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Fandom Fate/Noble Souls: Missing Link (IC)

Both Marina and Bastet were teleported to the battlefield, while the True Caster's magical barrier was still active.
"Master,what do you plan to do now?" Bastet asked. "Well...maybe...assist False Assassin and the allied master and servant." "What about you? My barrier can only protect you if I'm near you. Alone you will take risks. Your magical skills will be needed.
"I...I...I..." Marina burst into tears. " I just can't right now. I only agreed to go in this stupid war to protect the library. I didn't want to get my life on the line. " Bastet looked at Marina and smiled at her. " I know you are affraid..." the anthro cat True Caster said. " Zenitsu and I will there for you." She headed to the battlefield. " Just be careful Master,I know you are stronger then you think." Bastet ran on all fours to the battlefield while Marina stayed hidden behind trash cans.

Meanwhile,Zenitsu attempts to block Aeneas's attack with his nichirin katana. He pushed as much as he could while using the Total consentration breathing.

"Thunder breathing...first form...Thunderclap and flash....Godlike speed!" Zenitsu attempt to blitz and push the True Shielder away.

Meanwhile, Bastet summons a sandstorm around Joker,in attempt to prevent him from harming Steven.

Orihara Orihara Extra123 Extra123 Topless Topless
Mission 0: A Wild Game of Snake
--Kamen Rider Geats ~ The False Archer--
Interaction: Topless Topless (Targeting the funny snake)
Mentions: Orihara Orihara Extra123 Extra123 SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15
OST: Now Then, Time for the Highlights. ~ Kamen Rider Geats OST

Seeing that his shots did some major damage on the mechanical serpent, Geats wasted no time in assessing the damage he had done along with several other Servants converging into the area. Most of them appear to be focusing on the Snake, but some of them appear to be starting a brawl amongst the others; one of which caught the attention of the pseudo Demi-God; an influx of mana so dense that it has the potential to kill a god.

Troubling. The fact that he didn’t sense it until now meant that it’s likely an Assassin. But to cast magic like that, whoever’s using that mana nearby’s got to be a Caster. A Double Class, perhaps? Geats did have something of a Double Class skill himself, thanks to his Kamen Rider skill letting him keep the Boostriker. So it wouldn't be surprising if this guy was a Double Summon; it's a pain in his tail, but he's weasled his way out of worse scenarios.

No, let's not jump in yet. He’s got to focus on the people for now. Geats twirled his gun as the thrusters on his angles rotated downwards, allowing him to launch himself into the air like a rocket as he unfurled the barrel, extending it into a rifle’s as he peered down the barrel as if it was a scope. From the corner of his sights was the very first Servant to Servant confrontation; along with the appearance of a Master. He couldn’t make out the details, but Geats knew it was inevitable. Besides, with them distracted, Geats can steal the kill on this snake and earn some sweet, sweet, Secret Mission Bonus.

You know what they say, the bigger they are, the easier the trickshot.” Geats let out a soft chortle as he took out the Magnum RaiseBuckle from his Driver and set it on the cartridge slot of the rifle, effectively inflaming his mana as a projection of a revolver’s cylinder appeared in front of the rifle. His Servant Body's Magic Circuits burning to life as a burst of flames engulf the spinning cylinder as the projection spins, coinciding with what seems to be a Noble Phantasm’s Release this early on in the War. His passive Personal Skill [Star of The Star of The Stars] ensures that this release gets him a piece of attention, too. “Magnum Shooter 40X; Fire.” He declared, pulling the trigger.


The projection exploded as a loud gunshot rang throughout the city in a blazing burst, a bullet streaking through the air with an orange beam-like streak, traveling through a perfectly straight trajectory aimed towards the eye of the snake that seemed to be disoriented after the Samurai’s constant barrage. If it lands, the bullet should pierce through the mechanical serpent’s head and break through its CPU; where it would be logically stored if it's acting as the brain of the machine.

If Geats’ hunch is right, it should cause a fatal error that would cause the Serpent to be killed off; though the snake could move about and dodge, which shouldn't be a problem and result in his aim being directly near the confrontation ahead, causing an eruption of the road’s concrete nearby, but not close enough to interrupt their little encounter. The framing of this scenario lines up in a way that would make the release more or less a fluke.

The False Assassin had went for the offensive and strike the snake on its side. It left a huge gnash however. The snake turned to the ensuing brawl between Servants. As it had received it's directives, it was ready to join in the fray when it turned to see False Archer about to fire a powerful shot. He was aiming for the head, but after pulling the trigger, the snake Cyber attempted to dodge it, only for the bottom half of it's body to be blown off.

Meanwhile, Aya was watching the chaos unfold. "Hot damn this is a mess. How's it going MZ?" She spoke, but Mega Zero did not respond as he begun to read a text file in his system; one that holds the incantation for the Servant Summoning. As he read the file, the magical circles had begun to pulse bright and then eventually, two figures had manifested from it; one is a short female with purple-to-yellow gradient hair wearing a dress with tons of cross-stitched patters and the other is a pale white-haired man in a dark suit.


False Ruler
-Great Sealed Magician-

"I have been summoned by your plea of help, Master. Be blessed that you have summoned the one and only, Hiji-" As she was introducing herself, the other Servant cut her off by bombastically exclaiming.


True Avenger
-Count of Monte Cristo-

"You have called me! I, the embodiment of vengeance, has arrived by your summons! If there is any punishment that you wish to impose, then say my name and I shall do it, thy accomplice." Both Servants appeared to be very eager to strike out in the war, though the False Ruler was not really pleased by True Avenger's arrogance. "This is acknowledged." Mega Zero said and then he turned to Aya who was in awe of the summoning. "Hot damn! For the first time in the world of magecraft, a Cyber has summoned freaking Servants! I'm sure Dr. Bright is overcoming with joy watching this." She said. "Aya, why did you let go of the Bounded Field?" Mega Zero asked which made Aya realized that she deactivated the Bounded Field.

"Oh crap..."

Once they're now visible, the snake Cyber, now only a head and some torso, turned to them and immediately lunged itself towards Mega Zero. True Avenger was quick on his feet as he went in front of his Master and stretched his arm towards the snake. "PERISH YOU BEAST!" He yelled as he fired off a beam of black energy at the snake and it sets it ablaze. The snake had begun to flail from the black flames. "This is our chance! Run!" Aya said and the four had fled the scene of the chaos.

With the snake Cyber incapacitated, this could be the good chance for someone within the vicinity to finish it off.
Steven winced as shots were taken at him by the joker, before he realized that he had reflexively put up his shield to defend himself. BB quickly sprang into action! Without hesitation, she jumped high up into the air, igniting the thrusters in her arms as she jet blasted towards the ground and punched it with such brute force that it split open beneath her, sending ripples down until chunks of earth broke apart and collapsed, then exploded! Like a mini earthquake, the ground leading up to where her enemies stood was destroyed by the shockwave and opened up under them, then erupted upward!

"Shielder! Good job shielding! Berserker! Look out for that snake thing! Cover us!" BB ordered.

Flying high above the scene of the battle, Beowulf heard her voice, and with his mighty axe in hand, he nodded, and yelled, "Mad enhancement!" and then jumped down from the helicopter, swinging his axe overhead down towards the giant mechanical beast as the axe itself glowed with magical energy.

After sending the devastating ground attack towards her opponents BB called, "Shielder, jump into my hand!"

Steven replied, and he bounced in BB's direction, and she caught him, holding him out by her side.

"Cyber knight formation! Shield mama activated!" BB yelled in the excitement of everyone calling out their attacks. She was now holding Steven like a human shield, though with less moral hangups.

"Come at us, show me what you got!" she said to the opposing team.

"That's the last of it," Lucy said as she watched the serpent get destroyed, bits and pieces of gears decorating the city.

"Something tells me it isn't," False Rider said as it became apparent that the surroundings were filled with other Master-Servant pairs, some ready to partake in war and others ready to fight back, "we may have trump cards and powerful abilities to give us the advantage, but these others - naturally, they're the same. Plus, I'm actually a rather weak Servant without my trump cards, especially in close range."

"What does that mean?"

"Our victory isn't certain if we are to stay. And it is my job to protect you. It's not something I intend to fail anytime soon."

"You're of the fastest class and Assassin's the least detectable - all three of us can just leave before anyone can notice," Lucy suggested.

"You're the one giving commands, even if some part of my nature feels like rejecting it, I will follow through with it," False Rider acknowledged and prepared to leave, but...

Topless Topless Orihara Orihara SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Extra123 Extra123 Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
As the sandstorm cast by Bastet suddenly appears, just as Joker was about to pull the trigger and shoot at False Shielder, the young man becomes blinded. Despite this, he is capable of sensing Steven's location, given that the opposing servant's mana was still present and Steven did not have a presence concealment skill in order to hide his mana trail. As such, Joker was still capable of shooting at Steven's general location. The shots may have been defended against rather easily by the boy's shield, but they still at least prevented him from interfering with the clash between true shielder and false assassin.

Speaking of, in a normal situation Aeneas would've been able to continue to push forward as Zenitsu attempted to clash with him, due to having a (slightly) higher strength stat than the assassin, combined with the extremely high defensive properties of his shield. As he aimed to shield bash Zenitsu, the servant noticed B.B. emerge from the sandstorm and prepare to slam into the ground. The skilled warrior would be able to quickly realize what tactic she was going for; a large area of effect earthquake. A human wouldn't be able to significantly harm a servant in such a manner, but his master would be at risk of getting killed or significantly injured by the attack. In order to defend her, the shielder allowed Zenitsu to win the clash and have the force of the assassin's attack push him back and towards Eve.

Aeneas lands right in front of Eve mere moments before the earthquake and debris spread to her. He held up his shield, which neither buckled nor wavered, protecting both servant and master, a mere earthquake being nothing before the shield which holds the entire fate of Rome upon its frame. When the earthquake had settled, and the grounds rumbling had stopped, the servant slightly lowered his shield and glanced back at the homunculus whom he had protected and spoke to her in a concerned voice. "Master, are you safe? Do you have any injuries lass?" He asks of her, being given a shake of the head in response.

"I have no injuries shielder. You have done well." The girl responds unemotively. She had and kept a neutral tone of voice, but her eyes had widened in fear for a moment or two, before her face quickly resumed a calm and composed expression. Beneath this showing, however, her heart had begun to speed up and a tense sensation built in her chest. The girl knew not what fear felt like, she had been trained to have no value to her life beyond using it to win at least one of the grail wars, but still her instincts screamed to preserve this valueless life, instincts which had caused her to feel fear. A fear she knew not the name of at all.

As she looked around and observed the scenario to decide what to do, she saw BB holding up her 'shield mama' form, and provoking them to attack. Quickly she made the decision to toss some of the runes she had carved earlier at BB. They were runes of flame, which would combust upon contact with a target. However, in the modern era, such spells wouldn't have the mystery to get through a shield like that of Steven, and Eve knew it very well. Her plan had not been to hurt BB or Steven, but rather make an opportunity for False Caster Joker to attack.

Speaking of, during the earthquake, Joker had swapped from Attis, who had done his job in using Thermopylae to support the Joker and Aeneas, and equipped Siegfried, a man with red armor and a sword. Although Siegfried was a powerful persona, it had not been for offense he was equipped, but rather for defense, as Siegfried was immune to physical damages, such as an earthquake. As such, the attack by BB might as well have been a light breeze for the caster class servant.

"Siegfried, Vorpal Blade!" Joker calls out when he had hopefully been forgotten during the battle. And at his command, the summoned persona responded, swinging his sword once. However, the single swing of the sword was itself magical, causing numerous slashes to descend upon the enemies of Joker, targeted by their mana presence (as Joker's eyes were still shut, stinging from the sand getting in them earlier); in particular it was targeting Zenitsu, Bastet, Steven, and BB (but the strike aimed at BB was 'pulled' a bit as Joker did not desire to kill a human, enemy master or not).
Zenitsu and Bastet noticed as Joker aimed an attack toward them,Steven and BB. Zenitsu blitzed to move Bastet and himself out pf harm's way.
When there were in a safe distance,Zenitsu looked at his fellow servant. "Where's Master?" he asked. "Right now she's hidden outside the battlefield. She didn't want to be part of this conflict." "I can relate,though she'll have to fight sooner or later. Right now we need to focus on the enemy master and her servants." Zenitsu said before focusing on Joker and blitzing toward him.

Unfortunatly,he was a few meters frim the False Caster before he woke up. "Eh...what happened? What am I doing here?" He noticed Joker. "Who are you?!!!" He shouts.
--Mission 0: A Wild Game of Snake--
Interaction: Topless Topless Crow Crow
Mentions: Orihara Orihara Extra123 Extra123 @SirPrompto

Tsk…!” Geats clicked his tongue as he had missed his mark, managing to only blow away half of the snake’s body as it attempted to slither its way outside his trajectory, leaving only a couple of segments from the head down to the bottom. Just as he placed the Magnum Buckle back to the driver to follow up, something had to intervene; a pair of strong Mana Signatures flaring to life, arriving on the scene at what felt like the tail end of the fight.

No fair, that was supposed to be his spotlight.

As he landed, one of the newcomers jumped in front of the mechanical snake and fired a strong burst of black, causing it to combust as it writhes along the concrete, allowing the newly contracted Master and Servants to flee the scene. Geats contemplated on chasing after them, but he decided against it. Deciding in his head that this little Snake Game still needs to be closed off one way or another. Besides, there’s a small chance that it would have some kind of self-repair mechanic. Thus, with a slightly disappointed groan that none of the important players seem to be focused on the action, he fired his gun at the remains of the mecha snake multiple times, ensuring that it wouldn’t harm anyone anymore in case it decided that it still wanted to wreak havoc.

Hm. Even that purple musclehead was more fun to play with than these guys...” Geats let off a scoff as he watched the two teams of Servants duke it out even when there's a snake to deal with. Although he contemplated actually joining in, the Archer knew that doing so would be more trouble than it's worth–especially when he's in a pretty good distance to simply watch the chaos unfold and observe their abilities. Though, the Kamen Rider did notice that the pair that initially attempted to distract the Snake Mechaniloid slowly began to make preparations to escape a good 500 meters away. The fox masked Archer felt as though that pair is more fun to deal with.

After all, they look more like ordinary humans. And if he learnt anything before ascending to Godhood, it's that the ordinary ones who wound up in a crazy game like this are usually the most impressive players of the bunch.

"Hm…I can sense the Servant, but I can't tell which one of them is…" Geats mused as he rubbed his chin, taking a knee as he peered down the scope of his rifle, using some fallen debris as cover and leverage for his rifle as he aimed at the girl's leg. If there's a small chance that she's not a Servant, then at the very least, that's at least two Servants out of play.

Sorry kid, but you should've read the fine print before joining such a cruel game.

Without a moment of hesitation, he pulled the trigger, taking a well-aimed shot at the girl with white hair's knee.
The couple of shots that the False Archer had fired on what remained of the snake Cyber has fully finished it. As the other Servant duke out, Aya and Mega Zero would be at a safe distance away from the chaos. They ended up at the roof of an unknown building with the assistance of Mega Zero's Servants. Aya let out a sight of relief and then she looked out at the fight that is still happening. "Man, we got ourselves into deep shit huh?" She spoke as she glanced at Mega Zero "PROTO-1 must be really pissed now that her 'hitman' is dead. At the very least, we did end up dragging a few Servants to fight, which was intended."

"Aya..." Mega Zero spoke "Do we let them fight to the death?" Aya turned to him and answered "It is the rules of the war I'm afraid. All of these Masters are driven by greed and desire. I know that because I've met some really nasty people beforehand. I hate those kind of people, you know?" The True Avenger stepped forward and asked Aya "Have you had the heart to out right kill them?" Shocked, Aya replied "What?! No! Well, I did kill people, but it was only either by commands of the Church or self defense. Never did I had the intention to kill."

"So you did, but your heart was not in it." The True Avenger said.

"Alright, that's enough." The False Ruler spoke up "As much as I have a duty to fulfill as the Ruler of this war, by my virtue, I am against violence. But why is it I was summoned? Truly the World had thought it would be wise to send someone pious as me to overseer the war."

"Perhaps it may be because you are to prevent a certain interloper in causing too much chaos as the war already is." Aya answered.

"An interloper you say?" The True Avenger asked. "Someone that we should be on the look for. I heard that her power rivals that of Servants, both True and False." Aya answered which made True Avenger took an interest. He then turned to his Master and said "Master- no, I cannot call you that after we have just met. I shall call you my "accomplice" then. As much as I wish to be with you at all times, I believe it should be best of me to wander around by my own. Do not worry; if ever you are in trouble, call me and I shall come to your side posthaste."

"Hold on, are you sure you want to be by yourself? I don't know if that should be a good idea-"

"I accept." Mega Zero replied, much to Aya's surprise.

"Very well. I shall be off then. Until the time comes, my accomplice." The True Avenger was very delighted to hear his Master's approval. He assumed his Spirit Form as he leaves the group.

"That Servant scares me." False Ruler spoke as she shivered the moment True Avenger had left "I've felt a ton of malice within him."

"So what should we do now? Want to call it a day?" Aya asked. "I have a duty to fulfill, just as mother said." Mega Zero answered. "Oh right, you have to look over the war. Fine, I guess I'll tag along for even a little. After that, I'm going home." Aya seemed slightly disappointed. "The Servants are still fighting. We need to take a look." The False Ruler said as she went over to the ledge and began to fly. "Whoa! You can fly?!" Aya was surprised by this. "From where I came from, people can fly, and also shoot bullets too. Now, shall we?" False Ruler answered.

"Aya, would you like me to carry you?" Mega Zero asked, much to her embarrassment. Then again, they're standing on top of a building and knowing that Mega Zero has a jetpack, it seemed that she doesn't have a choice. She sighed and said "Alright, how would you carry me though?" Mega Zero went up to her and quickly he carried her like a bride. Her face immediately flushed red, she couldn't take this. "Hold on." Mega Zero said as the jetpack fired up and he and False Ruler flew their way back to where the fight is going on.
A slightly baffling scene emerged from the fight as Zenitsu woke up from his dark state. BB stared in bewilderment after using Steven to deflect the multiple air slashes that resulted from the swing of the magical vorpal blade, which actually, to Steven's surprise, caused his shield to crack.

And Zenitsu was... crying? In the middle of battle?

A dumbstruck expression was enough to cause BB to snap out of her violent motives and take a pause. What the hell was actually happening, she wondered, as the boy who just moments ago was thunderbolting around the field now stood helplessly complaining and questioning his circumstances. As though he'd been in an altered state, the change was instantaneous.

"Boy what the hell are you crying for? What happened to all that lightning mojo you was swingin' around just a second ago?"

"Uh... Miss BB? Can you put me down please? I gotta go number one real bad..."

BB audibly sighed, feeling as though she'd just been put right out of her mood in the middle of a good jam session.

"Alright Steven, go fast because this stizz is ridiculous."

Beowulf on the other hand was just about to throw his axe at some poor bastard when suddenly his master stopped fighting. Was it over so soon? Either way, he stayed on his guard to assess the field and wait for Judgement calls.

High above everything, Servo, BB's trusty robotic companion, was sending video surveillance of the whole situation back to Nakashima at headquarters. She watched the whole battle on a live feed from a giant television screen in her lab while she worked on a side experiment and took a sip of her coffee.

A secondary screen was held by a smaller robot to the side, from which she read her notes as she conducted research into bits of the giant snake that were sent back via teleportation as she couldn't help secretly loading some field team bots onto the helicopter to subtly steal evidence from the scene. After sending back samples of the snake, they would scan everything, downloading as much detail as possible while Nakashima examined the composition of the snake's parts and technologies.

"Good job out there, Servo!" She said to the bot via his communicator. "Keep watching BB but put eyes on the other masters and servants as well. I wanna know everything about all of them!"

"Sure thing, miss!"
Servo replied as he deployed some baby servos to go and try to secretly attach themselves to each participant in the battle, so they could act as both tracking devices and extra surveillance cameras. Essentially, if nobody discovered them, they would bug everybody.

Meanwhile, Beowulf came to BB's side and watched to see what was going to happen. BB seemed to be holding back just in case there might be a ceasefire. She wasn't used to peaceful negotiations, but she also wasn't sure where the other warriors' heads were at.

With Zenitsu's crying like a baby being enough of a disruption to halt the fighting, the others could continue attacking at any moment, so BB ordered Beowulf to stay on guard.

"Hey Berserker, don't let your guard down yet. Shielder is just taking a pee but this firecracker could still pop off. Good job taking out that big snake by the way."

"Thank you, Master. So, what is going on here? And why is that yellow boy crying?"

BB shrugged, placing a hand on her hip. "I don't know, this is stupid. Hold on."

After a moment, she put her fist to the ground again and thrusted her arm booster which rocketed her across the battleground so she could get to Zenitsu and pick the boy up. She was now face to face with Joker.

"Come on, whatchu gonna do! Come on!" she taunted, spreading her feet into her stance and putting her fist up. "I'll beatchu with one hand pretty boy! I'll do it! What!"

Beowulf stood back, his axe at the ready, waiting for Steven to come back. He noticed a couple new players jetpacking to the scene, a robot carrying a girl as they flew in unannounced. "Well, this couldn't get more bizarre." he said to himself.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 Topless Topless Crow Crow Extra123 Extra123 Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
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Marina Evans
Topless Topless Orihara Orihara Extra123 Extra123

Zenitsu looked shocked as he was rescued by BB. He stopped crying. "I apologise for crying like that. I wish I would be stronger and...I really wsnt to do my best to protect my master,and the innocent. "There you are." Bastet replied. The catlike true Caster servant landed near BB and Zenitsu. "There you are." she told Zenitsu. " Our master is still in hiding. We must not let her down."
"Right...I'll do my best. Zenitsu focused on Joker. "No more hiding..." said Zenitsu. He looked serious agsin,this time being awake. He blitzes toward Joker. Bastet summons another ssndstorm around Joker.
"Copycat told me not to reveal my identity, but I can say that you are in a battle, time to finish this." Joker responds to Zenitsu as the fellow teen had asked the phantom thief about both his identity and the situation that both had found themselves in; 'Copycat' being the thief name he thought of on the fly for Eve. It only seemed appropriate for her to have a thief nickname if she is working with the leader of the Phantom Thieves. In any event, he aimed Tyrant's Pistol EX at the False Assassin. He hesitates for a moment, however, to shoot a cowering opponent, reminding him of Okumura's final moments.

"Caster, cease your hesitance and finish the opponent off. He would not give the same quarter to us!" Comes the shout of True Shielder, whose experiences back at Troy leave him with less hesitancy when it comes to ending opponents. With this shout ringing in his ears, Joker snaps out of it, and then pulled the trigger, aiming to put the opponent out of commission for the rest of the battle, if not outright eliminate him. However, his earlier hesitance gave BB the time necessary to pull off her rocket maneuver and fly over to Zenitsu's rescue, causing the finishing blow to miss its target.

Then, a stalemate hangs over the battlefield with BB's taunts, allowing Joker to fall back slightly to Eve and Aeneas's position. While Steven was away, the battle was a three on three, with Eve, Aeneas and Joker facing off against BB, Beowulf, and Zenitsu. "We could fight, or take the opportunity to retreat for now. As the master, the decision is yours. Thus I must ask, your orders lass, what are they?" Aeneas asks Eve, looking to her. While he was of the opinion that they could still win the match if they rushed forward, he was unsure of how her mana supplies were holding up. Every swing of his sword and shield, and every spell from Caster, she was being drained. The burning question being posed causes Joker to turn to her, rather than answer BB's taunts, since BB wasn't a social link.

With both servants looking to Eve, as the master and resident mana battery for them, for her decision on what happens next, she gives her command, in her normal, dull voice, being soft enough so that only her servants can hear her. "We hold out for now. The task is to obtain the grail or the gem. Retreating now would be premature and open us up to be struck from the back. Shielder, block their attempts to get closer. Caster, launch your spells to keep them at a distance."

"Understood." Replies Shielder, as he holds his large shield up. He doesn't deploy the noble phantasm for it, believing he can hold back blows from a human or Assassin with just the shield alone. The berserker was an unknown, but hopefully wouldn't be fast enough to close the gap. Seeing Zenitsu blitz forward, he aims his shield to prevent the assassin from striking.

Rather than give a response to Eve, Joker decides to just go for the attack. He rips off his mask, de-summoning Siegfried and causing a purple man in white cloth, holding a spear, to appear from the battlefield. Three electrified spears come from the sky, aiming in spite of the sandstorm which gets summoned at the same time the persona is summoned, once again targeting the mana presences of Bastet, Beowulf, Zenitsu, and BB.
"Odin! Wild Thunder!" He cries out.
"Watch out!" Bastet cried to Zenitsu she casted a barrier in attempt to deflect whatever attacks that would be unleashed by Joker's summon.
Zenitsu,as his attack was deflected heard sounds from his master. She needed to be protected.
Meanwhile,Marina stil in her hiding spot was watching what was going on.She wondered what to do.
Even Zenitsu who was scared was still fighthing. It was risky but she needed to fight alongside her servants. She casted a water spell and unleaseh it toward Eve and her servants.

As Zenitsu arrived to Marina's side. He was surprised that his master made her first move.

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