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Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

Original Setting & Fandom Search



Thank you for taking the time out of your day and checking out my post!

So yes, I’m looking for people to write with in a variety of settings. Some I have character sheets for already and others I don’t. Also will list various dynamics between characters I’m interested in as well later on.

At the moment, I’m currently interested in writing original Fantasy, Urban Fantasy as well as an original Zombie Apocalypse setting. The Fandom I’m currently interested in is Harry Potter with OCs, but will also list other Fandoms I’ve had experience in before. Also if there’s a role or an idea of yours you think I’d be a match for, still be sure to send me a DM!

This thread will likely be added to at later stages as my interests and ideas evolve. My previous Interest Check wasn’t the best thing I’ve ever written so here I am, hopefully writing this to a slightly better standard than last time!

About Me

- I’m Syn!(He/Him)
- I’m over 21 but under 30
- LGBTQ+ Friendly
- Only comfortable roleplaying with others aged 18
- Have roleplayed for over 10 years and also write in my spare time
- Am a sleep (and sun) deprived English person (GMT)
- I enjoy writing complex characters combined with angst/conflict/hurt/comfort/protection mixed in with some sort of adventure plot
- Am not picky about what sort of images you use for face claims be they art, photos, actors or even *gulp* AI (so long as they don’t have seventeen fingers and six legs… unless that’s what you’re going for of course!). Not a fan of Anime/Manga face claims due to bad experiences in the past, even though the art style looks cool. Apologies.
- I don’t always design characters to be appealing or typically attractive. Sometimes I might for sure, but I honestly prefer focusing on the character as a person over making them as ‘hot’ as typically possible
- While my main characters are cis male and hetro, I’m very comfortable writing side characters of various other gender identities/sexualities
- As long as RP Nations rules alongside common sense are applied, I’m more than happy to write characters under 18, or play alongside characters that are under 18 with age appropriate dynamics
- Am a huge Metalhead
I blame my nerdiness on two things: Doctor Who & David Tennant, neither are shabby at all really!

Oh! And…


What I’m Looking For In A Partner

- Someone enthusiastic! It’s meant to be a fun and creative hobby! Not a tedious and highly serious signing of a legally binding contract. While I’m socially awkward and introverted, I try and put people at ease. No, I don’t expect you to become my online best friend, but meshing well OOCly is just as important as the RP itself. Manufactured stoicism in order to be perceived as a ‘sErIoUs RoLePlAyEr’ gives me the Roleplay ick. I’m sorry, we’re just not gonna work out.
- Preferably comfortable writing multi-para/novella style. Am however a firm believer of quality > quantity, as not every scene requires giant posts. Also is able to write in third person
- Is cool with world building, character sheets, and exchanging ideas before we start and also as we go along
- Being able to separate IC and OOC, and understands that RP isn’t always about winning. In 1x1 especially, it’s a very ‘give and take’ kinda deal with your writing partner
- Is cool with darker/mature themes, and is wanting to make a character driven story. I will always respect your limits/triggers
- Being okay with making/interacting with various side characters throughout the story
- Is able to push their character out of their comfort zone
- Just be open to the idea of having fun!

Finally! The Good Stuff

So you have finally made it, weary Roleplayer. Welcome to the ‘why we are all here’ part of my ramble.

I have a few ideas surrounding character dynamics and starting scenarios for some Original Settings, but would really like to collaborate with you on the overall plot and direction our story goes in. Mainly so I know we’re both invested and are happy with the world and characters we’re writing.

Harry Potter - OC & Canon: Fenrir Greyback, Sirius Black, Draco Malfoy
Cyberpunk - Canon: Johnny Silverhand
The Walking Dead - Canon: Daryl Dixon
Game of Thrones - Canon: Sandor ‘The Hound’ Clegane
Star Wars - OC
Doctor Who - OC & Canon: 10th & 12th Doctors
Batman - AU/OG take on Canon: Batman/Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth
Sons of Anarchy - Canon: Tig Trager

Current Fandom Interests & Ideas:

(Already have a character sheet for this one! Also have some very basic ideas for side characters I’m wanting to flesh out. Set many years after the end of the books/movies)

The Wizarding World is facing a new threat on the Horizon. The signs are there that danger is brewing, but only some are aware of them.

Amongst this, an unlikely Ex-Auror with a past that no longer feels like his own becomes the new Hogwarts Librarian of all things.

While as an Auror he’d been one of the top and most relentless in the department, being a fearsome duelist and ferociously talented at his job, he was forced to take early retirement after a case went very badly wrong and ended up staying in St Mungo’s to recover for a long while. In actuality, his relatively full-ish physical recovery has taken years.

Since the deeply troubling and traumatic situation that he simply calls ‘The Incident’ which led to the end of his Law Enforcement career, he hasn’t been himself. That is very apparent by his new found socially awkward demeanor, anxiety about his new and seemingly boring occupation, and above all how he dresses and carries himself is so different. Those who knew him are both shocked, and question what really happened to him to cause such a significant change in personality. There were rumors, something about either a Dark Witch or even a Vampire. But those were just rumours… right?

However, there was one thing this neatly turned out and seemingly well mannered librarian was dreading about his new job, it was having to put himself out there and interact with students.

Having been forced by his new boss to become the Head of the brand new ‘Library Club’, whose purpose is to give struggling students a sense of belonging and pride in a private study hall with personalized tuition in the Library a couple of times each week, his sense of dread has escalated. To make it worse, this club wasn't a voluntary one unlike others in the castle. If the sulky, stroppy students being forced against their will to take part didn’t complete their work and improve their grades, they’d be held back and would be made to repeat a year.

The new librarian hadn’t signed up for such a responsibility. He didn’t want to do this almost as much as the kids. But like them, it seemed as if he had very little choice.

One thing the group of young misfits and the new Librarian had in common, is none of them had any idea that their little Library Club (which most students considered ‘incredibly lame’ and was often a source of mean spirited ridicule) was about to become the center of a dangerous adventure, which perhaps the fate of Hogwarts and even the Wizarding World as a whole was depending on.

Original Setting Ideas

Your character and my character (a Vampire) have been fighting on opposing sides during a giant war. But thanks to a secretive and powerful group of Mages working together in the shadows, both find themselves bound, trapped and kidnapped straight from the field of battle in what most would consider a terrifying display of magical skill.

While unconscious and very tightly secured in an unknown location, both of them are fitted with an unbreakable magical chain around their necks which prevents them from being able to kill one another. If they try, the chain sends a vicious magical charge through their bodies.

The only way they can rid themselves of the chain and be free, soon appears to be by completing a difficult and dangerous task the mages have set them, and to do so together. Will they risk angering the incredibly powerful mages to find a way to break free, or will they reluctantly find a way to do the impossible and work together, in order to complete the task and be free?

Your character is a Royal who has given their permission for an experimental ritual to take place, or is an heir to such a royal who either comes across this ritual by mistake out of curiosity, or is forced to take part in the name of duty/as punishment etc.

My character, a bloodthirsty and infamous Vampire who has led his Lordly brother’s armies to many brutal victories over the centuries, has been captured by an elite and prestigious order of Mages who have been the magical arm and scholarly advisors of the royal family for thousands of years.

He is forced, against his will, to be the subject of an experimental ritual which in theory, is supposed to make his bloodlust manageable and make him safer for your character’s kind to be around.

Another desired effect of the ritual was to form a magical link between the vampire and your character to see if it’s possible to turn a creature like that into a bodyguard. Of course, it was met with skepticism by many, including some of the Mages themselves. But they certainly think it’s possible to achieve and could prove useful if it works. As could the Vampire. What better way to discover your powerful enemy’s weaknesses than to have one available to run tests on, even if doing so be perceived as immoral?

What would your character make of it?

Perhaps the magical link has given your character the ability to feel the Vampire’s emotions? That he can feel fear and pain like anyone else which makes the prospect of allowing such distress to continue, horrifying if not eye opening?

Or perhaps your character is just empathetic at heart, and doesn’t want any part in causing suffering to any creature, even though the Vampire in the past has been monstrous? After all, they haven’t seen the Vampire attack anyone since the ritual took place. Perhaps he’s not dangerous anymore? Or perhaps your character can help him change?

Or just maybe your character enjoys having an upper hand at last over such a powerful and cruel creature that is responsible for huge amounts of suffering for their people for centuries, and they are going to make the most of seeing it squirm? It deserves it, right?

Urban Fantasy
Have character ideas for this setting, but have not made any character sheets for it yet. Will absolutely do that if anyone is interested in starting something up!

By chance two supernatural beings become detectives in a fictional big city. Also by chance, they become partners.

They both know that the other isn’t human, but both do their best to keep that secret from everyone else. The majority of humans don’t know beings like them exist, and they for sure are not going to go around yelling that from the rooftops.

Not being human, they both stand out in their department by a long shot. Their methods at times are unusual, as are their personalities.

My character, a Demon who had gotten bored sinning in the mortal plane for all eternity without purpose, decided to join up simply for entertainment value as other people’s misfortune darkly amuses him at times. Sadly, he’s disappointed by lots of humans he has little choice but to interact with each day. They really were scummy dregs of society that would be better off if he just ate their souls and burned their bodies into ash… but he couldn’t. That went against policy and procedures most likely. And to think they’d consider him the monster even after doing the things they did to each other? Humans were utterly baffling.

It soon becomes clear after a call they both responded to one night, that there was something impeccably dark and very out of place going on in the city. Not only was there a particularly horrific murder that had taken place, but it had all the hallmarks of something supernatural and very dangerous lurking in the streets.

Even though their Captain would prefer them working a case that wouldn’t be getting attention from the press as they weren’t the face of the Police Department they’d like to be out in public at all, (Especially doing the press conferences live streamed on various news stations and all around the internet… as well as questioning the victims' distraught families - ugh), due to some otherworldly ‘persuasion’ (much to the dismay and annoyance of other much more by-the-book detectives), their captain kept them both on the case. After all, neither of them could risk themselves or other beings and species most humans were intentionally kept in the dark about from being discovered. That would throw the world into chaos of the worst possible kind.

Both of our characters are married Vampires with Vampire children (can be grown/teens/kids) living in a large city. Or at least appear to be a family unit, as that helps them maintain cover amongst humans.

They keep themselves to themselves and focus on their work which is incredibly crucial to keeping themselves alive. They’re Undertakers - some of the best in the city. Makes sense as they have been serving the place for nearly two hundred years, mostly without any issues.

They collect bodies from all over the city - the fresher the better as they use their fresh blood to sustain themselves, which is imperative to keeping a low profile.

The longer a person is dead, the less effective their blood is at keeping a Vampire’s thirst sustained. It also tastes stale - like beer that’s been left out for too long.

It is also up to them to arrive at crime scenes and pronounce people dead. Which they always are. The Undertakers make sure of it. Ridding a human being of the last slither of life in order to feed themselves and their families is not an issue to them. Neither is ensuring their souls are removed first, before they send them on their way to the grave.

Souls are a valuable resource and can be traded for a variety of wares amongst the supernatural community - including blood of the finest quality. They just don’t ask questions about where it comes from. They’re just grateful that there is a way to properly quench their thirst and not have to feed off the freshly dead like scavengers in order to survive.

However, an incredibly nosy cop has been seen slowly driving past the front of their premises for the past week now multiple times. That cop also hadn’t tried hiding the fact they were staring out of their window directly at their briskness. Could they be onto something? Trouble could soon be on the way if so.

Your character, an aspiring and incredibly enthusiastic investigative reporter looking for their big break, has been researching the possibility of Vampires and other dangerous creatures existing for many years.

They have been laughed out of offices by editors, and have had their findings pushed aside even on the wackiest conspiracy theory related websites who prefer encouraging hairy men with no teeth to scour forests in search of bigfoot, claiming that aliens are watching us through our to screens, and that lizard people are one step closer to taking over the world.

But, your character has been contacted by a prolific Anthropologist who has appeared on television - usually on the Discovery Channel or even talk shows. They’re well known for having very controversial opinions about what it means to be human, and have even suggested that there are many more forms of intelligent life on the planet than what people know. They also mysteriously had their lab burn down in a freak fire after obtaining some ‘key evidence’ to back up their claims.

This Anthropologist has seen your character, reaching out for advice on forums, or even has been bold enough to contact them directly to look over their findings. Needless to say, this Anthropologist is remarkably impressed and engrossed in your character’s work, and would like to help them publish an article and get their name out there in the future as their work almost identically backs up some theories of their own.

But there is a problem, without documented proof, that article would just be perceived as another story for tinfoil hat wearers to absorb. So they urge your character to look for actual evidence in order to give their article the weight it deserves.

And they find it. In one of three ways.

Having kept their ear to the ground, your character discovered some incredibly unusual activity and peculiar rumors swirling around what appears to be an oddity and antique shop in the quaint Old Town district. It was run by a polite and immaculate older man with a well spoken English accent who seemed to have a thing for fine waistcoats. Yes, he was eccentric, but Brits could be, right? However, after asking if there was a job opening and getting hired to help him in his shop as a cover for their investigation, your character discovers that the shop is a front for selling (to their amazement) magical and supernatural items to those in the city with the ability to get use of them. From crystal balls, strange rings that seemed to literally vibrate with some sort of magic, as well as taxidermied animals that your character could swear change positions at times in their glass tanks when they’re not looking. Then there’s the owner. After what your character thought was keeping an eye on them from a distance and discreetly listening in on their conversations, they become aware that this man, somehow, is not human. The only issue is that upon discovering this about him, the old man confronts your character about everything they have been up to. He knows everything. But, there is more and your character has no idea what to do with this information. According to the old man who has revealed to your character that he is in fact a Demon, he tells your character to their shock and confusion, that they aren’t human either

2.Your character whilst trying to figure out what potential leads to follow, discovers that a local Outlaw Motorcycle Club has a secretive and dark history involving what is alleged to be the Occult. Your character decides to drop by a rowdy party at the clubhouse one night to see if they can find out anything at all and observe the members closely. It’s difficult as Clubs like this are dangerous enough in general, and have even been known to leave much more experienced Federal Agents chopped up in pits for daring to infiltrate their ranks. But your character persists, and discovers by watching how they talk with a biker from a rival club they’ve kept locked away beneath their club house, that they are in fact a pack of Werewolves. But that’s not all. The President of the club - the leader is even more than that. Upon eavesdropping some more and you hear how they interact amongst each other, your character discovers that the President goes by the name Fenrir. Thinking it was just a typical nickname for a Werewolf, your character shrugs it off at first, but the more they observe, the more they realize that no, ‘Fenrir’, a giant bear of a man covered in strange scars all over his skin that indeed do look like they once could have been binds, is the real deal. The mythical wolf, feared by the Norse gods and would bring about Ragnarok - The end of days upon breaking free of his binds, was real. In the midst of your character having an existential crisis, they’re discovered hiding and listening in by an angry club member who will not be letting your character leave. In spite of their protests, your character is brought before Fenrir himself.

Your character knows that if there is anywhere people who travel who don’t want to be on record would sneak through, or where illegal items would pass through is the large port which is usually on the news for drugs and people trafficking. Having little other leads, your character goes down to the docks at night to investigate. While quietly tiptoeing around in the shadows, your character overhears some people talking on the dock. They had peculiar accents that clearly weren’t local, but were communicating in English. They both were complaining to each other about how long they had to work, ensuring that the Captain gets what he needs. The other said something interesting, and stated that if the captain overheard them complaining, they’d be shut in the brig for a week, and would be tortured with foul visions and horrifying pain during that time. Your character watches as these sailors scurried off towards a rusty old ship that had certainly seen better days. Your character sneaks through the docks and creeps on board. As soon as they do, your character is shocked at what they see. As if passing through an invisible bubble, your character's perception of the rusty old boat has totally changed. It was rusty no more as it somehow didn’t appear to even be made of metal - but dark wood, rope and sails? Stunned, your character hides behind some horrible smelling barrels on the large wooden deck of what appeared to be an old Man-O-War with intricate carvings and a multitude of canons. The only difference is that this ship was huge, and contained many scruffily dressed people armed with swords of all things, scurrying around, scrubbing surfaces and loading modern crates into the hold. It also appears as if there is a creature of some description being kept down there too judging by the occasional growls your character hears. Transfixed, your character simply watches from their hiding spot for a while, unable to comprehend what it was they had discovered. They only came to their senses when they realized that the giant ship which felt remarkably smooth for such an old and bizarre thing was on the move. In a panic, your character doesn’t think, and sprints across the deck towards what had previously been land. After wobbling to keep their balance on the edge of where the gangway had previously been, your character becomes aware that they are being laughed at by members of the crew. They turn around and discover many are all cackling away at their expense, and worse, the one who had a natural arrogance and presence about how he carried himself which was only possible for the one in charge stepped forward. He was handsome, but rugged, and pale. Too pale. It looked as if he hadn’t seen the sun in years. It was no wonder as your character noticed the prominent and remarkably sharp fangs as he smiled mockingly. There was no doubt about it, they’d discovered a Vampire Pirate Captain. It sounded ludicrous, but there he was in all of his piratey-glory

Zombie Apocalypse
I have a character I’ve that can be adapted for an RP. Can totally make a character sheet for him if anyone is interested!

Please be sure to let me know your triggers/limits when DMing me if interested in this setting. My character’s backstory contains some mature and traumatic themes which may be distressing for some, as I’m sure the world around him would as well. Am absolutely able to work with you on this, and can totally void those parts of his backstory or not write certain themes if it’s triggering/upsetting for you. Your limits/triggers are very important to me, so please let me know about yours!

Needless to say, I am looking to make this a gritty, dark and mature RP that adheres to the site's rules. It would ideally be set in an unforgiving and brutal world, where characters will likely have to do some unpleasant things, and make horrible and difficult decisions in order to survive.

Exploring the extreme lengths and the depravity humans will resort to in order to survive, how they adapt to their surroundings and overcome huge obstacles and challenges is interesting to me. Especially in a world where there are few rules, possessing confused codes of conduct, and at times having to push morality aside in order to live another day.

The character I’ve written is a product of such depravity and possessing a strong determination to survive. He’s more of a Negan (before he started making spaghetti anyway lol) than a Rick Grimes. He has a set of morals in his own way, but I will say that he isn’t the best human being. If morally gray (at times he’s a very shade of dark gray!) characters aren’t your cup of tea, currently this might not be the RP for you.

My character is the head of a community of survivors who are currently residing in an old ammunition factory.

It’s his responsibility to ensure that everyone pulls their weight and adheres to the rules he has put in place in order to ensure that daily life within their reinforced walls go as smoothly and as peacefully as possible.

He doesn’t trust anyone else to deal with large disputes, rule breakers and violence that can sometimes erupt over the smallest things now the world has come to an end. So he deals with these issues himself, and when he does makes an example out of whoever it was who thought so selfishly to cross him.

After much blood sweat and tears, he took over the factory from a man who seemed to have little clue how to make the factory an operating, defendable fortress, safe from any outsider or raider who wanted to do them harm and take everything they had worked so hard to achieve.

While the factory is home to many people of varying skills, ages, experience and abilities, in comparison to the giant farm his older brother was in control of several miles away, they were quite a small community of probably barely over two hundred people.

They traded ammo with the farm, and as the farm obviously had way more land (and honestly was much more picturesque), they provided the factory with food in return for keeping their supplies up and running.

It sounded as if things were all worked out and life was easy. It wasn’t. There was the threat of walking out of the giant front gates and being eaten alive each day which never went away, other people were of course way worse than the dead, and required a much firmer hand in order to deal with.

Luckily my character and his brother knew a thing or two about combat, traps and general survivalism and combat tactics, both being decorated members of the British Armed forces. That at times caused tension amongst certain people both of the farm and the factory as they resented the fact that a Brit was telling them what to do in their own country.

However with what both of the brothers were capable of, those voices often turned quiet very quickly, as they both ruled through fear. No, it wasn’t the Army way. It was actually how they’d been taught growing up: do whatever it takes. Sometimes fear was what it took as the greatest motivator of them all.

The only issue is that the older of the two brothers is in a lot of ways worse. While both brothers were killers, had a cruel streak, had strong mental fortitude with the ability to compartmentalize and were highly trained in their fields, the older of the brothers reveled in cruelty, and being perhaps the most immoral person this side of the Atlantic. His three sons had also stooped to such lows that not even the younger brother from the factory would ever stoop to. The brothers were by no means close which in itself caused tensions and rifts between the two communities.

While the factory was run by fear, the farm was run by that and worse. While my character didn’t have qualms about torturing a person himself if need be, what his older brother did at the farm was… something else. He wished they didn’t have to do business with them as his older brothers' ways disturbed even him, but he was stuck. Whilst there was a bit of land surrounding the factory, not much could grow there. His brother would also take huge offense if seen trying to become more self-sufficient. Control was very important to him, and in his eyes, as he controlled the food, he had the final say.

It wasn’t uncommon to find members from his community trying to escape along the roads… or ones that had been caught and had been ‘dealt with’. No, that didn’t mean dead - nothing quite so humane unfortunately. They’d often had feet sliced off just above the ankle and thrown onto the scorching asphalt with half a bottle of stale river water to drink, which likely contained horrible microbes that could give you the worst case of the runs of all time. Combined with bleeding out, and certain dehydration from the combination of heat and stomach issues, it was a horrible way to go.

While cruel and brutal, prolonged suffering such as that was not what he was about. At least not when it wasn’t warranted. Actually that was probably one of the few redeemable qualities he had left. Having seen a lot, and having done a lot in his life, even prior to the world ending, he cynically wondered how long he’d have left before losing that single shred of decency remaining. Not wanting to turn into his brother, he so far had refused to go there despite having done a lot of horrible things to many people, being one of the few to have the stomach to do so. But how his older brother could be? No. That was too much. Even for him.


That’s some very basic detail of the setting - can go into more detail in DMs, and will elaborate much more about the communities and the dynamics between my character and his older brother, as well as their military backgrounds and other character related things.

If it sounds like something you’d be interested in setting up a roleplay around and want to world build and plot with me, send me a DM listing your limits/triggers.

Also am up for making this character lose everything he’s already built up. Nothing is set in stone, and I am totally up to utilise this character and setting in various scenarios and dynamics

Bold indicates my character’s role:

Unlikely Protective Parental Figure/teen/child/young adult
Old Man Father Figure/Troubled Younger Man
Second in Command/One In Charge
Younger Brother
/Older Brother
Heavy Handed Cop/Killer

Personal Guard/Thug In Charge

My Limits

Am chill about most things. If unsure, feel free to ask! I’ll likely check in with you every now and again about your limits before a big scene just to ensure everything is

  • Nothing that goes against RP Nation’s rules​

  • Animal cruelty/Excessively detailed descriptions of killing animals. For sure, write what your character is doing if hunting, but I’d rather not hear about how that animal is suffering thanks. Can do whatever you want to people though!(Yeah, I’m one of THOSE people!)​

Thank you for reading!
Be sure to send me a DM if anything here interests you. Tell me a bit about yourself and what you wanna write, if you have any ideas, your limits & triggers and any questions you have - questions are always good!

Happy Roleplaying!

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hey there! I was able to read through the entire post and I am super interested in the Harry Potter storyline or the Zombie Apocalypse plot. Let me know if you’re still open so I can send a DM and we can talk from there!
I'd love to chat about rp with you! I currently rp harry potter on a Jcink site, looking for more people with similar interests! :)

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