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Fantasy Farewell to Kings: Temple of Hyxia

"Blah blah blah, okay mother," she rolled her eyes, packing her few items into her satchel.


A crow sat on the windowsill, it's tilting as it stared intently at the two unlikely companions. It fluttered from the sill onto Rhi's shoulder, burying its beak in her hair. Around its leg, a small scroll was tied with a piece of twine.
Lautrec was surprised by the sudden appearance of a crow. He noticed the note when Rhi pulled it free from its tether.
“What is it? A writ from the king to bring me in for a beheading?”
She stuck her tongue out at him childishly, "Not everything is about or for you, vain person." She unfurled the note and read it carefully, only to let it slip from her fingers, her expression dark.
"Oh by the sun goddess....," she let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding and nearly dropped to the floor.
Lautrec looked at her with puzzlement. “Apologies, I am not familiar with the customs, but I assume it’s a gladiator type of arena?”
She shook her head, "Our tribe competes with other tribes to see whose warriors are stronger. Each tribe's warriors are set with the task of killing a monstrous desert cobra and the warrior who survives wins and that tribe is seen as strongest. It's a useless game that our tribal leaders play to show the other that they're better and sometimes I just-" she rammed her head with a scream into the nearby vanity, her horns piercing the wood. Her fingers clenched into a fist as she let out a string of curses.
Lautrec stepped back while she had her outburst.
“Discipline means we don’t damage innocent furniture! Channel your feelings into the current task and let’s get on with it!”
"Oh shut up!" her face swelling with anger. She rushed at Lautrec, fist ready to pummel him, " all you care about is the task! You'd never understand what's it's like to have another brother go to a place where 2 other brothers have had their hearts stopped by the fangs of a venomous snake."
Lautrec caught her as she came at himself and threw her onto the bed.
“You think you understand pain, child? What I wouldn’t give to stand in your place and be so naive! Throwing a tantrum won’t get your brothers home safely.”
"Child?! CHILD! That's what everyone thinks I am isn't it?! A child - a weak, a good for nothing, someone who can't face pain!" she pushed herself up from the cot, "- a tantrum?! Well I'm sorry that I can explode like a living, feeling person, you emotionless twit." She pulled the strap of her satchel onto her shoulder. "I'll show you how much of a child I am," and with that she stormed out the door.
Lautrec sighed. If she was going to act like a child then there was no point in treating her as anything other. Though to him, anyone thirty and younger he would call that if it was appropriate.

“You’re acting out of control. You need to take a calming breath.” He was thinking that if she was going to continue with this, he would just knock her out and get onto the trail before she woke up.
"Out of control?!" she hissed, walking quickly down the stairs, "You call me getting mad that my brother is being sent to his death, out of control?! Sorry that I don't have anyone to feel mad about like you!" She threw a few coins at the innkeeper as she made her way to the exit.
It was still very early when she stepped outside. Lautrec came up behind her and flicked one of her ears with his long bony finger.
“There’s having feelings, and behaving like a jackass. One does not excuse the other. Once you have a clear mind you can decide how to help your brother. Until then, we will make our way East. Once we leave Emerald I’ll let you take all that impotent rage out on me in a duel. How does that sound?”
“I will prepare, then.” He said and led her to the stables. He had a tall black horse with a white mane. It looked lanky and full of energy. He’d ride with the girl however she intended on traveling, either on her own horse or riding on his. He wanted to get far from Emerald, which didn’t take long on his very fast horse.
Sitting in the next stall stood an old, wisened, donkey, his coat grayed with age and his eyes sparkling with wisdom and patience. He stared intently at Rhi as she saddled him, closing his old eyes as she stroked his nose. "Tobias is good strong donkey, perfect for the journey," she said to no one in particular, placing her pack and satchel on his back. Mounting the creature, she hugged it's neck before grasping the reigns in her hands.

"Let's be off then."
Lautrec led the way for a few miles until they reached a nice patch of grass off of the beaten path where they could settle in for the bout. Lautrec handed her a shortsword and kept his scimitar.
“Now, let me see what you’re capable of.” He stood upright and unmoving like a statue with the sword in front of him. It was a classic duel pose like she would’ve seen in a theatre.
She held the short sword in both hands, gripping it tightly as she leaped high, bringing the blade down over his head.
Lautrec easily sidestepped the blow. Without a shield he didn’t dare take heavy hits like that to his sword. He’d continue to fight defensively against her.
He was tall, so a low shot might at least slow him down. It’s also possible to wear him down by forcing him to stay guarded.

Lautrec held his hand out, and started casting a Ray of Frost in her direction. It was a cone of blue and white energy that would freeze whatever it touches.
She managed to roll out of the way, though her weapon flew from her hands. She let out a grunt as she hit the ground, pushing herself up quickly.
Lautrec pointed his sword at her and moved forward.
“Good roll. Reclaim your weapon.” He said. He wanted to see what she could do, what could be improved on, etc. If this was a real battle she could be dead by now. He didn’t go easy on her, but training continued nonetheless.
She reached forward to take the sword in her hand but quickly turned her head in the direction of the road. The ground was trembling underneath her fingers, the sound of the far off pounding of hooves against the packed dirt of the road carried softly in the wind. Scrambling forward, she grabbed the sword, running quickly to her donkey.

"Bandits!" she called to Lautrec, and swiftly mounting the burro, kicked her heel into it's flank setting the pace for a gallop.

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