knees during the maneuver. It's not suited for combat and more for surprise attacks.

But yeah...it's still messed up ._.

a more classic one is the .... i forgot the name of it. But it's a body slam followed by both hands forced down on the victims armpits or the joint area, and the knees on the gap between hip and thighs . The victim cannot get up easily without straining himself. And all the while immense pressure puts enormous pain on him if he so much as tenses.

This maneuver is near impossible to do on an expecting opponent as well, but anyone caught in it would find they cannot move anymore
Name: Kanjo Kenshi

Gender: male

Age: 23

Looks: white, brown hair, blue eyes, slim, wears black sleeveless shirt and pants with a black hood and tattered cape.

Personality: Emotionless, but no sadist.

Style of Fighting: dodge and hit when their guard is down.

Abilities: enhanced swordsmanship, apathy, quick reaction time.

Bio: Kanjo is from a race which name has been long forgotten, but they are known as "Meta-Humans". Meta-Humans gain a super power at a random time in their lives depending on what they were doing at the time. Kanjo's life was hard with one heartbreak after another. He closed up his emotions to ease the pain, then he gained apathy which made him unable to feel emotion.

Other: he used to have a sword which he concealed under his cape.

(favorite animal is a cheetah)

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