• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy Fantasy Land Writers (CS)


This is my loudest bork


  • You can play any Race
  • Watch the Magic. Nothing OP
  • Watch the Language. PG-13
  • This will stay light-hearted, so keep that in mind when making your sole survivor of a pillaged village plus sex slave to the most notorious slave driver in the country. These stories don't really have a place here and they annoy me
  • The group of writers are friends, which means they're likely to know each other

: (Their true name.)
Aliases: (Other names, titles, nicknames, and aliases.)
Age: (Biological age. How long have you been there?)
Gender: (Male, Female, Genderless, or Hermaphrodite depending on Race.)
Race: (You may create your own race, provided that you will write down a fairly detailed description of its physiology, culture, etc.)
Class: (Feel free to make your own, however, the basic, recommended list can be found here: Fantasy Character Classes - TV Tropes.)

: (Ships gotta sail, then sink each other.)
High Concept: (Sum up your character in a sentence.)
Character Alignment: (Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Good, True Neutral, Neutral Evil, Chaos Good, Chaos Neutral, or Chaos Evil.)
Relatives: (People that are biologically related to your character.)
Organizations\Affiliations: (Organizations, or people the character is affiliated with.)
Personality: (At least 3 lines. Make sure the character has it's strengths and flaws.)
Backstory: (At least a solid paragraph. Keep it relevant - you can explore minor details in the RP proper.)

: (Written, or a picture. If written, then at least a detailed paragraph of text.)
Weapons & Armor: (Anything that the character uses for protection, or attack during combat.)
Items & Personal Belongings: (Any other items that the character has, or belong to them.)
Skills & Abilities: (Not magical. Include things like bartering, or the ability to pickpocket.)
Spells & Magic: (Magical. Spells and magical abilities that the character has.)
Weaknesses: (Weak sides of a character. Fears, inabilities, inexperience, emotional issues, mental issues, etc. Only ones that could be said to negatively affect the character.)

FLUFF (Optional)
Hobbies: (What does the dark lord do in his free time, when not vying for supremacy over the world?)
Quote\s: (Notable things that the character has said, that may show off their personality or speech type.)
Theme: (Musical theme.)
: Russel "Rus" Francis
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Swashbuckler

: Straight
High Concept: An adventurer looking to catch riches with a bestseller
Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral- If we're going to hell, let's enjoy the highway there
Relatives: N/A
Organizations\Affiliations: Wishful Thinking
Personality: He's all about the adventure, having survived many many excursions. He has the mind for survival and outdooring. He's nomadic, preferring to not be in the same area for too long a time. He's a charmer and a talker, using Trace to get himself out of MANY bad situations over fighting.
However, he's incredibly brash and reckless, often carrying little to no equipment for the sole reason that it slows him down. If it weighs more than his weapon, he doesn't carry it, so about 5 lbs. He's ended up hurt far more than once in his life due to his own recklessness

Backstory: Since Rus was a child, he was always very adventurous and loved to read epic adventure novels and write extensively. When he was 6, he was given the book of Infinity by his pirate father. That book sparked his love for adventure and the pirate life. At 14, he joined a gang of pirates since his father wouldn't allow him to join his crew, and set sail, effectively running away from home. He didn't return for 4 years, where he came back having seen some shit. He was fast, strong, stealthy, acrobatic, and surprisingly well educated for being around nothing but pirates for 4 years. It was due to him being so focused on reading and learning instead of just needless killing. He did do a lot of pillaging and ship raids though. Throughout the crew though, he was known for being a big diplomat.

Now at the age of 18 and onwards, he stopped the pirate life to do more and more cave raids for ancient ruins and ancient artifacts, all the while writing down everything he went through. After seeing the paltry best-seller's list, he was inspired by anger to go out and write a much better one


Weapons & Armor: Normal Clothes

Items & Personal Belongings:
  • Grappling Hook- Not only an effective way to get to higher places, but also a weapon if he needs it
  • Bombs- Normal TNT bombs to blow holes in walls if he needs it
  • First Aid Kit
  • Sleeping Bag
  • Lots of money
  • Notebook

Solacia- A magic book with endless pages, though it just looks like a grimoire. The magic augmenting effect is useless to him as a mage, but allows him to fire Davy Jones faster. It serves as the best source of information for when he goes out. If it's an article, story, or any sort of reference material written on paper, it's in this book. It's basically Google in a book. All he has to do is read.
Davy Jones- An enchanted flintlock weapon he stole from Davy Jones's Locker. It can fire either normal flintlock ball rounds or magic rounds by absorbing the magic around it. It has 3 configurations
  • Revolver - Semi auto powerful rounds with a strong recoil. Has the longest range
  • Repeater - much weaker magic only rounds, but can fire as fast as he pulls the trigger. His bread and butter in high magic places
  • Shotgun- fires a deadly spread of bullets, magic or normal. Used to break guards and clear narrow corridors. Useless beyond close quarters


Skills & Abilities:
  • Trace- When he speaks, people hear it in their own language. When people speak, he hears it in his own language. This gives him mastery of every language without even knowing another language
  • Hand-to-Hand Combat- He's skilled in hand to hand combat
Spells & Magic:
  • Illuminate: Conjures a harmless ball of light to either float with him or he can toss. This can blind enemies as it sticks to whatever it hits
  • Fireball: Conjures a fireball to toss at enemies

  • One Weapon- this weapon is the only weapon he carries with him. If he loses it, he's damn near defenseless.
  • Reckless- He's prone to getting in immense danger and instead of running away like a smart man, he charges in headfirst.

FLUFF (Optional)
Hobbies: Train, Socialize, Research, Read
Theme: (Musical theme)
Name: Fabia Lumia
Aliases: Doc
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Alchemist

Sexuality: Heterosexual
High Concept: A goodhearted, socially awkward group medic without real use in combat
Character Alignment: Chaotic Good
Relatives: Parents died to a sickness, no siblings
Organizations\Affiliations: Group of Adventurers
Personality: Even though her outfit suggests otherwise, Fabia is a goodhearted individual. All she wants is to help people, to make sure nobody suffers. She distastes violence, since its a cause of misfortune. She has a strong helpers sense and cannot let somebody who is either injured or just sad by themselves. Other than that, she is a very shy individual, that easily panics in stressful situations that are not related to her profession. However, in her profession, medicine and alchemy, she exceeds. Though, patients have reported, her jokes are usually very little reassuring, morbid and badly timed. She finds them funny though.

Backstory: There is little of real interest in the past of Fabia. Her parents died early due to a sickness, that she luckily got spared of. That incident, as well as the fact many others in her village died of the sickness, made her determined to become a doctor. Though she could not afford a school. A doctor from another village adopted her, educated her. Together with him, she came up with the suit and mask she is wearing, it being water and gas proof, the mask being the first gas mask to ever be created. She quickly learned and became good at what she did. But she noticed that she was of little help staying with her teacher, since the village already had a good doctor that way. She became a free roaming doctor, got herself a reputation, before being invited to an adventure that she agreed to.


Weapons & Armor:

The outfit that Fabia usually wears makes it hard to distinguish a gender. A perk of it. However it offers little protection to anything that is not liquidal or gaseous. A blade usually is neither of both and strikes right through. It however offers some fire resistance. The primary weapon that Fabia uses, even though not great, since its not meant for combat, is a bonesaw she carries with her.

Items & Personal Belongings: Flasks and similar containers of different mixtures with various effects
Skills & Abilities:
-Medical experience. First of all, Fabia is a doctor
-Good education
-Better than average rethorical abilities
-Great alchemical knowledge
Spells & Magic:
Weak necromantic abilities. She can resurrect a corpse that is not decapitated into a zombie that follows her will. However, the bigger the being that lays there dead, the more likely she is to fail. She also struggles to do so under stress.
Anything combat related renders her somewhat useless. Also, she is not the best at social contact to strangers that goes beyond her profession.

FLUFF (Optional)
Hobbies: Reading, experimenting with either corpses or ingredients for her potions.
Quote\s: "Don´t worry, the pain will fade one way or another..."
Theme: (Musical theme.)

: Anastasia Marie Alteria
Aliases: Ana or Life-binder
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Witch Doctor

: Heterosexual/Straight
High Concept: Slightly mental healer with good intentions to help people.
Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Relatives: N/A
Organizations\Affiliations: Order Of Healers
Personality: Known as a wildcard, Ana is energetic, innovative, and curious. She can talk to anyone or anything, and enjoy it. Her curiousness has lead her into quite a few messy situations. Her drive is advancement of her magical abilities and knowledge. She is the last to give up on anything, and often gets close to death just for an extra second to study an enemy. Known as crazy to some, her methods can be strange. Very selfless, and often can't help but try to save everyone. She never has a plan for anything and runs in headfirst.
Backstory: As a child, Anastasia ran through the swamps of her homeland. She carried around various animals, including potentially dangerous ones. She studied under a cleric, trying to learn to channel holy powers. It failed and she disgraced her family of extremely prodigious clerics and paladins. She ran away from home at 16 and lived in the swamp. As she grew closer to the swamp and its inhabitants she developed extraordinarily unique powers. She protected the swamp from villagers who wanted to chop down its trees and hunt its animals. She became an urban legend and the swamp was deemed cursed. After spending 5 years in the swamp, she ventured into the village. Her long hair and physical beauty shocked the residents. She entered town to gather ingredients not found in her territory, and learned of an ailing man who was near death. The holy healers of his family failed at attempts to fix his injuries. Curious, Ana ventured into the local church where he was being held. She found him and glanced at him, seeing the problem immediately. A purple glow surrounded the man who cried out in surprise. He stood up and it seemed like nothing had been threatening his life moments ago. After her work in the village gained her popularity with the locals, she ventured to other towns healing the sick and documenting strange ailments.

Weapons & Armor:
Sanguine rose.jpe
Briarthorn is a staff and club. Attacking enemies with it steals health proportionate to the amount Anastasia is missing.
Crocodile Leather Armor allows for minor protection against magic and decent protecting against physical attacks.
Items & Personal Belongings: A satchel full of various herbs, ingredients, and tools. Mortar & Pestle etc.
Skills & Abilities:
  • First Aid- Can preform various non-magical health related solutions
  • Stealth- Can hide in plain sight relatively easily in natural places (Outside, not including caves)
Spells & Magic:
  • Channel Health- Provide Allies with healing at the cost of Anastasia's health. Cannot kill Anastasia, but can get her close.
  • Life-sap- Steal heath from any living thing and heal yourself, Does minor damage. Heals a little.
  • Short Tempered- Will get angry when taunted or insulted
  • Reckless- Doesn't plan ahead, and usually gets trapped
  • Blind in left eye
: Gardening, Hula Dancing, Cooking
Quote\s: "The world is too big to make everything about yourself."
"If we never try, How will we know we will fail?"
"Push back harder than you get pushed."

: Anastasia Marie Alteria
Aliases: Ana or Life-binder
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Witch Doctor

: Heterosexual/Straight
High Concept: Slightly mental healer with good intentions to help people.
Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Relatives: N/A
Organizations\Affiliations: Order Of Healers
Personality: Known as a wildcard, Ana is energetic, innovative, and curious. She can talk to anyone or anything, and enjoy it. Her curiousness has lead her into quite a few messy situations. Her drive is advancement of her magical abilities and knowledge. She is the last to give up on anything, and often gets close to death just for an extra second to study an enemy. Known as crazy to some, her methods can be strange. Very selfless, and often can't help but try to save everyone. She never has a plan for anything and runs in headfirst.
Backstory: As a child, Anastasia ran through the swamps of her homeland. She carried around various animals, including potentially dangerous ones. She studied under a cleric, trying to learn to channel holy powers. It failed and she disgraced her family of extremely prodigious clerics and paladins. She ran away from home at 16 and lived in the swamp. As she grew closer to the swamp and its inhabitants she developed extraordinarily unique powers. She protected the swamp from villagers who wanted to chop down its trees and hunt its animals. She became an urban legend and the swamp was deemed cursed. After spending 5 years in the swamp, she ventured into the village. Her long hair and physical beauty shocked the residents. She entered town to gather ingredients not found in her territory, and learned of an ailing man who was near death. The holy healers of his family failed at attempts to fix his injuries. Curious, Ana ventured into the local church where he was being held. She found him and glanced at him, seeing the problem immediately. A purple glow surrounded the man who cried out in surprise. He stood up and it seemed like nothing had been threatening his life moments ago. After her work in the village gained her popularity with the locals, she ventured to other towns healing the sick and documenting strange ailments.

Weapons & Armor:
Briarthorn is a staff and club. Attacking enemies with it steals health proportionate to the amount Anastasia is missing.
Crocodile Leather Armor allows for minor protection against magic and decent protecting against physical attacks.
Items & Personal Belongings: A satchel full of various herbs, ingredients, and tools. Mortar & Pestle etc.
Skills & Abilities:
  • First Aid- Can preform various non-magical health related solutions
  • Stealth- Can hide in plain sight relatively easily in natural places (Outside, not including caves)
Spells & Magic:
  • Channel Health- Provide Allies with healing at the cost of Anastasia's health. Cannot kill Anastasia, but can get her close.
  • Life-sap- Steal heath from any living thing and heal yourself, Does minor damage. Heals a little.
  • Short Tempered- Will get angry when taunted or insulted
  • Reckless- Doesn't plan ahead, and usually gets trapped
  • Blind in left eye
: Gardening, Hula Dancing, Cooking
Quote\s: "The world is too big to make everything about yourself."
"If we never try, How will we know we will fail?"
"Push back harder than you get pushed."

Oh hey another doctor!
Yeah lol I just saw you made one too because i hadn't refreshed the page till I posted. It's okay because Ana is more combat orientated lol.
Probably Fabia has more advanced healing techniques against anything more than outerior injuries and deep wounds. Just due to her education and research, plus alchemy. They add up pretty decently i suppose XD

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    Name: Belze Sorrows
    Aliases: "The Mad Hermit", "Mad God's Chosen"
    Age: 75
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human
    Class: Summoner/Conjureer

    Hobbies: Conversing with his patron, the Mad God. It's so nice to be able to converse with someone on the same wavelength as him. Wandering the streets in different guises, his favourite being a helpless blind old man looking for his son.
    Quote\s: "My Lord is everywhere. He is the shadow in your subconscious, the blemish on your fragile mortal psyche. You know him as the little devilish voice in your head your mummy tells you about. You just don't know it...refuse to acknowledge Him. Why? Why limit your imagination and restrict your mind? Borrr-riiinngggg..."
    "Madness is not an illness. It's merely another frame of mind!"
    "Thank you for your assistance. Take this as a show of gratitude. It'll serve you well...or look lovely on your corpse. Ta-ta."
    Theme: (Musical theme.)


    Sexuality: Asexual (He's an old, semi-mad man.)
    High Concept: The Chosen of a long-ago sealed Mad God, this devout follower (sometimes lucid, sometimes mad) strives to spread the teachings of his patron across the land.
    Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Relatives: Belze's family is still alive as far as he knows, but they quite frankly want nothing to do with him. It's all right though. He's never alone anyway. His patron is quite happy to share his mind-space.
    Organizations\Affiliations: Current leader of the Cult of the Mad God, Elder of the Tower of Conjureers

    Before his encounter with the Mad God, Belze was calm and controlled, with a deep reassuring voice and commanding stature. He has a reputation for being level-headed – sometimes too collected as if he was detatched from the mortal realm – although his calm demeanour belies his quiet fury and explosive emotions. However, after the Mad God's avatar took residence in his mind, Belze's iron-clad control over his emotions slipped little by little, making him unpredictable. He could go from angry to amused to irritated in a blink of an eye. The longer the avatar resides within him, the more the God's personality bleeds through. But since the presence is merely an avatar, it does not have the God's full might and was thus unable to fully take over Belze's mind. When Belze is more Mad God than human, he likes to make people do trivial or nonsensical things to amuse himself, and often acts like a smiling fool who will not hesitate to gut you if he felt like it. In the moments when the human is in control, he reverts back to his original personality. As such, to outsiders, it seems as though the old man has random bouts of insanity or a split-personality.

    Belze has a fair amount of paranoia, and will distance himself from strangers, placing them under his scrutiny until he has a fair idea of their character. While he may listen to rumours, he tries not to believe them fully, acknowledging them with a dose of sceptism. An admirer of efficiency and quiet competence, he respects people who can do what they say, fulfil their promises and are as realistic as can be. Ambitious individuals, dreamers, optimists and romantics he does not mind, but he very much prefers down-to-earth folks with a good head on their shoulders. Less posturing and bragging that way, in his humble opinion.

    As a student of the arcane arts, he believes in equality and fairness for all. 'You are what you are, and nothing you do can remake you entirely'. Nature does not favour the existence of unwanted organisms. Everything has a place in the universe, even if they were to perish the very next day. There's potential in everything and everyone, it's just a matter of what one does with it, and how they use it. That is his belief, which he steadfastly stands by to the end of his days. It was this mindset that got him where he was now, for he believed even a being like the Mad God had a duty to perform.

    Backstory: Before we get into the telling of Belze Sorrow's life, let's take a step back into the time before his birth and see how it shaped him to become the person he is now. A court wizard to a Lord, Germane Sorrows was sent by order of the Lord to crack down on a bandit gang moving into the territory. In actuality, this would have been a task of the Steward, but that position had yet to be filled. Hence, it fell to Germane. While the exact detail of their first meeting was largely kept a secret between Germane and the mysterious woman he got together with, it couldn't be denied that they did love each other, even if they were rarely seen together. The female half of the couple was always disappearing for months on end, and rumours about her unfaithfulness soon began to spread, what with Germane's position in the Lord's estate. When his wife finally become pregnant, she was a constant figure in town, settling down at home and occupying herself with the occasional hunt for meat.

    Belze Sorrows was born at night nine months later, slightly prematurely but perfectly healthy. The family spent two years happily together in town until the bandits came, seeking revenge against a deserter. From the time Germane and Sele met until a few months before she became pregnant, Sele had been busy cutting ties and leaving false trails, working to ensure her bandit identity faded into nothingness and thus, she would be forgotten. But the bandits were not so easily misled. When the Boss discovered her plan, Sele was labelled a deserter and was to be hunted to the ends of world. Between Germane's magic, Sele's combat prowess and the guards that arrived far too late, the group of bandits were killed and subjugated. But what they had come to accomplish was done. At the end of the scuffle, Sele laid motionless in Germane's arms, having bled to death from a severed artery and poison in her body.

    Germane quit his position as the court mage and left for Carcette, seeking refuge in the Arcane Towers, far away from his home and the memories that lingered. He buried himself in his books and magic arts, integrating into life within the Tower of Elements as a part-time trainer and librarian. Belze stuck to his side all throughout, educating himself and being educated by his father. However, the boy was discovered to have no talent for any arcane arts save Summoning. With his father's blessing, he left the Tower of Elements and moved to the Tower of Conjureers.

    As a young child and later an adolescent, he shared his father's love for texts, and the two could often be found pursuing a scroll or old tome together. Having grown up in the confines of the Towers, he was desperate to see the bigger world beyond, to explore the world the moment he was deemed competent enough to care for himself. His father was of two minds about this, but as his summoning skills thrived, he eventually relented. The outings started off small and simple, with errands to other smaller towns and safer holds before evolving to harder missions, like exploring old ruins with his father or participating in excavations with other mages of the Tower.

    During his 24th year, Belze stumbled across an obscure text, weathered and fade by time but still legible. It spoke of the Foglium Discognitum, a summoning tome lost in history that allows a Summoner to call upon an entity out of this realm at the cost of one's mind. Wholly curious and interested, he set out to discover as much as he could about the Lost Tome and the entity. He didn't exactly believed the cost of the summoning, for most old tomes were exaggerated over time. Thus, in his obsession, he hunted for the rumoured Tome, his journey bringing him to cross the path of a wandering Monk. The old man was blind and babbling, but held within his tattered robes critical clues to the last unkown resting place of the Tome.

    Ecstatic, he spent a year to get to the location and map it out, testing it for various wards and traps. It took another half a year to confidently navigate the ruin. And finally, there the Tome rested on a plain stone pestral, beneath thick cobwebs and dust. Despite being centuries old and laying there untouched, the book did not crumble the moment his finger exerted the slightest pressure.

    Between his duties as a mage and aiming for the position of Elder, it wouldn't be until his 39th year of life that he eventually managed to decifer the ramblings of the madman who penned this text. From the seemingly nonsensical words, Belze discovered the location of the entity's shrine. There were warnings to leave the entity be, to leave it sealed off from the world. The Conjureer ignored them all. Two years later, he set off for the shrine.

    Discovering the twisted ten foot tall white marble statue of a humanoid-looking abomination was the best and worst mistake of his life. Best because it was him who finally discovered what had been lost for centuries but worst because the being was...beyond comprehensible. Gazing upon the statue along made him question the logic of this world, breaking his conception of reality. It made his mind hurt and eyes bleed. But that was not the worst of it. Unconsciously, his feet answered the whispering call of the statue until he was but an inch from it. His hand reached out involuntarily and suddenly he was falling.

    Falling and rising and spinning until all sense of direction was lost. Then came the pain, the indescribable stabbing melting devouring --

    He came back to himself and his left eye was gone. All that was left behind was mad chuckling and the smell of burnt flesh. That very night, He approached Belze in his dream, glowing eyes and a mess of writhing colours. For the first time in a long while, the human felt true fear and awe. And he understood. Understood what the Mad God representated, understood what He stood for, understood his goals for the world. And what brilliant madness it was! Enlightened creatures all across the land, more creativity and imagination, more innovation for everyone! And more cheese, too! But that's for later.

    So it was when Belze returned to the Towers, more emotional and nonsensical compared to when he left three years ago, he started to invest every bit of his spare time in recruiting people for his patron's cause: to bring madness to the lands again. From the root, the Cult of the Mad God emerged, starting in Carcette before branching out little by little. Year after year, decade after decade, they grew in the shadows, spreading the God's influence and words.


    Appearance: A leanly muscled man standing at the height of 192cm weighing 92.6kg, Belze looks to be in his late-fifties despite his advanced age. Weathered tanned skin, strong jawline, slightly crooked nose, firm lips, wavy shoulder-length salt-and-pepper hair and neatly-trimmed beard give him an overall image of a refined mage, if one ignores the black eyepatch covering his left eye and the nasty scarring surrounding it. His lone eye is a light violet, hard and piercing despite the obvious crows-feet at the corner of the eye. He favours the heavy blue and black mage robes announcing his status as an Elder of the Tower, generally covered by the heavy ebony fur cloak he has taken to wearing this decade past. He's old, after all, and the cold makes his scars ache. A heavy rose gold signet ring rests on his left thumb, the seal-ring of the Mad God's Chosen residing on his right middle finger. Belze always has his staff on hand - the head crafted out of silver to depict an elk's horns resting majestically on a dark birch shaft.

    Weapons & Armor: A dark birch staff that serves as his summoning medium and melee weapon. His robes are enchanted to resist low to medium elemental damage.

    Items & Personal Belongings: On top of his usual outfit, staff and ring, he carries around a wineskin at his waist, a key to his quarters in the Tower, an amulet around his neck to access the headquarters of the Cult.

    Skills & Abilities:
    1) He is surprisingly skilled with the flute and at cooking.
    2) A riveting storyteller despite the fact that some nonsensical words makes their way into his story at times.
    3) A great actor, mostly due to the personality influence of the Mad God.

    Spells & Magic:
    1) Summoning monsters from beyond the realm: This is Belze's personal ability, one that he has pursued his entire life. From small creatures to grotesque monsters, he has managed to subdue more than a handful, enslaving them under his command. With his mana reserve, he is able to summon two large monsters or several small ones at a time.
    2) The Call of Madness: Prolonged eye contact with Belze's usually covered eye will cause the opposite party to feel tendrils of shadow creeping into their mind. A more lengthy amount of time and they can start to hear the faint whisperings of another voice in their head. However, strong mental barriers can waylay this effect.
    3) Wabbajack: When the Mad God is at the forefront of Belze's mind, this is the only spell he uses. It causes a totally random effect on a person, about 80% of the time, it is silly and relatively unharmful to the target. For example, the target will have a sudden short laughing feat, or see an explosion of butterflies other cannot see. (I was thinking any PC hit by it can chose whatever they want. I'm not going to control any PC.)

    Weaknesses: Physical weakness: Belze is an old man, no matter how the Mad God's avatar prolonged his youthful appearance. His stamina, speed and agility all loses out. Plus, his bones act during chilly nights and his scars throb sometimes.
    When he is in control of his mind, he fears it being the last time his mind is his own. He sees illusions sometimes and fears the absolute darkness. For in the dark, he is left alone with his own thoughts, and his mind is a place of barely-intact sanity.
    Summoning is the only school of magic he has any experience in. He can't do alchemy, and doesn't really understand how to work runes.



: Sir Pryonn Karn
Aliases: "Glorious Wings of Hope!"
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Tainted Human
Class: Knight

: Heterosexual
High Concept: Quixotic knight, a martyr without cause on a dying crusade.
Character Alignment: Neutral Good - Goodness for anyone, anywhere, anytime.
Relatives: Father - dead. Mother - dead.
Organizations\Affiliations: Once affiliated to the Order of the Silver Lamenter - though now all of them are dead, making whatever allegiance Pryonn had to them rather meaningless.

Backstory: The spawn of a secret affair between a valiant knight (mother) and a lowly blacksmith (father), the former of which vanished under mysterious circumstances. Pryonn first emerged from the house of his father at the age of five, his skin pallid from lack of exposure to sun. The moment his father deemed him sufficient, the blacksmith immediately offered his son to the same knightly order the child's mother had once been part of.

Pryonn took easily to the chivalric teachings, learning with a vigor and naiveté that his instructors were certain would fade in time. Several oddities became apparent, as the child exhibited a strange, instinctive fear of any female he encountered, as well as episodes of anxiety during which he complained of visions that made little sense but caused him great pain. While still able to fulfill his duties, he found himself estranged from his peers.

It was at the age of thirteen that the boy encountered the fairy Kaatl, wounded, her wings broken and unretractable. Carefully Pryonn nurtured her back to health as best as he could, though her wings never fully recovered. She could still glide and keep her balance, but true flight was barred from her. Stuck, but thankful, she decided to stay with him to give company against his growing distress.

Reaching the age of eighteen, an incident occurred, affecting the entirety of the knightly order he was part of. At he beginning of the ceremony during which the squires were meant to be knighted, a creature of unknown matter invaded the event, slaughtering attendants without coherence, before retreating just as quickly. In answer, the knights gathered and followed for vengeance. Though they apparently managed to slay the beast, only Pryonn returned alive, perpetually covered in a suit of armor. Now he aimlessly travels the land in search of innocents to aid, as he proclaims to be a proper knight's duty.

Personality: In defiance of his past, Pryonn displays a boisterous, downright flamboyant demeanor, espousing virtues of goodness that appear irrational to most. A proud anti-nihilist, the knight views the pursuit of goodness as both means and end, success measured by the amount of own lifeblood spilled in pursuit of 'The Impossible Dream', as he loudly proclaims to follow. Some would perhaps comment that his sanity was eroded, but Pryonn would only chuckle and say "I have gone beyond sanity and madness!"

He does certainly harbor a number of fears, hidden beneath his armor. However, he is all too aware of his own shortcomings and he is not above admitting them if they are pointed out. Eager to put a veil upon his flaws, the knight will instead stand tall, holding high the tattered remnants of his banner and charge to whatever end he may meet.


Standing at an intimidating height of seven feet, Pryonn is never seen outside his suit of immaculate plates. The armor bears no sign of any known smith and is pointedly featureless, giving the would-be beholders no distraction as they look upon a knight of pure resolve.
A jarring sight would be the fairy that is frequently perched upon the steel-clad shoulder, cheerfully pointing and waving at confused passersby from atop her lofty spot.

Weapons: A lance still bearing the tattered remains of a banner and a one-handed iron-flail that once belonged to his mother.
Items & Personal Belongings: (Any other items that the character has, or belong to them.)
Skills & Abilities: Linguistic Skill
Weapons Skill
Great Strength
Great Speed
Masochistic Endurance
Zealous Frenzy

Spells & Magic: The metal is willing, the flesh complies. The knight holds a strange control over his armor's individual molecules, allowing him to reshape it to his will to a certain extent.

The fairy Kaatl meanwhile has access to some minor spells, like light or the healing of small wounds.

Weaknesses: Haphephobia - Fear of being touched

Gymnophobia - Fear of being exposed - He is immensely paranoid of baring even a shred of flesh for others to see

Willful Blindness - He will always try to see the best in others, against any and all rationality

: Poetry, singing, learning new victory-poses with Kaatl
Quote\s: "Don't forget: Always, somewhere; someone is fighting for you. As long as you remember them, you are not alone."

  • Name: Raul Gaeth
    Aliases: N/A
    Age: 27
    Gender: Male
    Race: Werewolf
    Class: Woodsman

  • Name: Luvon Keajyre
    Aliases: Lyari
    Age: 22
    Gender: Male
    Race: Dark Elf
    Class: Esper
: Taram
Aliases: Lilith (when she’s pretending to be human)
Age: 1,235 years old
Gender: Female
Race: Succubus (Traditional Lilin. They appear to be beautiful but their real forms are actually pretty horrifying. They're also strongest at night and tend to be nocturnal because of it. Feeds off of 'sexual energy' and is free spirited. They have Queens but Queens rarely exert their authority. Thus, their culture is pretty loose and tend to have no alliances to other succubi/incubi. Females are stronger than males)
Class: Lilitu (a stronger and mature class of succubi that is physically only a little stronger than the average human male and has a high proficiency in illusion and manipulation magic)

: Homosexual, but will play with men for either entertainment or financial gain.
High Concept: A villain who sometimes will help people.
Character Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Relatives: Descended from Lilith, the first succubus and first Succubi Queen
Organizations\Affiliations: The Succubi Queen (when she is called upon)
Personality: Taram is a bit split. When she masquerades as a human, she often portrays herself as a naive and sweet girl. She smiles and giggles, causing the people around her to relax and let down their guard. However, when she has her prey her true nature comes out. She is cunning and vicious, and won't hesitate to drain a human completely if they prove to be difficult. In general, humans are like toys to her, so she regards most of them as inferior. However, when a creature (human or otherwise) gains her favor, she tends to show them mercy. That mercy may be shown by sparing their life, giving valuable information, or even lending a small amount of assistance. If one is extremely lucky, she may even consider that creature her personal property; which means that she'll go through pains to make sure that creature is defended from enemies and well-cared for. In contrast, her vengeance is extremely fatal. She doesn't take insults lightly, and has even slaughtered an entire town in retaliation on a human who stole from her.
Backstory: While Lilin demons tend to have a bad reputation for preying on, killing, and occasionally breaking up humans, most succubi and incubi don't have malevolent intentions. Well, most of the time they don't. It doesn't count if they're food, right? Taram was raised by the Queen's appointed Care Takers (as only Queens can give birth to full fledged succubi and incubi. Regular succubi and incubi give birth to Cambions). Her childhood and adolescence was nothing to note. She was taught how to prey on humans and similar creatures as well as how to disguise her true form and use her magic to bend the will of others. When she reached adulthood, she was given the option of becoming one of the Queen's servants or exploring the world. Taram chose the latter. For centuries she has adventured across various countries, expanding her knowledge, and gaining new experiences. She only acts according to her whims, sometimes helping the mortals or sometimes slaughtering them. It really depends. As such, many cultures warn of making contact with a succubus, as they are known for massacring entire cities out of spite. However, if an adventurer can gain Taram's favor, she may be willing to give some assistance to them. It's risky though, so tread carefully.

: When using her illusion magic, she can appear in any form. She usually prefers to appear as a young maiden with pale skin, blue eyes, and short, curly blonde hair. Taram likes to make herself appear to have a small build in order to appear weak and defenseless. When disguised as a human, she usually appears to be about 5'0" (152 cm) and 110 pounds (50 kg). Taram's true form is a darkened and shadowy figure, but it is still solid. Her fingers are revealed to be sharpened talons and her teeth are pointed as well. She can use them both to mutilate and eviscerate her prey, but they can't pierce armor. In dark environments, she almost looks like a ghost.
Weapons & Armor: Taram relies solely on her magic as well as her claws and fangs. She has no armor, but is pretty quick. Her skin is the same as a human's skin, which means that she is as vulnerable as a human.
Items & Personal Belongings: Worldly things come and go. Items have little to no meaning when she can just seduce more money off of an unsuspecting person. While she doesn't care for her belongings, she cares if she has her items stolen from her. It's about the principle of the matter really.
Skills & Abilities: She's extremely agile and can blend in easily with the night. While she is fast, she isn't impossible to catch. She can reach up to 40 mph when in open areas, but towns and wooded terrains are much harder to navigate.
Spells & Magic: What she lacks in physical strength she makes up for magical ability. Her illusion magic is of the highest quality, and is indiscernible by everyone except other Lilin Demons, extremely powerful mages, and other magically strong creatures. Likewise, her ability to cast spells to manipulate a person's will and heart is powerful. She can completely control up to five people, however if the spell is broken they will revert to back to their selves. She has experimented, and found that when focused solely on one person for years she can permanently alter their state of mind, but without previous influence a person returns to normal when out of her spell. When a person is released from her spell, they usually don't remember anything that happened during that period of time. However, powerful humans/creatures can resist her magic (not completely immune unless they have a charm) or can remember bits and pieces from their time under her control. She's at her strongest at night.
Weaknesses: She views humans as toys and food rather than actual competent creatures. Due to her inability to see humans as equals, she often underestimates them as she believes that something as fragile as a human could never hope to slay a demon; injure certainly, but never actually kill. This belief has only been reinforced throughout her long lifespan, so it is possible to catch her off guard and kill her. Thus, she can be a bit cocky when encountering humans. She is also prideful, and can be sweet talked into helping a human. Her magic is also weakened during the day, so controlling five people becomes an extremely difficult task. She can easily control two people during the day, and can control three with lots of difficulty. However, her illusion magic isn't affected by the day so she can remain disguised.

: Taram is a drama junkie. She likes to tear lovers and families apart, only to watch them suffer and die in their despair. She's brought down a few kingdom's royal families simply because she loves to watch humans destroy each other. It's nothing personal, it's entertainment.
Quote\s: "Unless you're the Queen, you can't control me."
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: Dani (Daniel) * Dani means "God will judge." The meaning of Daniel = God is my judge. His name was shortened after he fell from grace.
Aliases: the Fallen One... that's all so far.
Age: 222 yrs *typical lifespan of an angel is 500 years, post Fall life expectancy decreases to human 70s or so
He was 220 years when he fell, so it's only his second year on Earth
Gender: everything about him indicates that he is in fact, male
Race: fallen angel * here we differentiate between "demon" and "fallen angel". Dani will get very pissed at you if you call him a demon. Here, fallen angels are classified as angels stripped of their powers. Oftentimes (especially if the crime is real bad) they will also lose their wings and thus, their power of flight.
Class: warrior (with some cleric powers)

: heterosexual
High Concept: Fallen Angel who had his wings torn off cast down to Earth who wants to regain flight.
Character Alignment: rebel neutral * posed to progress!
Relatives: nay * I'm going to say that there is no familial/blood ties in the nephilum/angelic race. So the closest thing they have are mentors who are kind of protector/watcher/guardian/teacher/father figures that watch over them until they become fully qualified. *
Azrael - his mentor, right before he was cast down, he revoked Daniel's powers and took his wings
Organizations\Affiliations: n/a
Personality: He's a salty boy. *see weaknesses below* Much angst.
At the beginning he tried to be good and do right, but now he just feels sick and angry at himself most of the time. He's declined to a point where he doesn't even try to do well anymore. He has a mindset of defeat and regret, and admits to himself that he will never be restored to his former position in heaven. This, however, may not be necessarily true. And he clings on to this thin shred of hope, venturing around the world to try to achieve his goal of restoration. He hopes that by joining the group of young writers that he may get some more clues on how he can reach his goal. He is slightly more introverted than extraverted and is an assertive guy, but can get aggressive. He is quiet on anything to do with God and it's not hard to see that he is sensitive and hurt to that subject. Once he has more hope, he will try relentlessly to keep his record clean and reputation pristine.
Basically this angel did something atrocious and got kicked out of heaven. This was a few days before he was supposed to be fully initiated into the Army of G-d. He used to go by Daniel, but now it's just Dani. The powers vested in him were also taken away, as were his wings. He longs to fly once more and regrets his "powerless" state. When asked what he did to be cast down he only says angrily "Just what any other angel gets kicked out for" and that's the end of the conversation. He really just wants to fly again, even if he doesn't get his former place back.
He was used by Lucifer to betray somebody important. Basically, it's the classic 'angel-falls-in-love-with-human and then out of guilt begins a covert affair with her. He covers up what he does in an attempt to have it last longer ("the first time I felt love") but it was really all passion and in the end it was she that betrayed him and revealed him as a "monster." It's revealed later that Lucifer was also behind her betrayal of him (she is possessed).

PHYSICAL*note: all his powers and abilities have been downgraded since his Fall
: What's important: two large scars from his shoulder to the small of his back. Sensitive tissue. Do not touch or ouchie. Plus, this flesh is cursed (or else his wings would just grow back/regenerate) so it's not a good thing for anyone to touch anyways. It still aches, mostly in the dead of night. Wishes it would stop paining him (he tries to take human painkillers but it doesn't work.)
Weapons & Armor: if he carries anything, it's probably seraph-smithed. sold most of his armor for money. What remains is his breastplate, greaves, helm, and shield.
Items & Personal Belongings:
  • a locket. doesn't remember where he got it from. he thinks it's important, but it won't open.
  • a blade. was only allowed to take one with him, "more like a long knife".
Skills & Abilities:
  • good with any bladed weapon * specializes in swords
  • decent with a bow
  • can run long distances without tiring
  • can lift a lot of pounds
Spells & Magic:
  • weak healing abilities * for others, can only heal non-lethal wounds. Small cuts and bruises and scrapes are healed as if they never occured. Larger flesh wounds take longer and have a possibility of scarring. He can't do anything for mental patients or head trauma. Broken bones require a splint before he can heal it.
  • regeneration * decreased since he had his powers stripped
  • some remnant Light abilities * can shoot flares from his fingertips, see in the dark
  • Growth/Plant magic* growing ability works only on non-humans
  • Lightning/electric abilities * usually used to supercharge his weapons... or really anything that's made out of metal
Fears: losing himself even more to the darkness
inabilities: comprehend the human experience
inexperience: mechanical, doesn't know how to use a gun, can't fix a car, is unused to the need to eat physical tangible food, cooking... uh, juggling
emotional issues: has hidden anger management issues
mental issues: identity crisis issues

: riding horses, wants to go hang-gliding or parasailing, and generally be in the air
Quote\s: " I'm a fallen angel, not a demon! " " Do I LOOK like I work for Lucifer...?! "

VVV Character arc spoilers below VVV
The Redemptive Cycle::: He's going to have to come to the point where he can love someone more than himself. Thus, his story would most likely end with him sacrificing himself in order to save or protect that beloved.
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  • Name: Sariandi Vexymas
    Aliases: Swordseeker, Sari
    Age: 133
    Gender: Female
    Race: Dermillian Elf: Basically just a much taller version of regular elves which hail from the distant lands of Derma.
    Class: Dragon Knight

    : Bisexual
    High Concept: Find the sword, never let anything stand between getting the sword and finally one upping that old bastard.
    Character Alignment: Nuetral Evil
    Relatives: Her mother's a worthless laze known as Serelant. Her dead father is the infamous Trulga the dragon slayer, also known as Trulga the Bastard.

    Affiliations: Trulga the Bastard- Being related to one of the most hated figures in known history has led many a poor fool to attack her for her father's deeds.

    Personality: One look at Sari during a regular day will show the epitome of tired bitterness, no doubt worn down by the quest she's been on for the past few decades. One could call her a nihilist, as she's reached the point where she seems to expect things to go badly for her. Despite this attitude, she's unwavering in her conviction to fight through any negatives that come her way however she can. She's suspicious of everything, making her exceptionally hard to trick yet hard to work with as well. She's grown fearless over the course of her search, and is therefore capable of facing down intimidating foes unflinchingly. This bravery may lead her through terrible lands that other shy away from, but do not mistake bravery with overconfidence. She will retreat if overwhelmed the same as anyone else, for her desire to live long enough to finally find her father's blade overcomes any other urge. Yes, Sariandi is vehemently devoted to scouring the earth for the sword, and won't let anything stand in her way.

    To know of Sari, one need only understand the famous tale of her father. Trulga was a mysterious warrior who came from a distant land in times of need, when an ancient dragon had been released by a group of magi and their explorative students. Some say it was the Ancient's release that drew Trulga in the first place; whatever the reason, Trulga would go on to slay the mighty beast and make himself a legend to the people. As he basked in the glory, a mischievous concubine known as Serelant sought to leech of his success and live lavishly, she seduced the dragon slayer and planned to hold him down with children. What none were ready for was for the dragon slayer to reveal his true attributes.

    Trulga enjoyed messing with people to an almost ludicrous degree, the warrior soon becoming famous for causing senseless suffering to many for no other reason than an immensely sadistic sense of humor. At first distracted with the glory of slaying the Ancient, nobody had even experienced his true personality until he tricked the nobleman of a nearby manor into believing his recent love interest was actually a demon in disguise. It was as the baffled nobleman stood over the slain body of his lover with the Dragonslayer openly laughing at his shock, that people began to realize they'd traded one monster for an entirely different one.

    Trulga soon became infamous for forming hundreds if not thousands of complicated misdirections, specifically designed to anger and depress whoever was unfortunate enough to be caught in his web. Brothers married sisters, precious family animals were found as parts of community banquets, and the list just ran on and on. His most famous tactic would be to journey into ruins and tombs, fight his way to the treasure within, then leave whilst reactivating as much of the defenses as he possibly could in order to trick people into thinking there was still something to be found. But instead of treasure, the only thing left in the bowels of these ruins would be insulting messages left behind by the bastard to mock those who fought and died for some kind of reward.

    Having him as a father, one could understand why Sari grew into such a bitter individual. Her mother had grown placid in the face of dozens of Trulga's tricks, and the young elf found herself developing a hatred for the dragon slayer from childhood. Trulga was no direct tormentor, at least to her. Stuck with her Mother while her father was out angering the world, Sari spent her youth beating trees out of anger. Due to her father's reputation and her mother's refusal to move her home, Sari was always fearful of those seeking vengeance. Trulga took advantage of this without mercy.

    Let's just say she's experienced a great amount of trickery in her youth, and as a result she's found herself being naturally suspicious of everything she sees. Being surrounded by so much of her father's influence, she dedicated her life to becoming strong enough to take vengeance upon him for ruining her childhood. The problem was that Trulga was a professional agitator, and could see the signs of her aspirations almost immediately. While she began training herself, he went out of his way to live as lavishly as physically possible as openly as possible just to anger both her and those seeking his death. Sariandi muscled through this, acquiring her own style of fighting and going on adventures to build experience. She served as a bounty hunter for some time, a hired blade and even a bodyguard, but no matter what she did the tales of her father's exploits would always reach her ears.

    After twenty years of this, she finally set out to track down daddy dearest to bury her blade in him... only for her mother to send for her.

    He died.

    There he was being prepped for a burial near her mother's old home, casket and everything. The bastard had the nerve to suffer some kind of heart attack during a tryst with four concubines at a nearby whorehouse. He died with one of the most insulting grins plastered to his face. Some would expect Sariandi to be happy that he was dead, but as she watched him being laid to rest she found nothing but absolute, seething rage flowing through her veins. This wasn't fulfilling in the slightest! He'd lived life wildly bastardizing hundreds of thousands and died surrounded by women, she couldn't even get revenge on him at this point! He'd somehow managed to absolutely demolish her vengeful quest before she could even set out on it!

    Unwilling to let him get the last laugh, Sariandi settled on something else. Trulga had not let the Ancient Dragon he'd slain go to waste, somewhere he'd hidden a legendary blade forged of its remains. He'd brag endlessly about it to her during her youth, claiming how great he was to have hidden it so cleverly. She figured that if she tracked down the blade she could sell it to whoever wished to desecrate his greatest item the most, as there are still many who find his mocking insults in the place of actual treasures. She could finally insult his legacy the same way that he'd been doing to others for decades, all she had to do was find the sword.

    But she underestimated the machinations of the dragon slayer, underestimated just how much damn forethought he put into his ploys.

    Sariandi has been hunting down the sword for decades, tracking it all over the lands through an increasingly complicated web of clues left behind by Trulga. She's joined raider bands, slain giants, held children for ransom and killed anything she had to in order to continue hunting for the Sword. She's devoted so much to finding this Legendary Sword that its become an obsession for her, the lengths to which she'll go becoming more and more drastic the more time passes.

    F Abyss Watcher.jpg
    Inheriting many physical traits from her father, the family resemblance is undeniable. She's extremely tall, standing at just under seven feet, with a lean build suitable for her agile method combat.
    Weapons & Armor: She wears an odd assortment of leather and chainmail which has been torn in several places from past battles, it protects her from rough terrain and cold weather. Its mostly viable against arrows or slashing weapons, yet focuses more on allowing her to make quick, agile movements. The most notable piece of attire is the pointed helmet she sports, which she seems to believe people silently mock behind her back.

    She has two primary weapons, a dagger and a heavy broadsword. Each is held in one hand. They were both picked up along her travels, and were integrated into her fighting style effortlessly. The dagger's jagged construction is often fit for deflecting incoming strikes, which Sariandi does instead of using a shield of some type. She keeps a backup of this dagger with her just in case it breaks or she loses it ina scuffle of some type. The greatsword is used for heavy retaliation, her sheer strength allows her to swing the large weapon with the speed of a dagger.

    Items & Personal Belongings: Playing Cards- A deck of cards she brings around with her, mostly to entertain herself while journeying.
    Maintenance kit- Need to keep the blades in fighting condition for as long as she can.
    Skills & Abilities: Intimidating Presence- With her height, visage and attire, she's capable of striking fear into most with only a single look. This won't happen with all, but most wish to refrain from being on the receiving end of the Sword-Seeker's rage.
    Weapon Maintenance- She can't forge weapons on her own, but she can repair and maintain almost anything if she has materials on hand and they aren't too broken.
    Fearsome Warrior- Over the years, Sari has become a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Her raw strength makes it easy for her to put pressure on even the most well armored folk and her speed makes hitting her a challenge for all but the most agile. She often uses these talents to try and lock foes into a defensive strategy that she can eventually wear down.

    Spells & Magic: Drake Flame- Inherited from her father, Sariandi has a natural resistance to flames both natural and magical. She can also summon the power of flames into her weaponry, but cannot breath flames like her father could. Her flame weapons are actually more of a convenience if anything, as its effects can be easily reproduced by a decent alchemist or thoughtful chemist.

    Weaknesses: Suspicion- Sariandi is immensely suspicious of everything due to consistent trickery from her father, and a such may over-analyze scenarios extensively. This borderline paranoia makes it hard for her to work in groups or trust others.
    The Sword- Sari's obsession with that Sword has grown to ludicrous degrees. She will immediately turn on anything she considers an obstacle between her and that sword, including allies and even friends.
    Easily Angered- Sariandi is easy to agitate, and if enraged she takes on more of a berserker style of attack that leaves little room for tactics.

    No Outstanding Defense- Her light armor leaves nothing to protect her from many forms of physical damage or most forms of magic. If one actually manages to land hits, she'll feel it the same as most mortals.

    FLUFF (Optional)
    Hobbies: Gambling- She's become rather good at bar games over time, and has often funded much of her search through gambling. This is in spite of the fact that her temper makes her poker face practically non-existent.
    Tree Beating- A habit formed during Childhood, if Sari is annoyed and has no other outlet she will seek out the nearest tree and lay into it with everything she has.
    Quote\s: "Yeah yeah, the hat is stupid, I know. Can we skip to the part where you try stabbing me in the back already? I got stuff to do."
    "Look I get it, already! Your brother ate it because my dad's an ass, whatever. I'm not gonna stop you from killing yourself trying some haphazard form of revenge but I'll recommend against it."

: Dani (Daniel) * Dani means "God will judge." The meaning of Daniel = God is my judge. His name was shortened after he fell from grace.
Aliases: the Fallen One... that's all so far.
Age: 222 yrs *typical lifespan of an angel is 500 years, post Fall life expectancy decreases to human 70s or so
He was 220 years when he fell, so it's only his second year on Earth
Gender: everything about him indicates that he is in fact, male
Race: fallen angel * here we differentiate between "demon" and "fallen angel". Dani will get very pissed at you if you call him a demon. Here, fallen angels are classified as angels stripped of their powers. Oftentimes (especially if the crime is real bad) they will also lose their wings and thus, their power of flight.
Class: warrior (with some cleric powers)

Sexuality: heterosexual
High Concept: Fallen Angel who had his wings torn off cast down to Earth who wants to regain flight.
Character Alignment: rebel neutral * posed to progress!
Relatives: nay * I'm going to say that there is no familial/blood ties in the nephilum/angelic race. So the closest thing they have are mentors who are kind of protector/watcher/guardian/teacher/father figures that watch over them until they become fully qualified. *
Azrael - his mentor, right before he was cast down, he revoked Daniel's powers and took his wings
Organizations\Affiliations: n/a
Personality: He's a salty boy. *see weaknesses below* Much angst.
At the beginning he tried to be good and do right, but now he just feels sick and angry at himself most of the time. He's declined to a point where he doesn't even try to do well anymore. He has a mindset of defeat and regret, and admits to himself that he will never be restored to his former position in heaven. This, however, may not be necessarily true. And he clings on to this thin shred of hope, venturing around the world to try to achieve his goal of restoration. He hopes that by joining the group of young writers that he may get some more clues on how he can reach his goal. He is slightly more introverted than extraverted and is an assertive guy, but can get aggressive. He is quiet on anything to do with God and it's not hard to see that he is sensitive and hurt to that subject. Once he has more hope, he will try relentlessly to keep his record clean and reputation pristine.
Basically this angel did something atrocious and got kicked out of heaven. This was a few days before he was supposed to be fully initiated into the Army of G-d. He used to go by Daniel, but now it's just Dani. The powers vested in him were also taken away, as were his wings. He longs to fly once more and regrets his "powerless" state. When asked what he did to be cast down he only says angrily "Just what any other angel gets kicked out for" and that's the end of the conversation. He really just wants to fly again, even if he doesn't get his former place back.
He was used by Lucifer to betray somebody important. Basically, it's the classic 'angel-falls-in-love-with-human and then out of guilt begins a covert affair with her. He covers up what he does in an attempt to have it last longer ("the first time I felt love") but it was really all passion and in the end it was she that betrayed him and revealed him as a "monster." It's revealed later that Lucifer was also behind her betrayal of him (she is possessed).

PHYSICAL*note: all his powers and abilities have been downgraded since his Fall
Appearance: What's important: two large scars from his shoulder to the small of his back. Sensitive tissue. Do not touch or ouchie. Plus, this flesh is cursed (or else his wings would just grow back/regenerate) so it's not a good thing for anyone to touch anyways. It still aches, mostly in the dead of night. Wishes it would stop paining him (he tries to take human painkillers but it doesn't work.)
Weapons & Armor: if he carries anything, it's probably seraph-smithed. sold most of his armor for money. What remains is his breastplate, greaves, helm, and shield.
Items & Personal Belongings:

  • a locket. doesn't remember where he got it from. he thinks it's important, but it won't open.
  • a blade. was only allowed to take one with him, "more like a long knife".
Skills & Abilities:
  • good with any bladed weapon * specializes in swords
  • decent with a bow
  • can run long distances without tiring
  • can lift a lot of pounds
Spells & Magic:
  • weak healing abilities * for others, can only heal non-lethal wounds. Small cuts and bruises and scrapes are healed as if they never occured. Larger flesh wounds take longer and have a possibility of scarring. He can't do anything for mental patients or head trauma. Broken bones require a splint before he can heal it.
  • regeneration * decreased since he had his powers stripped
  • some remnant Light abilities * can shoot flares from his fingertips, see in the dark
  • Growth/Plant magic* growing ability works only on non-humans
  • Lightning/electric abilities * usually used to supercharge his weapons... or really anything that's made out of metal
Fears: losing himself even more to the darkness
inabilities: comprehend the human experience
inexperience: mechanical, doesn't know how to use a gun, can't fix a car, is unused to the need to eat physical tangible food, cooking... uh, juggling
emotional issues: has hidden anger management issues
mental issues: identity crisis issues

Hobbies: riding horses, wants to go hang-gliding or parasailing, and generally be in the air
Quote\s: " I'm a fallen angel, not a demon! " " Do I LOOK like I work for Lucifer...?! "

VVV Character arc spoilers below VVV
The Redemptive Cycle::: He's going to have to come to the point where he can love someone more than himself. Thus, his story would most likely end with him sacrificing himself in order to save or protect that beloved.

Quinn Beckett
: Quinn Asher Beckett
Aliases: The Thieving Fire Fox of Phalazian
Age: 19
Gender: Cisgender Male
Race: Werefox - Half Fox Half Human. Can Change into a Fox at will. Can Manipulate an Element (in his case fire)
Class: Thief

: Homosexual
High Concept: Sarcastic, Gay Thief with a thirst for rebellion
Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Belladonna Beckett - Alchemic Human - Mother
Mika Beckett - Paladin Werefox - Father
Cristal "Crissy" Beckett - Warlock Human - Little Sister
Beckett Family (formerly)
His Friends
Phalazian Thieves (sometimes)
Quinn is a trickster. He will lore you into a false sense of security and hurt you without you knowing. He isn't always like this though. He is also seen as a brave kid who wants royalty to understand what it is like to be poor. He is loyal to those he cares for but shows his love in awful ways, for example, insulting them. He is a stickler for small details which could be either good or bad depending on the scenario. It's normally a bad thing but who knows; maybe his luck will change.
Quinn grew up in a fairly happy environment. He lived in Phalazian, a small city in a cool climate surrounded by forest. It was nice there. That was until his parents got divorced. They had been happily married but they split for some unknown reason. He used to wonder what it was but he doesn't care enough anymore. He hated living with either parent so he went to live with his maternal uncle, a human thief called Draco. He taught him the ways of thievery and Quinn loved it. He soon took up the dastardly deed and became a well known thief in the city in no time.

Quinn is a small thin boy who is nimble and light on his feet. He has smooth chocolate eyes and messy maroon hair. His face, like the rest of his body, are covered in small black moles. He has a button nose and cracked lips along with two big fox ears and a long fox tail. His physique is more feminine than he likes to admit but it does help with his job. He wishes to gain a bit more muscle but he simply doesn't have the time to start a training routine.
Weapons & Armor: X
Items & Personal Belongings: X X X X X
Skills & Abilities: Pickpocketing, Lying, Stealth, Manipulation, Archery
Spells & Magic: Fire based Magic - Fireballs, Flamethrower, Firebreath
Weaknesses: Couldn't kill a kid, Self Isolates himself, Doesn't want to be seen as weak, scared of failure and falling in love

: Playing Piano, Singing, Archery
-"Time is important when you're stealing from people, especially royalty."
-"Ah! I love the smell of loneliness in the morning."
-"Could you maybe not be the most annoying person in the room."
-"Shut up." Guy - "I didn't say anything." "You were thinking. It was annoying."
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    : Junji Jugemu Jugemu Gokō-no surikire Kaijarisuigyo-no Suigyōmatsu Unraimatsu Fūraimatsu Kuunerutokoro-ni Sumutokoro Yaburakōji-no burakōji Paipopaipo Paipo-no-shūringan Shūringan-no Gūrindai Gūrindai-no Ponpokopī-no Ponpokonā-no Chōkyūmei-no Chōsuke.

    But friends call him:
    Bakemono-kami-akuma-sama-sensei (lit: Mr. Professor. Monster-god-satan.)

    Bakemono. (Monster.)

    Aliases: Master Junji, The Demon King of the First Heaven, King of Heroes.
    Age: Who can say? The truth is, Master Junji is an ancient being.
    Gender: Male
    Race: Demon-Cat-Demigod
    Class: Samurai-Ninja
: Junji Jugemu Jugemu Gokō-no surikire Kaijarisuigyo-no Suigyōmatsu Unraimatsu Fūraimatsu Kuunerutokoro-ni Sumutokoro Yaburakōji-no burakōji Paipopaipo Paipo-no-shūringan Shūringan-no Gūrindai Gūrindai-no Ponpokopī-no Ponpokonā-no Chōkyūmei-no Chōsuke.

But friends call him:
Bakemono-kami-akuma-sama-sensei (lit: Mr. Professor. Monster-god-satan.)

Bakemono. (Monster.)

Aliases: Master Junji, The Demon King of the First Heaven, King of Heroes.
Age: Who can say? The truth is, Master Junji is an ancient being.
Gender: Male
Race: Demon-Cat-Demigod
Class: Samurai-Ninja

: Heterosexual.
High Concept: The most obnoxious, over-the-top embodiment of anime you have ever seen.
Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Relatives: His parents died, as is per the standard anime protagonist's backstory.
Organizations\Affiliations: The Demon Kings of Heaven - member and leading powerhouse.

Personality: Master Junji is, at first glance, a quiet, determined, traveling swordsman who merely wishes to cross his blades with others who would take up his challenge. The truth is that he is actually looking for someone with enough mettle to become his apprentice, so that he may pass on centuries of mastered techniques of combat onto them, as to perpetuate the cycle of ridiculous impossibility that he is.

Master Junji is a huge, easygoing pervert. He also knows numerous, useful proverbs. He can be tough when training students. Dangerous when provoked. He likes to be pet by beautiful women. A deadly creature indeed.

At his core, Master Junji cannot be defined as either an evil or good being. He is a lazy, perverted, greedy, and gluttonous cat, similar to cat from a parallel universe whose name begins with 'Gar' and ends with 'field.' He is just as likely to be your friend as he is to be your enemy. He is also a genre savvy, aware of common tropes.

Backstory: Master Junji was born to a pair of parents; one of whom was a half-demon, half-deity kami being known as Individia. His father was a common household cat, with suspiciously green fur that Master Junji inherited from him. Master Junji was sentient from day one, and very conscious and understanding of how the universe worked. It was prophesized that one day, a cat would come who would "walk among Gods as Gods walk among men." Fearing the terrible power of the cat, the Gods cursed Master Junji, so that he could never achieve Divinity of rank higher than A, which restricted him from obtaining the status of a Divine Spirit. This evoked Master Junji to travel the earth as a wandering swordsman, training every day to become the best one the world ever saw.

At one point, the Demon Kings of Heaven accepted him into their flock, and he quickly rose through their ranks, becoming classified as a True Ancestor and Demon God. Despite that, Junji's fate was one of a "wraith who wandered the earth," not a "true heroic spirit," therefore he could never obtain a Noble Phantasm of his own, and remained a free spirit, independent of Gaia or Alaya.


Weapons & Armor:
  • 6 Katanas: Six mithril katanas named after his ex-girlfriends. Their names go as follows: "Christina," "Nicole," "Jennifer," "Tiffany," "Alice," and "Deathbringer."
  • Fire Rat Coat: A coat made from fire-rat fur. Grants full immunity to fire-based attacks as long as it is worn.
Items & Personal Belongings:
  • Various Artifacts From Another Universe: Things like Spiderman, Batman, or My Little Pony hair combs and brushes, waifu statuettes that he polishes daily, or manga magazines and anime DVDs.
  • Sack: Presumably used to carry nutritious potatoes and rice.
  • Coins: Numerous coins used to pay for stuff.
  • Other Things: Ropes, chains, backpacks, and stuff necessary for adventuring. Everything a wandering swordsman would need to have on hand.
Skills & Abilities:
  • Divinity (Rank A): Master Junji is worshipped as a Divine Spirit across numerous lands, despite being unable to obtain the full status of a God because of his curse. Despite that, it grants him "purge defense" against attacks classified as "Demon-ranked."
  • Expert Swordsmanship (Rank EX): Master Junji's expert techniques can account for pretty much everything. His skills go to the point where he can invent and introduce new styles on a whim and teach anyone in a way that exploits their inherent potential. In practice, it is possible to make a "baka" into a "samurai of rank B," in short time. Because of his immense skill, he can swap in styles in less than just two seconds.
    • Dark Slayer Style (Rank A+++): A style in which Junji holds Deathbringer and uses it to deploy any of the below techniques. It maximizes brutal efficiency and speed.
      • Upward Cut: Master Junji cuts his sword upward, launching the opponent into the air.
      • Air Trick: Instantly teleports Junji to his opponent, or away from them, or above them, or below them.
      • Slash Dimension F: A swift motion of the blade that cuts through dimensional barriers and unleashes a vortex of destruction.
      • Slash Dimension C: A swift motion of the blade that cuts through dimensional barriers and unleashes a slicing cyclone with Junji at its origin.
      • Yamato Combo S: A lightning quick three hit combo.
      • Aerial Rave V: Two quick slashes that cut through the air.
      • Bee Stinger V: Junji thrusts his sword forward, stabbing the opponent.
        • Thousand Stings S: Must follow Bee Stringer V. Junji stabs the opponent a thousand times over the course of five seconds.
    • Swordmaster Style (Rank A+++): A style in which Junji uses all six katanas at once, holding them between his fingers.
      • 6-Hit Combo: A lightning-quick six-hit combo. Because he uses six katanas, the amount of hits is actually thirty-six.
      • Major Release C: Releases an attack of all six swords at once, turning the opponent into grated cheese.
      • Swift Belt Destroyer D: Releases an attack that causes the opponent's pants to drop, making them flee in embarrassment.
      • Slash Dimension V: A swift motion of the blades that sends forth a wave of pure slicing energy that cuts through dimensional barriers and destroys anything in its path.
    • Ultimate Moves: Junji's ultimate moveset.
      • Full Counter: Counters the enemy's attack, sending all of its power back toward them.
        • Royal Counter: As Full Counter, however, the damage sent back is doubled and it also stuns the opponent for several seconds. This puts immense stress and fatigue on Junji's body.
      • Doppelganger Style: Allows Master Junji to force a second "self" into existence. The second self is nearly as strong.
        • Mass Army Doppelganger Royal Style: Allows Master Junji to spawn multiple clones of himself. With each clone, they grow weaker and put more stress on Master Junji's magical energy.
      • Presence Concealment: Allows Master Junji to actively conceal his presence, whether visually or magically.
        • Shapeshifting: Allows Junji to change form, however, only in appearance. It is a deception technique of the highest rank.
          • Sexy Jutsu: A slight modification by a perverted cat. It allows Master Junji to become a sexy, naked woman to distract his opponents.
      • Kamehameha: Using gathered ki energy, Master Junji fires a powerful beam of spiritual energy that tears through matter.
      • Hadouken: Using ki energy, Master Junji lets out a powerful ball of spiritual power.
      • Kame-Hame-Hadouken: Creates a most powerful, penultimate beam of raw, unrefined spiritual and chaos energy that eats through matter and spirit like air.
      • STAND: Comet Gold: Master Junji's personal STAND. A technique he learned from an ancient warrior called "Joestar." It materializes his own fighting spirit, as a large, red cat-like being with muscle arms, that can yell "ORAORAORA" and unleash a barrage of furious fists at his opponents. It is incredibly strong and invisible to mundane people.
      • Trap Card: Perhaps one of Master Junji's most fearful abilities. He can set and activate Trap Cards to destroy his opponent.
      • Mind Trick: Master Junji performs a Jedi Mind Trick to fool a weak-minded being, such a stormtrooper. These, indeed, aren't the golems you're looking for.
      • Copy Eyes: Allows Master Junji to perfectly replicate a technique he saw. However, because he is a lazy fool, he forgets it afterward.
      • Divine Lightning: Master Junji bangs his fists together, creating an electromagnetic discharge that turns off robots and deals holy and lightning damage.
      • Leviathan Kick: Master Junji jumps into the air and delivers a Roundhouse Kick. As he is about to reach his opponent, a Water Elemental in the shape of a Shark appears and bites his opponent, mangling him in its teeth.
      • Cat Disguise: Master Junji throws off his clothes, gets on all fours, and pretends to be his alter-ego: the infamous Neko-kun.
      • 4th Wall Awareness: Master Junji speaks directly to Kylesar1 Kylesar1 or any other player in the RP, pointing out the bullshit to them.
Spells & Magic: Junji mixes in numerous magical abilities with his swordsmanship. They are shown above.

  • Curse of the Gods: Master Junji's Divinity can never rise above rank A.
  • Vainglory and Pride: Because of his overconfidence, Master Junji can never use his full power against others who aren't worthy. This has led to him being beaten many times.
  • Perversion: Should a woman offer to pet him, Master Junji will surely yield in order to experience the pleasure of it.
  • Fear of Fallen Angels: Master Junji tends to panic around Fallen Angels, describing the concept as "overused and no longer as cool as it was ten years ago."
  • Fear of the Sun: Because he is a creature of the night, and a cat who sleeps and dwells in his room instead of being productive, a true hikkikomori; Master Junji is an enemy of the sun. Much like a vampire, he feels repulsed by its rays and will do almost anything not to have to walk in it. This weakness is augmented further by his status as a True Ancestor.
  • Fatigue: Even Master Junji gets tired.
FLUFF (Optional)
Hobbies: Gambling, eating Mapo Tofu, reading ancient scrolls and writing memes in them for fun, speaking Japanese, er, the language of the Middle Kingdom.
"Omae wa mo shindeiru."
"Ittai nan da?"
"Watashi wa nanda? Kami... *dramatic pause* WATASHI WA NANDA?!"
"Kono yarou!"
"Ore wa o-chinchin ga daisuki nandayo!"

OP yet completely exploitable. This is the perfect main antagonist for this RP

: Alurora
Aliases: Rory, Ace
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Race: Half-elf
Class: Rogue

: Bisexual
High Concept: Adventuring scout who believes in survival of the fittest
Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Relatives: Mother & Father
Organizations\Affiliations: Thieves guild
Personality: Alurora is not the most expressive person unless she finds something ridiculously stupid or distasteful. Her impatience with people causes her to have a quick temper which makes her look unfriendly and unsociable to those on the outside, although she does occasionally enjoy the company of those she’s stuck traveling with. She always seems to be trying to act like she’s above everyone else even if she doesn’t believe it, it’s a matter of putting on an air of fake self confidence. Her survival instincts will kick in every so often, causing her to become more distrustful of the people around her and furthering her determination to live. Although she would gladly take up arms against someone who is of a similar age or build as her, her reluctance grows when faced with a creature or a child whom she does not see as an equal contender.
Backstory: Alurora was was born an only child to her elven father and human mother. For as long as she could remember she was born into poverty in a small town in the outskirts of the bigger city. As she grew up, throughout her childhood she began to notice how her parents struggled to keep enough food for the three of them on the table. Confident enough her ability to be quick and quiet, she began thievery at a young age. Her parents tried to discourage her new little hobby, but alas it fell on deaf ears once she noticed how it was helping support her family. One fateful day, Alurora unknowingly almost pickpocket a member of a thieves guild who fortunately was very forgiving and saw some sort of potential in the scrawny girl. Taking her under her wing, she taught her their roguish skills and thieves cant as a way of communicating with others who could potentially help her. For a few years after, Alurora made a job out of her theiving skill. With a now more steady income, she made enough money to move her parents to a more peaceful village where they could make a living as farmers. As much as she cared for her family, she found life around the village to be boring and left to begin adventuring.


Weapons & Armor:
  • Armor similar to pictures above
  • Throwing knives hanging on belt loop
  • Rapier
  • Daggers
  • Shortbow
Items & Personal Belongings:
  • Fake coin purse on belt
  • Thieves tools
  • Hooded lantern
  • Cloak
Skills & Abilities:
  • Pickpocketing -Can slip items in and out of her victim almost flawlessly
  • Stealth -Can move both in the shadows or in plain sight without the worry of detection from her target
  • Agility -Can attack swiftly and easily when engaged in combat
Spells & Magic:
  • Mage hand -Spectral hand that can help perform additional tasks
  • Short tempered
  • Fears that she will lose her only family
  • Sometimes puts too much value on material objects
  • Quick to distrust

  • Whittling
  • Birdwatching
  • Card games
  • Cooking
Quotes: “If you don’t shut your mouth soon I’ll make sure to bring you in to the stupid authorities myself and sing them a whole musical about your crimes.”
Theme: (Musical theme.)
: Alurora
Aliases: Rory, Ace
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Race: Half-elf
Class: Rogue

: Bisexual
High Concept: Adventuring scout who believes in survival of the fittest
Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Relatives: Mother & Father
Organizations\Affiliations: Thieves guild
Personality: Alurora is not the most expressive person unless she finds something ridiculously stupid or distasteful. Her impatience with people causes her to have a quick temper which makes her look unfriendly and unsociable to those on the outside, although she does occasionally enjoy the company of those she’s stuck traveling with. She always seems to be trying to act like she’s above everyone else even if she doesn’t believe it, it’s a matter of putting on an air of fake self confidence. Her survival instincts will kick in every so often, causing her to become more distrustful of the people around her and furthering her determination to live. Although she would gladly take up arms against someone who is of a similar age or build as her, her reluctance grows when faced with a creature or a child whom she does not see as an equal contender.
Backstory: Alurora was was born an only child to her elven father and human mother. For as long as she could remember she was born into poverty in a small town in the outskirts of the bigger city. As she grew up, throughout her childhood she began to notice how her parents struggled to keep enough food for the three of them on the table. Confident enough her ability to be quick and quiet, she began thievery at a young age. Her parents tried to discourage her new little hobby, but alas it fell on deaf ears once she noticed how it was helping support her family. One fateful day, Alurora unknowingly almost pickpocket a member of a thieves guild who fortunately was very forgiving and saw some sort of potential in the scrawny girl. Taking her under her wing, she taught her their roguish skills and thieves cant as a way of communicating with others who could potentially help her. For a few years after, Alurora made a job out of her theiving skill. With a now more steady income, she made enough money to move her parents to a more peaceful village where they could make a living as farmers. As much as she cared for her family, she found life around the village to be boring and left to begin adventuring.


Weapons & Armor:
  • Armor similar to pictures above
  • Throwing knives hanging on belt loop
  • Rapier
  • Daggers
  • Shortbow
Items & Personal Belongings:
  • Fake coin purse on belt
  • Thieves tools
  • Hooded lantern
  • Cloak
Skills & Abilities:
  • Pickpocketing -Can slip items in and out of her victim almost flawlessly
  • Stealth -Can move both in the shadows or in plain sight without the worry of detection from her target
  • Agility -Can attack swiftly and easily when engaged in combat
Spells & Magic:
  • Mage hand -Spectral hand that can help perform additional tasks
  • Short tempered
  • Fears that she will lose her only family
  • Sometimes puts too much value on material objects
  • Quick to distrust

  • Whittling
  • Birdwatching
  • Card games
  • Cooking
Quotes: “If you don’t shut your mouth soon I’ll make sure to bring you in to the stupid authorities myself and sing them a whole musical about your crimes.”
Theme: (Musical theme.)

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