Fast Times At Clairemont High


New Member
Just a lil high school role-play! You can have up to three characters. Also, If there's already a character you want relations to (Girl/Boy friend, Best friend, sibling, ext.) just ask them and we'll see.

Anyone who wants to join just fill out this sign-up form:




Grade or Profession (Only If Teacher!):

Picture (Optional):


Level of Popularity (Only If Student):

Other Details:


My Characters!

Kyle Godfrey

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Grade or Profession (Only If Teacher!): 10th

Picture (Optional):

Sweet and caring. He will stay up all night to talk to someone no matter what.

Level of Popularity (Only If Student): Reject. Probably about a 3 on a 1-10 scale.

Other Details: Twin brother to Jared. In a band with Erin and Jared. (Drums)


Jared Godfrey

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Grade or Profession (Only If Teacher!): 10th

Picture (Optional):

Just like his brother but refuses to admit that. The most awesome person you could ever meet.

Level of Popularity (Only If Student): Reject but a little bit more popular than his brother. About a 5 on a 1-10 scale.

Other Details: Twin brother to Kyle. In a band with Erin and Kyle. (Bassist and screamer)
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Tesla Petty

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Grade or Profession (Only If Teacher!): 11th

Picture (Optional):

Personality: Shy, Imaginative, Stubborn, Dreamy.

Level of Popularity (Only If Student): he's pretty much at the bottom of the schools social hierarchy, but chooses to be for two reasons. 1. His social anxiety prevents him from speaking to pretty much everyone. And 2. He doesn't want to waste his time with stupid people.

Other Details: he's an aspiring artist, and spends most of his time drawing in a sketchbook

Name: Izabella "izzy" Accord

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Grade or Profession (Only If Teacher!): 10th

Picture (Optional): the image thing wasn't working for this so here's the link.

Personality: Friendly, Caring, Outgoing, Funny.

Level of Popularity (Only If Student): Izzy happens to be one of the most popular girls in school, but she's not the mean girl kind of popular, she's genuinely nice to pretty much all of the other students in the school.

Other Details: She is a closeted lesbian.

Name: Caspar Snowfield

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Grade or Profession (Only If Teacher!): 12th

Picture (Optional):

Personality: Laid back, Spontaneous, Kind, Brave.

Level of Popularity (Only If Student): He's somewhere in the middle. He's not a complete social outcast, but he's nowhere near being king of the school either.

Other Details: Although it might not seem like it, he's one of the biggest stoners in the entire school.
Name: Katherine (Kat) Richards

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Grade or Profession (Only If Teacher!): 12th



She has the most deadpan, straightforward personality of anyone you'll ever meet. Her face rarely changes expression.

Level of Popularity (Only If Student): She's practically non-existent on the social ladder, and if you even try to sit next to her during lunch she'll probably just stare at you until you get so uncomfortable you leave.

Other Details: She paints. A lot. In fact one of the only people who she doesn't actually hate is her art teacher.
Name: Andre Benjamin (Mr. Benjamin)

Gender: Male

Age: 60

Grade or Profession (Only If Teacher!): Art and photography teacher

Picture (Optional):

Personality: Mr. Benjamin is a really laid back and jolly teacher who loves what he does. If you have him for a teacher you're in for some good stories.

Other Details: He has a pretty mysterious past.
Name: Sage North

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Grade: 11th

Picture (Optional): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/index.jpg.c1202f96e95b47338ce7e43a8c5679e0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15527" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/index.jpg.c1202f96e95b47338ce7e43a8c5679e0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Despite her appearance, Sage is humble and down-to-earth. She is extremely intelligent, funny, and kind to everyone. If someone is having a bad day or needs a hand, Sage is sure to be there. This makes her very popular, although she is completely oblivious to this fact. She is very social and has many friends. She often hangs out with guys as well, something that makes everyone curious. She also enjoys the outdoors.

Level of Popularity: One of the most popular girls in school, but not the most popular because she fails to see how popular she is.

Other Details: She likes to write and has a pet parrot.



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Name: Mackenzie Perry

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Grade or Profession (Only If Teacher!): Junior (11th)

Picture (Optional):



She is a very religious girl who will not date until she's 18,smoke,drink,wear pants (only dresses or skirts),or do drugs. She often judges people for doing these things. She also judges people who are not Christian and make dirty jokes. She never skips church on Sundays and does everything her parents and teachers ask for her to do.

Level of Popularity (Only If Student):

She only has 1 friend because she is very judgmental and is often made fun of my other kids, Sometimes people do things to her like spitting on her or pulling down her skirt while she is not looking.

Other Details: She loves bowling and photography
When do you guys start? Or do you wanna wait until a few more join? 
I'm going to create another character! lol.

Name: Erin James

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Grade or Profession (Only If Teacher!): 10th

Picture (Optional):

Personality: She's amazeballs! Or least, that's what Kyle and Jared always tell her. She's nice but has bad anxiety and has terrible problems with her parents.

Level of Popularity (Only If Student): A 4 on the scale?

Other Details: Best friends with Kyle and Jared. Also, in a band with them. (She's the guitarist and singer)
Name: Vivica Dawson

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Grade or Profession (Only If Teacher!): 11

Picture (Optional):

Personality: Vivica is known for her determination. She's focused, but also incredibly goofy and outgoing. She loves the idea of becoming a hairdresser, and spends more than a half hour a day on her own. She has an open mind and an open spirit.

Level of Popularity (Only If Student): An 8 on the scale. Not at the top because she does want to let the drama get her down.

Other Details: Parents divorced, living with her father and younger brother.
Name: Lily Grace

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Grade or Profession (Only If Teacher!): 10th

Picture (Optional):

Personality: Mean, Hateful, Bully.

Level of Popularity (Only If Student): Popular. Really popular!

Other Details: Step-Sister to Jaylynn Grace


Name: Jaylynn Grace

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Grade or Profession (Only If Teacher!): 11th

Picture (Optional):

Personality: Mean but only if you get on her bad side so nice for the most part, Scene (as you can see), The biggest Escape The Fate fan that you could ever meet.

Level of Popularity (Only If Student): Not popular. I guess she could be if people really got to know her though.

Other Details: Step-Sister to Lily Grace.
Name: Charlie Phain

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Grade: 12 (senior)



Personality: Charlie is completely and utterly unremarkable or at least she thinks so. Her grades are sub par at best and she was never one to be good at sports. She lacks the focus and coordination needed for either, however if you seen the photos she could capture with a camera you would believe that she was quite remarkable. From a young age Charlie seen the world only through the lens of a camera. She lacked in expressing herself with words, but excelled with pictures. She's quiet and not known to approach a stranger, but can hold a conversation if necessary. Charlie is very stubborn and hot-headed, going off for the smallest reasons.

Level of Popularity: On a scale from 1-10 she'd be about a 4.

Other Details: None for now.
Name: Matt Saracen

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Grade or Profession (Only If Teacher!):11th

Picture (Optional): see attachment

Personality: Matt is a quiet kid rather not much of a people person but that didn't matter. He is rather compassionate and very conflicted with the fact that his father was in Afghanistan and his mother could barely keep off the bottle, but he looked after her.

Matt is very bright, knowledgable at best but rather not show it to make himself a further outcast just rising out of the bottom of the social class after making it on the varsity football team.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.868cc00d261bf7c205d56a1edb83d8d8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17645" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.868cc00d261bf7c205d56a1edb83d8d8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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