Fantasy Roleplay; Need About 4 People; Plot

Yes, absolutely! I posted the thread link so if you guys want to post intros there, feel free to anytime!
(If I may, I wish to be the Dark Sorcerer. I'm sorry for the lateness.)

Name: Rilan Lautrec

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Personality: Rilan initially comes off as a very welcoming person. However, he is truly sadistic and somewhat sarcastic in speaking, and he also loves to watch other's misery and pain. Rilan is also analytical, as he prefers to get to know some information on his opponent before fighting them.

Species: Human

Looks: black hair/Anime-Guy4.jpg.html

Other: He has a love for strawberries.
Sweet! :D I'm gonna be posting an intro on the other thread soon, so we can start :D
Any you want :3 I posted my intro on the other thread, btw. It's crappy but its there haha
I think I'll post for Zandaya after the Evil dark sorcerer does. With her being his lackey from the beginning... if that's fine with everyone...

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