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Realistic or Modern Feast of Decay [Survival Horror RP]


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello there and welcome. I'm Juju, and I make silly lil rps sometimes.

When spooky season rolls around, I always get the urge to make a spooky RP, and this year I've decided to act on it once again. Please feel free to read the RP hook for a feel of the general tone, but before all that I will give an OOC oversight into the vibes, goals and systems I have planned for this rp.
e886e0a4b1fcc6b14d08c0415602c2fd.jpgFlight 887 from Toronto's Pearson airport to Heathrow, London, was on schedule. Boarding had no delays, and the weather was clear for liftoff. Luggage was loaded, seats were filled and all was well as the airplane departed on its journey. A humble yet filling meal was offered to the passengers, and then the lights were dimmed. All was peaceful.

About 3 hours into the flight, the plane began to descend prematurely. It was not so sharp to wake most sleepers, but the steady decline was enough to shift the weight of gravity. The seatbelt sign was illuminated, but no announcement from the pilot was made. Those who awoke found that no flight attendant could answer the question of what was going on. The pilots were unresponsive.

Someone tried to open the cockpit, but the locked door did not budge. It was then that the overhead speakers of the plane made its announcement. A grating, garbled mess of incoherent words rippled through the speakers. Lights flickered and then went out, even the blinking navigation lights at the tip of each plane-wing. The engines were soon to follow, and the instant swap from roaring hum to silence left a void of sound. At least, for a moment.

Turbulence hit, jarring all but those who had obeyed the seatbelt sign. Windows rattled, luggage fell from above, and panic began to set in. The only thing that could be seen outside the window was darkness and the hazy clouds they drifted through.

Being only half-way through the flight, it seemed that they were locked in a metal cabin and doomed to a very long drop into the Atlantic Ocean, but strangely enough it was not ocean that they spotted first in the clouds, but trees. Even stranger was that they appeared only a mere few minutes into the descent.

Tall pines smacked against the planeโ€™s wings, snapping and swaying as one by one they were flattened by the gliding airplane. Shattered remnants of branches scratched and smacked against the windows, cracking a few of them, but not enough to shatter. Canopy turned to branches, which turned to trunk, and it was not long before the plane touched ground.


When you awoke, you would find that the once crowded plane was now empty save for a few passengers. Parts of the cabin had been torn apart, and one of the wings had been fully severed. Tree branches reached over the broken roof, blotting out a dark, starless sky. Considering the state of the place, the fact that you survived at all was a miracle, especially completely unscathed as you were. All that lingered was some bruises and a headache.

You were free to crawl from the rubble.

A deep, dark wood surrounded the plane, tall pines huddled together as if in scheme. Below, the forest dirt had been dredged up and trees had been uprooted and flattened. It made the air thick with the scent of rotted leaves and sap. A heavy fog obscured the edges of this makeshift clearing, softening the edge of night that pressed down on all sides.

The only thing to break through the foggy night was a faint light in the distance, filtering through the branches. Was it a glimmer of hope or a lure to doom? Who could say. There were many questions, and only one way to find answers...

The SettingWithout giving too much away, the core idea of this RP is [Survival Horror]. Exploration and mystery will be a huge portion of this rp, along with character interaction (cooperation or antagonism). It is a supernatural horror that is inspired by dark fantasy works such as Fear and Hunger, Cult of the Lamb, Magnus Archives and Blackout Club. If you are familiar with any of these works, then you might find some similarities.

The RP takes place in a big bad forest filled with lots of spooks and points of interest. There will be various locations to visit (many that don't seem to belong to a forest) and when players have reached a certain point in the story (or there is a set amount of characters left) the end-game zone will be unlocked.

Mysterious, supernatural forces will be at play in every step of the way. This can be to hinder or help, bless or curse. Monsters lurk in the shadows, some more human than others. You will need to survive these challenges if you wish to leave the forest alive.

The GoalYour characters will not know it right at the start, but the core objective of this RP is [Last Man Standing]. The RP will automatically end when there is 1 player remaining, be it through inactivity or IC means. Think of FoD as the IC version of "LAST person to post is the winner!!!". The last remaining character is declared the canonical winner of the games, and will have a say in the ending of the RP which will affect future sequels. However, being the last one standing may not be the only way to win...

It is very much inspired by indie horror-exploration games, with rewards being given for creativity and engagement. Though it is tempting to wander on your own, this game is best played as a group. Ideally, it can be separated into 2 (max 3) groups that are divided into antagonists and protagonists. Characters who choose to wander on their own will be faced with more difficulties and have a higher risk of death, injury and other losses. Groups do not always have to be together, but they should be close enough to be considered in the same 'area' and interact.

The SystemLike classic RPG, stats and skills will be used in the CS! More info about that can be found in the thread. This is mostly to make every character feel unique, and to help understand who is good at what. These stats can also impact how you interact with the environment, puzzles and supernatural forces at play! More info is found here: Realistic or Modern - FoD Character Sheets

As mentioned above, player vs player interactions are possible but will be monitored. Outcomes should be based on stats and discussed between players OOC for the outcome. If there are any doubts, I will be the final judge. [Character death is possible, but with a catch]. Your character will only die if...

1. You are inactive from the RP and do not respond to my OOC pings.
2. Your character does something obscenely fatal in a clearly dangerous situation (ie. jumped into a volcano, hugged the monster).
3. You wish to work it into the story.

If you do find your character in an unfortunate state of repose, there may be ways to cheat death. The forest is a strange place, afterall.
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let me innnnn
this sounds like a lot of fun, is there room for another?
yep we are still accepting players until the game starts! ^^

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