Anime & Manga Favorite Anime/Manga? (and some info)


One Thousand Club
Almost every teenager has read manga or watched manga. Originating in Japan, it is a very popular kind of genere everyday teenagers and children watched. The three most watched anime in 2012, according to Anime News Network are [in order] Fullmetal Alchemist (TV), Cowboy Bebop (TV), and Bleach (TV). The three most anticipated manga of 2012 are, Heart of Thomas, NonNonBa, and Shonen Jump Alpha.

Personally, my favorite anime series is Ouran Highschool Host Club, my very first anime show. Rated number 19 on the most popular anime list. I think it was very funny, and I had a good laugh put of it.

I think Clannad and Clannad Afterstory were very touching. That was another personal favorite of mine. I do not know what it was rated, but this made me use up three whole tissue boxes. I might not want to watch this again. There was a lot of drama and noticable romance. Towards the last few episodes of Clannad Afterstory, it got hard to understand.

I just looked it up on wikipedia... x3 But according to wikipeidia, the part I did not understand was when Tomoya's pyschology of the illusionary world, basically recreates time to a point where everything is happy, and Nagisa is revived... confusing shit.

My favorite manga has to be Kaichou Wa Maid Sama, also known as Maid Sama. It was a LOL manga, that is ongoing. It is said to come out every 22-25th of each month and provided in an english scanlation around two days after, but it depends on your translater you use.

So, what's your favorite anime and or manga?

Info From:

My Favorite is also Oraun High School Host Club and i agree Clanned after story is a total tear jerker. My other favorite anime is Kuroshitsuji 1 and 2 and anything yaoi related like Junjou Ramontica and Tight Rope so on so forth. My favorite Manga would have to be Love driver (Yaoi) and Neko Love (Yaoi). I just love yoai lol X3
I have to say my favorite Manga by far is Angel Densetsu!! Hilarious! Simply hilarious. I could not stop laughing all through the entire read. The graphic is just so-so, but the stories and characters are more than enjoyable to keep me reading all the way through! The facial expression and the humor kept the rolling, gezz, talking about it makes me want to read it again ^^;

I have to agree with you two, Oraun High School Host Club, Kaichou Wa Maid Sama, and Junjou Ramontica are absolutely fun to read and great runner ups to my own favorite.

Anime for me is just something I watch when I am bored, although, I have come to love Working!!

Cartoon on the other hand is something I have come to enjoy a little more, such as Adventure time and Thunder Cats! :)
Count Cain/Godchild, Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler), Ouran Host Club, Angel Sanctuary, Durarara, Baccano, Fairy Tail, One Piece, Broken Angel, Beast Master, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Diabolo, and Ludwig Revolution. Yeah . . . there's a lot.
ive watched pretty much every romance anime(not including yaoi or yuri) and i love so many of themmmmmm. anyway, out of the animes my favorite would have to be Full Moon Wo Sagashite by Arina Tanemura.

Full Moon Wo Sagashite: Mitsuki Koyama, 12, has dreams of becoming a great singer but tragically, she has a malignant tumor in her throat that prevents her from singing any louder then a whisper, or projecting her voice for that matter. she loves singing and made a promise to the boy that she loves, who moved to america, that when they met again she would be a famous singer and he would be an astronomer. one day two Shinigami(Death Angels) come to her, and to their surprise she has the ability to see them, though no one else can.they tell her that she has a year to live, to which she runs away. they eventually find her and they help her kick-start her singing career by transforming her into a healthy 16 year old when she needs to sing.

its a cute romance, if you havent seen it i would recommend it. the differences between the manga and Anime make it interesting. i prefer the manga, but it still stands out to me among other animes.

In the Anime:

Mitsuki goes to America near the end of the anime to find Eichi(her childhood friend and crush) to discover that he and his foster parents were killed in and acident.

In the Manga:

you find out later in the series that Eichi died in a plane crash teh day he was seperated from Mitsuki, and that she knew he was dead. you later find out that Takuto(boy death angel) was supposed to retrieve the souls of the dead from that plane crash as his first job as a death angel but was evaded by Eichi, whos soul actually surrounds Mitsuki.

in both the anime and manga Takuto was the vocalist of Mitsukis fathers band, Route L before he commited suicide after finding out that he had a tumor in his throat and would have to have his vocal chords removed(same situation Mitsuki is in). the difference is that in the anime he drove his bike off a cliff and died, only to be givin a second chance when he tries to defy death and save mitsuki. in the manga he jumped off the hospital roof, and you later find out he was in a coma when he returns to Mitsuki 2 years after he disapeared as a death angel.

My favorite Manga is Happy Cafe, Aka Shiawase Kissa Sanchoume.

Uru Takamura is a 16 year old girl easily mistaken for an elementary kid. despite her small size she has enormous strength, and breaks things a lot. when her mother remarries she decided to live on her own because she didnt want to get in the way of their happiness. she takes up a job at Cafe Bonheur, and ends up working with the "Demon King of Demon Island" (as she calls him) Shindou Satsuki(20) and his always sleeping coworker Ichirou(18). Shindou is extremely cranky and hits both Uru and Ichirou, but when he takes on a rare smile you can bet he will be sweet. Ichirou is usually flat expressioned but likes to hug and hold Uru, which angers Shindou(though it takes him forever to realize why X3 ) when Ichirou is hungry, he falls asleep, out cold. he only wakes up when you feed him. theres a good story line invloving Shindous foster father as well as his real mother. there is also the Abekawa brothers whos family owns a rival cafe, which leads to some interesting situations.

Happy Cafe is a hilarious Romantic Comedy with some tragic twists.
Favorite Anime: One Piece~ :3 ..and a lot more! Haha

Favorite Manga: Used to be Naruto... now, I don't know
Hah! It seems everyone agrees Ouran is spectacular. I absoulutly love Ouran, I own every DVD, every volume (manga), a Ouran backpack, and some cosplay! It's a well-put together book and show. I can't say for the Maid-sama! anime, it wasn't particually what to expect; reading the manga first, then the anime second. I'm currently reading Fairy Tail, I just purchased volumes 1, 2, and 3 yesterday. I really like it! As for Naruto, that will always be loved, I can not tell you how much I love Katashi (right? >-<) and Naruto's Ninja Centerfold!
I agree on Clannad After Story, it got me crying a lot. All though that one is good, I have to say Blood + is my favorite.
Mine's Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood! Because Envy. :D Envy is hilarious. And awesome. And adorable. But I also like it for the story and other characters. :P

...but more so Envy.

I also like Tokyo Mew Mew because of Kisshu. I'm not sure if I would have been interested in Tokyo Mew Mew if Kisshu was taken out to be honest. X3
Hell Girl, Black Butler, Death Note, Elfin Lied, High School of the Dead, The World God Only Knows, My Bride is a Mermaid, Devil May Cry, Hellsing, and Fullmetal Alchemist (because of Envy too) are some of my favourite animes, or at least the ones I can remember at the moment. I liked Naruto and Naruto Shippuden until Kishimoto killed off the entire Akatsuki ashjsfkrage. And, I'm eagerly waiting for the release of Miraculous Ladybug.

I don't read much manga, but I'm obsessed with the manhwa Noblesse.
If I have to choose, I'd choose between:



Meitantei Conan

*Gintama is this anime/manga with all genres all rolled into one. It's mostly of a comedy type though. I really like how it made me laugh, cry, or be moved at the same time.

*Baccano is some sort of a "thriller" (?) or an action- packed "mystery" (?) with a sprinkle of gore here and there. The theme, I believe is about immortality.

*Meitantei/Detective Conan is very popular, so I'm not going to go through an explanation. All I can say is that it's based /in a way/ from the original Sherlock Holmes novels/stories.

Anyway, those are my all time favourite mangas/anime. There are lots more, but these three are the best fore me. ^^
I have to say that I like manga better than anime recently, I get the feeling that anime is becoming a little bit too monotonous somehow.

That said, I still love anime xD ! Some of my favourites are Durarara, Baccano, Fullmetal Alchemist, Eyeshield 21 and Digimon (only the first two series), but there would be many many more.

Durarara has simply been a hit straight to the heart for me, I'm madly in love with the characters and the development of the plot. I really like stories where you can't really understand what's happening at the beginning, and Durarara and Baccano do it extremely well. It's only at the end that you realize how everything had been connected with each other, and I love this side of it.

Fullmetal Alchemist is just a masterpiece of animation I think. I like the older version better than Brotherhood somehow, but there is no particular reason for this. I think I may just feel more emotionally attached to it since I've watched it when I was quite young. I love the character's development and how each and everyone of them is actually relevant to the story somehow. Also, although the main characters are very young the themes treated are actually quite mature and dark, which is a plus in my opinion.

Eyeshield 21 was simply too cute >.<! I really like sports anime (though I must say that right now they all look the same to me...) and I loved how the main character changes in time as he gains more self esteem. And Hiruma is a badass you must love.

While Digimon, well, the plot was cute and quite original in my opinion. I know there will be people saying that it is just another version of Pokemon, but to be honest to me Pokemon after the first serie just looks like a repetition of the same things over and over again. Digimon as an anime evolves and changes, and even its characters grow up and change.

Oh, and Lovely Complex stole my heart!! It's the sweetest most adorable little manga/anime, and I just can't stop myself from going "awww!" everytime there is some cute little scene going on. I kind of sympathize with Risa too, as I'm quite tall xD !!

But yeah, there are actually a lot more than these. The ones I talked about here are only the few ones that came up right now xD !
I have two different ones for my favorite manga and my favoite anime. My favorite anime is Lucky Star while my favorite manga is Yumekui Merry. I liked Lucky Star for some odd reason and that reason stuck to me and is still here. Plus how many manga and anime references they make is awesome. As for my favorite manga it's Yumekui Merry because of how awesome the consept is and that the anime left off at a horrible place while the manga is better than the anime could ever be.
My favorite manga for now is Dengeki Daisy and my favorite anime Card captors Sakura (Is my childhood *^*)
My favorite, ABSOLUTE favorite manga IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD has to be Grand Guignol Orchestra by Kaori Yuki. It's about this world that's plagued with a zombie virus that causes stiffness in movements and makes you look like a doll in a puppet show. The way to kill these zombies is by enchanted music so there are 2 orchestras. The official and unofficial. The unofficial is run by a man who looks like a woman. He chooses a rag-tag lot to play music around the world with him. The plot is all twisty and mind-blowing. There is this queen and this other guy maned Berthier and Berthier is *swoons* I can't even...he's like the most lovable guy out there (who also is a mass murder) There are only 5 books, but it's worth your time. TRUST ME. They characters are so very lovable and it's just amazing and gothic/horor. And who doesn't like metrosexuals!?


My favorite anime is Black Butler 2. I instantly fell in love with Alois. He's like *gets consumed by feels* Q____Q I just want to hug him and make him feel feeeeeeeel all warm and loved.....yup.
Favorite Manga's are....

Beck, Veritas, The Breaker part 1 and 2, Vagabond, Naruto, Bleach, Suzuka, Kimi no Iru Machi, Eye Shield 21, Gamaran

Favorite Anime:

Toradora, Death Note, Sword Art Online, Guilty Crown, Chrome Shelled Regios,
I haven't really watched anime or read any manga in a while but Death Note, Sekirei, and Black Butler are good..The only anime I recently watched was Setonohanayome (My bride is a mermaid) and Heaven's lost property so those are good too. As far as manga...Juvenile Orion: aquarian age. (It's also an anime and a movie but I like the manga the best)

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