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Futuristic Fate of the Stars of Life (EPISODE 3: RP-CONSPIRACY)

Rewby then sighs and begins to actually start talking. “Well, from an half-hour ago, I was just strolling around the hub, minding my own business, having some decent armor and weaponry on me. During my mindful stroll, some couple of bandits cornered me and demanded that I hand them over everything I got in my inventory! Naturally, I tried to fight back, but they were actually pretty tough men! Hell, their leader had a powerful plasma staff!” Rewby explains before she gradually begins to talk more aggressively. “I tried to send you an invite so I can get some bloody assistance, but you NEVER came! I was able to kill their leader, making his cronies to retreat, but I had to suffer some serious scars from the waist because of the battle, and the only reason why I’m still surviving is because the bandits were too dumb enough to know that a hard blow to my FREAKING brain, the only known Krystalline organ, would kill me and I just- Eurgh!” Rewby continues before she stops and tries to calm herself down by discarding her crystal wig (revealing her bald head), put both hands onto her head, and look down.
Talia gasped, and a terrified look came over her face. Rewby almost died. She could not come that close again. Talia places a hand on the girls shoulder, her face a darker shade as the white blood drained from her face.

“Rewby..... you can’t come that close to dying again. I’m sorry I wasn’t there, but NOTHING is worth getting in fights for anymore, do you understand? You need to log out.” Talia said slowly, trying not to freak Rewby out. She didn’t know if the girl knew about the real life deaths happening, but she wanted to avoid Rewby getting hurt.
Rewby makes a long sigh before reaching to grab her crystal wig and place it back on her head. “Yeah... you’re right. I need a break from this game.” She then activates the menu screen and tries to log out, but...

... The ‘Log Out’ option was crossed out. Rewby’s eye widens in absolute shock. “Maug Kemblar...” Rewby said, her voice trembling.
Talia saw the option, and looked at her own screen, only to find the log out button was crossed out as well. She yelled in frustration, and slammed her fist on the table. Everything made sense now, the freaking out..... suddenly she gasped, and stood straight.

“Oh my god! Everyone’s going to be killing each other! They’ll die in real life!” She screamed, before looking at Rewby in terror. “We can’t die, do you understand? If we die here, we die in real life!” She said, slight panic creeping into her voice.
“Die here, die in real- you screwing with me, Talia!” Rewby shouted to Talia, also panicked and creeped out. One Human in the restaurant, who overheard the two girls, just stood up and gets into the girls’ earshot. “What are you all talking about? I can log out just fine.” The Human said before showing them his main menu, revealing that his ‘log out’ option isn’t crossed out. “See?”
Talia groaned, and realized she shouldn’t have shouted like that. She moved to calm Rewby down, but the humans sentence caught her attention. Then everything clicked into place.

“I get it.... I get it! Of course you can log out, your human! That’s exactly why you can’t die here! But the terrorists, they find aliens inferior. So, what do they do...... trap the aliens. Place them in a herd, like cattle, and slaughter them one by one!” She said it as if she had just cracked an Illuminati, or broken through the fourth wall. “And no, Rewby. I’m not screwing with you.”

Talia gave her a very serious look, before turning back to the the human. She gave him a dead serious look. “Look, send a message to all of your friends to stay OUT of this game, and tell them to tell all of their friends. We need to send this out fast. Rewby, you do the same.” She said quickly. She didn’t like taking charge, it wasn’t in her nature. But she realized she was probably one of the few people who knew what was going on. She then opened her inbox, and sent a message to Lux. She explained what was happening, and that she couldn’t get out, nor any other alien.
The Human Beta-Tester and Rewby listened to Talia’s explanation carefully. They both knew what terrorists she was talking about and they both gave a reaction of fear, with the Human gasping in shock and Rewby standing back, her mouth open, acknowledging the severity of the situation. When Talia told her friend and the Human what to do, they both nodded. “Yes, Lunarim.” “Yes, madam!” They both opened their inbox, wrote a warning to all of their friends that they have on their Friends list, and submitted it. “I don’t know about you gals, but I’m going to go spread the word. I recommend you both find hidden shelter before this place becomes a apocalyptic wasteland.” The Human said to both of the girls before he pulls out a metallic rifle and storm out of the building. “In the meantime...” Rewby said before she pulled out a long, platinum staff with a plasma core and hand it to Talia. “Wanna go survive? Got the staff from the previously mentioned gang leader.” She said.
Talia flinched when the human and Rewby called her official names. She really didn’t like to be a leader. It reminded her of bad times. But she would be if they needed her to be. She nodded to the humans stammer, and grinned slightly.

“Good plan. Your human, so your safe.” She said simply, before turning back to Rewby. “As for us, we-“ She trailed off as Rewby handed her a staff. Talia nodded, and smiled widely, taking the staff in her hand. “Yeah. Let’s survive. We need to help as many good people as we can. There..... there are probably some kids playing this game.” Talia added the last part sourly, remembering that one of Susans own crew was killed in here.
Rewby nods, pulls out twin revolvers, and they both leave the restaurant, pretending to be badasses.

Back in the fleet, a literal dozen of heavily-armored Human footsoldiers came out of one of the barracks, all equipped with plasma auto-rifles, marching in the halls to find the Shuttle Hangar to enter into their respective ships. During the army preparation, Susan was marching down the halls, with a pretty pissed-off look on her face. “Where is Sasha and Braxton? If god so help me, I’ll make a pit stop to Solaris and throw them out of an airlock with spacesuits.” Susan said to herself, apparently trying to find the defected Roborg and her brother.
Lux was wandering down the hall. He sees Susan with her pissed expression, and wonders, besides the obvious, what could have made her so openly express her irritation. She's normally so level-headed.
He shakes his head. "My tracker is pinging all over the ship, and changing locations every few minutes. Must be that I haven't perfectly tracked her signal." He writes, and shows Susan his pad.
“Haven’t seen her since the debriefing. But I saw worry in her eyes. She is most likely concerned about Rewby. If I had to make a guess, she’s in her quarters.” He say, shaking his head, and showing Susan his pad.
Susan rolled her eyes and sighed at the very mention of Rewby. “Very well. Enter Talia’s room and check to see if she is prepared.” She asked to Lux.
He nods, and quickly goes to her room, knocking repeatedly. He knocks in Morse code, saying, "It's me, Lux." Just in case she can't tell it's him and won't respond to talking.
Nothing was heard from the other side. Nothing but the robotic ambiance from the flagship. Kqidons, who was roaming in the halls wearing full armor, saw Lux standing in front of Talia’s door and approached him. “Hey, flesh bag. What are you doing?” Kqidons asked Lux through her warmask.
He looks at her, writes on his pad, and shows her his response. "Captain told me to check on Talia to see if she was prepared for the mission. No response so far. I have an idea on what she might be doing, and I don't like it."
“Here, allow me.” Kqidons said to Lux as she pushed him aside. Then, she proceeded to slam her fist on the door three times. “HEY, ROCK MONSTER! OPEN UP!” She screamed. Surprisingly, still no answer. Not even so much of a jump or a growl from Talia. Then, one foot soldier stormed out of his quarters, looking pretty pissed. “The hell’s with the racket?!” He demanded.
Lux writes furiously for a second, and shows the soldier his pad. "Special mission requires the tenant of this room, Talia. Kqidons here has taken a much more blunt approach than I would have. Return to your room. I will handle this." After the soldier reads it, he taps Kqidons' shoulder, and gestures for her to step back.
“Well, I have a card that would override the lock command of the tenent’s quarters, but sure. Go right ahead.” The footsoldier said, deciding to just step back and see what Lux is going to do, in case he needs the card. Kqidons takes a step back, too.
He fiddles around in his cloak and pulls out a device of some kind. He applies it to the edges of the door. Blue light emits over the door, and it opens. He takes back the strange scanning device, and puts it back in his cloak.
The soldier stands there, surprised that whatever Lux did managed to get the door open, and leaves the premises. “Impressive. But I’m only interested in battles.” Kqidons said to Lux after he got the room door opened. “And I am quite interested in battling you...”
"You will not enjoy it. I've been defeated in battle only a few times. And that was when they either had a tranquilizer gun or overwhelming military force. Every one on one has ended in death or a serious injury with me." He writes, and steps inside. When he sees Talia with the headset on, he silently sighs. "The Captain will not be happy to hear about this." He writes, and shows Kqidons again in her own language.
Kqidons simply rolled her eyes. “Please. I’ve been trained by the Vagrok Ambassador himself. And he is my fath-“ Before she can finish her sentence, she saw Talia on her with the headset on. “What? That she’s just playing a game?” Kqidons asked after reading the note Lux wrote.

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