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Fat Gandalf's Bar & Lounge (OOC chat) - Chapter Four

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I already rolled everyone's Perception Rolls and get this... Shirley, Elinor, and Toph all rolled 3s on the die (too low even with Toph's impressive bonuses)! But Mario got an 18!

Plus, I rolled an 18 to Strike with Elinor's GU-11 roll.

Perhaps (fingers crossed) the death of the Beastmaster has dismissed the Bad Luck RpN Dice Roller Gankness? I can hope... =)
I got ya. I was too busy with the Beastmaster to notice the weirdness outside, I guess. Not that I'm complaining; I got to blast that jerk-face good!
Oh. I should have mentioned - since Mario is pointing it out, anyone who looks doesn't need to make the check. Teamwork - it's what good squads do! 8D
After reading in-game, well, you know the drill. =)

No, there's no picture of a drill in here. Just letting you know that suddenly, finally, we are out of combat time and into "exploration mode" (if you don't mind the Pathfinder 2.0 Playtest term)!

Congratulations. Bad dice and everything, all of you survived! I think it was because of the teamwork.=)
Surprise! Mario gets to shoot a nuclear device out of his tank!

I wasn't scared about this when I first designed this adventure, but given the way RpN's Dice Roller has been treating you for your Strike rolls recently, I find myself not scared at all...

... instead I'm positively terrified! Ha ha ha! Just Kidding! =)
Do I need to make any percentile rolls to properly attach the nuke inside the shell?
Sooo, if I need to make a strike roll, does that mean I can possibly roll a critical? With a nuke? And make a even bigger boom? :grinningteeth:
1. No, unless you want Mario to attempt something outside its purpose. Because of the skills you chose, Mario can adapt the 105mm round easily. It's the electronic part that might be tricky. That depends on what he wants to do with them.
2.. Uh huh! It sure does! =)
If I'm just following the instructions, I'm not going to be getting creative, just attaching the nuke to the shell innards so it can go off as scheduled.
Right. With the adapter, it is now a nuclear round instead of a time-bomb. Consider the clock disengaged. However... understand that "Fat Man" and "Little Boy" can "talk" to each other.

If Mario fired it right now, "Little Boy" would detonate but "Fat Man" wouldn't (until about another 15 minutes later). That is, unless, Mario wanted to have them both detonate simultaneously when "Little Boy" made impact? This is where the tricky electronic part comes in.

What does Mario want to do?
Lets not get too complicated. I don't want to go running through the ship to grab the one bomb we already hid. How large of a blast radius are we talking about? Can I fire the one down the hall to its max range to go off, jump ship, and then let the second one go off without getting caught in the effect of the first shell?
Elinor's got the electrical engineering skill, but of course Mario doesn't know that yet, nor does Elinor know he's got electrical stuff going, unless he wants to ask the group at large?
Toph, seeing through the polyphonic nexus (via Iris) believed the device had somewhere around a 200 to 700 yard blast radius. Your characters are, right now, about 600 yards from "Fat Man" give or take 50.

To answer your last question there, if you made no changes, Mario believes that would be the case. As long as his shot was accurate (and they don't suddenly close any doors between now and then) then the Wild Cards should be O.K.. Then the only thing to worry about is how to get Mario down. With or without the tank? This is largely for the PCs to decide unless they go asking the NPCs.

Kaerri - an electrical engineer could make whatever changes Mario needed without much trouble at all. Moreso, she could get a good look at the nuclear device herself and, in-person, possibly get a better idea of the thing's blast radius than what Toph got, given Elinor's education. =)
Hmm. I'll add this too. Mario is aware that Toph is a Valkyrie test pilot. Those folks tend to be some seriously educated and talented people.
Then the only thing to worry about is how to get Mario down. With or without the tank? This is largely for the PCs to decide unless they go asking the NPCs.
Would it be feasible for Shirley and Elinor to have their Valkryries, in Guardian, hold onto it as they leave, and fly in formation to keep hold until they reach the ground?
Neat idea! That would be, in a word, "ballsy." It would take terrific coordination between both pilots and that's if the winds are calm and kind outside. The two Valkyries together have the thrust and size to do it. They would need to be extremely close to one another (nearly touching cockpits). Piloting rolls with negatives can be expected if you attempt it, but is it possible? This is one of those times, instead of giving you an absolute yes or no, I can freely answer, "There's only one way to find out!" =)

This also assumes you're over the ground when this takes place. You might say another clock is ticking. No pressure! =)
Now that we are in contact with the outside, how far off from being over the Gulf of Mexico are we?
You don't know. Your instrumentation doesn't work quite like that from the inside of this alien spacecraft and all you can see from your viewpoint is clouds at night and something below you that resembles land (you could be flying over Eglin right now and none of you would know it).

If it were daylight and you were outside, it would be far easier to tell.
Heck, I am willing to have someone gently pick me up in their mecha's hand and carry me out that way. While I would like the tank to come back with us, it is replaceable. But its not Mario's call, being the lowest man on the totem pole. But what the hell, lets give it a shot. What's the worst that can happen?
We drop him and he goes squish >.>
Ha ha! She's right!
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