Fantasy, Theif and the rich girl


Junior Member
I am looking for someone who is willing to play a Rich girl/princess living a secluded life.

i was thinking i'd play a poor thief/beggar, one day they are to meet and somehow start talking and get along well. the friendship is hard though with their different lifestyles and way of life, one lives in luxury while the other steal and beg to get by every day. the story begins as they meet up on the market with him looking for money and she being let out of the castle for one of the rare occasions in the city, a hanging.

it's a fantasy world so there are all kinds of creatures and races around so there is no need for it to be a human and so forth, i am not even sure what i am gonna RP as.

i haven't thought this one through so much yet but i want to RP! >.<'
Yes please :3 i could start up a chat next time you are online so we can talk details ^^
very sorry ^^' i have had some internet problems the past few days but now i am back online :3
I'm sorry! I haven't been at all able to get onto this website in a while... I'm still interested, if you are. Was the site experiencing some issues or something?

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