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Fat Gandalf's Bar & Lounge (OOC Chat) - Chapter Ten

Kaerri Kaerri Silanon Silanon Hey you two! Just an update here.

1. I haven't heard anything from Cap'n after I announced the news of Sharseya closing down. He seems to have the impression Broadsword is too, but as we decided, that's not the case. =) Having not heard anything from him, I can only take this to mean he's out. Of course, if he ever wants in again, I'll be very glad to have our Cap'n back!

2. Sil? You're busy in Real Life so my plan here is to withhold my posting with the remaining Wild Cards entering the Bridge after having been called up by your captain. There is definitely something going on and it seems the Wild Cards are going to have a front row seat in the action. Still, I'll hold off until I get the green light from you. =)

3. Kaerri-darlin'. What else is there to say? Thanks to you and Sil for keeping this game alive. I like Sil's idea of running small-team missions (perhaps 2 PCs and perhaps 2 NPCs + Trouble because that little fuzz-brain is in his own category, isn't he? =) )

That's all for now! I'm going to hop over to the Adventurers' Table to announce a little thing about Sharseya now. Woop-woop!

Honor and fun,
Purr =)
I'm still up for continuing this. ^D^ I believe I still owe you at least one post if not more, however; I could try to work on something this week to catch up while Sil takes care of the Real Life things?

Maybe tag Captain here just to make sure he knows this one's still going?
I'm still up for continuing this. ^D^ I believe I still owe you at least one post if not more, however; I could try to work on something this week to catch up while Sil takes care of the Real Life things?

Maybe tag Captain here just to make sure he knows this one's still going?
Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus

Sure! It's possible he missed it and doesn't know. Good idea!

As for you posting (any of you), I'm never going to turn that down! =)
Yay - looking fo
2. Sil? You're busy in Real Life so my plan here is to withhold my posting with the remaining Wild Cards entering the Bridge after having been called up by your captain. There is definitely something going on and it seems the Wild Cards are going to have a front row seat in the action. Still, I'll hold off until I get the green light from you. =)
Hey, thanks for waiting - should get better once I've made it through the week, lots to do so that others don't have to pick up the pieces.

In the meantime - if there are cool posts, I'll definitely enjoy them!
Heya Gang! I'll be picking this back up soon. Stay tuned!
Looking forward to it! Short note: Next week, I'll still be away from home - after that, I'm back and probably able to do some posting. Or finish a certain character, for that matter, gotta finally work my way through the creation process there...
Kaerri Kaerri Silanon Silanon
Hey you two! Here are some important updates in Broadsword. =) Before I post anything in-game, I want to clarify some matters out of game. Here goes!

Since Psychie and Sherwood have departed our game, I am retiring their characters. You guys know that I don't play anyone else's characters except under the rarest of circumstances, and even then for the shortest amount of times possible.

I think an in-game reason is in order. Hitomi finds out that Mario's father is in serious trouble with the Anti-Unification League. Mario departs to immediately to aid him. Toph thinks Mario could use backup, and being the loyal person that she is, volunteers. The two of them go off together to New York, U.S.A..

But they don't go without additional help. Mikey (from Eadric's Prologue) plays a part too. Mario recognizes Mikey all the way back from when they lived together on the SDF-1!

Mikey (and this gets confirmed by Hitomi) is one of the biggest and most successful star-faring smugglers alive!

Mario knows Mikey is very capable and given Mario's father's situation, having Mikey along could come in extremely handy. Mikey agrees and he too leaves the Broadsword (with an enthusiastic smile and wave to Eadric, "Buh-bye, BUCKO!! Keep bein' a good guy!!"

Together they embark on an adventure I had designed around Mario's father (years ago, Sherwood wanted Mario's father on the Broadsword), but we'll never get to play it. C'est la vie!

Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus
I don't know what to tell you guys here besides the following. After his posts here in Fat Gandalf's, and after trying to contact him twice, I have heard no word at all from Cap'n about whether he wants to continue playing Hercules or not. I am certain he received my messages.

As far as I am concerned, Cap'n has an open invitation into this game and any game I am running, even if we are at my max of 6 players. I will make room for my dude! =)

Will Hercules return? That is completely up to Cap'n.

As we start the game, I will leave it open until it appears clear that Hercules is in our game or not.

If it is not clear, then I will consider Hercules's beloved medals (the ones he made from Captain Sharp's broken armor) to have been distributed to all of the recipients Cap'n intended. One way or another, they're going to wind up where they belong. =)

Having been summoned to the Bridge by your Acting Captain, the Wild Cards are gathering just outside those doors.

Of note, you know your Acting Captain of the Broadsword is not Captain Sharp (because of his serious injuries), nor is it Commander Zyorna Kirin (off duty while she fully recovers from cryogenic freeze and time travel), and it certainly isn't Flight Lieutenant Piper (whom Ylva recently interacted with over a certain guitar and was last seen in a CVR-3 Mega-suit; the last situation an Acting Captain would be seen in).

Who could it be? Better hope it's not Trouble! =)

We begin the scene with the Wild Cards together (Eadric, Hercules if Cap'n is playing, Ylva, Cera, and Trouble. If Hercules is present, Beema will be also).

Does this work for you?

As always I value your thoughts and questions! Fire away if you have 'em!
Eadric is glad Mikey is both recovered and on his way to help someone else. ^D^

I... still haven't caught up reading yet. >.> I should open that up so I remember to do so (at some point, the website decided to mark the thread "read" so I'm not quite sure where I left off, even). But that's probably a good place to start. Unless Trouble is acting captain, of course. That seems like a very strange place to start. ^;3^
Works for me - and no questions at this point. Just looking forward to see whether Trouble can turn the tides in this war around or not!
Works for me - and no questions at this point. Just looking forward to see whether Trouble can turn the tides in this war around or not!
Trouble's in my head now. He's mewing, "Lemme be Cappy-tan an' we'll rule da whooole woooorld!"
I'd follow that mechakitten to hell and back - can't think of worthier goals than fish and glory!
Kaerri Kaerri Silanon Silanon
Hey you two! Here are some important updates in Broadsword. =) Before I post anything in-game, I want to clarify some matters out of game. Here goes!

Since Psychie and Sherwood have departed our game, I am retiring their characters. You guys know that I don't play anyone else's characters except under the rarest of circumstances, and even then for the shortest amount of times possible.

I think an in-game reason is in order. Hitomi finds out that Mario's father is in serious trouble with the Anti-Unification League. Mario departs to immediately to aid him. Toph thinks Mario could use backup, and being the loyal person that she is, volunteers. The two of them go off together to New York, U.S.A..

But they don't go without additional help. Mikey (from Eadric's Prologue) plays a part too. Mario recognizes Mikey all the way back from when they lived together on the SDF-1!

Mikey (and this gets confirmed by Hitomi) is one of the biggest and most successful star-faring smugglers alive!

Mario knows Mikey is very capable and given Mario's father's situation, having Mikey along could come in extremely handy. Mikey agrees and he too leaves the Broadsword (with an enthusiastic smile and wave to Eadric, "Buh-bye, BUCKO!! Keep bein' a good guy!!"

Together they embark on an adventure I had designed around Mario's father (years ago, Sherwood wanted Mario's father on the Broadsword), but we'll never get to play it. C'est la vie!

Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus
I don't know what to tell you guys here besides the following. After his posts here in Fat Gandalf's, and after trying to contact him twice, I have heard no word at all from Cap'n about whether he wants to continue playing Hercules or not. I am certain he received my messages.

As far as I am concerned, Cap'n has an open invitation into this game and any game I am running, even if we are at my max of 6 players. I will make room for my dude! =)

Will Hercules return? That is completely up to Cap'n.

As we start the game, I will leave it open until it appears clear that Hercules is in our game or not.

If it is not clear, then I will consider Hercules's beloved medals (the ones he made from Captain Sharp's broken armor) to have been distributed to all of the recipients Cap'n intended. One way or another, they're going to wind up where they belong. =)

Having been summoned to the Bridge by your Acting Captain, the Wild Cards are gathering just outside those doors.

Of note, you know your Acting Captain of the Broadsword is not Captain Sharp (because of his serious injuries), nor is it Commander Zyorna Kirin (off duty while she fully recovers from cryogenic freeze and time travel), and it certainly isn't Flight Lieutenant Piper (whom Ylva recently interacted with over a certain guitar and was last seen in a CVR-3 Mega-suit; the last situation an Acting Captain would be seen in).

Who could it be? Better hope it's not Trouble! =)

We begin the scene with the Wild Cards together (Eadric, Hercules if Cap'n is playing, Ylva, Cera, and Trouble. If Hercules is present, Beema will be also).

Does this work for you?

As always I value your thoughts and questions! Fire away if you have 'em!
Sorry, I've had way too much on my plate and way too little time to do them with. If there are people still going ahead in Broadsword, then Hercules will be cooking for them!

Captain Hesperus
Sorry, I've had way too much on my plate and way too little time to do them with. If there are people still going ahead in Broadsword, then Hercules will be cooking for them!

Captain Hesperus
Hey and hooray and that's all you had to say! Good to have you, Cap'n! All right!! 8D
Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus Kaerri Kaerri Silanon Silanon
I'm going to put up a couple of posts in the next week - this next one is just me putting my head and heart back into the game. The best way to start with that is by returning to the Broo!

EDIT: So, for now, here's a little post I call, "Things Broo Do." =) It is combined with what happens to Mario and Toph with Sherwood and Psychie leaving the game. =)
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Okies. I'm going to try and get this game rolling again with a post tomorrow sometime. We'll see how it goes! Have a good day, Gang! =)
Heya Gang! I know it's busy season; would anyone else like to post before I reply?
If you don't mind waiting a few days more, I'd like to try to get caught up here, this weekend if not before. I'd kind of wanted to do that last week, but, well, you know. ^33^
If you don't mind waiting a few days more, I'd like to try to get caught up here, this weekend if not before. I'd kind of wanted to do that last week, but, well, you know. ^33^
Sure! You are always worth waiting for. =)
Eadric says,


O.K.. Now that I can think straight again I have got to admit to myself that I'm not quite certain what to do with Eadric's post. There's so much of it - and it's super! - but it's messing with some part of my brain and I don't know what to answer and what not to.

Kaerri Kaerri
Would you let me know which parts you'd like to answers or replies to, please?
O.K.. Now that I can think straight again I have got to admit to myself that I'm not quite certain what to do with Eadric's post. There's so much of it - and it's super! - but it's messing with some part of my brain and I don't know what to answer and what not to.

Kaerri Kaerri
Would you let me know which parts you'd like to answers or replies to, please?
Just the part under the "Present Time" header, and really only these two paragraphs have something for others to reply to.

Eadric nodded at Commander Zyorna's mention of the micronized Zentraedi. "I believe I met them on Antarctica Base, ma'am, before they left to investigate the 'Ship of Death'." He paused, wondering if he should explain further, but he didn't want to interrupt the momentous occasion this seemed to be turning into. There would be time later, so instead he remained in place behind the others. (By my count, the Wild Cards present and involved are Hercules, Ylva, Cera, and Trouble, yes? With Eadric along for the ride.) He was not, after all, a Wild Card (yet?) officially, despite the invitation to be here right now, so this didn't seem to be his decision. That said, he thought with a grin, if someone decides I get to push the button, I'll not turn it down!

And then his eyes shifted to the white-bearded gentleman standing beside Captain Sharp. He did a double-take as memory flared; this man had been at the ill-fated discussion panel, the one where Eadric first saw Hitomi! He dug into the memory and called up the man's name: Albert Stein, professor of microtechnology and robotics. Still (possibly forever) vivid in his mind was the vision of the professor standing calmly on the stage while terrorist bullets hit an invisible barrier in front of him and dropped to the ground. He shook his head and smiled at Stein. "Hello, sir. You did say we'd meet again under better circumstances, though I hardly expected it to be here." He paused a moment, considering what he'd seen in the hangar, and adding the fact that he hadn't seen the professor anywhere on Broadsword before now. "Are you the other Valkyrie pilot, then?"
Note: To the best of my recollection, Eadric never met Mack, so he has no particular reaction to give here. If Elinor knew, however, she'd be very proud of her!

(By my count, the Wild Cards present and involved are Hercules, Ylva, Cera, and Trouble, yes? With Eadric along for the ride.)
Also correct if by "involved" you mean with Captain Sharp's emergency. =)

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