Video Games Favourite Pokemon?

From Gen 1: Nidoking
From Gen 2: Feraligatr
From Gen 3: Gardevoir
From Gen 4: Torterra
From Gen 5: Sigilyph

I haven't played any Pokemon games past that. :P
I honestly don't see how anyone can pick a single favorite generation. I like them all. Each one has favorites and least favorites so they all tie for me. As for favorite Pokémon...I think I'll have to give a shortened list because it would otherwise be too long. In no specific order: Lucario, Eevee and its Eeveelutions, Arcanine, Salazzle, Fennekin, Giratina. There's a lot of others, but those came to mind first. Also that includes evolved and pre-evolved forms.

Cubone is a pokemon that tragically loses its parent but through training becomes a tool wielding, pointy-eared mask wearing badass.

Marowak is the batman of the pokemon world and therefore the most excellent.

Giant smart tank...i mean WHAT MORE CAN YOU ASK? he can do your math homework,he is smarter than a super computer and a train at full speed cant even SCRATCH him (Metang entry...but it should be the same) but best of all...put some pile of sheets on its head and what you get? A BED! A SMART BED! just curl up and done! come on! he is the best pal you can have, plus he is adorable! and have you seen them moves???
Glaceon, duh
Snorlax and Gyrados are my faves from the old school.

Generations after the first.... That could take a minute though Aegislash, Banette, Metagross, Minshao, Gogoat and Hawlucha are some I really like.

I have a list with every generational starter, all my favorites of each type, and my fave legendary. I'll dig it up!
Nihilego. I like what it did for the lore, and I wouldn't mind myself becoming part Pokemon.
My Dream Team

1. Dragonite

2. Typhlosion

3. Gardevoir

4. Tyranitar

5. Umberon

6. Lucario

Best Legendary

1. Darkrai

2. Arceus

3. Mewtwo

4. Zapdos

5. Ho oh

6. Meloetta.
I couldn't dig up the list so I will now cross reference each types bulbsapedia and recreate it updated for gen 7.


Gen 1: Blastoise
Gen 2: Typhlosion
Gen 3: Sceptile
Gen 4: Torterra
Gen 5: Emboar
Gen 6: Chesnaught
Gen 7: Decidueye

Type Based

Fire: Arcanine
Water: Milotic
Grass: Lilligant
Electric: Luxray
Ice: Glalie
Ground: Golurk
Rock: Tyrantrum
Steel: Steelix
Ghost: Haunter
Dark: Tyranitar
Psychic: Metagross
Fairy: Gardevoir
Dragon: Haxorus
Poison: Arbok
Bug: Ariados
Normal: Zangoose
Fighting: Kommo-o
Flying: Staraptor


Overall: Lugia
Bird: Zapdos
Dog: Suicune
Emotion: Uxie
Weather: Tornadus
3rd Gen Trio: Kyogre
4th GeN Trio: Dialga
6th Gen Trio: Xerneas

Musketeers: Cobalion

There we go! Ah. Odd how accomplished this made me feel.
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