FAYZ RP (Based off the Gone book series by Michael Grant)


The FAYZ, or Fallout Alley Youth Zone is a place in Perdido Beach with a strange barrier that prevents anyone from leaving. But, everybody 15 and up has disappeared, leaving the younger children and 14 year olds to survive. Hunger, Deceit, Sickness, all those things are factors in the FAYZ. Nobody is leaving, at least for quite a while. So people try an survive, doing their best. However, Perdido Beach was near a powerplant and radiation effected the citizens of the FAYZ, giving them special abilities. A darkness is rising somewhere in the FAYZ


Power Level for Mutated Citizens

I - Not very powerful or dangerous. Extremely minor powers, most likely doesn't know what their mutation is.

II - Slightly more powerful then one, but presents no extreme threat. People who have this level of power can probably hurt someone, and give them a minor injury.

III - Three's are very capable and powerful mutants. They can maybe kill, but most of the time just maim. A lot more powerful then two.

IV - Four's are regarded as being extremely powerful, and very dangerous. There aren't many fours, as a power so big is often too powerful, and people get hurt.

V - Fives... well, they are hard to explain. There hasn't been a five in at least a decade since Little Pete was in the FAYZ. Fives are so rare, simply because of the supreme and maximal power they carry.

Power Limit Rules: 1-3 can get accepted with normal standards. 4 requires you to go the extra mile with your character sheet, and give me that awesome detail. Nobody is allowed to be a five, except one of the NPCs that I will use. My main character will be a four.

If people are interested I will make a character sheet.


Follow the RpNation rules

No god-moding

Don't control other people's characters

Be nice and respectful.

2-paragraphs minimum. More is encouraged.

Have fun!
I like this idea, I only read the first book and a bit of the second, but I know the general lore of the series.
I've read the first three and not the end of the fourth but I know what happens. I haven't read light. I don't want it to end. NO spoilers!
Super interested. Can we play multiple characters?

...also can we have our character sheet or are we forming our own?

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