Fantasy RP


New Member
I developed my original character, Insomnia, as an elven warrior with a rebellious past and no direction in life. She would serve as a spy in wars for either side, not favoring one or the other. She also was equipped in the martial arts and sword fighting. I would like to continue her life story and am open to new/unusual plot ideas. I am also new to this site, but have role-played for any years. I prefer to write longer posts with rich details and a complicated plot. If you are interested in role-playing, just let me know!

Either side of what?

Is this character supposed to be in a certain made-up world by someone else, such as Middle-Earth, or did you make it yourself?


I'd suggest things but I'm not sure since that was kinda vague!

By the way, do you like Lord of the Rings? :D

I'm thinking of rp ideas, but I don't know anyone that likes it...
I like this character of yours, she sounds very interesting, but its kinda vague on the setting and such/: It would help me answer better if you gave some more detail on where this place she lives is and all :P

For the record....I love Lord of the Rings >w>
I have a sample of an rp post that I would usually use as an introduction to her character. I honestly haven't done this in so long, I would be happy to play her under any circumstance and in any setting. I also enjoy the Lord of the Rings. :)

{Darkness filtered down through the trees as the sun sunk below the horizon. Insomnia tightened her grip on Raine's hand and ran faster. Thub-dub, thub-dub, thub-dub... her heart pounded loudly in her ears and the wind whistled past, savagely thrashing her long brown hair. Raine was whimpering quietly as she stumbled over tree roots, her bare feet bleeding from the cuts she sustained during the first half of the journey.

"Raine, my love, hurry dear," Insomnia gently prodded the young girl behind her. Insomnia glanced behind her shoulder to catch a glimpse of her tiny sister. Raine's long blonde hair was matted with dead leaves and branches, her face was tearstained, her eyes puffy and read, her entire body shook from the cold. Insomnia tore her eyes away and blinked back a tear that had begun to develop in her own eye.

BAM! Insomnia and Raine flew to the ground and Insomnia quickly threw herself on top of Raine. They sat in silence for a few seconds, and when no other sound was heard, Insomnia grabbed Raine's clothing and heaved her off of the ground. The young girl was now hysterical, sobbing uncontrollably, shaking from head to toe. Insomnia gently touched her sister's face and then began to drag her along, though the girl could barely walk.

"Insomnia," Raine mumbled through her tears, "please leave me."

"I won't," she proclaimed defiantly, pulling on Raine's hand harder than before, but Raine broke free and fell to the ground. Insomnia stopped and slowly turned toward her sister, crumpled in a heap on the ground. "Insomnia," Raine moaned, "please..." Her voice drifted away with the wind, as her eyes flickered closed. Insomnia dropped to her knees, tears now freely flowing from her eyes. "You were the only one who understood me, Raine. What will I do without you?" Her entire body felt like a block of solid wood, her arms were heavy, and her legs wouldn't stop shaking. She reached out to the girl, but the skin on her pale arm was already as cold as ice.

Insomnia pushed herself up weakly and began to stumble into the inky darkness. Her legs gave way underneath her as her sobs intensified, but she forced herself upright once more until she finally collapsed on the forest floor, a few feet away from her sister's body.}

Insomnia hails from an elven clan in the heart of the Black Forest, Germany. The clan was invaded while she and her sister, Raine, were both young, but both managed to fight their way through the barrier and out into the surrounding forest, only for Raine to die of starvation and fear.

Insomnia was picked up by a band of gypsy humans and nursed back to health in their community. Without a future, Insomnia wandered aimlessly throughout northeastern Europe and into Russia were she was recruited as a spy by a secret Communist organization. Since her first experience of warfare, Insomnia has always been on the frontline as a spy or assassin for some of the most prestigious terrorist groups in the world today. She hides her origins well, but her anger is another story. Since the loss of her sister, her appearance, attitude, and mindset have changed dramatically. Skilled in the martial arts and swordplay, she holds no remorse for others and little pity. She can be cruel and ruthless and should never be trusted; she is only concerned with her own survival.

Insomnia's strengths also give way to weakness. With no trusted friends, she lies extremely vulnerable to the many enemies she as acquired over the years. Her hand has dabbled in many underhanded deeds which makes her a hunted woman, and her passion tends to overwhelm her as she fights for her life, occasionally crippling her into puddle of emotion.

Alright, I'd be posting more but it's late and I'm tired.

And I'm using a phone.

I will post more.

But now, all I have is we should totally do a What-if-Frodo-became-the-next-Dark-Lord thing, because I always wondered what would that be like. xD For fun or something.

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