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Fantasy Feral V.S Domesticated..


Boink Bean


Name :

Age :

Gender :

Group :

Appearance :

Personality :
(Six sentence Min.)

History :
(Six sentence Min.)

Crush :

Mate :

Offspring :

Defining Markings :
(Scars, Injuries, Pelt Pattern)

Additional Information :

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  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_nymzh7tvyi1qa53wno3_1280.jpg.36b01a80ca3682e64aaaab432243c166.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127819" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_nymzh7tvyi1qa53wno3_1280.jpg.36b01a80ca3682e64aaaab432243c166.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Name : Silver Fang

    Age : 48 moons / / 4 Years

    Gender : Male / / Tom

    Group : Feral

    Crush : Not Applicable

    Mate : Not Applicable

    Offspring : Not Applicable

    Defining Markings : His silver pelt with black markings. / / His amber eyes. / / Abnormally long fangs.



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    Name : Ivy Pelt

    Age : 24 Moons / / 2 Years

    Gender : Female / / She-Cat

    Group : Feral

    Crush : Not Applicable

    Mate : Not Applicable

    Offspring : Not Applicable

    Defining Markings : Her beautiful emerald eyes / / Impressively long claws

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  • Name: Lady

    Age: 27 Moons

    Gender: Female

    Group: Domesticated

    Crush: NA

    Mate: NA

    Offspring: Has had a litter with a tom whom has passed away. Her litter is now scattered across the city with different owners or twolegs.

    Defining Markings: Two greyish cream stripes across her front legs and wide icy blue eyes.



Name: Mamba

Age: 19 moons

Gender: Female

Group: Domestic turned Feral


Despite the mysterious and proud demeanor she gives off, Mamba is quite humble and gentle. Her lean body veiled in velvety black combined with her stoic temperament causes her to be quite enigmatic in the eyes of those around her. Once one gets to know her they will witness how kind and docile she actually is, accurately meeting the description of a gentle giant. Mamba is always in a calm state. She is observant and analytical, her sharp eyes can notice even the subtlest of movements. She uses these traits to her advantage when hunting and reading other cats. She can oftentimes be seen(her eyes can at least, if you're looking closely) sitting back in the shadows observing her environment. Always aware of her surroundings, it is very hard to catch Mamba off guard. The tall noir she-cat is very perceptive for she also uses her sharp eyes to notice the subtle gestures and signals that are sent off as body language by other cats.


Mamba was born into the life of a housecat. Pure bred from the healthiest, most pampered housecats, Mamba was quickly adopted into a home as a kit. Her owners were very liberal with her and gave her lots of freedom, from a young age the noir she-cat began to roam the streets. She would meet many strays throughout her time on the streets, some were very teritorial and viscious, some friendly wanderers, others sick and lonely. She enjoyed keeping the lonely strays company, giving them someone to share their desolate days with. She would ration her cat food, eating only a small amount and then let her stray friends inside her home once her owners had gone to bed to share the leftovers. Mamba met many friends on the streets and began to live a double life. Most of her neighbors, other housecats, looked down upon her while a select few respected how she helped out the suffering strays, giving them something to live for. Some strays hated her simply for her housecat origins, most respected her, some loved her.

Mamba gained agility and skill from the streets she roamed, something staying at home would never have given her. She learned how to hunt, to sneak and hide, to be agile, strong, observant, and weary. It was as if she was a true cat of the streets.

She noticed when the feral cats came to her town, a change so abrupt and large could never get past her sharp eyes. The new cats began piling into the streets, with ample long and thick fur carrying foreign scents of charred foliage. For a while she stayed back, hiding in the shadows of the buildings and ledges as the cats had trouble adjusting to the concrete and asphalt. She began helping the feral cats just as she had helped the strays. Mamba saw their struggles and decided to reach out to them, help them adapt to the city streets they were now forced to call home. She taught them how to hunt for mice and rats and where to find them, for the streets were much different than the forests in which they originated. She taught those who didn't let their pride keep them hungry to beg humans for food and to scavenge through rubbish. Just like the native city cats, some of these foreigners respected her while some hated her.

She began spending so little time at her indoor home that her owners had felt like she had run away. After she began affiliating with the forest cats, she would only come back home for food and a place to sleep. And as she became closer and closer to the clan cats her owners were deciding on departing.

They moved away, leaving Mamba without a home. Fortunately, she was accustomed to the streets unlike many housecats who have been abandoned by her owners, some of which were her close friends. It didn't take long for the clan cats to welcome her to reside with them once they found out her situation. It wasn't immediate, Mamba never told anyone much about herself so it took some time before anyone found out about her abandonment. From the forest cats' point of view no one knew much about her and she would always dissapear into the night, giving her a reputation among them as a benevolent enigma.


Mate: open

Offspring: none

Defining Markings:

Long and lean body, glistening black pelt, piercing green eyes, pointed face structure, towers over most cats

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Name : Jet

Age : 5 years

Gender : Male

Group : Feral

Personality : Jet is cruel and believes strongly that Domestic cats are below him. He is very grumpy and can often appear selfish. He isn't impressed easily and tends to show off. Jet can also be fairly Narssasistic. He will not hesitate to turn his back on people, as he has done before. Jet has one goal and that is to rid the city of these soft-paw pets.

History : As a kit, Jet was born with 3 sisters: Violet, Tuft and Dove. Jet was the strongest of the litter along with Tuft. Jet and Tuft were born rivals, they never seemed to get along. He wasn't born in a feral clan, he and his family were loners. His mother died when he was 3 months old along with his sister, Dove. Both were struck by a car. Him and his two sisters struggled to find food and shelter. This is when he found his hatred for Domestic cats. He hated how they got everything handed to them. His hatred only grew when a domestic cat took his sister Violet's life. After this, Tuft and Jet didn't get along at all. Their sibling rivalry turned to hatred. They parted ways. For years now, Jet has been on the streets...starting trouble everywhere he goes.

Crush : None

Mate : None

Offspring : None

Defining Markings : Thick claws, Broken tooth.​
32 Moons (3 years), She-Cat, Domesticated

Zula is a headstrong, overconfident, and angry she-cat. She has lost all three of her kittens, two of which to sickness, the other one to a fight with a group of feral cats.

Her mate, Jersey, is more subdued. Though he was equally struck by the tragedy of losing their kits, he believes that this conflict can be solved peacefully. He can often be found talking his mate down out of fights, attempting to help her hunt, and finding places to make den for the night in the city.

  • Zula is incredibly headstrong and, for lack of a better term, angry. She has a firm hatred of the feral cats, and wouldn't mind much seeing them all dead, though her mate Jersey doesn't quite share this mentality.

    She often finds that she needs to take care of her mate, simply because he isn't as suited to a hunting life. Zula cares fiercely about her mate, especially seeing as she's lost her kittens, and doesn't wish to lose him as well.

    Zula is likely to jump into any fight against feral cats she sees. She doesn't wish for any other cats to end up like Clover, and thinks the ferals capable of nothing but death and destruction.
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Anubis Anubis

Name: Anubis

13 moons (2 years old)




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Abyssinian-cat.jpeg.009241ff49eecc746f108a8a3c46e831.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128179" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Abyssinian-cat.jpeg.009241ff49eecc746f108a8a3c46e831.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: A tom with little to no respect for humans and domestic cats, Anubis will not hesitate to strike at anyone or anything standing in his path. He is cold towards those he know and colder to those he don't. He won't let domestic cats get by with a swiped ear or broken tooth/claw he will make sure to let them know not to cross his path again. Humans that happen to stray to close are often chased or scratched. He knows that he isn't the leader of the feral cats but he wants to prove that he is an excellent addition to the feral clan cats. Not to mention he isn't one to back down from a fight.

: Born into a litter of house cats/kittypets Anubis was one of the smaller kittens in the litter. He loved his mother and his many siblings, however he didn't stay with them long for he was soon sold to another twoleg when he was old enough to eat solid food. When he got to their house they practically left him to his devices. He was used to company and being petted but his new owner swatted at him, they'd shout at him, and ignored him. Soon enough Anubis became hostel due to the lack of positive human interaction. Whenever he came in contact with his owner it was always negative, and then eventually his human left him making the cat feel negative towards humans and others. However he had met other wild cats and felt like he belonged which he has stayed with.




Defining Markings:
He has the coloring of a German Shepherd, his left eye has a slash over it from an old battle leaving him blind in that eye. He has a long scar starting on the right of neck going down to his thigh on the same side.

Additional Information:

Ciel Ciel

Name: Ciel

Age: 48 moons (4 years old)

Gender: Tom

: Domestic



Personality: Ciel is a tom who doesn't like wild cats. He can give you every basic reason why but it's truly because they killed his mate. He is often known to be stubborn and beats around the bush when explaining things. He prefers to stay indoors than to venture out and when his mind is set it's hard to convince him to change his mind. When it comes to other cats he trusts domestic ones for they know the safety of walls and the kindness of humans. He likes to act tough but will flee before any real fight and take place.

: Adopted by Upwalkers from a breeder, Ciel was brought up pampered. His Upwalkers, showered him in treats and in playtime. For how house cats go he is lacks the skills to hunt (despite house cats knowing how to) mostly because he doesn't have claws. He lived with another cat, a she-cat named Winnie Pooh who he loved very much. However Winnie Pooh loved the outdoors which Ciel detested, he told her that the cats that lived outside were wild and monstrous. Yet she heard nothing of it and was soon killed. He doesn't like the idea of fighting the merciless cats but he fears that he may have too seeing that he wants to avenge his mate.

None but is open

: Winnie Pooh (deceased)

: None

Defining Markings
: Ciel is a Japanese Bobtail with calico like markings. His most defining marks are the speckled orange spots on his muzzle.

Additional Information
: Ciel is a declawed cat



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