Field of Dreams [Inactive]


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asrai submitted a new role play:

Field of Dreams - A troubled past can bring a beautiful future.

A vast and beautiful forest connects a multitude of small towns to one another. Each having dealt with some sort of tragic event or past, a group of teens wander into the forest, unknowing of each other.

After wandering, the teens find a heavenly field of flowers. They also find each other. They discover that every one of them hasn't had a perfect life, and they decide to stay in the field together, until they feel that returning is a good idea....

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Hilary stopped in the midst of all the trees to take a deep, shaky breath. She didn't know how long she had been running, but she knew she hadn't stopped since she left her house. Hilary wiped the tears from her eyes and looked around here. There wasn't much here besides a whole lot of trees, and the occasional small animal. She started walking, as her legs hurt, but Hilary knew she had to keep going. As she walked, she thought about her family, and how much she'd miss them. 'It's for the best.' she thought. As Hilary thought this she emerged from the trees into a vast field of grass and flowers.

'It... it's so beautiful.." she whispered.
After the accident, Alexandria couldn't stand being alone in her small house. In that house used to be a family, now they are all gone from one crash. She packed a bag, called her aunt to tell her the house is under her control, and left. The girl walked miles and miles until she came across a huge forest. She explored the wildlife, complimenting it every now and then. As she was watching a baby deer run along with it's mother, she noticed a field out in the distance. As she crossed into the field, leaving the forest, she noticed a beautiful land of flowers, and immediately thought it was the prettiest thing she has ever saw. Alex saw another girl who looked in pain, and went over to her. "Hey, uh are you okay?"
"I'm going, mom!" Quentin called as he scurried through the doorway of a tiny, dark house. "And don't come back, you little imp!" A woman's voice called back through sobs, followed by the sound of glass shattering as it hit a wall. Quentin, a red-haired boy wearing a dark green hoodie and faded jeans, held nothing but a black garbage bag that seemed to contain clothing, and maybe some other belongings. Ridiculous, the boy thought, letting out a short breath of air. Right now, he couldn't think clearly, had no room in his tired mind for pondering how he would go on, or live without a home. All he knew was that he needed to get away, and so he did just that: After stumbling out into the lawn, he took off in a sprint away from his home, and toward the nearby forest. He'd spent far too much time here in the past, when he had to get away from his mother, or just needed to think. So, he hoped that it would offer him some sort of comfort once again, as the mass of trees had always done in the past.

Once past the treeline, Quentin slowed to a walk, and spent the next couple hours stumbling around. Mostly, he was quiet, but every once in a while he would break the tranquil silence of the forest with a piercing sob as yet another troubling thought occurred to him. Then, there was a change in scenery, and suddenly, Quentin realized he stood at the edge of a clearing. He took a moment to wipe off his eyes and allow them to adjust to the sudden light, and with his increasing level of vision came a pleasure unlike no other. His tears stopped, as he came to a simple realization: Even in such a dark time, there was always beauty. And here, in the overwhelming dark, there had come an overwhelming beauty.
"Erik! We've been running for hours, where are we?" Elizabeth asked her brother as they finally stopped running and began walking.

"Don't worry, I promised I'd keep you safe. Just trust me Eli." He said sternly as they continued walking. As they had been roaming through the large forest, they noticed all of the beautiful trees and flowers. It was one of the most beautiful things they'd seen in the longest time. Elizabeth couldn't help but smile and take in the beautiful aroma of roses and daisies and all of the other amazing flowers. A few minutes later they noticed a boy with red-ish hair. Erik quickly stopped along with his sister and they hid behind a tree. The boy seemed to be as amazed at the view as we were. He also looked as if he had been crying.

"Let's go." Elizabeth said, gesturing toward the boy.

"I don't know. We have to be careful, Eli." He told her worriedly. Elizabeth rolled her eyes.

"He looks harmless Rik. He also looks upset." She said empathetically.

She then walked towards the boy, wondering what she should start off saying.

"Uhmm.. Hi," She began, nervously "I-I'm Elizabeth."

"And I'm Erik" He smiled.
Before the two siblings had approached, Quentin hadn't even realized there was anybody else here. However, they didn't startle him at all, and he felt even more comforted - if such was possible - by them being there. "I, uh, I'm Quentin." He replied with a small nod, as if to reassure himself that he was, in fact, Quentin.

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Erik half smiled, "Why are you out here?"

"Yeah, it's getting dark, you have to be careful." Elizabeth explained, staring empathetically at the boy.
Hilary looked up at the girl that was talking to her.

"Uh, yeah.. I'm fine." she said, smiling slightly.

Past the girl she saw three other people who looked around her age. Hilary wondered why they all were there at the same time.
"Must be fate.. or something like that.." she thought.
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