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Fantasy Fantasy pirates is dead

seraphina is suddenly holding en empty bottle, her voice is slightly slurred and her eyes start to swirl yellow. "more please" she giggles and holds out her bottle
“You are supposed to clean the ship right? It’s what you were doing earlier?” Barry looked down at Jessica offering her some “It is t what the others drink, it’s much smoother if you want some”

Lulu winked at jack as she gently took the bottle drinking some of the rum “this isn’t half bad....so Jack, what are you?” She asked, laying out on her belly to stretch
"Yes, I was ...I..."Then, she see Barry offered her a drink. "......" She slowly take it and slowly drink it. 'Eww, its bitter....." She said as she wipe her lips with her tongue.
"Yes, I was ...I..."Then, she see Barry offered her a drink. "......" She slowly take it and slowly drink it. 'Eww, its bitter....." She said as she wipe her lips with her tongue.
Barry started laughing at the face she made and patted her head “maybe you’d prefer wine, most ladies do” brushing his hair from his face he used his tail to poke her cheek “so why don’t you tell me a little about yourself “ waving his tail infront of her face before trying to tickle her.
Jessica have her face pouted a little when Barry patted her head, it remind her like she a child, and of course getting poked, " Will you stopped that? I'm not a toy--hahaha,stop it!!" Now she start laughing.
“Sorry I can’t help it, you are interesting, but if it’s embarrassing for me to do that then you can get payback” sliding off the railing he sat down on the deck. “You can touch my ears.....but be gentle they are sensitive” forgetting he was still tickling her he quickly stopped .
Lulu paused choking on the rum as she tried to breath. Regaining her composure she set the bottle down practically tackling him. Purring loudly she licked her lips “You are.....Captain I think I might love you.....can I warm your bed every night?” She asked, Lulu was someone who worshipped the god but how he treated her was interesting to her.
"Pay back?" Jessica stopped laugh as she look at Barry. "Eh? Your ears?" She look at his ear as she slowly touch it with her finger.
Barry’s ears flickered and laid down as he closed his eyes blushing. Purring he opened one eye “it’s sort of my kinda weakness and a natural strength”
“Thank you captain” laying down on his chest cuddling up to him as she drew circles on his chest after sharing a brief kiss “so....Jack, when do we get to raid a ship? Or do you have anything planned?”

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