1. I haven't heard anything from Cap'n after I announced the news of Sharseya closing down. He seems to have the impression Broadsword is too, but as we decided, that's not the case. =) Having not heard anything from him, I can only take this to mean he's out. Of course, if he ever wants in again, I'll be very glad to have our Cap'n back!
2. Sil? You're busy in Real Life so my plan here is to withhold my posting with the remaining Wild Cards entering the Bridge after having been called up by your captain. There is definitely something going on and it seems the Wild Cards are going to have a front row seat in the action. Still, I'll hold off until I get the green light from you. =)
3. Kaerri-darlin'. What else is there to say? Thanks to you and Sil for keeping this game alive. I like Sil's idea of running small-team missions (perhaps 2 PCs and perhaps 2 NPCs + Trouble because that little fuzz-brain is in his own category, isn't he? =) )
That's all for now! I'm going to hop over to the Adventurers' Table to announce a little thing about Sharseya now. Woop-woop!
Honor and fun,
Purr =)