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Berserker's blunt words to her sent a bit of a chill down her spine. She'd known, of course, known that they were all doomed to die at some point or another, but... The thought that she'd be the first at this point was one that she'd (perhaps purposefully) pushed from her mind. She fidgeted with her ring again (eventually tucking it into her pocket), but kept her face as neutral as she could manage, but for the anxious way she let herself chew on her lip. He told her not to use a Command Seal when he did "what he needed to do", and while a frown played over Hiyori's face, she nodded. She understood.

The fact that Berserker had enough self-control to keep from diving into this fight head-on was more than enough of a good sign for her. Even as the situation de-escalated she kept her gaze on Rider's Master - only to have a boy take her attention away and direct it toward himself. He fumbled over the word to use for her and she cocked her head at him, smiling slightly. "It's as he said, whatever you feel is appropriate." (She'd only complain if it was an insult, really, and what was the point in calling her senpai if he was a Heroic Spirit and therefore older than her?)

Their conversation more or less continued without Hiyori, so she let her gaze shift, only for her to lock eyes with the man she assumed was Rider's Master. The way he muttered a Please behave yourself to what appeared to be no one in particular only confirmed that assumption. At least he was making an effort to be polite. Something told her that Rider's behavior was in no way an indication of her Master's. "Lucas Remmington," She repeated, just to make sure she heard him correctly. Shifting on the balls of her feet, she offered her hand to shake - she wasn't from a noble-blooded family, so while she was well-mannered she wasn't exactly the type to curtsy. "Good afternoon, despite what just... er, happened there. My name's Hiyori. Hiyori Kujikawa, and this would be Berserker." Lancer probably would go ahead and introduce himself, anyway.

Even as risky as talking to Rider's Master was now (and showing that she was indeed someone Rider would dislike), she had to figure it. The only way to survive (as of right now) would be to form alliances. Most people would look at Berserker and see a liability, but for now, the best way to go about this would at least go on the notion that, until the Corrupted Grail was destroyed, they were to all work together.

Interactions: Kyrenka Kyrenka CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Birdsie Birdsie
Nearby: Misuteeku Misuteeku
The swordsman emerged from the lower decks of the boat with a bashful, almost embarrassed look on his face. Though he had heard the commotion going on above him between the gathered Masters and servants he had chosen not to show himself. Partly for the sake of not entering the conflict as his dangerous alter ego, and partly out shame that he hadn't been present by his master's side at that most vital moment. He shuffled up to her side, like a kicked dog returning to its owner. He tried his best to save face and make himself look as cool and approachable as possible, but with his embarrassment, he could feel the cracks in his Espionage skill start to show.

He positioned himself just behind her, and a little to the side, a position of solidarity.
"I'm sorry for my absence, master, needless to say, I misjudged the situation." He apologized in a curt manner, wanting to maintain some of his facades while in front of the others. He could beg and scrape later. For now, he raised his voice and inserted himself into the room's conversation.

"I hope that I can work with you all to destroy the corrupted grail." He smiled amicably, despite the grave nature of the conversation. "After that, I look forward to facing you all and fulfilling my role as a servant and securing my master's wish." To punctuate his point he rattled his sword in its scabbard. "I hope we can have fair and honorable duels when that time comes."

xAlter xAlter BecToTheFuture BecToTheFuture Hanarei Hanarei Birdsie Birdsie Kyrenka Kyrenka CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Misuteeku Misuteeku Han JiHyo Han JiHyo SAIGO-NO-HEATS SAIGO-NO-HEATS JulesX JulesX Dante Verren Dante Verren
“Well aren’t you humble.” Berserker said with a smirrk as he listened to Lancer talk about his skills, nodding approvingly. “Nothing wrong about it. A great warrior should flaunt his skills and be proud of it, none of the humility bullshit weak men expect. Of course, that doesn’t mean that a squirt like you could fight me to a stand still with only your skills. Squirt, you may have spent your entire life fighting, but so have I, and I have lived longer than you ever had or will. I’ve fought wars squirt, and before you tell me that you have as well and no doubt that you have, my entire life was war and conquest. I am not discrediting your skill, a great warrior needs not to embarrass others to prove their skills, but I am saying that I will beat you into the ground if we fought.” Berserker said, his eyes glinting with manic glee as if he was goading Lancer into a fight with him. “And using underhanded tricks? I’m liking you even more.”

Berserker likes this little guy. He’s straightforward and honestly blunt, and it is quite refreshing. In the few days he’d spent back in this world, he’d found them to be too careful with their speech least they offend someone else. What a bunch of pathetic shits. How weak are they to be wounded by mere words? Back in his day words weren’t softened or censored just to shield the weak minded, they weren’t too weak to need shielding from those. And so he found this squirt’s straightforwardness to be quite satisfying. “You know what, I like you squirt. I think I’ll save you for last, just so I can give you the beating you deserve.” Berserker said, grinning at Lancer’s commeent about him being reasonable.”i am plenty reasonable, the word just meant a different thing back in my day. It’s not my fault people misunderstand me.”

It was then that his Master introduced him to another Master. “So, you’re the master of that Servant that went crazy huh? Are you sure you did not summon a Berserker?” He said with a sneer, obviously goading the man. Unlike with Lancer, this sneer contained no respect. This man was weak enough that his Servant defied him, so why should he show any respect? “Let us go little girl. You still haven’t gotten to your room and the ship might be departing soon.

Kyrenka Kyrenka Birdsie Birdsie BecToTheFuture BecToTheFuture
"Eh," Lancer waved off Berserker's words with a neutral shrug. "That's basically what everyone I fought told me. Even then, I beat warriors with decades of experience, just as good if not better than you, when I was a child far younger than your Master."

He watched Berserker for a moment as hard lines of boyish glee appeared on his face. "Saving me for last? Please, Berserker, you're making me blush." Lancer gave Berseker a peachy smile with narrowed-down eyes.

Soon, Lancer's eyes reopened. He gave Berserker a wild, determined look. It was uncharacteristic for Lancer to smile like that. He looked like a monster, grinning in anticipation for blood. "I'll take those words as a challenge. May we get to beat the crap out of each other by the end of this conflict, Berserker!"

Kyrenka Kyrenka CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse BecToTheFuture BecToTheFuture
Lucas Remmington
Lucas couldn’t help but blink in surprise at Hiyori. She’s Berserker’s Master? Seems like he was wrong after all. She was probably more powerful than him if she was able to summon and maintain Berserker. Then again, this Berserker was much calmer than he was expecting. That quickly changed when said Servant turned his attention. Those wild eyes were now trained on him, and the Servant sneered in disgust at him. Ah, so that’s how it’s going to be. He shouldn’t be surprised; after all, the Berserker Class was known for their strength, not their intelligence. This Servant had already written him off as someone who wasn’t a threat. It isn’t wise to underestimate your opponents. Rather than rise to the bait, Lucas just offered another smile, “I assure you, Rider is no Berserker. The fact that you mistook her as one though means that she is indeed powerful.”

Turning to Lancer, Lucas nodded. “Yes, Rider has caused several scenes at this point.” Lucas paused before adding, “And you needn’t worry, you haven’t offended me.” This smaller Servant seemed much more agreeable. However, the Masters were a bigger concern since they were the ones who gave their Servants orders. As Lancer’s attention turned back to Berserker, Lucas too turned to Hiyori. She seemed to be a gentle young lady; the fact that her own Servant was ordering her around reinforced that. Then again, that could just be because Berserker is Berserker. He definitely wanted this Hiyori on his side.

However, Lucas glanced at Berserker and took in his obvious disgust for him, Berserker may prove to be a problem. Not to mention there was Rider. Judging by her name and appearance, Hiyori was Japanese. That would definitely end badly if Rider found out. She hadn’t made a peep since she dematerialized so he vainly hoped that she hadn’t noticed yet. We must have a discussion. If not on the boat, then as soon as they reached Iceland. They wouldn’t survive if they were fighting each other constantly. Once again, Lucas found himself toying with the idea of using a Command Seal. He had done his research, and he knew that a Master could use them to make his Servant stronger or more durable. However, if there was no trust between them then the Master could use them to compel their Servant to do something against their will. I might have to command her to leave the other Masters and Servants alone. At least until the Corrupted Grail was destroyed. That could backfire though. Berserker had already made his distaste for Lucas known, and there were surely other Masters and Servants who saw Rider and him as a burden at this point. What if they decided to kill them off before they cause more problems? There’s too many variables. He’d have to think it over during the trip. Leaving his musings behind for the moment, Lucas gave Hiyori a sheepish smile. “Ah, it appears that I have prevented you from finding your room. It wasn’t my intention to distract you.” Lucas gave Berserker one final look before asking the young mage, “Would you like me to leave? I understand if I’m causing some…discomfort.” He’d let the girl decide for herself if she wanted to forge an alliance with Lucas. He was hoping that she would say yes since it’d benefit him in multiple ways. I need at least one Master on my side. That way, maybe the others would have some faith in his and Rider’s abilities. That, and he wanted to keep a close eye on Miss Kujikawa. Berserker was a taxing Servant after all; it’d be best to make sure that she was handling herself well.
Hiyori Kujikawa
Hiyori knew she wasn't the most assertive or loudmouthed of people. That was probably why her being Berserker's Master came as such a surprise to Lucas (she could read it on his face, easily). She simply grinned at him and shifted where she stood- only for the smile to slide right off her face at her Servant's next words. He obviously had very little or no respect for Lucas, mostly because of the scene Rider had caused earlier. But... she worried at the inside of her cheek with her teeth, thinking this over. He seemed to believe that that made Lucas weak, but... the girl had to form her own opinion on that. He seemed decent enough and perfectly willing to talk without hostility, rather unlike his Servant. So she gave him another smile. "I can only hope she chooses not to cause any more, or else the boat is like to be destroyed."

(At least, for now, Berserker's attention seemed to have shifted to little Lancer.) True, she was more cautious now that she knew Rider's... feelings about people of Japanese descent. Which seemed odd, considering she appeared that way herself, but. Who was Hiyori to question what may or may not have happened while Rider was alive? Still, she had to admit that it put her on edge - more than a little bit, actually. Her fingers fidgeted and tugged at her sleeves as she thought. Partnering up with someone strong, though, even if it was just until the Corrupted Grail was destroyed... it was worth some thought. Especially if it was someone more skilled in offensive magecraft than she was.

However, Berserker's gruff voice cut into her thoughts - calling her "little girl" and telling her that they needed to find a room. Probably at least partially an attempt to keep her away from Rider and her Master, whom her own Servant made clear he had little to no respect for. She itched to have at least a bit more of an authoritative pull over Berserker, but her gentle nature made it easy for him to establish himself as the one in charge of this relationship. Perhaps she'd make it clear in her own way that this part was her decision. "Ah- I wouldn't say you were distracting us, but Berserker's correct, we do need to find our room, and... I'd like to talk to you more at some point along the voyage, Mr. Remmington. I think there's something to be said for at least trying to work as a team, yeah?"

All she needed was for his Servant not to take offense to her very existence before they reached Iceland, and they'd be off to a good start. Adjusting her jacket tighter around herself, she suppressed a shiver and offered Lucas another sunny, gentle smile. At least Rider's Master wasn't as needlessly violent as her Master.

Interactions: Kyrenka Kyrenka CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse
Mentions/Nearby: Misuteeku Misuteeku Birdsie Birdsie
Before Clovis could gather himself in order to respond to his own servants rather hyperactive statements, Lancer would be off. That boy... He thought to himself, sighing lightly. After a moment, he would turn back to Viera.

"That's good. Wouldn't want my life to end after only a few years back," Clovis said, reffering to his past seven years of serving the Clocktower, and his near thirty year abscence before that. "If I may be so bold, mademoiselle, did I hear right that you're of the family Nox? A fine magus line, that one. Very fine." He would comment, a polite smile on his face as he spoke.

"Muder Death Kill? That's an... Interesting name for the Holy Grail War, though not entirely inaccurate, judging by what I've heard of it. But considering all the servants I've seen so far, I'm willing to go out on a limb and say we will most probably encounter a few casualties among our number. Or not. Who knows, maybe all of us masters will live to see the end of this," He laughed at his own joke. That never happened.

"You know, I had actually hoped to join the previous Grail War, oh, thirty years ago. Ended up nearly blowing my leg off for the attempt. But hey, c'est la vie," Clovis would say to Nox nonchalantly, trying to use his own crippling injury to make small talk.

Spending thirty years with only the company of an old Indian man in the middle of the Himalayas doesn't tend to help in honing one's social skills.

The moment would end when the humonculis would push herself into everyone's conversations, asking them to not try and murder eachother by the end of the mission, if they were even able to be successful. "Good day Mademoiselle Schreiner, I am Clovis Ludovic Savatier IX. The pleasure is all mine," He introduced himself, bowing slightly, before quickly straightening. "I wish I had your enthusiasm, mademoiselle, but I get the feeling that no small amount of we magi shall perish before the end of this, considering what lies ahead of us."

xAlter xAlter Birdsie Birdsie Hanarei Hanarei Jean Otus Jean Otus
Last edited:
Fredrik Nygaard
Fredrik felt the tension and adrenaline vanished along with Rider. He could see a flash of rage in Rider's master eyes but luckily the man stood down. Fredrik let out a small silent sigh of relief as he re shouldered his rifle. Luckily the situation had managed to diffuse it's self. Unfortunately for the two boat guards were forced to cover for there little scene. Turning to face the two men Fredrik bowed his head in a quick apology. "My apologies for the scene, and thank you for covering it up so quickly" said Fredrik.

Now time to figure out what was going on. Turning to look at Assassin he was hoping the servant could give him some answers. "Assassin, You and rider wouldn't happen to have met before? Perhaps you two have some past grudges?" asked Fredrik. Honestly the only thing Fredrik could think of was that this was a rare case of two heroes who knew each other being in the same grail war. Of course in this case that didn't look like a good thing.

Interactions: SAIGO-NO-HEATS SAIGO-NO-HEATS Hanarei Hanarei
Nearby/Mentions: Han JiHyo Han JiHyo Kyrenka Kyrenka Atrophia Sanguinis Atrophia Sanguinis

A smirk appeared on her face at the sight of her masters attempts at seduction and the lustful glint in her eye. IF she wanted to play that way so be it. Archer vanished into her spirit form, only to reappear a moment later sitting on the bed directly behind Haruka, her face right next to Haruka's right ear. "It would please me greatly to see someone in a position of power over my own brought to their knees begging for my attention..." Whispered the servant. Archer raised her left hand to Haruka's neck, running two fingers up her neck. "If a bed slave is how you wish to be treated then so be it. Yet you have so much talent, talent that in magic, something that would be wasted on some one reserved for simple pleasures."

Once more archer vanished, this time reappearing in front of Haruka, her face close enough to the other girl's that she could feel her breath. "We can have our fun later, after all it is along boat ride to Iceland that leaves plenty of time for pleasure and rest. What matters now is that you make a good first impression so that our supposed allies don't decide to off you the first chance they get. Now stand up little cub, I will make sure you stay nice and warm, but only after you have earned it." she finished.

Having made her position clear on what there next course of action would be, Archer stood up and walked to the door. Turning around and locking her gaze on her master, although this time instead of a playful gaze it was that of an impatient ruler waiting for there orders to be carried out.

Interaction: JulesX JulesX

Dante Verren Dante Verren

A soft noise escaped her throat when she felt fingers brush down her neck. Ruka shivered and purred despite herself. “Bed slaves don’t have to be bed slaves unless their masters are present in the bed itself.” She reminded her Servant. As much as she was enjoying the attention she was receiving, it seemed that Archer was finished appeasing her. Fine, then, she’d have to cooperate. The tiny woman sat up and took a moment to make sure her appearance was in order.

Her twiggy legs carried her to Archer’s side. “Let us go greet them, then.” She quickly braided her hair and looked up towards her Servant. Her hair was braided, too, and she couldn’t help but feel like it was corny to match. So her hair came loose, the wavy mane hanging to her hips. “Sense anything off, Archer?”
Atlantic Ocean, Faroe Islands -> Iceland
7:59 PM - Cloudy Skies - 3°C
What was meant to be the meeting room was a rather small area. The table was just large enough to fit all the living people, never mind the servants should they want to keep materialized making the room much more 'intimate'. Two people could barely squeeze past each other wandering around the table. The very front of the room which was meant for the presentation was not much better. Hanne was already up front in her wheel chair, just barely enough room clearing for her to be there giving a small isle for someone to walk through. Hans and Vincent both stood up near the front. They were effectively acting in part as the representatives for the Mage Association, along side being body guard for the new Grail. They might not have any control over the Masters, though they could at least help to advise them.

Hans stood in the corner, crossing his arms. A lollipop stick could be seen in his mouth, fighting off his urge to smoke. Unfortunately for him, Vincent had made sure he came early in order to make sure he wasn't late. With smoking inside not being an option it meant he had to wait till after the meeting to go out into the frigid cold air for his own fix. Vincent appeared some what relaxed. While he kept up his appearances form before, it wasn't hard to tell he didn't seem to have as much weighing him down on his mind. It was a lot easier to be settled down in a private setting not having to worry about some trigger happy servant manipulating water to attack others out in the open in a public port.

Vincent gave some time for everyone to arrive and settle into the rather cramped meeting room. It was his job to help debrief the Masters and Servants. It wasn't as if they had the most information to go off of, but anything they could relay to them would be beneficial. It was up to them what they might do with it after they heard it.

"December 23rd, all contact was lost with the Church in Iceland in regards to the Grail war. Any attempts to make contact with Association members in Western Iceland had failed. December 24th, a team was dispatched to investigate. Reports of ghouls were spotted along with a strange red haze coming from the direction of the city. Contact was lost shortly after. Given the events of the last war and the destruction of the town caused at the end, it is assumed a very similar event occurred though on a much wider scale. The team wasn't able to get a clear view of the city so if it is still in one piece it is hard to say."

Hans stepped forward for his part, a much smaller part then Vincent at the very least. "So simply put, from what little information we have we don't know much just the Grail seems to of gone Haywire again, and this time before even a wish could be made. From what we know the Ghouls are similiar to the creatures that were seen in the last war after the wish was made, distorted by some strange black liquid that had escaped at the time of the explosion for the few unlucky ones who managed to avoid the explosion but in some way touched it. Given the numbers of ghouls this time though it seems a lot worst."

"This boat is set to land along the East coast in a town named Austur. The association has established a small outpost there. From what some reports have noted, there has been some abnormalities occurring even so far from the epicenter. There is an increased report of poltergeists and other various things that go bump in the night. Naturally this can be all a psychological effect put on the minds of the locals due to the disconnect they have with the world and their fellow countryman, but those reports have come up from fellow Magi as well. You can move in anyway you wish once you arrive, although you must be aware of lady Schreiner's position and her well being. While your servants are bound to you all, they are also bound to Lady Schreiner as well. Without her presence their ability to sustain their existence in this world will become a much more costly endeavor for you all to maintain."

Dante Verren Dante Verren JulesX JulesX Jean Otus Jean Otus xAlter xAlter CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse BecToTheFuture BecToTheFuture Birdsie Birdsie Dalamus Ulom Dalamus Ulom Misuteeku Misuteeku Kyrenka Kyrenka Han JiHyo Han JiHyo SAIGO-NO-HEATS SAIGO-NO-HEATS Atrophia Sanguinis Atrophia Sanguinis
Lucas Remmington
The atmosphere was grim. With the Corrupted Grail causing this much destruction they couldn’t afford to make mistakes. Lucas felt a headache begin to form. Finding the perfect balance between trust and distrust of the other Masters will be difficult. How the hell were they supposed to work together when everyone in the room knew that they’d eventually have to kill each other? Choosing to instead focus on that last bit of information, Lucas broke the silence. “So these…paranormal events, will they be a threat or a minor nuisance?” Addressing the rest of the room he added, “I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’d rather not have to worry about other creatures on top of the ghouls, Alter Servants, and Masters.” He really hoped that they wouldn’t be. While he knew the basics of barrier magic, actually performing it was an entirely different story. Under normal circumstances it wouldn’t be a problem since he could have his Servant keep an eye out; however, after her words on the ferry deck Lucas didn’t trust Rider to not kill him out of spite.

Glancing around the room, his eyes landed on Hiyori. He could try and strike up an alliance with her. It would be smart to travel in groups in case they were ambushed by ghouls or other creatures along their route. He didn’t trust the other Masters, hell he didn’t really trust Hiyori either; but she was the only one who showed friendliness towards him so she was probably the least likely to murder him in his sleep. Wonderful, he thought dryly. There was the problem of Rider and Berserker though. Making an alliance with anyone would be difficult if Rider started more fights, especially with the Japanese-esque Masters and Servants. Not to mention the Grail’s vessel. Eyeing the small homunculus and her bodyguards, he couldn’t help but feel somewhat anxious. While he trusted the Mage Association to send their best to protect the girl, Servants were naturally stronger than mages. Not to mention they’ve already lost the Church and the members in the West. Gazing at the white-haired girl, he felt a pit of dread form in his stomach. We better have one hell of a plan.

Interactions: Hanarei Hanarei
Mentions: BecToTheFuture BecToTheFuture Misuteeku Misuteeku
Nearby: SAIGO-NO-HEATS SAIGO-NO-HEATS CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Jean Otus Jean Otus xAlter xAlter Dante Verren Dante Verren JulesX JulesX Birdsie Birdsie Dalamus Ulom Dalamus Ulom Atrophia Sanguinis Atrophia Sanguinis Han JiHyo Han JiHyo
Hiyori Kujikawa

Hiyori couldn't help but squirm, just a little, under all the tension. Rider's escapade had put everyone on edge and she could feel it; practically taste it in the air. It left a bitterness on her tongue. Narrowing her eyes in thought, she listened intently, her gaze traveling the room; pausing once on each of their number tightly packed into this little "meeting area". Her glance finally fell on the little homunculus at the head of the table, such a petite girl holding such power. Their Servants bound not just individually, but to little Miss Schreiner as well. Which meant if there was any trouble involving her, their group themselves might be, as her brother might put it, shit out of luck. Her eyes met Lucas' when he glanced over to her and she offered a tiny, weary smile. A small gesture between tentative friends.

An alliance might be for the best, true, but what sort of alliance would hold when they both knew the end goal? Her hands worked nervously, but she forced her fidgeting to still. She had to stay calm. Had to look strong. After all, she was Berserker's Master, and needed to at least appear tougher than she was. Her tentative ally's words drew her out of her thoughts and she looked between him and the men giving out all this information. "Mr. Remmington has a point," The younger Master made her thoughts known, shifting where she stood and lifting her head a bit. "After all, with all threats considered I'd hope these paranormal events are a nuisance at best. I don't presume to speak for everyone here, but in combat there's only so much mana to be expended." Her hand covered the one bearing Command Spells and squeezed, lightly, almost a way to subtly reassure herself. She may have been a scatterbrain at worst, but at least she could put her thoughts into a straight line when it counted. "In the case that they are dangerous, though, will there at least be some sort of barrier in place? We wouldn't possibly be able to function properly under constant attack like that."

She fell silent after that, frowning in concentration. There had to be some sort of way that they could all work as a unit before the fight turned internal.

Interactions: Hanarei Hanarei
Mentions: Kyrenka Kyrenka CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse (sort of not really) Misuteeku Misuteeku
Nearby: SAIGO-NO-HEATS SAIGO-NO-HEATS Jean Otus Jean Otus xAlter xAlter Dante Verren Dante Verren JulesX JulesX Birdsie Birdsie Dalamus Ulom Dalamus Ulom Atrophia Sanguinis Atrophia Sanguinis @Han JiHyo
Hans looked over towards Lucas as he spoke up, questioning about the paranormal events. He looked over at Hiyori as she seemed to voice up about the issue as well. He pointed his finger up as if in the gesture of a gun. "You got it cutie..." He spoke, feeling a little awkward in addressing her in that way. It was a bad force of habit on his part of being a little flirty when it came to the ladies, even if it was more in jest. It was something he already got in trouble with a lot on his work not being very formal at times.

"I mean, as far as these occurrences go, we have little information about it. There have been some people reported missing... though we can't be sure it was related to some of these events. Given the situation we can only assume they might possibly have some relation. Fortunately the accounts of people missing aren't too drastically high... though its still something to be careful of. Reports have been ranging from strange figures said to be looking in from out in the wilds at night, floating lights around the sky, to objects just floating in the air. A lot of reports, but it seems most of these events only pop up here and there without too much collaboration between people. My guess is its all just some funky stuff that shouldn't be a big deal, but you gotta be careful of those rare exceptions. As far as protection... well... not too much we can do about that, specially the closer we get to where all this stuff seems to be originating. Your going to have to handle the ghouls and the likes on your own."

Hans shifted the lollipop in his mouth, the candy already mostly gone at this point. It was mostly the stick that he was using to keep himself preoccupied. "Least the little base of operation we will be arriving at has a barrier to keep any of the strange stuff out, the little stuff at least. Yer servants should be fine walking through it, so long as they don't need to pick up the barriers strength for some reason. Shouldn't be any ghouls near where we land to worry about at least." He spoke as if a way to try and ease any worries Hiyori or Lucas might have. "That said the Association will be acting as protection for the miss here so should things fall apart you should be able to have a place to fall back to... though yah should avoid doing so as much as possible. The last thing we need is them finding out about the lady here and deciding to try and target her. We are going to be trying to keep as low of a profile as possible and keeping in contact should we need it. Ideally you folks will draw all their attention towards you and away from us. I mean, try not to be caught but if yer gunna be noisy be extra noisy for our sake." He spoke lifting his hand up as if to lift a mug up to cheers them.

Interacting: Kyrenka Kyrenka BecToTheFuture BecToTheFuture
Around: Dante Verren Dante Verren JulesX JulesX Jean Otus Jean Otus xAlter xAlter CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Birdsie Birdsie Dalamus Ulom Dalamus Ulom Misuteeku Misuteeku Han JiHyo Han JiHyo SAIGO-NO-HEATS SAIGO-NO-HEATS Atrophia Sanguinis Atrophia Sanguinis
Fredrik Nygaard
Fredrik sat in the chair provided for him in silence,arms crossed, and eyes closed as the situation was laid out for the masters and servants. Not only had the grail gone wild but it had decided to create abominations in the process. To make matters worse all of this had to happen in Iceland. No it wasn't the cold weather or Island location that bothered him, it was the native creatures, the ones that lived their before the settlers arrived. Fredrik was a man of belief, belief in people and myth. Trolls, elves, and many other non human friendly species once made that island their home. If the grail had created ghouls and fiends then Fredrik didn't want to see what changes the grail had made to the native creatures of Island.

As Fredirk was thinking of the possible enemies they would face both Rdier's master and Berserker's master brought forward their thoughts on the matters. The response they got was expected. "So were the muscle and the bait..." He said quietly, though in this small of space it was likely that most everyone would hear him.

Opening his eyes and adjusting into a more comfortable sitting position Fredrik pushed his glasses back into place. "Looking at the worst case scenario, say something big, dangerous, or both decide to ignore us master servant pairs and goes straight for her." He nodded towards Hanne as he spoke. "Will you all and the other mages pull out leaving us for dead? Or do you have a plan B?" He asked. Fredrik knew the girl was important but didn't have any clue as to why she was so important.

Interacting: Hanarei Hanarei
Mentions: BecToTheFuture BecToTheFuture Kyrenka Kyrenka
Nearby: JulesX JulesX Jean Otus Jean Otus xAlter xAlter CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Birdsie Birdsie Dalamus Ulom Dalamus Ulom Misuteeku Misuteeku Han JiHyo Han JiHyo SAIGO-NO-HEATS SAIGO-NO-HEATS Atrophia Sanguinis Atrophia Sanguinis
Thanks to her master earlier cries for attention they had arrived up on deck just in time for the meeting, that was not a good thing. Once the time came for the real grail war to begin the likely hood of them being without allies had drastically increased. Archer wasn't afraid of any servants or masters in the room, but Haruka talented as she is would not be able to fend off a servant. Speaking of the room, Archer quiet enjoyed the close quarters, it was terrible room for fighting, but it had it's advantages when it came to certain aspects.

Archer chose to remain in her regular form over her spirit form. Thus she stood behind Haruka with her hands on the back of her masters chair. The servant looked around at the different people around the room, there was quite an assortment of interesting people gathered. Surprising it wasn't one of the delectable looking females, or even the more handsome males that caught her interest, instead it was another servant, specifically the berserker class. The outfit he wore was central Asian, something she hadn't seen since her death. Perhaps he was someone she knew? Maybe someone who succeeded her and carried on archer's legacy, or maybe he was someone far older than she was. Either way it peeked a desire in Archer, not a sexual desire, but the strong thirst for knowledge, and that knowledge being his true identity.

Moving her gaze away from the shorter servant she locked her gaze onto Hanne, the small girl in a wheelchair. Why was she so important? She didn't look to important? Was she receiving special treatment do to her being weak? If that was the reason they had better find a replacement soon, weakness was nothing to encourage, let alone pamper. After all the weak let cities burn, countries fall, men die, and women be raped. It was only the strong that should be viewed as important. Trample the weak and worship the strong, wasn't that just human nature?

@Mentions: JulesX JulesX Hanarei Hanarei CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse

She wasn't going to go anywhere during the meeting, so she opted to stay outside onto the deck. Taking out her kiseru to take a quick smoke, she started to come with plans to kill the two Japanese 'allies.' Killing Assassin was simple, but killing Hiyori was going to be so much harder to kill. Assassin overall was one the weakest classes besides Caster, so she had faith she could at least take him on. Taking on Berserker's master would be an entirely different case. For one, she had to take on Berserker. Given that she was at least a little stronger than Assassin, without the use of her noble phantasm said a lot about her. She also didn't have that much knowledge regarding to the servant of madness.

However that might of change, since they were all on the ocean. She could at least manipulate the waters to form a tidal wave to sink the boat, or poke holes into it with water tendrils. Granted it was a good idea, but there was one problem. She had defend herself against six servants. Not only that, but their noble phantasms might be able to kill her before she could commit the deed. Sighing after taking another, she walked over to the railing and looked down at the water. Several thoughts flew through her as she sighed for the second time. What was she going to do now? There was again a chance that a servant might be on the deck with her, but in spirit form. As long as it was Assassin, or maybe Caster she would be able to commit the deed.

Sighing she was going to act her plan out. It was regretful that she wasn't Caster, since the she could of easily summoned a lot of yo-kai through the water. At least she had this one yo-kai, even though it was the reason why it made her, so weak. "All I need is you, you big fat ugly stupid yokai," Rider said as she started to summon her mount.​
Lucas Remmington​

Lucas clicked his tongue at the news. Of course they’d focus their resources on the Vessel and containing the corruption. Not that he could blame them. Their members were spread thin as it was, so it was likely impossible to spare anymore mages to help defend the Master-Servant pairs. With that lovely bit of information, Lucas’s desire to form an alliance intensified. If I can’t trust Rider then I need to have another Master on my side. Just as that thought ended, he felt it. Rider was using her Noble Phantasm.

That’s when he finally felt his patience snap. Forcefully shoving his chair back and standing up, he gave a curt, “Excuse me,” before hastily exiting the small room. As soon as the door closed, he activated a Command Seal as he made his way onto the deck. This has gone on long enough. Feeling magic lace through his words he said, “Rider, I order you to stop your attack and to never launch an attack against myself or others without my permission.” He hated wasting his Command Seal because his Servant wouldn’t listen, but at this point it was too dangerous to let her go. He was more than confident that she would obey; whether she wanted to or not. Not only was he from a powerful Royal Class family, but Lucas himself had had extensive training before…

Pushing that thought aside, he stared at his Command Seals and watched as one faded away. Oh, he was pissed. Lifting his head, he spotted Rider a short distance away from him. Storming up to Rider, he felt all of his frustration suddenly rear its head. “You,” he hissed. Lucas stopped right in front of her, his expression dark. “What the hell do you think you’re doing? Trying to kill us in the middle of the ocean? And for what Rider? To murder two Japanese people that you’ve never met? People who are innocent? You’re executing the wrong people for the wrong reasons.” Leaning in, he snarled, “Which makes you no better than the people who killed you.” Examining his Servant’s face for any hint as to what she was thinking, he said, “Whether you like it or not we are stuck together, understand? You came here for a reason Rider, and if you want to achieve your goal that means you have to work with me.” Feeling somewhat exhausted from his Servant’s antics, he sighed. “I’m trying to help you Rider, we’re supposed to be a team.” Hardening his expression, he darkly said, “But if you want to quit now, be my guest. You may need me to get your wish, but I don’t need you.” After a beat he added, “And I’m certain that no Master would be willing to form a contract with an uncooperative Servant.”

Interactions: Misuteeku Misuteeku
Indirect metion?: BecToTheFuture BecToTheFuture
Rider widened her eyes as a jolt flowed through her entire body. She stopped mid cast as she turned around to see her master. How dare he stop her from killing these sorry excuses. In that single moment she whipped around summoning her sword to cut off her master's head. Except the command seal prevented her to do stopping it very closely from his neck. He didn't seem to show fear as he kept on yapping his mouth. For every word said it only made Rider more furious with him. Who was he to judge her actions. She bitterly laughed at his words. "Innocent? You call people innocent? You claim that they're 'innocent' after meeting them for less then a day" Rider said venomously. "For all you know, those two 'innocent' people might be black hearted like everyone else!" Taking a deep breath Rider just stared at her master. "Maybe it is better off if I just go kill myself, so that the corruption has a better chance on winning." With that Rider started to dematerialize. "After all I don't have a wish." Her body completely vanished as she entered into spirit mode.

If she currently had a body right now and no one could hear her, she would of blasted the air full of curses directed at everyone on the ship. Only her thoughts remained. His word did have some merit, but that only angered her more. She was bluffing at the whole killing herself part, but it was really an option for her to take. For now she could do nothing, but listen to her master. He still had two more command seal which really made her grit her 'teeth'. She instantly regretted heeding to his call for assistance. Her father's dream will be achieved no matter the cost.

Kyrenka Kyrenka
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Berserker is really bored right now, really, really bored. Oh sure, he may look fine, in fact, he’s actually faring far better than most Berserkers in his situation. Of course, he has never met any Berserkers before, but judging from the name, they probably don’t have the best social skills. Oh sure, Berserker may be coherent, talkative, and has more options than ‘Kill everything in sight!’, but deep down, he’s still a Berserker at heart. So imagine his frustrations when instead of, oh I don’t know, bashing someones face in and indulging in good old murdering and pillaging, he was in a boat, in the middle of the sea, in a meeting. Yep, one of the high points in everyone’s life, a meeting. Whoo, what fun.

Of course it could have been better if, oh don’t know, it was freaking bigger than a janitor’s closet! This freaking room make him feel like a match in a matchbox! Even if only the Masters were here it’d still be pretty crowded, and what do you know, more than half of the Servants are materialized as well. Of course Berserker was one of them. Why spend your time alone and annoyed when you could be with everyone else and ruin everyone’s day? Berserker is nice that way. It doesn’t help the fact that, other than his height, he’s a really big guy.

Anyway, he wasn’t really paying attention to what they were talking about. No doubt it was about some interesting stuff, battle plans, mage jargon, truce alliance blah blah blah. All pretty riveting stuff, truly the height of entertainment. Well, Berserker doesn’t give a crap about any of those stuff. He wants to go to his room and sleep, making him very much like a toddler who was forced to sit with his parents at a formal dinner when all he wanted to do was take a nap. Berserker won’t be taking a lot of naps once he, once again, dies and so he’ll take as much time as he could get away with to nap. It’s not like his Master would disagree.

While he was busy trying not to close his eyes and fall asleep, Berserker noticed the girl. She had white hair, red eyes, was on a wheelchair. Not really something you’d see everyday. And yet, why does she seems so familiar. It feels like he’s seen her before, or at the very least, has heard of the exact description. That’s when it clicked. Berserker snapped his fingers very loudly, then pointed at the strange girl. “Aren’t you a hummun, no, hommumu, not that, a homini, pretty sure that’s still wrong. Oh right, a homunculi! So, aren’t we supposed to kill you to get our wish? Hey girl!” Berserker called out, referring to Hiyori. “Wasn’t that what you said?”

BecToTheFuture BecToTheFuture Hanarei Hanarei Dalamus Ulom Dalamus Ulom Misuteeku Misuteeku Kyrenka Kyrenka Birdsie Birdsie JulesX JulesX Alter Alter Jean Otus Jean Otus SAIGO-NO-HEATS SAIGO-NO-HEATS Han JiHyo Han JiHyo Atrophia Sanguinis Atrophia Sanguinis
Lucas Remmington​

After her little rant, Rider once again disappeared. Knowing that she could still hear him, Lucas coolly stated, “That may be true, but you don’t know if they do deserve to be punished either. At least wait until you’re certain that they deserve to die. It’s sloppy to just kill them for no reason.” Look who’s talking. Forcefully shoving his rebellious thoughts aside, he took in a calming breath. He hadn’t meant to lash out like that. Scold her certainly, but bringing up her demise was a low blow and he regretted it. She’s going to be even less cooperative now. Sighing, the cold air slowly seeped into his bones as his anger left him. Lucas shivered. Hopefully we will be arriving to the mainland shortly. The sooner we’re off this boat the better. That, and he needed to talk to Rider privately. He doubted that the rooms on the ferry were very soundproof.

Turning around, Lucas started making his way back towards the meeting room. If they didn’t think me to be unreliable before, they most certainly do now. He was certain that his abrupt departure would be considered rude. Especially since all of the Master-Servant pairs were supposed to work together. He’d be lucky if anyone would let him within five feet of them. Then again… Hiyori definitely seemed interested despite Rider’s earlier meltdown. She’s either very brave or a complete fool. That only made him want to ally himself with her even more. He doubted that some of the other Masters were upstanding people; hell, he wasn’t an upstanding person. They’ll tear her apart. If the other Masters didn’t trust him then fine, he didn’t trust them either. He just wanted to be able to shield the young mage from any of the horrors they would no doubt encounter. His mind quickly supplied an image of the fragile looking gir-Vessel, but he did his best to ignore it. As cruel as it was, he couldn’t afford to get attached to something that was destined to die. He needed to focus on the people he could save. Stopping right outside the door that led to the meeting room, Lucas steeled his resolve once again. Focus. He opened the door and quietly made his way back into his chair. Noticing the somewhat awkward atmosphere, he sat down and glanced around in confusion. Did something happen?

Interactions: Misuteeku Misuteeku
Mentions: BecToTheFuture BecToTheFuture Hanarei Hanarei
Hiyori Kujikawa

Some small part of her had expected that kind of answer. As spread thin as the Mage Association was, she was sure most of their proper resources would be directed elsewhere. So she nodded in understanding, chewing her lip in thought as another of the Masters spoke up. Her gaze flicked once across the room, noting the tight quarters they were all in and making a mental note that this was probably doing no favors for the way they all felt about each other. To top that off, something made Lucas push up and out of his seat, storm off onto the deck. It would have surprised her absolutely none if this was yet another meltdown of Rider's. She didn't have too much time to think on it though because Berserker - who seemed to have grown bored of all this talk of strategy and safety measures and what would await them on the mainland - seemed to come to an epiphany and spoke up.

"Aren’t you a hummun, no, hommumu, not that, a homini, pretty sure that’s still wrong. Oh right, a homunculi! So, aren’t we supposed to kill you to get our wish? Hey girl! Wasn’t that what you said?”

The room fell so silent she could have heard a pin drop. Hiyori felt every part of her cringe away from what he'd just said. Her skin scalded from the secondhand embarrassment, but she had to make sure that they knew that was not what she had told her Servant. "I didn't say that," She spoke up, softly, feeling her awkwardness increase even more when her potential ally returned, glancing around in confusion and clearly wondering what on earth had just happened here. She shifted, uncomfortably. "I told you a bit of what I knew about previous Wars, but I didn't..." She trailed off, lowering her head. It was probably for the better if she just kept her mouth shut for now, honestly. It'd save a lot of trouble.

Interactions: CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse
Mentions: Kyrenka Kyrenka Misuteeku Misuteeku (kinda) Hanarei Hanarei Dante Verren Dante Verren
Hanne looked up at Fredrik as he directed his attention to her. She blinked looking at him from her wheel chair. Before Hans could speak she spoke up in part. "Well.. I'm sure any Masters or Mage Association members would retreat back. As for the grail... it wouldn't matter since the Grail couldn't be used to summon more Servants and would end up collapsing before it could fully form."

Hanne seemed rather light-hearted when speaking about the situation despite how grim it really was. The truth was if their efforts failed, they would need to find another way to solve the problem, without the use of servants. She blinked as she watched Lucas stand up, staring at him. Vincent stepped to the side, allowing him through not even questioning what it might be. It didn't matter much to him. Hanne's maid kept herself to the side silent. It was upon Berserker speaking a bit of awkward silence filled the room. The silence was cut off by Hiyori speaking up in part to scold him. A little laugh escaped Hanne's lips, oddly the only one seeming amused by it.

"I don't think killing me would help with that. If I were to die early there is no way the grail could form. Only through having the corrupt grail destroyed could all its energy be used to hep form the new grail into its completed form, at that point I would I suppose what you would say is die. I like to think of it as turning into something new and beautiful! Well... until it collapses in on itself after the wish is granted. Need to make sure the new grail doesn't just end up being corrupted and just repeating the cycle." She smiled brightly, quite nonchalant about the notion of her eventual death. It was hard to tell if it was just her being naive about it or her way of suppressing the cold hard truth.

"Well, that sounds about it for what we need to talk bout tonight. Feel free to talk amung each other or what not. We should be arriving sometime in the early morning. Yah all can figure out more of what you want to do then as far as transportation or plans of action. I'mma go take a little break." He waved in a bit of a hurry as Vincent gave him a rather stern glare as the meeting was adjured for the night.

Chapter 1: Arrival

Small Port City of Austur, Iceland
6:57 AM - Mostly Clear | 18°C

The boat horn roared out as the boat approached what was a now closely approaching small port town of Austur. Darkness still enveloped the area as the sun had yet to rise into the sky, the glow of light just working its way up in the sky with Sunrise being just under a half hour away. The town itself seemed quite lively given the town, the port fully lit. A rather simple barrier was set up around the port, meant only to act as a deterrent for people. People wouldn't recognize the barrier that had been set up around the docks, with a second one on the boarders of the town to help keep it safe. What was meant to be the port authority had been established as the Mage Associations base of operations. It served as the perfect gateway to help ensure the right people and things could get in and out.

The ramp to the ferry was lowered allowing the passengers off. They were in no rush to be taken off the ship, many supplies being moved over as the Ferry was meant to stay for the night before traveling off again. The air was oddly quite warm form Iceland this time of year, unusually so. A few people could be seen without jackets handling the work they were set out to do. Even with the grail a good distance away, there was something... strange... about how everything was. It was a rather uneasy feeling lingering in the very air.

Kyrenka Kyrenka BecToTheFuture BecToTheFuture Dante Verren Dante Verren Jean Otus Jean Otus xAlter xAlter CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Birdsie Birdsie Dalamus Ulom Dalamus Ulom Misuteeku Misuteeku Han JiHyo Han JiHyo SAIGO-NO-HEATS SAIGO-NO-HEATS Atrophia Sanguinis Atrophia Sanguinis Reis Reis
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Randall pulled down on his blue and red demi gauntlets. His white pants gleamed in the barely present rays of dawn, and he wore a light smile on his lips, watching as the boat pulled to a stop. He intentionally put on an inviting look since he could tell how troublesome their journey was. The poor souls were forced to endure the biting cold on that floating heap of wood, and the fact that he didn't make the trip with them could make him appear arrogant. Thus, he wore his best expression while waiting in front of the ferry's ramp to greet the other Masters.

The reason Randall never boarded the ship with them was simply because of his overprotective parents. His family wasn't too happy with him making this trip, what with the high risk of his death and all that, so there was no way they would let him on a boat full of his future opponents in war. It was rather unfortunate; who knows what kind of alliances he missed out on when he was allowed to come here in the comfort of a private, luxurious boat while enjoying what he could of a somewhat warm Iceland? There was no doubt in his mind that some of these Masters and their Servants would hate him for his easy pass onto this island of death. He would do all that he could to make a great (or at least passable) first-impression.

Although it may seem like a front, Randall was honestly curious about meeting all of the other Masters and Servants. He was especially intrigued by his future Servant, who he couldn't summon by himself when he was forced to stay far away from the homunculus. He of course knew that he would be forced to battle most of them, but he couldn't help but wonder who else was capable of trying to stop this threat? What was it that drew them here, fighting for a wish that they could die for?

Randall's eyes gleamed, his curiosity taking over. He wanted to find out how things worked, and it was his natural curiosity that led him here. He would uncover the secrets to this abnormal Grail War, the secrets to magic.... and perhaps he could discover the meaning of life, the universe, and everything else along the way. He was sure that stranger things have occurred before.
Fredrik Nygaard
Fredrik awoke to the loud and obnoxious noise of the boat horn announcing that they would soon be arriving on Iceland. Quickly getting to his feet he through on his usual outfit, put on his glasses, and very carefully pinned the cross onto his jacket. " Hope your ready caster, because this is the part of the mission that things usually start to go sideways." Fredrik said aloud to his servant. He turned to walk to the door that had his gun and bag leaning against it. Before he picked up the last of his things he ran his fingers over the cross and let out a deep breathe. "It's finally time" He thought to himself as he slung the bag over his right shoulder rifle over his left.

Fredrik made it above deck just in time for the landing. Surprisingly the town that lay before them was bustling with activity, in reality it was probably because of the arrival of the masters. Supplies were being loaded off of the ships and moved over to the base of operations, a base that Fredrik and the others may never see. Deciding it was best not to think that way he shoved the thought aside as he made his way down the ramp and onto solid ground. "Caster we are now free to act as we please but going it alone seems foolish. I'm going to see if I can get us teamed up with another pair before we head out. Worst case scenario we will end up having to go it alone, either way I'm counting you." he told his servant over their shared link. Once he finished his thought to caster he looked around at the other masters and servants, who should he try and pair up with?
Interactions: Han JiHyo Han JiHyo
Mentions: Everyone else

As the boat horn blared behind her Archer sat glumly on the rails of the boat, today had only just started but boy was she already in a bad mood. Her master, correction former master Haruka who Archer acknowledge had talent turned out to be more disappointing then archer would like. Apparently Haruka was only used to summon to ensure the summoning of a strong servant, her real master was already at the island, choosing instead to ride in luxury instead of with the rest of the group. The fact that her master whose name she didn't even know had decided to ride in luxury instead of with the group was disheartening, after all why should archer even agree to follow this "masters" orders if he wouldn't even ride a lesser boat.

Archer had seen the island long before anyone else had, it was unimpressive to say the least. She was expecting more of a wasteland look, or a more freshly pillaged look. Instead it looked like a normal village occupied by a military force, or in this case a magical military force. Drumming her fingers on the railing Archer scanned the shore line for her new master. She didn't know what he looked like but considering he had her command seals on him she would know him when she saw him. After a minute of looking she found him. Honestly the man stood out like a sore thumb in his fancy outfit, especially the white pants. The only redeeming thing about him so far was his face, at least he was decently handsome, that meant she could still have some fun with him one way or another.

When the boat made it to shore Archer dematerialized into spirit form, reappearing a moment later standing behind her new master. "You have quite the nerve little one". snarled Archer.

Interaction: Reis Reis
~Lucas Remmington~
Lucas stood on the ferry’s deck and stared at the town they were approaching. He had his duffel bag packed and at his side. He hadn’t been able to sleep much, on edge from a combination of his anticipation for what was to come and his distrust of Rider. As they neared, an odd feeling overcame him. He couldn’t identify exactly what the feeling was, but he had a hunch that it had to do with the Corrupted Grail. They weren’t exaggerating about its influence. That fact that he could already feel something made him uneasy. Will we even be able to stop it? Lucas felt himself begin to sweat in his coat. Frowning, he let out a huff as he began to take it off. His eyes suddenly widened in realization. It had been below freezing when they were in the Faroe Islands, but now he couldn’t see his breath and he was sweating. What’s going on? Turning his gaze back towards land, he noticed that none of the workers on the docks were wearing jackets. Is this the Grail’s doing? Turning people into ghouls was one thing, but affecting the weather of an entire country? Just how far does its influence spread?

The ferry docked with ease, causing Masters and Servants alike to gather on the deck in order to disembark. Gathering his wits and holding onto his concerns for a later time, Lucas removed his coat and hurriedly stuffed it into his duffel. Reaching for his gloves, he paused but decided to leave them on. Best to keep them covered for now. Lucas slung his duffel onto his left shoulder but stayed in place for a moment. “Rider,” he whispered, “Please stay hidden until we are out of sight. Your attire will draw attention.” The mage hesitated before he added, “I don’t mind you being dematerialized, but we must purchase something less obvious if that’s what you wish.” It’d certainly be easier to keep an eye on her if she was materialized and within view, but there was a high possibility of her starting fights in populated areas or with locals. Hopefully I won’t live to regret this offer. Finally ready, Lucas strode across the deck and down the ramp onto the dock itself.

As soon as he made it onto land, Archer materialized behind a boy dressed in blinding white pants. So much for subtle. That must be her true Master. While he had no personal opinion on Ms. Torakaga, he didn’t see the wisdom in using a powerful mage in a Servant summoning only to send that same powerful mage away. They needed all of the help that they could get. Just another problem to add to the list. Watching Archer’s hostility towards her Master, Lucas carefully distanced himself. He didn’t want to get caught up in more Master-Servant drama. Glancing up the ramp, he fidgeted. The mage wanted to leave; to begin preparing and moving forwards but he needed to wait. I need to talk to Hiyori. He wanted to confirm if she was willing to establish a tentative alliance. At the very least, he wanted to keep tabs on her in order to insure her safety. A small voice in his mind warned him that he was edging the line between concern and obsession but he ignored it. It isn’t stalking; it’s ensuring the safety of my peers. He’d have to keep his distance if it came to that though. While Rider couldn’t kill anyone without permission, she could still maim or torture people. Wonderful.

Interactions: Misuteeku Misuteeku
Mentions: BecToTheFuture BecToTheFuture Dante Verren Dante Verren Reis Reis

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