
Metaphysics said:
@tronethiel7 Double Summon so you can have Territory Creation as a skill.

Wait...oh my. I just realized that if Gil figures out that Caster is Vishnu, the latter'll be on the former's hit list probably.
Here's the Post Order(i'll edit into the rping thread):




Once I post the first post, the next person has a max of 2 days to post before their turn is skipped. After each round I will post starting the next round. This will continue until the end of the rp.

Masters should start with the summoning of their servant.

Just a friendly reminder that the number of rpers will probably decrease as the rp continues. Since u guys joined this rp, I hope you are aware that ur character has the possibility of dying to advance the plot(well Servants don't actually die...). Don't take this too personally. There can only be one winner after all^^ Once ur character dies u have 1 additional round to post your character's final moments/thoughts(be as dramatic, emo, or peaceful as you wish^^). After your char dies, if you wish to continue in this rp, feel free to apply as neutral character. Consequently, if at any point u grow bored with the rp or need to quit due to real life issues(or anything else), please notify me so my ruler can eliminate ur character. I won't take it personally=P

That said, I look forward to rping with all of u^^

Unless anyone has any objects the rp will probably start Wed 2/25.
JusticeSword said:
Wait...oh my. I just realized that if Gil figures out that Caster is Vishnu, the latter'll be on the former's hit list probably.
>Implying Gil cares enough
Metaphysics said:
I also legit think Triple Summon Saint Nick.
Rider, Berserker, Caster combo.
Triple summon? Please clarify. Ive read through some of the info, but barring actual examples i dont always grasp the skill concepts.
Well, Double Summon makes it so that A servenat has the traits for two Classes, like Assassin and Caster. Triple Summon doesn't actually exist but you can be unique about it.
Metaphysics said:
Well, Double Summon makes it so that A servenat has the traits for two Classes, like Assassin and Caster. Triple Summon doesn't actually exist but you can be unique about it.
So, you're saying that as he exists currently Nick is a triple summon?
So I guess we have a slot open.

Oh wait nvm I'm derping again.

Also what does anyone think about the idea of me changing Lancer into Moe Mahou Shoujo Lancer Zeus-Chan

...Now that's a set of words I never though I'd use together...
Metaphysics said:
So I guess we have a slot open.
Oh wait nvm I'm derping again.

Also what does anyone think about the idea of me changing Lancer into Moe Mahou Shoujo Lancer Zeus-Chan

...Now that's a set of words I never though I'd use together...
Caster Cu solos.
And I hope the excitement only grows as the rp continues^^

BTW, please be nice and tag the next person at the bottom of ur post. I understand when sometimes notifications might just get lost :P
[QUOTE="Iris 8th]Everyone is so excited ^^~

What emotions you must feel to have me as a servant, haha. (My character that is).

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