Literature Favorite Young Adult Book/Series/Trilogy?

I liked the 'His Dark Materials' trilogy from Philip Pullman. I need to re-read those, I absolutely loved them. I'm pretty sure I cried at the third book's ending.
Well I happen to work in the young adult section of a book store! That being said I can't play favorites, I love so many books!

One I recently read and loved was Sarah J. Maas' Throne of Glass series and I'm reading another one by her right now that is pretty great too, it's called A Court of Thorns and Roses.
Lithia said:
Well I happen to work in the young adult section of a book store! That being said I can't play favorites, I love so many books!
One I recently read and loved was Sarah J. Maas' Throne of Glass series and I'm reading another one by her right now that is pretty great too, it's called A Court of Thorns and Roses.
Oh yes, that series! I heard it is very good! I included the Throne of Glass series and A Court of Thorns and Roses in my reading list hahaha ;p
Oh the Wicked Lovely series, Maximum Ride, Wolves of Mercy falls, and Percy Jackson also made my favorite books lists way back when!
NessieAlways said:
Oh the Wicked Lovely series, Maximum Ride, Wolves of Mercy falls, and Percy Jackson also made my favorite books lists way back when!
Oooh, those series are very interesting. My reading list keeps getting longer.. and longer ! xD ( :D )( :D )( :D )
I have never been a huge reader honestly. but there have been two series that I absolutely adored as a boy growing up.

THe first being the Redwall series by Brian Jaques and the second being the Cirque du Freak series by Darren shan.
Most definitely the Trylle trilogy by Amanda Hocking. The three books are Switched, Torn and Ascend. They are really good, well written. I've reread the books more times than I remember.
Guess who's rereading Mortal Instruments! :3

I'm only on the second book, so I don't hate Clary yet, but it's coming! Boy, is it coming!
The Ender Saga by Orson Scott Card. I fell in love with Ender's Game and have since read the others in the series many times.
I really love the Mortal Instruments sieres, although it's been a while since I've read it.

My top three favorite YA books as of recent are:

1) More Than This by Patrick Ness

2) There Will be Lies by Nick Lake

3) Glory O'Brien's History of the Future by A.S King
Well I love everything from Cassandra Clare. so Mortal instruments, invernal devices and the extra books (bane chronicles, codex, shadowhunter academy)

I don't think I have many other YA books at home though. I don't know if Inkheart would count, probably not XP
I recently finished Gail Carriger's Finishing School series and I recommend it with all my heart. After I finished that I started her other series with is Parasol Protectorate and I love it so far.
My favorite books in middle school were from the Uglies Series

Uglies, Pretties, Specials, and Extras [a sort of detached sequal, same world different protagonist] were the four plot books then there was Bogus to Bubbly: An Insider's Guide to the World of Uglies. Which was probably my favorite book of them all. Just the author explaining how he came up with the books, and explaining about the technology in the series. Oh and possibly my favorite part the rule about beauty and the golden ratio.

The series is a sci-fi set in a future post scarcity dystopian world. At the age of 16 everyone undergoes extreme cosmetic surgery to become 'perfect'. The main protagonist Tally Youngblood wants, like many others, to undergo the surgery as soon as possible [primarily to follow her friends that were older than her, as people are divided up].

By a series of events she is forced not to take the surgery until she finds a friend of hers who is an escapee [a very limited few run away from the city to live in camps out in the wilderness]. This then leads her to learn about the downsides to becoming a "Pretty".
It hasn't been exactly published during this century, but does Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton count ?
Anything that Ellen Hopkins writes. Her stories are so compelling, even if they are written in poetry form. Even if you don't like poetry, I say give her stuff a read. You won't regret it! I would say read the Crank trilogy. Warning!!!! All her stories get into dark matters such as drug addiction, prostitution, mental illnesses, and more. If you aren't going for stories that have main characters spiraling into a dark descent, I would advise you to stay away.
[QUOTE="Ivy Trapnest]
Warning!!!! All her stories get into dark matters such as drug addiction, prostitution, mental illnesses, and more. If you aren't going for stories that have main characters spiraling into a dark descent, I would advise you to stay away.

Personally, I'm okay with dark stuff... But not that type of 'dark'.
Darkiplier said:
Personally, I'm okay with dark stuff... But not that type of 'dark'.
The funny thing is, I found her books in my high school library. I had no clue why they had those books in there, but I didn't say anything.
I wouldn't be surprised (JK, I would) if I found Fifty Shades Of Grey (Which I personally dislike/wouldn't read) in my school library.

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