Mother of Tiny Lions
- One on One
- Group
(Remove parenthesis before posting. A lot of this will be optional as I don't particularly enjoy making super in-detail CS, but I like reading them so no shade if you do. Feel free to add anything not listed here. Additionally, while your character isn't aware they're a witch/wizard/wi-they, you can include things about how, like, this weird thing happened or my character noticed something odd this one time but it should be relatively subtle. Also sorry for the excessive amounts of parenthesis, I'm wordy as shit sometimes.)
Name: (incl. nickname if applicable)
Gender: (you can include sex here if it's relevant)
Appearance: (photo and/or description)
History -
Family: (include required info about your parent(s) here)
Upbringing/Backstory: (optional)
Key Life Events: (optional)
Personality -
(this is optional as a whole. Personally, I like to feel out my characters in-action; so be as brief or as detailed as you like)
Suitcase: (optional - did you bring something we should know about?)
Magic: (okay, so here you're going to choose what magic you're going to manifest. You can do magic outside of this manifestation, but this will be what you're MOST proficient in and, in the magic world, something you'd likely be 'known' by. I'm not looking for hyper-specifics. I'm talking weather/ice/water/fire/shadow/etc. I will be checking these over a bit. The only one you cannot choose is death/decay type of thing... unless one of you really pulls something wack out of the air that I haven't considered... I guess lol. Your character isn't necessarily aware of this, unless it's just a hmmm that was weird kind of situation)
Name: (incl. nickname if applicable)
Gender: (you can include sex here if it's relevant)
Appearance: (photo and/or description)
History -
Family: (include required info about your parent(s) here)
Upbringing/Backstory: (optional)
Key Life Events: (optional)
Personality -
(this is optional as a whole. Personally, I like to feel out my characters in-action; so be as brief or as detailed as you like)
Suitcase: (optional - did you bring something we should know about?)
Magic: (okay, so here you're going to choose what magic you're going to manifest. You can do magic outside of this manifestation, but this will be what you're MOST proficient in and, in the magic world, something you'd likely be 'known' by. I'm not looking for hyper-specifics. I'm talking weather/ice/water/fire/shadow/etc. I will be checking these over a bit. The only one you cannot choose is death/decay type of thing... unless one of you really pulls something wack out of the air that I haven't considered... I guess lol. Your character isn't necessarily aware of this, unless it's just a hmmm that was weird kind of situation)