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Fantasy Festival of Light IC

The shop was assorted with various ingredients, potions and special remedies all stocked and neatly organized in its own sub group. Eyes sweeping once over the shop Rain would casually take a small potion in his hand and examine it. This looked similar to what he needed but the color was slightly off.

A small voice would startle him as Rain would jump slightly then quickly return the potion back into its spot. Turning to the tiny fairy he would cross his hands as she would give a small explanation on what services she offered. "I see, umm-" His sentence on the end of his tongue Rain would look over to some elixirs in the corner then to some raw ingredients on the other side. " Do you have elixer of odin here?" After sweeping the shop once he would come back round looking at the small fairy.  
Elixir of Odin? It was rare indeed for Hyacinth to hear of a new concoction, but it had indeed just happened. She brushed her wings idly against the back of her chair. "I've never heard of such a potion, but if I knew what it did, I might be able to make an acceptable substitute. If you could provide me with a recipe, that would be even better." She pursed her lips, waiting for a response.
Kai glanced up at the sky, looking to see the position of the sun. There wasnt any other way to tell the time. Seeing that it was nearing mid-day, Kai quickly stood up and without word, bounded away an all fours. He had to bring back the goods he got from the market back home for his sister. As he ran, he noticed that there were more decorations around the area. More lamps, more banners and streamers, and golden fish. Then, it finally hit him as he smiled brightly, exclaiming


With newfound excitement, he ran up the stone steps to where his home was. He couldnt wait to help decorate the house and eat lots of food. 
Hands on his hips he would explain. "It was an elixer that subdues beast Form to a humane state." The ingredients included fairy dust, eye of newt, human blood and petals of lotus. Is it possible for a substitute little one" 

He hoped it was possible but little did the fairy know was that he had no coin.
"Sure, I can do that." Hyacinth took out a little ginger, some snake scales and a crushed vampire fang, mixing it all in simmering blessed water. "It will be done in a few minutes. If you'd like to pay now, that will be three bronze coins."
"If it's okay with you I I want to test the potion first before I buy. I just wan to make sure that it works." He would then pull out a bag full of coins and rest it on the counter. Of coarse the bag was just full of shells but the fairy didn't know that. He hoped the fairy Did not catch on as he had done the same thing to a fairy he had conned 50 years ago.

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