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Fandom Fast and Furious


Seven Thousand Club
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Fast-Paced Action, Fast Cars...Living the Dream, right? I've been wanting to start up a new Fast and Furious RP, but I have been less then successful in finding people who would be interested in it at all, let alone anyone that would be into the Fast And Furious franchise. And then when I do find people who are interested, the RP dies in less then a month. I'm looking for committed RPers who are into action-adventure, fast cars and whatnot. Being a fan of Fast and Furious is just a bonus at this point.

One last thing, Ride Or Die.
Fast-Paced Action, Fast Cars...Living the Dream, right? I've been wanting to start up a new Fast and Furious RP, but I have been less then successful in finding people who would be interested in it at all, let alone anyone that would be into the Fast And Furious franchise. And then when I do find people who are interested, the RP dies in less then a month. I'm looking for committed RPers who are into action-adventure, fast cars and whatnot. Being a fan of Fast and Furious is just a bonus at this point.

One last thing, Ride Or Die.
I'm interested

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