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Fantasy Fantasy RP Partner


New Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello all!
Looking for a semi-literate casual roleplay partner (I'm relatively new and still getting used to roleplaying so please be patient with me!) Doesn't need to be long term by any means, I'm just here to have fun!

I would like to roleplay in a fantasy setting, romance would be nice but not required. I do work a full time job and I'm in college irl, so please be patient with my replies!

Please reach out if interested!
Hi there! Sounds fine to me, what platform do you use? I'm on discord if you want to do that, I'm fine with whatever
Hey! I am open to do a rp! I have an elf oc I have yet to use in any full rps that I am interested in using in a fantasy setting. If you wish we can roleplay here or on another platform like discord.

I offer both cause I just joined this cite and still figuring it out
Hey! I am open to do a rp! I have an elf oc I have yet to use in any full rps that I am interested in using in a fantasy setting. If you wish we can roleplay here or on another platform like discord.

I offer both cause I just joined this cite and still figuring it out
Hi there! I'm also new and figuring stuff out, but we can use discord if you'd like! Just shoot me a DM and I can send you my info

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