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Clockwork Carnival
Once again, Moo found herself in some strange land. Except unlike the other one, this was something she had never seen before. There were bright lights everywhere, a lot of weird looking building, the smell of sugar and corn but somehow different? What was worse were the odd looking small animals. They weren't alive, Moo could tell and they resembled a lot of creatures she knew in real life. But the way they hung there lifeless with a fake smile and fake eyes, it just gave Moo the creeps.
There was also the giant wheel adorned with more lights. It was pretty, Moo wasn't going to deny that. But the creep decorations around her made no sense to the rest of the place. "Ho-hoo..? Whore Hose?" She stood in front of the scariest building of them all. The sight of horrific creatures plastered on the sides and a small veichle of some sort waiting at the entrance that led into the awful place. "Naw why sum go inta that?" Moo wondered out loud.
Compared to the moonlit forest from before, this was definitely a downgrade. The tiny crazy magician promised a good time but this place was already the opposite of fun. The gears turning, balloons popping and the sounds coming from the horror house just put Moo in a bad mood. Who on earth would live in such place?