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Fantasy Festival of Light IC

Location - The Kingdom of Valren, Central Village, Neko District

Time - Morning





The door to the large house was thrown open as a small creature slowly made its way outside, rubbing its eyes. The small neko looked around, seeing others like him walking about on their daily business. In the small hands of Kai, there was a slip of paper. It was a list of things Kai needed to buy at the local market with the money his mother gave him. The young neko was wearing simple clothing, only a small short-sleeve shirt and shorts. Most of his siblings were out of the house already for Kai had slept in again. So what if he couldnt help but star gaze for most of the night?

He walked out and went over to the right. His home was on the top of the mountain, so he had to go to the stairs that ran along the sides of the mountain to get to the ground. His small walk broke into a run as he smiled, bounding down the stairs. The sun was shining and the light hit his face, warming him up as the breeze that blew into him while he ran kept him cool. It didnt take Kai too long to get to the bottom. 

Kai jumped down the last few steps, landing on the ground and look ahead of him. His eyes widened as he saw a much larger crowd than he expected. Usually, the market was less crowded, but perhaps something was going on. Maybe some sale?

As Kai walked around, he looked at all the odd decorations. Lamps of all shapes, sizes and color. Banners running from one roof of a booth to another. Something was going on, but Kai couldnt remember what. Its not that he chose not to try and remember, but he was rather tired. Moving on with his chores, he went about, looking for what was on the list

While Kai and his family lived in the Central Village, where all the races of the kingdom lived together, there were different districts since different races had their own needs. Nekos needed smaller housing and incredibly small steps, making their place of living rather non-compatible with everyone else. Beasts and Dragons loved to roam around and some of them were huge, so their places of living were massive caves and large fields. Humans and fairies lived among  eachother if they wanted, but hidden all over the place were small fairy homes. It wasnt too hard to find one around the area


It didnt take long for Kai to get what he needed and soon he was on his way back home. As he walked with the small skip in his step, his ears twitched as he heard the sound of something metal hitting against something wood. Kai glacned around, and his eyes found their way to the gate that led outside of his district and into the woods. His parents and siblings told him to never go in there alone, but the noise sounded fairly close. A peak wouldnt hurt.

Wrapping the bag he had around him and putting it on his shoulder, the small neko bent down on all fours and ran out and through the gate, following the noise. He hadnt realized how deep he had gone before he found the source of the noise

@Ami the Breadling
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Location - The Kingdom of Valren, Central Village, Neko District

Time - Morning





The door to the large house was thrown open as a small creature slowly made its way outside, rubbing its eyes. The small neko looked around, seeing others like him walking about on their daily business. In the small hands of Kai, there was a slip of paper. It was a list of things Kai needed to buy at the local market with the money his mother gave him. The young neko was wearing simple clothing, only a small short-sleeve shirt and shorts. Most of his siblings were out of the house already for Kai had slept in again. So what if he couldnt help but star gaze for most of the night?

He walked out and went over to the right. His home was on the top of the mountain, so he had to go to the stairs that ran along the sides of the mountain to get to the ground. His small walk broke into a run as he smiled, bounding down the stairs. The sun was shining and the light hit his face, warming him up as the breeze that blew into him while he ran kept him cool. It didnt take Kai too long to get to the bottom. 

Kai jumped down the last few steps, landing on the ground and look ahead of him. His eyes widened as he saw a much larger crowd than he expected. Usually, the market was less crowded, but perhaps something was going on. Maybe some sale?

As Kai walked around, he looked at all the odd decorations. Lamps of all shapes, sizes and color. Banners running from one roof of a booth to another. Something was going on, but Kai couldnt remember what. Its not that he chose not to try and remember, but he was rather tired. Moving on with his chores, he went about, looking for what was on the list

While Kai and his family lived in the Central Village, where all the races of the kingdom lived together, there were different districts since different races had their own needs. Nekos needed smaller housing and incredibly small steps, making their place of living rather non-compatible with everyone else. Beasts and Dragons loved to roam around and some of them were huge, so their places of living were massive caves and large fields. Humans and fairies lived among  eachother if they wanted, but hidden all over the place were small fairy homes. It wasnt too hard to find one around the area


It didnt take long for Kai to get what he needed and soon he was on his way back home. As he walked with the small skip in his step, his ears twitched as he heard the sound of something metal hitting against something wood. Kai glacned around, and his eyes found their way to the gate that led outside of his district and into the woods. His parents and siblings told him to never go in there alone, but the noise sounded fairly close. A peak wouldnt hurt.

Wrapping the bag he had around him and putting it on his shoulder, the small neko bent down on all fours and ran out and through the gate, following the noise. He hadnt realized how deep he had gone before he found the source of the noise

@Ami the Breadling

Clang. Clang. Clang. The sound of metal on wood filled the forrest. Here and there, a croak or screech was heard. But for the most time, there was only the sound of a sword hitting a tree. It was the Silent Owl, that was doing her daily excercises. as she swung her sword, it looked like a dance. Elegant, beautiful, her white hair was flying as she spun and jumped, rolled and swung at the tree. Her blade was only a sparkling shadow, golden and silver, here and there a red light was visible. Through all that beauty, there was a lot of deadliness in the beautiful dance. And on a nearby tree, Wilbur, the white owl sat and watched. 

The noises and the beautiful blade dance however made her blind to who was coming, not noticing the small boy that snuck up to watch her. Wilbur did, croaking at the little neko, but the boy proposed no threat, so the owl stayed in place and only looked at the cat-featured boy.
Valren, Central Village, Market District

Hyacinth's flower home opened to the world with the first light of dawn. She yawned, letting her wings catch the morning light. She wasn't much of a morning person, but she had a shipment of rare potion ingredients coming in. Best to be up and at it, then.

She fluttered over to her shop, flipping the sign to "open" as she did so. Apparently, the deliveryman had been kind enough to leave the items on her counter. "Basilisk feather... behemoth scales... lamia blood... yep, it's all here." She merrily started dicing, heating, and mixing her items, waiting for someone to come and browse as she did so.
 Valren, central village, Market district 

Reiko yawned heavily stretching her arms into the air as she sat cross legged on the roof of one of the bakerys around the central market, her ears twitched excitedly as the sounds of many people filled the air around the market, she slowly peered over the edge of the roof looking down at the people, they seemed to be having fun, Reiko spotted the small kitten crawling through the gate into the forest after that annoying banging noise. She yawned again before she hopped down into the ally way behind the bakery walking into the crowd, she looked around for a little before a small shop that had recently opened. She bent down and looked into the shop seeing the sign that said "Hyacinth's flower home", she purred a little looking at all the stuff the shop had on display wondering if any of this stuff was even used by anyone. "Hello Hyacinth's flower home! Do you have any flowers that I can prank someone with?" she asked with a cheeky smile as her tail waved back and forth obviously just joking for now.

Valren, Boat holding, northern docks

In the back corner of the ship holding, a tall broad dark silhouette made its way to one of the small windows in the holding. A white gauntlet wrapped hand would rest against the small window. Seagulls were flying just beside the boat as if guiding the ship to the docks and over the crystal blue sea in clear view the unique buildings of Valren was in sight. Finally Valren.

The holding was usually a place for luggage and goods but today it was the only means of transport for Rain. He lived in a secluded island a few days away from Valren and the only way to the city was by ship. The process was a chore as he had to first travel to the neighboring city near his island, wait for the cover of night and then sneak into the holding when the merchant ship was resupplying. He would love to join everyone on the deck but money was something of a problem. 

The ship slowed to a turtle pace signaling that it was reaching its destination so Rain prepared to make his exit. He waited for the ship to open its holding doors before slipping out unnoticed and merging into the thick crowd of people on their way to the kingdom. The good thing about this day was everyone was so busy preparing for the special event that it was hard for him to stand out like a sore thumb and in the midst of the hustle and bustle of excitement surrounding him Rain admitted that this was the closest feeling he got to being normal.

Pulling away from the crowd Rain would find a nice spot of shade under a cherry blossom tree then pat down his armor searching for something solid. It was a special elixer that subdued his beast form but it regularly needed to be taken. "Im pretty sure I-" He mumbled to himself patting himself down again. Realizing he had left it on the ship he would turn on his heels only to see the same ship heading back to sea. The horn of the ship would let out a loud deep bellow as cherry blossom petals would shower Rain leaving him helplessly watch the ship slowly drift away back to sea. (sorry that its long i want to connect with other peeps post as well but ill do it next post)
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Hyacinth chuckled. Yes, she'd named the shop "Hyacinth's Flower Home", but it had a big cauldron right there on the sign. Still, she knew Reiko was the village clown, so the faerie couldn't exactly be surprised.

"I've got a few potions you might like, Reiko. Ones to turn their skin any hue imaginable, including rainbow. Or how about a potion to make your target sneeze uncontrollably? Tell me precisely what you're looking for, and if I don't have it, I'll brew it on the spot."

@Hope Robinson
The young neko watched as the female before him was hitting the tree with her sword. Kai was absolutely hypnotized by the sword, watching her on how she swung it about. A movement caught his eye, and he locked gazes with the owl for a short while before it turned away. Sub-consciously, Kai began to mimic the movements of the girl, pretending he was holding a sword of his own. However, he forgot about the weight on his back and suddenly fell forward from swinging his arms too hard, tumbling out into the open. He yelped as he fell, proceeding up rub his head where it hurt


He continued to rub his head, unaware that the girl with the sword could see him

@Ami the Breadling
"As long as the affects don't last perrrmanently!" Reiko purred her R's like usual when she was excited by something, she thought about what she wanted for a moment before she grinned, "Give me something that makes you glow in the dark!" She giggled why her tail danced behind her, she jumped up and down having thought up a good prank, what if I slipped something like that in a public drink and everyone was glowing in the dark when night hit? She thought to herself pulling out the small stress relief ball she always had tossing it hand to hand and squeezing it occasionally, she couldn't wait to try that one out! @Shagranoz


Aleron Faaris 

Veran, forest outside of central village


Ya know, Aleron was actually having a nice dream. He dreamt that he was a ruler of a world where everyone's problems suddenly disappeared, and even some people who were once dead now walked alive and well, as if nothing had happened to them. Though that perfect world started to trickle away as a constant sound of banging filled Aleron's ears. His icy blue eyes opened to the dense forest where he was "camping" in, it's a loose term as he has no tent and no bed. Though the soft earth wasn't that bad.


Lifting himself up and dusting off the few leaves on him Aleron looked up to three canopy of the forest. He couldn't directly see the sun right above him, so he figured that it was still morning, and normally Aleron doesn't wake up this early but a certain banging was keeping him awake. So, with nothing to pack up Aleron made his way twords the banging, mostly out of curiosity but he also wanted whoever it was to shut up. But upon reaching the source the young man couldn't help but to watch. A girl was practicing on the tree, he half wondered if she was trying to chop the tree down with the sword, but that sounds pretty stupid. And her fighting style, it was like a dance. A stark contrast to to Aleron's fighting style which was looked down upon at his Academy. Whoever knew punching your opponent in the face was dishonorable. 


Anyways Aleron just kind of stood there and watched, honestly he wasn't in the mood to start a conversation but her fighting style did interest him. Then out of a nearby tree a Nero boy fell down. Bloody hell today's just full of surprises.

The young neko watched as the female before him was hitting the tree with her sword. Kai was absolutely hypnotized by the sword, watching her on how she swung it about. A movement caught his eye, and he locked gazes with the owl for a short while before it turned away. Sub-consciously, Kai began to mimic the movements of the girl, pretending he was holding a sword of his own. However, he forgot about the weight on his back and suddenly fell forward from swinging his arms too hard, tumbling out into the open. He yelped as he fell, proceeding up rub his head where it hurt


He continued to rub his head, unaware that the girl with the sword could see him

@Ami the Breadling

Aleron Faaris 

Veran, forest outside of central village


Ya know, Aleron was actually having a nice dream. He dreamt that he was a ruler of a world where everyone's problems suddenly disappeared, and even some people who were once dead now walked alive and well, as if nothing had happened to them. Though that perfect world started to trickle away as a constant sound of banging filled Aleron's ears. His icy blue eyes opened to the dense forest where he was "camping" in, it's a loose term as he has no tent and no bed. Though the soft earth wasn't that bad.


Lifting himself up and dusting off the few leaves on him Aleron looked up to three canopy of the forest. He couldn't directly see the sun right above him, so he figured that it was still morning, and normally Aleron doesn't wake up this early but a certain banging was keeping him awake. So, with nothing to pack up Aleron made his way twords the banging, mostly out of curiosity but he also wanted whoever it was to shut up. But upon reaching the source the young man couldn't help but to watch. A girl was practicing on the tree, he half wondered if she was trying to chop the tree down with the sword, but that sounds pretty stupid. And her fighting style, it was like a dance. A stark contrast to to Aleron's fighting style which was looked down upon at his Academy. Whoever knew punching your opponent in the face was dishonorable. 


Anyways Aleron just kind of stood there and watched, honestly he wasn't in the mood to start a conversation but her fighting style did interest him. Then out of a nearby tree a Nero boy fell down. Bloody hell today's just full of surprises.

Suddenly, silence. Through the forrest, no sound disturbed the day. Mia had reacted the moment, the boy fell out of the brush. A sudden movement, a small leap and she was standing front to him, the sword at his neck. She looked down upon the small kid, her blade touching his throat, but not enough to even leave a small cut. She looked into his eyes, the eye of her mask, that covered her half face, glowing red. Then, she made a step back, spun her sword in her hand and sheathed it. "Who are you, neko? Its dangerous in the forrest specially for kids without adults. Where is your mother?" Wilbur croaked, landing upon Mia's shoulder, looking at the boy questioningly. 
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"A glow in the dark potion? Not a bad choice, if I say so myself." Hyacinth thought about what she'd need for a few seconds. "Feverfew, mashed lizard tongue, tomato seeds, and crushed fireflies for a base, all simmered for five minutes." She got to work with practiced efficiency, making a mental note to stay out of the drinks, lest the Festival of Light turn out a little more literal than intended. When she finished, the potion was a bright green, and fizzed delightfully.

"Here you go, Reiko. That will be one silver coin, if you please."

Veran, forest outside of central village


Rinnon lies near the entrance of his dwelling, accepting the suns warm embrace as his body dries from his morning swim. Eyes closed, occasionally running his fingers in his hair as a method of trying to fall asleep. 

"What is that sound?" He sits up furiously.  He searches the forest beneath him, without actually going down. But after a minute of straight staring, he morphs and takes a fly around to see what is making such an unnecessary sound.
"How in the world is anyone expected to get some sleep, if children keep banging their swords around?" Rinnon's voice booms through the sky as he lands in a clearing near the forest. 

He observes the three bodies, he recognizes the two boys, but...

"Girl, who are you? Where do you come from?"


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Suddenly, silence. Through the forrest, no sound disturbed the day. Mia had reacted the moment, the boy fell out of the brush. A sudden movement, a small leap and she was standing front to him, the sword at his neck. She looked down upon the small kid, her blade touching his throat, but not enough to even leave a small cut. She looked into his eyes, the eye of her mask, that covered her half face, glowing red. Then, she made a step back, spun her sword in her hand and sheathed it. "Who are you, neko? Its dangerous in the forrest specially for kids without adults. Where is your mother?" Wilbur croaked, landing upon Mia's shoulder, looking at the boy questioningly. 

Kai flinched as he felt the cold metal against his neck as he quickly said in rapid succession

Please dont kill me please dont kill me please dont kill me please dont kill me ple--

He cut himself off as he watched the girl sheath her sword. He listened as the sword-wielding girl questioned him. A few moments of silence passed as the young boy was processing all the information before a smile grew on his face, raising his hand as he waved

Hello! My name is Kai. Um, my mom went off to work, and, I was at the market getting some stuff. Then I heard a large banging sound and I wanted to know where it was coming from! Then I saw you hitting the tree and then I accidentally fell

The innocent smile remained on Kai's as he looked up at the girl


Aleron Faaris 

Veran, forest outside of central village

Bloody hell, the woman didn't need to put a blade to the boys neck. With nothing else to do Aleron made his way through the small shrubs and into the clearing, "Pink, you don't have to-" Aleron was saying, but a loud boom8ng voice echoed overhead. Exclaiming about lack of sleep, and how how anyone could get some sleep with all this noise. "That's my line..." Aleron grumbled as he watch the next events unfold. A dragon landed in the clearing and demanded who the girl was. Surely the Dragon was making norepinephrine noise now.

@Ami the Breadling



Aleron Faaris 

Veran, forest outside of central village

Bloody hell, the woman didn't need to put a blade to the boys neck. With nothing else to do Aleron made his way through the small shrubs and into the clearing, "Pink, you don't have to-" Aleron was saying, but a loud boom8ng voice echoed overhead. Exclaiming about lack of sleep, and how how anyone could get some sleep with all this noise. "That's my line..." Aleron grumbled as he watch the next events unfold. A dragon landed in the clearing and demanded who the girl was. Surely the Dragon was making norepinephrine noise now.

@Ami the Breadling



Kai flinched as he felt the cold metal against his neck as he quickly said in rapid succession

Please dont kill me please dont kill me please dont kill me please dont kill me ple--

He cut himself off as he watched the girl sheath her sword. He listened as the sword-wielding girl questioned him. A few moments of silence passed as the young boy was processing all the information before a smile grew on his face, raising his hand as he waved

Hello! My name is Kai. Um, my mom went off to work, and, I was at the market getting some stuff. Then I heard a large banging sound and I wanted to know where it was coming from! Then I saw you hitting the tree and then I accidentally fell

The innocent smile remained on Kai's as he looked up at the girl

Veran, forest outside of central village


Rinnon lies near the entrance of his dwelling, accepting the suns warm embrace as his body dries from his morning swim. Eyes closed, occasionally running his fingers in his hair as a method of trying to fall asleep. 

"What is that sound?" He sits up furiously.  He searches the forest beneath him, without actually going down. But after a minute of straight staring, he morphs and takes a fly around to see what is making such an unnecessary sound.
"How in the world is anyone expected to get some sleep, if children keep banging their swords around?" Rinnon's voice booms through the sky as he lands in a clearing near the forest. 

He observes the three bodies, he recognizes the two boys, but...

"Girl, who are you? Where do you come from?"


Mia nodded at the boy. "I see. You need to be more careful. If i was a bandit or someone evil, i could have taken you hostage or even worse, killed you." She shook her head. "You should not go to lone areas without an adult near." She would have scolded him more, if not for another person coming in. A older boy, probably around her age. He spoke to someone who he called pink, but Mia was not really certain who he meant. She was about to ask him, when another booming voice manifested in a dragon landing near them. "Are my training sessions really that interesting, that everyone needs to come?", she asked ironically. "Never saw someone training? Its just me hitting trees, calm the hell down, all of you." She then turned to the dragon, who inquired who she was. "What does it matter to you, who i am, dragon? Tell me why you want to know and i might consider telling you who i am. And don´t even think about threatening me. I fought dragons bigger than you."
Valdez, north side, docks

Like moths to a flame many traveled to this festival from far and wide and from all walks of life. The dock was overcrowded and the stalls that had been set up in the the docks was overwhelmed by customers doing last minute shopping before the festivities.

Leaving the shade of the blossom tree Rain would head down to the section of stalls that were lined up next to each. Each stall was offering various types of food, goods, armour, clothing and weapons but he could not find any offering potions or Elixers. "Excuse me" trying to flag down a busy stall owner selling jewellery. An orc with wide broad shoulders would rudely cut in front of him asking for the price of one of the gem stones then following not long after him a group of excited small neko would storm through making Rain feel like a ball inside a pinball machine.

It was chaos down in the docks but with a little aggression Rain was able to get his question through to  the stall owner and then made his way towards the centre of veran. He prayed the fairy shop had what he needed.

Mia nodded at the boy. "I see. You need to be more careful. If i was a bandit or someone evil, i could have taken you hostage or even worse, killed you." She shook her head. "You should not go to lone areas without an adult near." She would have scolded him more, if not for another person coming in. A older boy, probably around her age. He spoke to someone who he called pink, but Mia was not really certain who he meant. She was about to ask him, when another booming voice manifested in a dragon landing near them. "Are my training sessions really that interesting, that everyone needs to come?", she asked ironically. "Never saw someone training? Its just me hitting trees, calm the hell down, all of you." She then turned to the dragon, who inquired who she was. "What does it matter to you, who i am, dragon? Tell me why you want to know and i might consider telling you who i am. And don´t even think about threatening me. I fought dragons bigger than you."

Unfazed by her cheeky tone,

Rinnon simply answers her question. 
"Although I had asked you first, and protect this land with such benevolent grace, I shall humor you." He takes an over the top courtesy bow.
"I am Rinnon, the sole protector of The Kingdom of Valren. I took the role after my mentor died. I have been watching over this kingdom and it's people since before you were born. I simply asked who you were, there is no reason to threaten me." He morphs into his human form and makes his way towards the group.
"And I wouldn't be down here if you would learn to occupy yourself with more...age appropriate activities." He say in a low whisper and a sly smile.
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Aleron Faaris 

Veran, forest outside of central village

(I don't know why my phone autocorrected Oi as pink)

Aleron just watched as the girl replied in a rather sassy manor. He agreed with her at first, until she then threatened him. It seemed like the two would argue forever and Aleron was about to intervene until the Dragon spoke up. He called himself 'a protector of this land with benevolent grace' and with those few words Aleron's bored expression turned into a slightly displeased one. Plus it didn't even end there, the Dragon introduced himself as the sole protector of this kingdom... what an arrogant lizard. "My, you carry yourself on such a high pedistal," Aleron told him, keeping his blank and bored expression to the dragon. "I doubt someone like yourself could protect a whole kingdom," he continued, ignoring any other distractions around him. This guy was passing off Aleron, there were people who protect and even died for this kingdom. And here's this damned lizard saying that he is the only protector, how disgraceful.

@Ami the Breadling



Unfazed by her cheeky tone,

Rinnon simply answers her question. 
"Although I had asked you first, and protect this land with such benevolent grace, I shall humor you." He takes an over the top courtesy bow.
"I am Rinnon, the sole protector of The Kingdom of Valren. I took the role after my mentor died. I have been watching over this kingdom and it's people since before you were born. I simply asked who you were, there is no reason to threaten me." He morphs into his human form and makes his way towards the group.
"And I wouldn't be down here if you would learn to occupy yourself with more...age appropriate activities." He say in a low whisper and a sly smile.

Aleron Faaris 

Veran, forest outside of central village

(I don't know why my phone autocorrected Oi as pink)

Aleron just watched as the girl replied in a rather sassy manor. He agreed with her at first, until she then threatened him. It seemed like the two would argue forever and Aleron was about to intervene until the Dragon spoke up. He called himself 'a protector of this land with benevolent grace' and with those few words Aleron's bored expression turned into a slightly displeased one. Plus it didn't even end there, the Dragon introduced himself as the sole protector of this kingdom... what an arrogant lizard. "My, you carry yourself on such a high pedistal," Aleron told him, keeping his blank and bored expression to the dragon. "I doubt someone like yourself could protect a whole kingdom," he continued, ignoring any other distractions around him. This guy was passing off Aleron, there were people who protect and even died for this kingdom. And here's this damned lizard saying that he is the only protector, how disgraceful.

@Ami the Breadling



Mia could not believe what he said. "Age appropriate, you say...", she muttered. "I was only fourteen when a giant orc stood Front to me. A hammer in hand. I was protected by nothing but my own blade. And I killed him, because I trained well.", she said. Her tone was bitter. "That day I watched everyone I knew and loved die. They died for me to escape and live on. And from that day, I swore to never let anyone innocent die as long as I could do something against it." Mia shook her head, the masks eye glowing in a dangerous dark red. "And you tell me something about age appropriate?" She shook her head, full of bitterness. "You are an arrogant lizard, that thinks he knows everything, that thinks he is justice himself. People fight and die for this kingdom and you call yourself it's protector?" Mia looked at Wilbur, the owl had aggressively croaked at the dragon the whole time. "Calm, Wil. We don't want a fight that close to a town."
Kai watched as the girl with the sword, a massive dragon and another guy were arguing. He had no idea who these people were or what they were up to, but what was on Kai's mind.....was to try and ride the dragon

Kai stood up on his feet and walked over, raising his small hands to his mouth to attempt to amplify his voice as he shouted as loud as he could

Hello Mr. Dragon!! 

Smiling, Kai waved. It seemed that the argument presently going on either didnt register to him or he was just completely oblivious to it

@Ami the Breadling @Captain Spooks @ItsDatSwag
"Hyacinth's Flower Home" Rain would say this under his breath over and over as he scouted the market area. market district was bigger then the ones near the docks and its variety of goods and services was vast. Asking a few people with no luck he would attempt down one of the paths. "Hyacinths flower-" Finally spotting the shop sign Rain would make his way around some kids playing hopscotch then swerve around a group of goblins before arriving at the counter. Seeing that no one was here he would clear his throat loudly.
Arrogant? These humans are all

the same, taking credit for things they didn't do. And killed an orc? What does she want, a medal? If she does, I have plenty to spare her. 

He takes in a deep breath, trying not to let his anger get tout the best of him. He's better than this, and sees no reason to carry on with this.

"I'm glad to here how powerful you are. Defeating an orc sounds pretty brave, you must have been terrified...or not since you think you're tough enough to challenging a "lizard"." Rinnon turns to leave the three to whatever they were doing before. But stops for a moment to run a hand through his hair and throw them a side glance. 
"Maybe it's because I'm not a trifling human, but killing one orc means nothing. Now, an orc tribe, that's something to brag about." He then takes off with a burst of laughter. Totally disregarding the neko boy.

Tiny humans. They'd better mind who they're talking to.

@Ami the Breadling @Captain Spooks @FabulousTrash
Arrogant? These humans are all

the same, taking credit for things they didn't do. And killed an orc? What does she want, a medal? If she does, I have plenty to spare her. 

He takes in a deep breath, trying not to let his anger get tout the best of him. He's better than this, and sees no reason to carry on with this.

"I'm glad to here how powerful you are. Defeating an orc sounds pretty brave, you must have been terrified...or not since you think you're tough enough to challenging a "lizard"." Rinnon turns to leave the three to whatever they were doing before. But stops for a moment to run a hand through his hair and throw them a side glance. 
"Maybe it's because I'm not a trifling human, but killing one orc means nothing. Now, an orc tribe, that's something to brag about." He then takes off with a burst of laughter. Totally disregarding the neko boy.

Tiny humans. They'd better mind who they're talking to.

@Ami the Breadling @Captain Spooks @FabulousTrash

Mia shrugged. "I was fourteen and it was my first kill. I obliterated about 15 tribes later on, that tried to plunder villages. It was an example to what you called "age appropiate." But, i would not expect a lizard to understand something that complex, so i guess its fine. You were taking your leave and i am not stopping you, rather gladly accepting it." With that, she turned to the neko boy. "You better go home soon, little one. I can escort you if you want, the forest after all still is kinda dangerous." After that was said, she looked at the next person, the boy standing around there. "I dont know who you are, but you seem rather beefy, so... You should be fine on your own. Unless my beauty has hypnotized you and thus you feel the urge to follow me. Which i dont think would ever happen, as i dont have any beauty, just my blade."

@Captain Spook @FabulousTrash
Another customer already? This was shaping up to be a good day for the tiny faerie. "Welcome to Hyacinth's Flower Home, good sir. I can make you any potion you may need, and my prices are quite reasonable, you'll find." She flashed the neko a winning smile, the most important part of any sale.

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