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"Sweet jinkies! What happened to your arm?!" Allison freaked out at the sight of Rean's mutated arm. Claire, however, remained calm. "Your Servant done that to you? Have you not realized what's about to happen to you once you've fully mutated? I think it's already clear to me that you've lost your mind." She said right before Rean charges in for the attack. Claire backed away from his claw right on time, getting some distance away from him for her to throw the Black Keys at him. Meanwhile, Allison watched on, clutching the Black Key that the nun gave her as she has doubts on whether she wants to interfere or not.

On the other hand, while Lancer prepares for an attack, Saber dashed towards Ruler. Seeing this, she uses her flames to fire off a huge burst to push Saber away, but the Azure Knight proved himself to be very resilient as he went through. She quickly bend back to dodge the blow and felt such a strong force from it that some trees where cut down by it. "Alright, you want some of me? Then eat this!" Ruler yelled as her fists get covered by her flames and delivered a hard punch on the torso. She looked up and saw that her fiery punch didn't at least push him back. She followed up with another and then another until she began to give Saber a fiery barrage of fast punches.

Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Funnier President Funnier President
Interaction: ZackStop ZackStop
Post Until NP Ends: 2

As if predicting this from the start, Noble 6 will be met with a buster cannon charging as he touched the ground, pointed at him he grabbed his hair, firing a point blank Charged Plasma shot directly onto his neck as his knee cracked Zero's back, sending more sparks all over his body and making him cough up more blood as he was launched forward, punching and shattering more of Zero's helmet, revealing his endoskeleton--which was surprisingly fleshy in some ways. Including his human face.

'Zero...!' A voice echoed in Zero's mind--his Master, it seems she was nearby!

'Not...Yet!' Zero groaned in pain as he skidded along the ground, 'Wait for my signal! Then...Intervene!' He said, aiming and firing plasma shots from afar--at this point, he's just hoping his opponent's wasting enough mana with his attacks. He began charging another shot, which was soon fired as a spear of ice, flying like a bullet towards Noble 6, timing it when he would lunge again at Zero.

If hit, no doubt, the Spartan would be frozen solid.

"A Malfested need not be a shambling, feral mess such as these fine folks you've so easily dispatched. The strength of ones soul is also something that needs to be taken into account, Sister Claire" uttered Rean as he calmly deflected each Black-Key with his mutated arm. Dark energies coursed through the limb as Rean gestured towards the pair of women with an outstretched hand. Having been forced to mind Soul Edge while Saber slumbered. The malicious nature of the weapon had planted a seed of corruption in Rean. However unlike those whose souls had been stolen away by Soul Edge. Rean still had his, albeit corrupted. Such Malfestation made him stronger and faster than the average magus. While the energy drain was certainly annoying. A tool like this had to become an asset if Rean was to eliminate Ruler's Master. Forcing his arm to produce a tendril of dark energy. Rean grasped the length and rushed at Sister Claire whilst whipping it about. He hoped to take advantage of her Executor training to make her overthink his tactics. That way he could remove her from the equation so he could finally deal to Rulers Master...


Saber merely stood tall against the burning fists of Ruler. As if the puny flames of such a puny Servant could contend with the Azure Knight who contained Inferno itself. Looking down on Ruler while she wasted his time. Saber grabbed Ruler with his demonic claw and squeezed as hard as he could. "PERISH MAIDEN! SQUIRM HELPLESSLY AS YOUR FORM IS CRUSHED INTO DUST!" cried the towering knight with his booming voice. Regardless of whatever attack Lancer was preparing currently. Saber did not care in the slightest. This Holy Maiden had earned his ire. Therefore it was imperative that she was destroyed so that Soul Edge could be sated. As a being comprised of metal and bone. Saber was not truly living, even in the sense of a regular Servant. Soul Edge was with him. Which meant Inferno could reassemble this armored form as many times as needed. Together they were an endless Nightmare. Not a one of these inferior beings stood any chance of truly defeating him with their meager abilities...

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Claire felt annoyed when Rean swiped away the Black Keys. Rean went for the attack, forcing Claire to back away from the tendril he is whipping at her. She needed to find a blind spot for her to strike. She planted a Black Key on the ground and before Rean could strike her, she hopped on the handle and bounced off to perform a flip high above the Magus to throw Black Keys from above before landing behind him to throw a few more.

Meanwhile, as Ruler continued with her assault, Saber grabbed her with his demonic arm. "Hey! Let go of me you-" As Ruler struggled to break free, Saber slowly and mercilessly squeezed her. Ruler let's out a scream of pain and agony, pleasing the sadistic ears of Nightmare. Surely he will enjoy every single moment tormenting Ruler until she dies.

Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Funnier President Funnier President
Jason Grace

Luckily for him, Saber had decided to leave him alone, allowing the unknown servant to charge up a storm. Lightning flickered across the sky in bursts of energy as dark clouds boomed. Fortunately, Saber appeared single-minded in his sole focus of destroying Ruler. Gritting his teeth, Lancer tried to think of what he could do. He had a storm, but he couldn't exactly start sending thunderbolts at Saber while Ruler was still in his grip. Then, an idea came to him. An absolutely insane idea, but maybe, he could make it work.

Landing back on the ground, Lancer thrurst his golden sword into the sky. A burning scent of ozone would be detectable, before suddenly, a thunderbolt struck! Its target however, wasn't Saber...

A second bolt, then a third, joined the first, landing straight onto Lancers blade. Lighting coursed though Lancer also, but he somehow was still standing, despite his clothes looking they had just been smacked by lighting. This little show was sure to get the attention of Saber- any maybe some other, prying eyes.

Lancer gritted his teeth. Mana-wise, this took quite a giant out of him. And he was draining more by the second, simply by keeping the lighting attached to his blade. Not a single second could be wasted from here. His Imperial Gold Sword was already feeling like molten metal. It was now or never.

Like a bullet, Lancer charged, his feet barely touching the ground. Meanwhile the lighting on his sword rearranging its self, The trees whipped back from the pure speed at which Lancer charged.

With a roar of fury, Lancer thrust out his "sword" It was clear now what the Lightning has transformed into.

A Lance, no doubt removing doubt that the servant here wasn't any other class.

If Saber didn't manage to block the blow, the lighting would blast out as Lancer stabbed. A weapon designed to kill monsters, along with three lighting bolts worth of divine lighting in one thrust? A bad combination for the dark Saber.

However, even if Saber's blade work was fast enough to parry the blow, The lighting would release itself from the blade, shooting straight at the dark! Regardless of whatever happened, one things clear.

Whoever Lancer is, he clearly has divinity as a trait if his, judging from his sword and lighting.

Something drastic will have to be done if Night mare wishes to come out unscathed.

Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Topless Topless
After several punches it was done, even after getting shot. Not only was he able to destroy the only head protection Zero had, but he also managed to severely damaged the only head Zero had. 6 raised him up by the hair before striking him with a firm punch to the face, sending him skidding back.

6 took a moment to look in his hand, a lock of the golden hair that came from Zero's head. He opened his fist to let it fall before pulling his knife out again, and aggressively walking over to where Zero had gone. He was like a grizzly bear, playing with his pray. Uncharacteristic, but terrifying to the average onlooker. His pray was armed however, and it was unwise to toy with it for long. As the Mad Enhancement courses through the Assassin servant, his reaction time only increased to a dangerous degree, as well as his body's reaction to what he sees. Side stepping and ducking under plasma fire as he approached little by little.

It was when the bolts stopped for Zero to power up a big that 6 found it suitable to pick up the pace. The man began to sprint as it looked like Zero had a last ditch effort, that's the way it seemed at least, and as a blue hue emanated from Zero's barrel, 6 began an evasive maneuver. He was only some 10ft. away when 6 gave Zero the opening he was looking for, but as the ice spear flew towards him, "spartan time" came into effect. It was as if it was all in slow motion, as 6 tilted his body to the side. The projectile was admittedly quick, much quicker than the other projectiles he had used previously.

As the spear of ice grazed 6's left shoulder, he began to crouch and slide across the pavement. Time reverted back to normal, he slid right up to Zero and like a spear, grabbed hold of his shotgun and thrusted the barrel up against his enemy's chest with enough force to send someone tumbling back or even knocking them off their feet. But that wasn't the end of it, as 6 pulled the trigger, furthering the attack to something much more devastating. it would be a point blank shotgun blast no more than 3ft. from his chest.

As a sheet of ice formed on 6's shoulder, an irritated snarl came from the soldier, or what was left of him now that his mind was compromised. He made a loud grunt as he swung down like a lumberjack cutting wood, breaking apart the thin sheet of ice and stabbing Zero's damaged left leg with his combat knife. Puncturing the knee before yanking it to the side, in an attempt to lob it off.

Rean continued to shatter the Black Keys with minimal effort. While to the most amateur of magi. These throwing blades would seem quite intimidating. Capable Executors were able to throw them with deadly speed and accuracy. There was just one problem though. This was the modern era. Black Keys were considered outdated by the majority of the Church. Certainly they proved to be quite effective back in the Renaissance. However once technology improved and Conceptual Weapons like the Ash Lock became widely available. Only moronic hipsters chose to use Black Keys. Sister Claire didn't intimidate him in the least. She relied on outdated techniques, outdated weapons and outdated morals. Whereas he had killed an Executor with genuine skill just after meeting her for the first time. Shooting forth the tendril from his arm. Rean felt his flesh begin to burn as he extended the length of his appendage. Despite making it look like he was trying to pierce Sister Claire through the shoulder. He actually wanted to bait her into dodging so he'd have a clear shot at the wall behind Ruler's Master. Forcing the tendril to pull him towards his true target. Rean planned on ending the young female cowering behind her Black Key.

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Saber continued to crush Rulers bones with sadistic glee. Soon he would add her soul to the plethora within Soul Edge. He would even claim the soul of her Master just to spite her. Saber despised Holy Maidens, they stood in the way of Soul Edge's hunt for souls. However he felt the mana in the air begin to shift. Looking to the heavens. He was pleased to see that Lancer had finished whatever weak preparations he had made. It was no Noble Phantasm, that was for sure. Which made Saber feel insulted that the Spear Servant hadn't even bothered to use the power indicative of his legend. As he clenched Ruler in his clawed hand and watched Lancer return to the ground. Saber was bemused that Lancer was attempting to strike him with lightning. He'd seen Lancer move and understood that he had a disadvantage in speed against the wielder of the golden sword. However Saber was not Berserker. His mind contained the vast knowledge of all who had wielded Soul Edge. So he was able to plan ahead. When Lancer began moving towards him at increasing speed. Saber awaited the moment when he hit a certain threshold before foisting Ruler in front of him. Lancer would need to put great effort into either slowing down or darting away. Which would inevitably waste his window of opportunity and destroy his plan. Alternatively he could pierce Ruler just to get at Saber. Either way, he had better start planning...

Funnier President Funnier President

As predicted, Claire dodged the incoming tendril, not knowing that it is heading towards Allison. "Shit!" Claire cursed,but before she could pursue it, all of a sudden the appendage got knocked back upon hitting the dumpster. Claire was confused as she had noticed earlier that the dumpster was on the verge of collapse. Then she noticed that something was off about it. She felt a little signature of prana coming from the dumpster. "Did she put up a Bounded Field on it?" She thought, which is actually correct as Allison had reinforced the dumpster right before Claire would fight Rean.

"Alright, I think I've really done it now..." Allison thought as she slowly began to panic over what is next for her. She thought that she'll just stand up and make a run for it while Claire distracts her, but Rean would stop at nothing to get to her. She took a deep breath and showed herself to him. "Hey! What are you doing?! You should just scram away from here!" Claire yelled out of genuine concern, but Allison ignored her plea as she clutched heavily on the Black Key. Rean would notice that her legs are shaking violently, a sign of fear.

Meanwhile, as Ruler struggles to break free, she noticed that Lancer is charging towards Saber. Unfortunately, Nightmare decided to use Ruler as a shield. Knowing what's about to go down, Ruler quickly swung body upwards just in time for Lancer to stab Saber. In the process, she twisted her arm a bit more, a price she is willing to pay.

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Rean was surprised that the little magus in front of him had thought to apply Reinforcement Magecraft to the dumpster. It would appear as if she did know at least something useful. Feeling his arm continue to burn with corrupted power. His body began to suffer from withdrawal. He could no longer supply enough mana to properly protect himself against the backlash of his new appendage. Falling to one knee and clutching at his arm. Rean began to force his brain to work overtime to come up with a solution to his problem. In such a state of weakness. Sister Claire would actually have a good chance of eliminating him. Saber would no longer have a Master and could run rampant. His Servant's unique method of soul acquisition would make sustaining himself simple. However Sabers actions would inevitably bring far too much attention. Thousands would perish before a method to destroy the Azure Knight could be found. As morally grey as he was. Not even Rean was monstrous enough to allow Saber to unleash Soul Edge upon the world. Which was why Rean HAD to survive. Even if it meant changing into something less than human.

Noticing the crimson liquid oozing from the wounds of the dead Malfested. Rean smiled bitterly as a solution presented itself. Channeling mana into his legs and dodge rolling past the subsequent attacks of Sister Claire. The corrupted limb of Rean tore out the heart of a Malfested. Crushing it above his head. The blood drained into his gullet within moments. Rean almost retched at the vile and metallic taste. However he could feel his arm begin to surge with new vigor. A mere corpse wasn't enough to properly rejuvenate Rean. So he called over more Malfested. Tearing out the still beating heart of another corrupted soul. Rean found the blood went down much smoother than before. Holding his head and crying out in pain. Od began to flow through Rean's magic circuits once more. Dashing toward Rulers Master with inhuman speed. Rean swiped at her terrified visage with his glowing claw.

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Saber's plan to force Ruler to block Lancer's attack had failed. Now a blade made from lightning had pierced his torso. If he had been flesh, this would have caused a grievous wound. However his vessel was simply punctured by the attack. Though the force of said attack was enough to punch a hole all the way through. Unholy energies began to appear as a crimson mist from the hole. Although he could easily patch up said hole with enough time. That was not something he could do at this moment. Instead he took the Ruler Servant in his clawed hand and used her as a secondary weapon. With his right hand he began to take powerful swings at Lancer. His left hand was utilized to bash at Lancer with Ruler. Despite having the obvious disadvantage when it came to speed. Saber was attempting to force Lancer to either retreat or charge forward using his greater strength. The Azure Knight may have been a hulking figure of metal and bone. However he was every bit a skilled warrior as those who had previous held his sword. Generating small shockwaves with the pure force of his blows. Saber eagerly awaited the response of the golden haired Servant with his equally golden weapon.

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The servant of the spear looked quite surprised at the fact that his attack hadn't done much against the power of the spear. Although, he didn't exactly have time to worry about it. As the dark servant began to swing his sword and bash at him with Ruler, he opted to dodge instead of block the attacks, using the wind to give him that small additional push he tried his best to avoid shockwaves from the force of Saber's blows. He was clearly slowing down, however, showing exhaustion from his previous trick with the lightning!

Glancing at Ruler, Lancer managed to hatch a plan. Well, maybe plan wasn't the right phrase. More like a crazy idea.

Again as Saber swung his dark blade at him, Lancer, instead of merely moving other of the way, pushed himself off the ground, going into the air! The blade in his hand shrunk down to a coin as he climbed onto the larger servant's back, attempting to pull his head back! With his free hand, he threw the coin at Ruler. If she managed to catch it, it would grow either into the blade Lancer had been using, or a Pilum, a Roman spear, depending on which way she caught it

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Claire noticed how much in pain Rean is. It should have been her time to attack him, but then the Magus had other ideas; namely, drinking the blood of the Malfested to become more powerful. "Sick!" Claire was disgusted by the sight of him ripping the hearts of the once healthy innocents while Allison began to sweat profusely. With Rean fully energized, he went into the attack at a speed that Claire cannot make the save in time. Allison shuts her eyes.

"Ruler, I'm sorry..."

But then something happened. "AVENGER!" Claire yelled. Once Allison had opened her eyes, she would see a cloaked figure right in front of her, holding the demonic hand of Rean with such great strength that he would let him go very easily. "Huh? W-Who are you?" Allison asked but Avenger did not say a word, instead he is focused on Rean. "You..." He spoke "You remind me of myself. But unfortunately, I'm going to have to stop you right here." He pulled back his free arm and formed a fist. He swiftly threw a strong punch to the head, which sent him not only flying away, but the force of it managing to rip off his demonic hand off.

Claire went over to Allison and said "Let's get out of here. Clearly you're still no match to him as a Master." Allison looked at her and asked "How did you know that I'm a Master?" Claire grabbed her arm and said "I'll answer that later. Come on, let's get back to your Servant and make a run for it." She then dragged Allison far away from Rean and Avenger followed suit, having decided to keep the severed arm as a precaution.

Meanwhile, Saber had the gall to use Ruler as a weapon. By this point, she is getting a bit dizzy from the swinging, but Lancer was very quick to avoid the blows before he tossed the coin to her. Ruler caught it and it turned into a sword. "Thanks!" She said and she swung the sword onto Saber's arm in the hopes of freeing herself from his grasps.

Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Funnier President Funnier President
"I can't do this anymore... I can't stay here any longer!" Ashton shouted into the wind as he took one final look at his childhood home. So many good and bad memories filled his head at the sight of it, but in this context, at this moment in time, the good outweighed the bad. He had to go. Ash grasped himself by his forearms, stricken with a rumbling, nervous pain. He couldn't go back. This was the point of no return. He was so scared. This moment felt so unreal, almost dreamlike. He couldn't believe it was actually happening. He had snuck out and was prepared to run away, finally. He'd finally be free of tyranny. This was it. This was-

"...A big mistake."

Ashton's head reeled with thoughts of regret he'd never experienced before. How could he be so stupid? Running away? Even if he could admit to himself he shouldn't have done it, whether he liked it or not, there wasn't a reset for this kind of blunder.

He sat in an old tattered chair with his hands, feet, and waist tied into it. He couldn't breathe. The air around him was stuffy, and with the black burlap sack over his head he couldn't see jack. He remembered how scared he was when he ran away from home, and that was nothing compared to what it felt to be bound and blindfolded. He'd just woken up there, having no idea how he arrived. Perhaps he was drugged? The last thing he remembered was walking by himself along the outskirts of a fenced off area with no grass. In the distance loomed a factory that stretched for miles. He remembered wondering what was made at the factory, and if the workers enjoyed their jobs there. Smoke emitted from the many exhaust towers, filling the sky with a heavy gray miasma. He remembered thinking he might apply for a job there if nothing better was around. Could he envision himself as a factory worker? What would he do?


This train of thought was the last thing he could remember before waking up in the chair. His heart sank into the pit of his stomach. What the hell was going to happen to him now? "God it stinks down here.." he blurted, caughing out and gagging as he could almost taste the stench of raw sewage and mold. "Where the hell am I?" He asked out loud, though without expecting an answer. Someone had to be planning to do something with him, something he didn't like, but it seemed they weren't around at the moment. He couldn't see anything with the sack over his head, anyway. What a stupid situation he found himself in, he thought.

It wasn't until he'd fallen asleep and woken up a plethora of times until finally footsteps could be heard. Ash was starving. He could hardly think straight. He also grew paranoid. He'd finally come face to face with his captor. Moreover, he didn't know what to expect. Torture? Rape? Interrogation? Horrific images and questions flooded his mind until a voice brought the quiet noise to a screeching halt.

"You must be hungry." said the voice.

"What?" Ash jerked in his hair. "What the hell? You're feeding me?"

The footsteps stopped.

"So how long you gonna keep me here before you turn my carcass into modern art? You gonna sell me on the black market, weirdo?"

The stranger laughed at his authentic smartassery. "What have you been reading on the internet, kid?" the plate was placed on a table and the sack was lifted from Ash's head. The boy blinked in astound at the figure standing before him. A bird's head stared him point-blank in the eyes, floating atop what appeared to be a spider's body veiled by a long, bellowing black cloak. The mouth didn't move as the creature spoke, a detail which almost gave Ash relief to know that it was only a man in a mask. He thanked the scooby doo gang for teaching him that bit of wisdom. Ash had some witty remark about Halloween on his mind but he was too deep in shock to get the words out.

"Since you made me laugh, I guess I'll forego the sadistic torture gimmick for something a lot cooler. You have a special gift, right?"

Ash widened his expression. Someone could tell? Someone else knew he was different? Could this bird head thing have a connection to his strange power? He had never told anyone about it, not even his parents. Still, he couldn't tell what this crazy wanted with his special gift or whatever. He would keep playing the victim until he got out of the ropes.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Ash scoffed as he puffed up his nose and turned away. "I won't answer to a weird bird! Get the hell away from me, pervert!"

The stranger stammered. "What a temper! You sure got a mouth there, kid! Makes me wonder if I should even teach you magick!"

"More bull! You think I believe in Santa Claus, too? Untie me!"

The stranger snickered. "You got spunk, kid. Check this out." He clattered backward on chitinous stilt-like feet and surrounded himself with a bright blue aura. The room darkened around the glow of this circle of flame which emitted outward a strong gust of air. From the aura came two shining stars that emerged physically manifesting as a jack-o-lantern draped over by another cloak and a tomato with four long twiggy legs. No way was this real. He had to be on something strong.

"I'm seeing things! What are those?"

"Those?" protested the tomato with a hiss. It approached Ash and climbed up enough to look him in the face. "Am I real enough for ya now, punk?"

"Easy, Heinz! We want him alive, now!" the pumpkin head giggled. A pair of fuzzy paws stuck out from under the adornment and its body stretched upward exposing a dainty black tail. The creature then leapt onto the boy's head and gazed down at him. "We're gonna have a lot of fun with you buddy!"

It was then that Ash started his new adventure. The three would go on to teach him how to hone his magical skills and practice key arcane rituals. Heinz and Jackory, along with the bird headed mystery man who came to be known as Hermes, watched him grow into a mage who could eventually take on their final assignment. He'd earned his own cloak, an emblem of the pact he made with the group.

"We want you to summon the almighty Caster!" stated Heinz in excitement. "The one to end the war of all wars!"

"Caster..." Ash mused. His teachers had mentioned that name several times but it was finally time to meet this being. The magic circle had already been drawn on the floor in unknown blood. The candles were in the right places. It was time to begin. He placed his treasure in the middle, a necklace his mother gave him years ago. When he looked at it for the last time, for a moment, he felt homesick. But there was no going back. He placed it down and the others placed their treasures. The circle glowed briefly with a bright blue light, then shifted to an eerie black and purple. Bolts of ether like lightning circled the room, cracking and booming. Ash recited the incantation.

"A dragon's lair,
A hollow tree,
A city in the sky,
A haunted church,
A pirate's hoard,
A penguin's museum,
A dome on the moon,
A thousand year tomb;
Today, the thousandth year,
I beg of thee, Caster,
Rise again and take form,
Rise and together with me wage war."

As he finished the chant, the air turned cold and fearsome. Sickly aura poured from the circle and engulfed Ash's mind. Everything went dark except for the glow of the circle, from which a giant, ornate door rose up and caused the ground to rumble. Ash and the others were brought to their knees and watched in awe at what was taking place. They could all tell that a truly terrifying power was in their presence, and it wasn't to be trifled with.


"Look! Something's appearing on the door!" Jackory squeaked with delight. Seven images of different colored stars filled designated spots along the ends of the door, each glittering with their own unique beauty. The door slowly creaked open with a loud thunderous echo, and through its entrance a portal could be seen.

"This is awesome!" Ash exclaimed. "We're actually making history here!"

From the portal a coffin emerged and floated to the floor, erected upwards and surrounded by purple flames. It descended with a thunk and dropped its lid to the floor. The cult gazed into the dark abyss inside the coffin with anticipation, wondering what the summoned spirit would look like.

The Caster stepped out from the darkness within her place of slumber.


"You're so - - beautiful!" Hermes gasped.

"What an entrance!" Heinz cheered.

The woman standing before them looked around at her new subjects. Three strange looking figures and a young boy. Is this all she had to greet her into the world?

"You there. Boy." She pointed to Ash. "You summoned me, yes?"

Ashton gulped. How could he possibly work up the nerve to speak confidently to this imposing entity? Her aura was off the charts, and he could feel it pounding against his brain. She was giving off a heavy essence of bloodlust and evil. At a loss for words, the boy nodded in affirmation.

"Pathetic. You are not worthy to serve me. Not yet."

"Great Caster," Hermes began, "Whether he is worthy or not, we have found a master to lead you into war for-"

"SILENCE!" the caster shouted as a bolt of lightning struck just near Hermes, causing him to stumble and fall. "NONE SHALL CALL HIMSELF MASTER OF I! BOW BEFORE THE SHADOW QUEEN!"

More bolts of lightning struck inside the room, and the members of the cult lowered themselves.

The shadow queen approached Ashton and grabbed his wrist, exposing the tattoo on his arm. The command seal of the holy grail war.

"Under no circumstances are you to activate this seal under penalty of death. Do you understand?"

Ash nodded again, his body trembling. This was pure chaos. He couldn't begin to fathom the contract he was getting into.

"I know all about your little war. And I intend to win. But you will know your place, boy. You will do as I say and you will not leave my sight. Now rise."

Ash stood up carefully, accepting his new role and responsibility. He had to, or else. No going back now.

"You three fools are of no use to me. My slave and I are going to make preparations. You will do well to stay out of our way." With that, the queen snapped her fingers, and a host of demonic hands rose from the ground and transported herself and Ash to another place. The three cultists were left aghast.

Meanwhile, the pair arrived in the queen's lair, an ancient tomb that really looked more like a Gothic Era castle. Ash had been put to sleep, and the hands that carried him lie him down on a ritual table surrounded by candles. The queen called upon her ruby star and used it to draw magic symbols around his body. She was preparing a dark ritual with Ash in the center. With the preparations complete, she joined him on the table and connected their streams of consciousness.

Deep in his mind, in his dream, Ash found himself bound in a sea of darkness.


"Since you did the honor of summoning me, you'll be rewarded by becoming truly useful to my goals."

It was there in that pocket outside of reality where Ash would be subjected to several means of magical torment in order to mold him and make him obedient.

Having been so casually tossed aside by the appearance of an Avenger Class-Servant. Rean grit his teeth as blood gushed out from the stub which once ended in his transformed limb. Said limb was already in the process of being carried off by Avenger. Watching as Sister Claire ran away with Ruler's Master in tow. Rean tried to push himself off the ground so he could pursue. He had no idea how long his body would last in this state. There was a chance that he would mutate into something far more horrific than just a Malfested. Snatching a nearby burning branch from the ground. Rean forcibly cauterized his wound by shoving said branch into it. He'd have to find a replacement later on. Standing up and taking shallow breaths. His first instinct was to follow after Avenger. Though with how he was doing with his failing body. Rean would have to escape so he could heal. Focusing his mind and looking for his Servant. Rean was able to locate Saber battling with Ruler and Lancer. Ordering the Azure Knight to withdraw for now. He stepped back into the shadows before vanishing from the scene.


Watching as Lancer attempted some kind of foolish plan. Saber was surprised to see him discard his own weapon. A Servant giving their Noble Phantasm to another was courting danger. However even then it barely did any damage to the fleshy limb that held Ruler. The infernal powers that emanated from the mighty Soul Edge far exceeded such a feeble weapon. "Pathetic. A weakling wielding a weaklings weapon" remarked the Azure Knight before shoving his arm deeper into the blade. Once it had gotten stuck. He threw Ruler to the ground and dug his sabaton into her pelvis. Driving the crimson blade of his weapon into her chest. Saber went for a killing blow. However for some reason his blade didn't seem to strike the heart like he intended. When he went for another strike. Saber heard the call of his Master summoning him from the battle field. Bellowing like a wild animal and stomping his foot on the injured Ruler. The Azure Knight called his shadowy steed and rode off through the flames...

Topless Topless Funnier President Funnier President

Ruler got thrown onto the ground real hard. She bitterly looked at Saber as he spoke and responded with "Fuck...you- AAAAAAAGHHHH!!!" Unfortunately, Saber struck a deadly blow onto her pelvis which made her let out an agonizing cry. Blood began to drip from her mouth and her vision turned blurry. Eventually, the pain was so tremendous that after a few seconds, Ruler passed out. Saber pulled his sword off and stomped her wound before leaving just as Allison has arrived.

"RULER!!!" She cried as she rushed up to her Servant. She got down to her knees and lifted her up to see how badly wounded she is. "Ruler, are you okay? Please, wake up." Tears began to drop as Allison made futile attempts to wake her Servant up. Just then, Claire and Avenger caught up to the two and they looked down at the unconscious Ruler. "Goodness gracious, Ruler got beaten up pretty well." The nun felt pity at the sight while Avenger stayed silent. Claire walked up to Allison and knelt down so that she can say "Don't worry, let me help you with that." Her hand glowed green and Allison was stunned.

Claire dragged her finger around Ruler, the wounds that went by closed up and her arm repaired. With that done, Ruler regained consciousness. She opened her eyes to the sight of her Master in tears. "Ruler?" Allison quietly spoke. "Huh? The hell just happened?" Ruler asked but then Allison quickly embraced her in relief. "Ruler! Thank God you're okay." She said as she cried onto her Servant. "H-Hey!" Ruler was taken by surprise by the sudden gesture, but nevertheless understood how she felt. "There there, everything's alright now." Claire spoke calmly at Allison. "Everything is alright except for that fire over there." Avenger said, pointing at the massive flames that is still present.

"Oh shit!" Ruler exclaimed before she got up along with Allison. They looked at the flames and Ruler said "Now, what to do with that fire? I don't supposed that I can use my Noble Phantasm to turn it into something big." Just then, Avenger stepped up and said "Allow me." He walked up close to the flames and did something that the other's couldn't see due to the cloak. He raised his arm and air began to circle around it to form a cyclone. He throws a punch to let out a huge burst of wind that blows out the flames, leaving only the burned forest. Both Ruler and Allison was shocked from what they've witnessed, but Claire remained calm. "It's done." Avenger said before he asked "Can we leave now?"


-DAY 2-

After a very grueling battle, Allison thanked Claire, Avenger and even Lancer for helping out Ruler and then parted ways. However, Ruler felt something suspicious about Claire and Avenger as if they have some motives of their own. Still, the night has passed and the day has come. The headlines today is something about a riot that ended up causing a huge fire, another cover up from the Church to hide the real incident. Today is just another ordinary day.

Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Funnier President Funnier President Orihara Orihara Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 Knight boi Knight boi ZackStop ZackStop
The Second Day
ZackStop ZackStop

Ichi slowly woke up and noticed she was in a unfamiliar place. Just where was she?

Meanwile, back at Shiori's place, the white demon was outside with servants 69 and 2 looking at the three giant robots brought in by shipping container, as they were rolled out on wheeled platforms. A white haired male with red eyes was looking over his clipboard, yet it seemed as if he was not happy about this.
"Wow Kaze, you really got these built within a day." Shiori told the male.

The male grunted. "It's taken a chunk out of my time researching the possibilities of multiversal travel. Why did you need my help again?"
"Whpo else but you can build machines as cool as these?" Shiori replied, with a smile. "If you weren't my step sister, I'd have ignored your request outright."

He then walked off to the side as he looked around. "Where's your servant? I need to ask him about if I built the machines correctly or not."
"He's looking for Ichi." Shiori replied, arms crossed as she looked a bit sad.
"Ichi is MIA?"
Shiori nodded. "She went off yesterday on a mission and she hasnt returned. I fear something terrible happened."

"Shiori... Irenia's death is still haunting you, isnt it?"
Shiori turned away from Kaze and had a hand over her eye in pain.
"Just leave me be for now."
Kaze nodded and started to walk off. "I'll stay around for a few days. You never know when you may need a genius scientist like myself."
Shiori didnt respond.

--Zero || Kyria Pennyworth--
Interaction: ZackStop ZackStop
Posts Until NP Ends: NOW

Seeing Noble 6 barely graze through his shot, Zero saw this as an opportunity to call upon his Master for aid as he slid back. His eyes squinted, trying to focus on that one particular chance.

"NOW!" Zero called out before being knocked back by getting struck by a shotgun directly on the chest, knocking him onto the air with a shot, further damaging his chasis--3 shiny quartz passing by the red reploid from above. Which, by sheer luck and chance, the shotguns' shots hit alongside the reploid, causing the gemstones charged with mana to burst with a heavy gust of wind along with a thick mist, which obscured the 2nd type of gemstone tossed as it interrupted the Assassin's stab by creating a wall of rock directly in front of Zero--just as his Noble Phantasm dissipated, The Assassin's head

Seeing this as his chance, Zero fled through the city alleyways, learning quite a bit about his opponent through this brief skirmish alone.

This Servant is definitely armed to the bone, his presence well hidden. Nearly undetectable. No doubt, it was an Assassin based on a futuristic soldier not unlike him, with incredible reflexes and arsenal. His power, however, is questionable. It might be the effect of Maverick Virus giving The Assassin Mad Enhancement's boost in strength, but that's unimportant. The Master, however, is another story. This Master is inexperienced but capable of disassembling machines like him.

"It would be best if we eliminate him first." Zero scoffed as he ran his damaged ass through the alleyways, waiting for his Auto Repair skill to kick in.

And so, the night ended as they returned home in a somewhat safe state...

--Kyria Pennyworth--
Status: Normal
Interaction: OPEN

Due to last night's skirmish, Zero had to stay home to get repaired for the day. The Assassin had done some intense damage on the Maverick Hunter. If Kyria didn't interfere in time, Zero would've been a goner.

"Geez...Are all Grail Wars this intense...?" The newbie Master sighs in defeat as she walked from her apartment to her workplace at the Arcade. She needs to spend some time working before visiting her mother for advice. After all, she may have bitten more than she can chew in this arrangement...
The next morning, Zach stood in the courtyard located behind their mansion. He stared at a bronze statue, somewhat faded green from the elements, yet maintains a dark brown luster. His eyes drew towards the base of the statue, a life-sized statue of his grandfather's father. It was "GONPANDER", printed on the plaque in bold that Zach focused on, as he pondered on the events of last night. That red servant and their now hostage, a mysterious girl with pure white hair. They deduced she was not a servant, an assassin, maybe.

"Whoever they work for must be a participant in the war, and whoever that is must be cautious to be sending an agent into the fray." Zach thought to himself, before closing his eyes and thinking back to the events following the battle.

Zach had begun running down the street towards the battle, leaving Ichi behind in the vehicle. He saw that 6 had gone berserk, but then a sudden explosion of what looked like gas had formed. "What?-" Zach squinted, swearing that he saw a figure that threw something reflective in the moonlight. He was very new to magic, so he was so unsure of what he saw, but once he reached his servant, he realized that the one in red had escaped.

It took a moment, but 6 quickly regained control over himself, standing up and towering over Zacharias. "They got away." the spartan said, placing the shotgun on his back.

Later, after returning to the mansion, Ichi was the first order of business. What to do with her. York, Zach's father didn't seem pleased to have this outcome. It was decided that she would be held hostage, and subjected to interrogation on their enemy. Zach watched for a moment as they took the unconscious girl away, before feeling the weight of exhaustion. He knew that the next day, would be rough. Balancing war and school would certainly be the biggest challenge.

Zach opened his eyes once more to see the Gonpander plaque still there. He felt like he almost dozed off for a moment, something he wasn't used to after years of having a perfect internal clock, only for it to now be interrupted. There was then a couple of honks from the SUV, prompting him to turn his head. He made sure his hand was wrapped in gauze tightly and his concealed dagger was secure, before walking to his mode of transportation.

As Zach went to school, Ichi regained consciousness in a dark room, stripped of her weapons. After some time the lights came on, nearly blinding to her with no time for her eyes to adjust, as she hears someone enter the room, followed by the sound of a door closing behind them. The foot steps approached her, but no words were spoken yet.

Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27
Day 2
The Shadow Queen

A dark miasma that filled the tomb's inner sanctum started to slowly dissipate as the shadow queen finished her ritual. Candles lit around the chamber, first with ominous black flames, which flickered and changed to blue, then to orange. A soft gust of wind that seemed to ignore the flames blew away the miasma while the queen floated down from her ceremonial table. She snapped her fingers and in an instant summoned her three shadow sirens, the sisters Vivian, Marilyn and Beldam. They hailed the queen with gestures of love and praise.

"My queen! You have risen once again." Beldam cackled. "How long has it been? At least a thousand more years since that M-" before he could finish the word, lightning struck by Beldam's tail and she jumped in surprise, flopping onto the ground.

The queen frowned. "Still your tongue Beldam, before I remove it. That name is not to be spoken in my presence."

"Ohh, my deepest apologies, your highness. These old lips are sealed, I promise you!"

Marilyn bellowed, helping Beldam.

"My queen! I'm so honored to be in your presence once again! How can the shadow sirens be of service?" Vivian cheered, unable to contain her cute reverence.

The queen shot Vivian a terrible piercing look, sending a chill down her spine. "Do not think for a second that I've forgotten your treachery, Vivian."

Vivian looked around, feeling confused.

"You fought on the wrong side before, you smug, arrogant fool."

Vivian was embarrassed to think she was so stunned by the queen's words that she sounded like her half-witted sister Marilyn. What was the queen going to do? She bit her fingers, feeling a nervous sweat come over her.

The queen snapped her fingers, binding Vivian in magical chains. Their weight pulled her to the ground and sapped her of strength.

"You will suffer! You will be punished and suffer unimaginable hardship as long as you are in the presence of your queen! Suffer!"

Vivian squealed as the chains glowed with dark energy and sent shockwaves into her body.

"Noooooo!!" Vivian cried.

"Suffer!!" The queen roared as Vivian was shocked and struck with lightning. She crumpled, heaving and crying.

"Now get to work! If you are still loyal to your queen, get out of my sight and track my first enemy, worm! Go! There is a war to win! Go!!" The queen summoned another bolt of lightning and Vivian disappeared, off to do reconnaissance.

Beldam chuckled haggishly at Vivian's expense. It filled her with a warm fuzzy feeling to watch Vivian get her ass beat.

The queen took a sigh of relief, powering down. "Now that's done, Beldam, we have business to resume. I need you to take Marilyn and locate our real first enemy. I just wanted to get that... MAGGOT... out of here. Please, do not make me wait. I will be watching my... secret weapon... while you work."

"You will not be disappointed, my queen! Thank you for your mercy. Come on, Marilyn! We have a job to do!"


The downtrodden siren, beaten and sore, retreated to a safe distance from where she was chased off. She frowned, wiping her tears. "Gosh. Try to do one thing right. One thing, and it all comes crashing down." She sighed. She looked around at her surroundings. It was a regular looking city alleyway, and thankfully no bystanders were around to witness a shadow siren emerging from the ground in broad daylight. She rested against a brick wall, folding her head into her hands. "But where to start? I don't even know where to look for this enemy, or what they look like. For all I know I could be running around chasing nothing. Beldam would sure get a kick out of that."

As she sighed again, shifting in her heavy, uncomfortable chains, Vivian noticed something across the street that took her interest. An arcade! She smiled, thinking about all the fun she could have while she thought of a plan. She went back into the shadows and teleported to an empty bathroom of the arcade. It would be troublesome for any humans to spot her, but then again, she couldn't be in any more trouble with a human than she could with the queen.

She left the bathroom and found an employee break room down the hall. When she entered, she found an employee hat and jacket hanging on a chair. She thanked goodness the room was empty. She donned the uniform, and with this, she figured she was disguised well enough to sneak around the arcade without alarming anyone. They might even think she was in a hyper-realistic ghost cosplay. She left the break room and entered the main arcade, where she saw many games and fun things that made her eyes light up with excitement. "I better keep my eyes peeled! Maybe I'll find an enemy here, tee hee! But in the meantime..." She slipped into an empty spot and started to play the first game she found.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

Beldam & Marilyn

Beldam, leading the charge, searched the town with her sidekick Marilyn to find anything out of the ordinary. "Watch and learn, sister dearie! If you want to find a war, you must first find evidence of a war! Look up there!" She pointed to a public TV screen that was broadcasting the news. It was displaying an area that seemed to be destroyed in the aftermath of a deadly battle.

"Guuuh! Guuh-huuuh!" Marilyn grunted, clapping her hands.

Beldam cackled. "See? Ask and ye shall receive! Piece of cake! If we want to find our first opponents, we need to look there." The two warped into the ground, teleporting to the destroyed battle scene. They started to look for clues and anyone who might have lingered after the fight.

Topless Topless
Last edited:

--Kyria 'Penny' Davids-Pennyworth--
Servant: The Berserker
Interaction: Orihara Orihara

Arriving at her workplace, Kyria would be genuinely surprised to find her uniform missing--except her ID. She had left it on the Break Room yesterday, where did it go?! Panicking, Kyria would look around the break room until she walked out, suddenly noticing a customer wearing her uniform playing Donkey Kong of all things! Some shadowy thing with a witch hat and long, red-ish hair similar to her, wearing her uniform just messing around!

"Ugh...Good thing only the ID's required." Kyria sighed, "I'm gonna get chewed out for sure..." She said, before doing a double take and glancing at the figure wearing her uniform. That's DEFINITELY not human! What is she, some kinda Servant? She couldn't help but stare at the shadowy figure confused, unsure of what to do. Considering that Zero couldn't help her at the moment, Kyria felt as if the situation might escalate sooner or later...
Orihara Orihara Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

Rider was walking down a street, both hands in his pockets, his mind racing through the thoughts about what happened yesterday after he returned to the mansion. Ichi is missing. I feel as if it's my fault for not staying with her.
He stopped next to a brick wall and punched it after pulling out his right hand. It left a small dent as he mentally cursed himself.
"I'll find her and bring her back."
He then continued to walk on ahead until he came across a strange building with many lights and machines inside with videos playing on them, as well as some people at those machines playing around with what looked to be controls for the said machine screens.

"What is this place?"
His eyes were drawn to a familiar person. She may not be dressed in the attire she wore two days ago, but he realized immediately she was Berserker's master. There was also another person who looked out of place. She was some kind of purple humanoid with pink hair and a strange hat.
Kamina was trying to figure out who the new person was, while the weird lady played a game.

ZackStop ZackStop

Ichi tried to move her arms, only to realize they were tied up behind her back. A sense of danger hung in the air as she heard footsteps approaching.
Ichi felt like she should ask, but at the same time, she might need to keep silent if she was indeed gonna be interrogated by some unseen person.

(Free for interaction)
Kaze was at Starbucks, ordering a Chocolate and Caramel Frappicino to drink. He was looking at his phone while doing so, looking at the daily news for the city.​
Interactions: Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27

"Mmm-hmm-hmm!" Vivian giggled as she jumped over the barrels with an iconic figure. "You go, Mario! Beat that big mean ape and save the princess!" she cheered to herself. As she was playing, she heard a voice from behind, which startled her out of her zone, causing a barrel to hit Mario and make him topple over in defeat.


Vivian squealed and sighed, pressing her fists up into her cheeks and shaking her cute little head. "Nooooo! I was so close..!" she cried. Then she snapped out of it and turned around, noticing a girl with a familiar haircut, the source of the voice.

"OH! Hello! Are you waiting to play?" Vivian wiggled her hips, breaking out into a blush. "Sorry, I love this game so much! I just get so absorbed."

--Kyria Davids-Pennyworth--
Servant: The Berserker
Interaction: Orihara Orihara Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27

Initially, Kyria was wondering how to approach this being, considering that it just showed up before the store was actually open for business--flipping over the sign for customers to get in is supposed to be a part of that, which she did when she entered. Her coworker manning the cashier to handle the customers trading in coins for tokens.

However, as she observed, Kyria found herself cheering on for this bizarre shadow woman trying to beat a level in Donkey Kong only for her carelessness to be her undoing.

"Aw, you were so close!" Kyria sighed in disappointment before the figure turned to her. Surprisingly, it was effeminate. No, it was really feminine, even without facial features. It had a witch's hat, white gloves reminiscent of old cartoons. It appears to be a ghost, the spectre tail acting as her hips. She asked if she was waiting to play as well, admitting that she loved this game. "Oh, no, no, it's fine." She shook her head, "I'm supposed to be working at the cashier anyway...That reminds me." She rubbed her chin, recalling what she was meant to ask this thing. "You...Didn't happen to enter the Employees Only Room, did you? Those clothes you're wearing looks like the uniform I left here yesterday...Unless you're actually new here." She leaned in and whispered, not wanting to disturb the other customers.
Interactions: Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

Vivian paused for a moment, considering the question. Then she realized, the clothes she was wearing, tipped off the employee that she was wearing a uniform.

"Omigosh! Is this cute little thing yours? I'm sorry, I just couldn't help it..." she lowered her voice to a whisper to match Kyria's tone. "I'm really supposed to be on a mission... but I don't even know where to start. I thought I'd borrow this disguise so as not to bother other humans..." Vivian blushed. "Oh, poo... I'm so bad at keeping secrets. I'd win an award for worst secret agent ever..." She wiped her eye, tears forming.

--Kyria Davids-Pennyworth--
Servant: The Berserker
Interaction: Orihara Orihara Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27

"Ah." Kyria uttered out as this shadowy figure revealed that she's actually on a secret mission to do something, but is clueless as to where to start. Could she be a Servant?



'I think I have a situation here. Can you come here real quick?'

'I'm on my way. I'm not sure what's happening, but try and get me more intel.'

On her brief silence, Kyria contacted her Servant via telepathy, knowing that they might have a lead to another Master--if this thing even is a Servant.

"Well you could borrow my coat for a bit if you're staying..." The red haired Master said, taking off her black coat and handing it to the figure. Not before taking out a sack that made a sound similar to a sack of marbles being jangled about. "And you could just stay and keep watch for this guy you're looking for!" She said,with a beaming smile, "I just need my uniform, is all. Don't worry though, you're not the worst at this--if you are, then you would've told me your boss!" She maneuvered through the conversation, unsure if this figure's stupid enough to spill THAT big of a bean.

Even then, Kyria knows that she can't exactly fight a Servant head on. That's what Zero is for.


Time Until Arrival:
3 Posts​
Interactions: Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

"Ee-hee-hee, how silly would that be~" Vivian giggled, rubbing her head softly. "You're so sweet~"

She took off the jacket she was wearing, exposing the damage that had been done to her by the aforementioned "boss." Her body looked badly scarred, with black burn marks seared across her back and was bound tightly with layers of heavy, ominous-looking chains that seemed to be made of some metal not from earth. They glowed with eerie blue light that also emitted from the keyhole on the oversized lock. It had a skull design etched into the side with a cursed emblem sitting just above a sample of strange, otherworldly writing.

She exchanged the uniform jacket for the one Kyria offered and put it on, snuggling into it. "So soft~! Where did you find this?"

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