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Fantasy Festival of Light Characters


Character Sheet





Available races include 

- Neko

- Dragon Morphs

- Good ol' Humans

- Fairies

- Beasts Morphs

- Orcs

- One of your choice (just let me know what it is)

Appearance (Picture or Description)


Likes (at least 3)

Dislikes (at least 3)



(( Other being stuff like "Does your character know magic?" or just other generally interesting facts ))
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Name: Mia Maria Malorczki 

Gender: Female

Age: 19 years

Race: Human


Mia always was more of a loner. She does know how to play in teams, but after all, she ususally ends up just trying to take on the world all by herself, not wanting to admit that she at times would rely on the help of others. She can come off very arrogant and asshole-ish. But she actually is quite nice, she just as trouble admitting her feelings. If she is in a team, she still wants to protect the others. After all, she goes all by herself, even in a team, to try to not put others into danger. Sadly, she is very misunderstood, which makes her think, she is not liked, supporting her loner attitude. 




-Being alone



-Noisy Places

-Too much light


Mia origins from a far away country, far in the North. The kingdom is not more than a myth. It has fallen long ago. Back then, it was a big, white kingdom of ice and snow, its white beauty known throughout the lands. Mia grew up as the princess of said kingdom. She was a kind and caring girl, that had everything a girl could have. Everything seemed good and nice for her. In the age of 6, she found a hurt owl baby on one of the trees. Mia took care of it, raising it, making it her best friend. The owl was named Wilbur by her and through the years, they started to understand each other blindly. 

Mia was 14, when the Orcs attacked. She was a good swordswoman, but the orcs were just too many, the kingdom got overrun. Mia was able to flee, but the Orcs had been allies of the kingdom, which´s name has been forgotten. It was known as the White Kingdom. Mia from that point stopped trusting people, as nobody she knew survived like she did. 

Through the years, a knight became known as the "Silent Owl", a girl wearing a mask, weilding a beautiful dress and fighting with an owl at her side, that is as white as snow. She fought alone, for justice or for what she saw right. The last few months, she had been residing in the kingdom where soon, a festival was coming up.

Height: 1,68 meters

Weight: 47 kg


Mia can understand Wilbur almost as if she could literally talk to animals

Mia´s masked eye sometimes glows in certain colors, according to her mood.

Mia never takes off the mask.
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Name - Kai Halistar

Age - 9

Gender - Male

Race - Neko






One of the happiest and bright kids on the block, Kai is just an utter cinnamon roll. He's always happy and rarely lets anything put him down. He's an optimist, seeing the bright side of things and tries to do the same for others.He's willing to help out in anyway he possibly can, even if its just emotional support. He enjoys working with others and aspires to those that can fight for themselves, always wanting to learn how to do it himself. He dreams a lot as well, imagining worlds of his own and constantly imagining about the space beyond his own world. 



Everyone and everything

The night-sky

Bright lights 

Giant swords and weapons

The red spot in his hair



Going to bed

Too much light

Being underestimated at times

Unable to make others happy



Born to a family of many, 9 siblings to be exact, Kai was the youngest of the bunch. Because both of his parents were working, he was taken of by his older siblings and didnt see his parents much. Though, that didnt stop his love for them. Every time his parents came home late at night, Kai would awake from his slumber and greet them. Over the course of doing that for a year, Kai had grown to love the night time and ended up reversing his sleep cycle, staying up late and sleeping far into the day. He loved to watch his siblings practice martial arts in the backyard and certainly loved watching them use sharp weapons. Though, despite all of this, his love for the Festival of Light was the biggest. It was the only night his parents allowed him to stay up for the entire night and do what he wanted during the festival. Every year he was always at the games area, playing with others and having what he calls "the best time of my life"



- While Kai aspires to learn self-defense, he doesnt actually know any proper technique

- As a gift, one of his sisters has given him her necklace as a present

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Reiko  Amori






Reiko is a mischievous prankster always looking to have some fun, ber bubbly personality often makes her more likable but her friends know not to trust her to much. Behind her bubbly mischievous fun personality, she is a introverted thinker always day dreaming, but when she's not day dreaming she likes to sneak off and find a picture worthy scenery to enjoy, Reiko is also quite fearless.


Reiko loves kids as she herself acts like a kid

Reiko loves the outdoors, she can usually be found out in the forest or looking around on buildings

Reiko loves head rubs, though she may get mad if you rub her head without permission


Reiko doesn't like negativity and conflict, usually choosing to opt out and go explore if people start arguing around her

Reiko hates loud noises as her ears are very sensitive

Reiko hates butter


Reiko doesn't remember much of her family as she never met them, at a young age of 3 her grandparents took her in and cared for her as she grew, as a only child Reiko found herself outside always playing alone and watching other kids play, eventually to entertain herself she started to prank the other kids usually stealing something and putting it in plain sight so they would get mad at one another, eventually she found herself being called a prankster. Now with the festival arriving she wants to enjoy herself alittle and try to make friends. 


(If something needs to be added please let me know im ooc chat!)
Name: Hyacinth

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Race: Faerie


She usually wears a shirt and skirt made of woven blue flower petals

Personality: Hyacinth is a warm, friendly little faerie who loves being out in nature. She's friends with many of the forest animals, and the people in the village as well. She often helps the village farmers by using her magic to grow crops, in exchange for other things she might want. She also has a shop where she sells potions.

Likes: Magic, nature, sunlight on her wings

Dislikes: Snakes, rain, the dark

Bio: Hyacinth grew up in a little flower outside the town. She had very few needs, being that all she needed to live was sunlight and exposure to the energies of nature. But she was curious about the village and all the people who lived there, who were very kind to her. She makes a living as one of the town's many magicians, and lives in a sunflower near a creek that someone planted for her.

Other: She is well attuned to magic, being a creature that needs mystical energy to survive. She can talk to plants and animals, and make plants grow, She's also adept at mixing potions, and has an enchanted bag that shrinks items down so they can be used by someone of her small size. She wants to learn more about magic, so any witches or the like will have an inquisitive visitor every once in a while.
Name: Rain

Age: 200

Gender: Male

Race: Beast

Personality: Hot blooded, Prideful, King of Lies

Likes: Money, power, himself 

Dislikes: Humans, happiness, cats 

Bio: Rain always wears a helmet to hide his hideous face because people find his face terrifying. He also wears a cloak imbued with magic to disguise any smell or aura that would give away his position . Sadly Rain has lived a life of solitude with the occasion outing to the city and has been in hiding since the day he was born. His parents was the only good thing in his life and every year at this special light event he honors them.  

Other: Rain is the last beast left in the world as they sadly have all been hunted down or MIA.



Aleron Faaris










For starters Aleron is quite lazy, he's often found sleeping. Even in his time at the Knight Academy Aleron skipped classes and when he was in classes the young man never really tried. This doesn't mean that Aleron lacks energy, it's just that he lacks motivation. Hopefully one day he'll meet someone who pushes him to his full potential. At times Aleron can try harder, but that's only when he's either mad or serious, and there's really no difference between the two.

Other than being lazy Aleron is fearless. With having nothing left to lose, why fear anything? Though Aleron isn't perfect, and there's one thing that he Fears is losing someone close to him. It's happened before, and he is ready to never let it happen again.


• As stated before Aleron is a fan of sleeping and being lazy.

• While he doesn't normally show it Aleron is a fan of swords play, and he's really good at it 

• comfy pillows, because they're soft


• People mistaking Aleron as his father, since they share the same name

• Losing anyone close to him

• Catching feelings for someone, albeit romantic or platonic


Aleron hasn't had the easiest life yet he hasn't had the hardest. A few years after Aleron was born his mother passed away from illness. Though it's hard to feel sad about the passing of someone you never knew,vit's cruel to say thatbut that's how a young Aleron though. Aleron's father was an esteemed knight of Valren, and before he settled down Aleron's father (Aleron and his father share the same name) was actually quite famous. The two had each other and that's all that mattered, until a few years later when Aleron was 14.  They day his father decided that he would try to get back in the whole knight business. Aleron's father told him that he would be back, and after hours upon hours of waiting he never came back. The young Aleron's inner flame was put out that day, and thus the lazy and unmotivated boy was created that day as well, due to losing the only thing he had left. A family friend, a Headmaster of a knight Academy took Aleron in until he was 18, that's when he was kicked out and now Aleron's both homeless and without a place to sleep... which are the same thing, but Alton needs his sleep.


• Aleron is highly skilled with a sword, both with natural skill and the hours upon hours of training that he's done... when he's not sleeping of course

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Aleron Faaris








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For starters Aleron is quite lazy, he's often found sleeping. Even in his time at the Knight Academy Aleron skipped classes and when he was in classes the young man never really tried. This doesn't mean that Aleron lacks energy, it's just that he lacks motivation. Hopefully one day he'll meet someone who pushes him to his full potential. At times Aleron can try harder, but that's only when he's either mad or serious, and there's really no difference between the two.

Other than being lazy Aleron is fearless. With having nothing left to lose, why fear anything? Though Aleron isn't perfect, and there's one thing that he Fears is losing someone close to him. It's happened before, and he is ready to never let it happen again.


• As stated before Aleron is a fan of sleeping and being lazy.

• While he doesn't normally show it Aleron is a fan of swords play, and he's really good at it 

• comfy pillows, because they're soft


• People mistaking Aleron as his father, since they share the same name

• Losing anyone close to him

• Catching feelings for someone, albeit romantic or platonic


Aleron hasn't had the easiest life yet he hasn't had the hardest. A few years after Aleron was born his mother passed away from illness. Though it's hard to feel sad about the passing of someone you never knew,vit's cruel to say thatbut that's how a young Aleron though. Aleron's father was an esteemed knight of Valren, and before he settled down Aleron's father (Aleron and his father share the same name) was actually quite famous. The two had each other and that's all that mattered, until a few years later when Aleron was 14.  They day his father decided that he would try to get back in the whole knight business. Aleron's father told him that he would be back, and after hours upon hours of waiting he never came back. The young Aleron's inner flame was put out that day, and thus the lazy and unmotivated boy was created that day as well, due to losing the only thing he had left. A family friend, a Headmaster of a knight Academy took Aleron in until he was 18, that's when he was kicked out and now Aleron's both homeless and without a place to sleep... which are the same thing, but Alton needs his sleep.


• Aleron is highly skilled with a sword, both with natural skill and the hours upon hours of training that he's done... when he's not sleeping of course

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Once he meets Mia, maybe she can light up his flame again. Would´nt that be a cute story? also, a sword-duel between the two would be interesting.

I do think she´d win, since she trains almost every free hour.

Brirgra "Bri" Eldron






Dragon Morph (I guess that's what you could call him.)


Human Form


Dragon(ish) Form


 5'3'' (human form) 5'9'' (dragon[ish] form)

 120 lbs (human form) 220 lbs (dragon[ish] form)

In dragon form his scales are brown and black, his eyes narrower, his feet change to hinged claws.


A loner but overall he's nice. He's the kind of kid to get into lots of trouble for what he believes is right, not exactly like robin hood did it but still. He's somewhat active and enjoys both the inside and outside. He might not seem like it, but he's also a huge nerd, being into all sorts of books and even becoming big fans to largely known people. If he really likes someone he kind of starts to deny it, but he'll find himself slowly migrating towards them and then he's stuck at their side, and causes lots of trouble with them, this being teasing, annoying, stealing, minor stalking.



Outdoors and indoors

Causing minor trouble


Being in a large group (may warm up to that, though)

Being held down

By his own words "rules that keep us from doing what is right"


Bri grew up in a poor family, and he had to start working at age 6. He actually did nice jobs, but slowly he started to notice what was wrong with his hometown, he joined a small rebel group against the town's mayor. He caused all sorts of stuff just for all rights of everyone there, noticing how there were messed up things going on behind the scenes. He was shortly kicked out of town at age 10 after the group died out.


He's weak in his morphing skills, always has been as he never really needed to learn how to use it that much until it was too late, so he can only shift into his dragon(ish) form, but he has the abilities needed.

He's naturally great at parkour

He's great with a dagger or two!


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 Dragon Morph



Human height- 6'4/193 cm
Human weight- 190/86 kg


Dragon height- 98ft/ about 30 m
Dragon weight- 80 tons

- A man who likes to keep his distance from civilization.
- More comfortable alone by himself and tends to move around the land periodically in order to stay alone.
-Very cold in nature

-Riches (anything with high value; gold, gems, jewels, etc.)
-Being alone

-Loud Noises (And anything that causes them.)
-Being touched
-Everything basically

-As a child, Rinnon's parents tired to cover up the fact that her was a Dragon morph. Rinnon's father was one and the family kept that a secret as well. In the village they lived in, dragons were signs of misfortunes to come. Rinnon had yet learned to control himself and ended up destroying his schoolhouse. As a way to perserve their town, the villagers sent the young boy into exile.
-Rinnon, only a child, began to detest humans and their cowardly tendencies. Everywhere he went, he would be seen as a monster. So he became one.
-Rinnon went on a rampage, destroying every village he came across, once he was done he started going after towns, then cities. At the age of Ten, he began to target a kingdom by the name of Valren. But since his Dragon form was still young, going after an enormous kingdom was no small feat. He decided to dive in head first, but was quickly stopped before his obvious impending death.
-An old, wise Dragon, (whose name is of no importance), stopped the boy. Like a book Rinnon's being was easy to read, he was hurt and angry at the world, but most importantly he was lost. So the old Dragon took him in under his wing.
-Rinnon was taught to be fierce but not evil, calm and relaxed but not inattentive, and to only attack if needed not out of spite. Years went by as the two lived together in harmony with the kingdom under their unannounced protection.
-Befor the old Dragon died, he wanted Rinnon to continue to protect the village. And so he did. Valren became a kingdom Rinnon had not loved, but wanted to protect.


-Rinnon obviously morphs into a dragon, not as much as before, but he can. He mainly stays in his human form due to his large form.
-Lives (now alone, (again)) in a cave with nearby mountains.
-The old dragons last words were "If cared for this land long before Valren was here. I want you to do the same."
-Rinnon and the old Dragon would speak without words, they'd call Dragonwhisper. There was no need for voices or sounds. Which is why it makes Rinnon uncomfortable now.
Name: Riley O'Carroll

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Race: Good ol' Human


Height: 5'4

Weight: 135


¤Riley is mature for his age, but that doesn't mean he is the brightest. He tends to get himself into a lot of unwanted trouble, he is honestly trying his best.
¤Seeing your family and friends being murdered can mess a person up, but not Riley. Sure he's sad, but he learned to move on.
¤He doesn't like to be reminded of his past and those who pity him only make him uncomfortable.

¤Doing difficult tasks to prove himself
¤Justice and those who stand for it
¤Having a place to sleep at night

¤Bad people with bad intentions
¤His foes
¤Not having a home

At the age of 7, Riley and half of his village had to flee their homes due to a dangerous and formidable foe. In order to stay alive, they had to do shameful things, like beg or sell themselves. That was not what the way Riley wanted to live, so he made a promise to his parents that he would get them a permanent place so they would no longer have to embarrass themselves. Riley took jobs in passing towns like bounty hunting or house work. But before he could come close to having enough money, his people were ambushed, leaving him completely alone. He now just roams the land looking for more jobs or scavenging for loose coins.
¤He considers himself as a manservant, and a pretty darn good one at that.
¤Always thinks he's the hero...he's not. Don't blame him if he gets in the way, he only wants to help.
Name Lucius Silverwind

Age Looks to be about 20-25 (Really around 300)

Gender Male

Race Woodland Elf


Height: 6'4

Weight: 160 pounds

In his armor:


Minus the weapon. Instead he just has a Bastard sword on his left hip

elven bastard sword.png

And has a spear in hand

Spear of dorne.jpg

Without armor:



Traits: Mature (most of the time). Caring, intelligent, a little hot headed when it cones to loved ones. He will do anything for those he cares about. 

Likes Food,People, The forest.

Dislikes Cruel people, Orcs. Anyone/thing that harms his loved ones

Bio:During his early years (Elven preteens, so when he looked about 12) he was brought up in a small Woodland village. His village was not a major village although it did produce skilled warriors it was not famous. The village became well known after the "Massacre of Nylellion" Nylellion being the name of the Elven town Massacre obviously for the massacre that occurred there. No one knows the exact numbers but while most of the villages warriors were away training the young (including Lucius) a orc raiding party sacked and slaughtered everything in the village, of course these weren't official orc warriors, they were scum, thugs, bandits. Nevertheless they overran what remaining warriors were there and looted, and sacked the village, burning homes and killing everything in their path. The rest of his life will be revealed through rp if thats ok?

Other: He knows Woodland magic. Plays the guitar, and loves to cook.
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Kyra Valacas​

Looks 15 but over 200 years old

Forest Spirit​


Kyra is a quiet sporit who keeps to herself, Kind, caring and selfless not matter the cost. She comes across to her enemies as a force to be reckoned with due to her deep connection woth nature.​

Rivers, animals and music
Fire, axes and destruction of forests​

Kyra was a happy spirit long ago, her forest was thriving with life and offered many resorces to those that lived in it. She had a special place for the elves and humans that lived there and often visisted the villages bringing offerings to them. Until the day when Orcs and dragons came to her forest and set alight to it all, killing everything in their path. Kyra was left in the ashes alone, she now wonders the earth in search of those who burned the forest to the ground, not for revemge but to forgive them. She thinks that forgiving them will help her move on to a new forest or on from this world.


Krya us able to hide her ears and antlers when around humans due to no energy from nature.​

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