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Fantasy Fantasy Medieval/Greekish Large scale rp

The Witch Son

and a swift justice to those that got away with it
Roleplay Type(s)







N P C & P C || C O N S T R U C T I O N

It is the nature of both people and kingdoms to rise and fall, just as surely as the sun will rise every morning and set every night. In a cycle they turn, a dance for all eternity. These comings and goings of people and kingdoms may seem ineffectual to an onlooker of Baekoth, an eternal and old land. But to those who live through these events, these risings and falls, it is everything. It is life, and it is only what they can make of it, only what they choose to make of it, and it is the only thing that matters to them.

Baekoth now is home to many who bow to The Messiah Queen and her god Aule, her rule extends through all of Dorelith, a country that once belonged to the seven kingdoms of man. Kings reduced to lords, wardens of land that was once wholly theirs, their bannermen had to witness them bend the knee and submit themselves as well. Her iron rule strengthens every year despite rebellion, and after three and twenty years who can hope to stop her now? She entrances the masses with her miracles of raising the dead and healing the sick, taking feelings of hunger or thirst away and showing them the might of Aule the merciful. She seeks to spread his love and mercy to all of Baekoth, and to smite those who would stand against him. She prepares the world for his arrival. The neighbors of Dorelith, the Orcs to the Freelands, the Elves to the great forest, and Taomar, the Daemon Empire in its budding, are all anxious at whether the conquering will continue to their lands. What few rebels there are left live in fear and hiding, some to Dorelith's mountains and others deep to the south, far from Citha; they are a nuisance to the Queen’s forces at best, but a persistent one.

A plot brews to the south where begins a rebellion of slaves who have thrown off their shackles, led by the once thought dead Princess of Citha, the Kingdom that The Messiah Queen first laid claim to and began her conquest with. The slaves move in secrecy, attacking slavers on their way to the great gladiator arena in Ruhar, leaving none alive to confirm their existence. They have the element of surprise,
for now. When word gets out, this will cause trouble for the Princess who was shown mercy by the Messiah Queen all those years ago. Can these freed men even hope to survive this, let alone succeed in their quest to end slavery?

And still yet in other parts of Baekoth plots thicken and destiny uncoils. Taomar is busy building itself but relys on an economy of slavery and gladitorial entertainment from in Ruhar and the Elves are as silent in their forests as ever. The wind whispers that the Queen is no messiah, but a Witch Queen. The Freelands thunder with the heavy footsteps of the Orcs gathering. The waters ripple with the fretful splash of mermaids swimming. Even the Halflings in their protected valley grow curiously nervous. War looms over Baekoth, it is heavy in the air, and perhaps none will escape its bite.
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Seems interesting to me. Ancient cultures, magic, religious practices like Druidism and such. It has a lot of different directions it could be taken. I would be interested in joining this!
ShadowDancer23 said:
Seems interesting to me. Ancient cultures, magic, religious practices like Druidism and such. It has a lot of different directions it could be taken. I would be interested in joining this!
Druidism? Do you mean the elves? Is that what Druidism is because to be honest I was never sure what exactly druids were from a genre perspective
Depending on lore, Druidism is a sort of religion or a sort of cult. Druids are like modern day priests, guiding the followers in practices. They believe in many gods and goddesses, and they believe that the earth has many places that are "power centers" - basically places that have an energy so old and so powerful that the Druids held rituals there thinking that the gods would hear their pleas.
Hello. I would be very interested in this. I really like all the detail you've included in the world building, but what really drew me in was that you offered to hear us out on concepts we have that we would like to use, but have been unable to get accepted in other games. With that being said i have something i would like to run by you.

What i have in mind is a human barbarian. A majority of this character's traits would be dictated by the religion of his people. The religion is as follows. Upon reaching adulthood (by their standards of course, keeping in mind that many medieval cultures considered teenagers to be adults) they swear their souls and services too one of the five gods of their Pantheon (which for the sake of time i will not go into detail on at this time, but would be happy to discuss if your interested). In turn the "god" blesses said individual, with blessings varying depending on the deity. After they have sworn themselves to a god they are inducted into that deities cult. Each cult has their own religions dogma's, and a key ritual to their worship of their god. Irregardless of which cult you join, the religion revolves around stealing/taking the souls of others through the key ritual of your cult. If you gather enough souls, then when you die, instead of being eaten by the deity you promised your soul too, they take your offering, and depending on the number and quality of souls you sacrifice you are given privilege in the afterlife. If you don't have enough souls to offer, then the god consumes your soul. The gods of this culture are sustained and empowered by the souls of the living, whether it be the souls of their devout or of victims makes little difference to them.

I think this could have very interesting interactions with the world you have already built. The nature of the deal at the core of this religion has similarities with, and can be tied into, the lore in your spirits of the beyond section of the magical directory.If your OK with it the deities could be painted as spirits from the beyond supercharged by generations of worship by the barbarian tribes.

As for the geographic location of these barbarian tribes i was thinking the mountains on the edge of the free-lands. I understand that in the class description for barbarian you place human barbarians in the southern region of Dorelith, but i really like the idea of putting them in those mountains (mostly just because i kinda have this image of hairy barbarians in bear skins coming screaming down off the mountains to kill all the lowlanders in my head). If an explanation of how they got there is required, they could be the descendants of Ork slaves who escaped into the mountains( perhaps their gods helped them to escape and that is how the religion started). And i think it would be a simply wonderful tie in to the Orks superstitious fear of loosing their souls if they go into the mountains. Maybe its not so superstitious, but no one else knows about the barbarian tribes there, so they assume the Orks are just being daft.

The character himself would be bound to their god of war, violence, revenge, honor, and kinship (if wonder why this belongs with this god, think of how violent people will become to protect their families and loved ones). I'm not really certain how he would end up with the party, as that would depend on the plot line we choose to follow, but i was thinking an honor dept to one of the other party members.

If your not interested in including this into your Rp i understand, and would still be interested in participating with a different character if you'll have me. I also understand i'm brand new to this site, and this is a detailed Rp, so if your leery of having me participate, i would be happy to submit to a test of your choosing to evaluate whether or not i have what it takes to be a part of this.

Thank you for your time


Contaminated Angel
p.s. And just in case your worried, i'm not trying to god mode my character. He's not really going to get any benefits from "taking" souls, which in his case involves taking trophies from those he slays in battle and ritually binding the fallen foes soul to said trophy. Ideas for trophies include but are not limited to, elf ears, demon horns, heads etc.
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Well, when I said concepts and characters I meant plot fodder, not new religions and the sort. If you've got a plot idea I'd love to hear it but I'm not very interested in changing the lore around.
I understand. I suppose it would be a rather large deviation from what you have laid out already. I hope you don't mind that i proposed it, and i apologize for the misunderstanding. Like i said above i have no problem going with what you already have laid out since i really like it, and if you have no objections to me participating in your Rp i'd be happy to be a part of it.
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[QUOTE="Contaminated Angel]I understand. I suppose it would be a rather large deviation from what you have laid out already. I hope you don't mind that i proposed it, and i apologize for the misunderstanding. Like i said above i have no problem going with what you already have laid out since i really like it, and if you have no objections to me participating in your Rp i'd be happy to be a part of it.

regardless thanks for your input though! I've actually come up with some good modification as far as plot goes I think, still working out the kinks though-

just as a show of hands would any of you be willing to rp on another site for this rp?
pfffft, welp the code got fucked up but that's ok, basically some things got changed plot wise but not too much, a more definite and present villain presence basically
Is this roleplay still being done on this site? o:

Because I am extremely interested in joining if it is~

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