The Rusty One
Ma’arz nods and prepares for a small info dump on her.
“This type of VR helmet was made with a hybrid of Human and Martian technology. When you wear this thing and turn it on, the electrode pads inside of the helmet will put you in a state of artificial MRI sleep and will simulate your brain so your subconscious enters into a type of a hub area programmed into the VR helmet. In that hub, you’ll be given the option to play whatever games the helmet has downloaded. You play one of the games, your subconscious enters into one of the various Matrioshka Brains around the Galaxy that hosts said games. So... pretty fancy stuff.”
“This type of VR helmet was made with a hybrid of Human and Martian technology. When you wear this thing and turn it on, the electrode pads inside of the helmet will put you in a state of artificial MRI sleep and will simulate your brain so your subconscious enters into a type of a hub area programmed into the VR helmet. In that hub, you’ll be given the option to play whatever games the helmet has downloaded. You play one of the games, your subconscious enters into one of the various Matrioshka Brains around the Galaxy that hosts said games. So... pretty fancy stuff.”