Fantasy Highschool Life

Name: Theorus

Nickname(If Applies): Theo

Age: Unknown (Appears mainly 17)

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Anything that pleases him xD

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral (Perceived as evil.)

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) House

What Year of highschool your in: junior

What kind of being you are: Incubus

Powers/gifts: Master at seduction, flight, dream manipulation, dream-plane(Can exist in dreams)

Likes: Seducing women and sometimes men, fathering sons.

Dislikes: Protection ;)

Personality: Very calm and collected. He is also very seductive and both men and women find it hard to resist him.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

Bio: Theorus is an incubus that, like most of his kind, enjoys seducing people, no matter their gender. He has fathered so many bastards that he lost count and he takes pride in the fact. He doesn't like to go slow and will skip straight to the fun stuff. If he cannot get his way, he usually tempts his victim with dreams of him.

Dating/lover/crush: Date?

Anything else: ;)


Ariadne Fukushima





Sexual Orientation:


Good, Evil or Neutral:

Neutral -Perceived as Good-

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.):

Fukushima Estate

What Year of highschool you're in:


What kind of being you are:



Supreme Repulse -Negation-:

Ariadne has to power to repulse -Negate- and deflect any attack, no matter the power type or effects in place.






All beings


Extreme perversion


Ariadne has shown a more mature attitude, usually calm and collected even when someone is acting tense in front of her. However, she can also show a much more timid side at times. She has been described as a
tsundere by Akira time and time again.

Ariadne has an acerbic attitude that functions to hide her vulnerabilities. At heart, Ariadne is a very curious girl who loves all forms of life and can't resist an interesting conversation.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)



She was the wife of Ragnarok and is the mother of Akira and Kenji. She enjoyed her life with her family, until Ragnarok killed her and began his crusade of destroying the world, but was eventually stopped by Akira. Since that point, Ariadne has been on Earth observing mankind, helping those who are in need. She heard of Akira's coming to Earth and enrolling in a school, and she decided to join as well. Akira had no idea that his mother was alive, so she planned on surprising him. This is where we are now.



Anything else:

Mother of Akira.


Name: Edward Bartiel

Nickname(If Applies):

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Lives in a dorm room provided by the school.

What Year of highschool your in: Sophmore

What kind of being you are: Human

Powers/gifts: Has a semi-advanced understanding of magic and its many branches; potion crafting, incnatations, rituals, spellcasting, etc. Although his knowledge exists in many fields, he uses spellcasting as his main source of power, using it to heal, attack, and more.

Likes: History of both the Earth and of mystical beings and magic, meeting new people, chocolate, most animals (dogs, cats, hamsters, etc.), amusement parks.

Dislikes: the cold, being unorganized,

Personality: Edward is a friendly individual, who tries his best to commuicate with, cheer up, or befriend other around him. However, sometimes his willingness to help other gets out of hand, where he'll pester people on whether they need some type of assistance. Edward is also naive when it comes to slang and popular things in the media, where he'll have to ask others what something popular maybe. If he finds it interesting enough, he might try it out for the heck of it, and really love it. Knowing this, Edward is an innocent boy, with no real bad intentions. One not-so-good feature is his ability to panic under pressure though, especially when confronted with homework deadlines, or peer pressure.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

Bio: Being born into a family of human mystics, Edward grew up in a home where magic was a common component of his life. The fact that magic could be used for both important and mundane tasks in so many ways was fascinating to him, and chose this as his goal in life: to be a master of the arcane arts. His parents initially gave him schooling, but decided it would be easier to send him to a high-school where he could stay, learn, and maybe meet other people with the same goals. He currently attends the fantasy highschool, where he attends many classes he deems necessary.

Dating/lover/crush: None

Anything else: Hopefully this is done right...
Okay, so I have spoken to Aria-chan, and she has temporarily granted me the ability to accept/decline characters in her absence. So here we go:

[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]
Name: atrio

Age: [14-19] 16

Gender: male

Accent: American

Sexuality: straight

What year of school are you in: first

Good evil or nutral: atrios good but nightmares evil


Supernatural Creature: nightmare

Powers: shadow bending (control over every shadow near him), nightmare state (this alowes him to put people into a nightmare state that brings the persons worst fear to life in there eyes)

Advantages: [strengths] can use his powers now matter what state he's in

Disadvantages: [strengths] very emotional and the nightmare kindof takes him over (kindof like a multiple personalaty) lots of light weakens his powers



(Human form)


(Nightmare form)

Description: [Opt.]

Height: 6"1


Theme song:[media]

Quote: I'll never let him out for he is then one that took every thing from me

Secret: the only time he had let nightmare take control it had put every one in his home town into a night mare state including his parents then killed all of them

(I took one of my other characters from a different rp)

AriesKurisu said:

Name: Aakil Wilson

Nickname(If Applies): "You can make something up, I don't really care"

Age: 17 (although he ages reaaaaaalllly slowly...)

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Dorms

What Year of highschool your in: Senior year

What kind of being you are: A white stag with a human form.


Powers/gifts: Besides being really good luck to those around him he can control the elements of nature and plant life and is able to bring prosperity to people and create an area of absolute serenity.

Likes: The color white, strawberries, playing the piano and violin.

Dislikes: People who encourage war, people who think they're above everyone else and selfishness.

Personality: Aakil is a very gentle and kind and rather naive man. He isn't a man of many words but he doesn't speak ill of people, unless they properly deserve it. He's nothing but a kind boy wishing the best for everyone in life and does what he can to point them to the right path and found constantly smiling to himself when he's in nature. Although he could be considered a bit stoick and serious around people.

Bio: White stags are a male only species and he's going to take over his father's position as messenger of the underworld according to celtic myth. However he must be properly educated about the world before that time comes. He has a human mother as all white stags do and has a human little 5 year old sister who he cherishes with all his being.

Dating/lover/crush: None, none and none..... For now

Anything else: Don't think so
Roman said:









Sexual Orientation




Where do I live?


What kind of being am I?

Shinigami/Death God

What year of HS am I in?




-Sour Foods




-Country Music

+His band

+Annoying/Clingy People


Kio is a cool person, he likes to hang out with his friends and play music with his band. He likes to eat candy and sleep for hours at a time.




Kio is a Shinigami or better known as a "Death God". He was born in a different realm, known as the Soul Realm. At a young age his mother and family were banished to the human realm. They were told to live the lives of normal humans, and were stripped of their abilities, but Kio somehow was able to keep his powers. Kio then started school and met
Han, and they started a band. They never made it to being famous, due to Han moving. Now Kio is here to find Han and continue their dream of being a successful band.

Relationship Status


Anything Else



frnkieromustdie said:
Name: Esdeath
Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Evil

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: 4 (Senior)

What kind of being you are: Teigu Demon

Powers/gifts: manipulate ice, create ice from nothing, uses it to create icicles, freeze people to death and more. Has been able to freeze an entire lake within moments with her ability. Can sometimes freeze time. Has a strong sixth sense, being able to sense killing intent even at long distances







-Boring situations


-Staying still



Feisty, sarcastic, sometimes rude, doesn’t like staying still, active

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)


Dating/lover/crush: N/A
AsongOfIceandFire said:
Name: Theorus
Nickname(If Applies): Theo

Age: Unknown (Appears mainly 17)

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Anything that pleases him xD

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral (Perceived as evil.)

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) House

What Year of highschool your in: junior

What kind of being you are: Incubus

Powers/gifts: Master at seduction, flight, dream manipulation, dream-plane(Can exist in dreams)

Likes: Seducing women and sometimes men, fathering sons.

Dislikes: Protection ;)

Personality: Very calm and collected. He is also very seductive and both men and women find it hard to resist him.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

Bio: Theorus is an incubus that, like most of his kind, enjoys seducing people, no matter their gender. He has fathered so many bastards that he lost count and he takes pride in the fact. He doesn't like to go slow and will skip straight to the fun stuff. If he cannot get his way, he usually tempts his victim with dreams of him.

Dating/lover/crush: Date?

Anything else: ;)
[QUOTE="Lime Kid]Name: Edward Bartiel
Nickname(If Applies):

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Lives in a dorm room provided by the school.

What Year of highschool your in: Sophmore

What kind of being you are: Human

Powers/gifts: Has a semi-advanced understanding of magic and its many branches; potion crafting, incnatations, rituals, spellcasting, etc. Although his knowledge exists in many fields, he uses spellcasting as his main source of power, using it to heal, attack, and more.

Likes: History of both the Earth and of mystical beings and magic, meeting new people, chocolate, most animals (dogs, cats, hamsters, etc.), amusement parks.

Dislikes: the cold, being unorganized,

Personality: Edward is a friendly individual, who tries his best to commuicate with, cheer up, or befriend other around him. However, sometimes his willingness to help other gets out of hand, where he'll pester people on whether they need some type of assistance. Edward is also naive when it comes to slang and popular things in the media, where he'll have to ask others what something popular maybe. If he finds it interesting enough, he might try it out for the heck of it, and really love it. Knowing this, Edward is an innocent boy, with no real bad intentions. One not-so-good feature is his ability to panic under pressure though, especially when confronted with homework deadlines, or peer pressure.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

Bio: Being born into a family of human mystics, Edward grew up in a home where magic was a common component of his life. The fact that magic could be used for both important and mundane tasks in so many ways was fascinating to him, and chose this as his goal in life: to be a master of the arcane arts. His parents initially gave him schooling, but decided it would be easier to send him to a high-school where he could stay, learn, and maybe meet other people with the same goals. He currently attends the fantasy highschool, where he attends many classes he deems necessary.

Dating/lover/crush: None

Anything else: Hopefully this is done right...
All are accepted.

shortyshot8 said:
Name:Falima Yakima
Nickname(If Applies):Falim

Age:Appears 16 but is 2000 years old


Sexual Orientation:Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral:Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)Dorm

What Year of highschool your in:Freshman

What kind of being you are:Vampire

Powers/gifts:Able to make weapons and armor out of bats

Likes:Blood,Humans,Cute boys

Dislikes:Other Vampires,Werewolves


Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)View attachment 116263

Bio:She just got sent here because she needs to make new friends

Dating/lover/crush:Has a crush on William

Anything else:She really really loves human blood xD
kyuuketsuki said:

View attachment 116421 View attachment 116428


Emil E. Equllius


Emery (Open to nicknames.)





Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:

Neutral (sort of)

Where you live:


What Year of highschool your in: 3

What kind of being you are:


DEA, also known as Demon Eaters, are a long forgotten species that feed off of demons and other unholy creatures alike. They favor demons, and humans, to an extent. Even having similar presences when they walk into a room, if any at all. They are accompanied with different powers for each individual DEA, though Jun is the only one known to be living.

DEA, as their name states, literally feed off of demons. From their flesh to their life-force, DEA can consume any part of a demon including their powers, but usually have a low appetite or prefer something else.

/ unknown



thanks to his left eye, Emil doesn't have regular energy manipulation like Jun. Instead, he has cosmic energy manipulation.

Apathetic Empathy-

Emil can fully interpret and replicate the emotions of others without reading apparent symptoms, allowing them to understand people like introverts and see when someone is hiding an emotion. He can use this to attack many by reading their emotions. Emil can use this to detect when someone is lying to him. He takes on empathetic healing, empathetic power randomization, Telempathy, and physic navigation. However, Emil is conflicted with apathy. At times, He is unable to feel emotional pain, but then there are times where he can only feel pain. He usually suppresses his emotions because of this, though he isn't emotionless. His own powers have no effect on him, and he is immune to the power of other empaths.


Emil has the usual enhanced physical and mental capabilities. He can also automatically know when he is in the presence of a demon, and pinpoint the host of the presence as well as consume them without a problem. He has an immunity to the elements, especially fire.




-quiet places

-the sky



-loud noises


-cramped spaces


-annoying people


Though he may seem like a hardass or an apathetic bore upon meeting, Emil is actually a soft-hearted person. He has an odd way of looking at the world, and is very self-conscious of how little his existence is due to past trauma. While intellectual, and slightly unstable, he can be pretty mischievous, and enjoys causing trouble for others from the side lines and watching everything fall into place; though, this is mostly just the Dea coming out in him. Mostly.

Emil's bad habit of suppressing his emotions will cause him to do strange or unreasonable things, but usually only to himself. Many of the times that one will see him bandaged or bleeding are from wounds he inflicted on himself in times of apathy which he wishes to feel something, or in times of overloaded emotions.

Pain itself isn't something he thinks much negativity of. In fact, he has often angered people in order to get hurt. Even though he doesn't enjoy it either. He is one that would rather have someone tell him they hated him over having someone become attached to him because he fears becoming attached to others and being left behind. It's incredibly hard to tell what he is thinking, or what he will do next.


View attachment 116427

View attachment 116434

View attachment 116435


Emil is the younger half-brother of Jun, the last full blooded Dea. His mother was a creature that was unknown to him or anyone at the time, and he was raised as the bastard son of a rich family. He was shamed for existing and for taking on the youthful features of his mother instead of his father's sharp ones. Jun often picked on him when their father had finished scolding, or otherwise beating, him. Even so, he had what he thought was a good relationship with his brother, and was unaware of the torment the organization was putting Jun through. He was very attached to Jun and their sister, before Jun eventually turned on everyone and killed them all; except Emil, which he made Emil watch every moment, leaving him with both physical and mental scars.

After that day, Emil managed to escape from Jun's radar, but he disappeared shortly afterwards. Both he and Jun have no idea what happened, but they were both blacked out for ages until Emil woke up in a grass field. He was found and took in by a librarian in a nearby public library, but was sent to live at the school after they found our he has powers.



Anything else:

Suffers from insomnia, which causes him to pass out doing basically anything.

He hides his left eye behind his hair because he is self-conscious of it.

LunarShines said:
Name: William Withers
Nickname: Will

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live: Aprartment

What Year of high school your in: Graduated

What kind of being you are: Shap-Shifter

Powers/gifts: shape shifting, Acrobatics



+His sister






Personality: He is an overly protective and very charming man and protects his little sister at all costs. He is shy and

a little bit of a loner but he is the nicest person you would ever meet.


Bio: He is an protective brother.

Dating/lover/crush: None yet

Anything else: Has a sister


Name: Ginny Wright

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live: Apartment

What Year of highschool your in: First

What kind of being you are: Shape-Shifter







-Mean people



Personality: She is a quiet shy and funny, not to mention kawaii

little girl who stays by her brothers side all the time. She is very

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

Bio: N/A

Dating/lover/crush: N/A

Anything else:Oni-chan!
AsongOfIceandFire said:
Name: Lyre (Leer)
Nickname(If Applies):

Age: Unknown(Appears 17)

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: (Isn't technically in school but considers himself to be a junior.)

What kind of being you are: Deity(God of Music)

Powers/gifts: Omnitone, Sonokinesis, nigh-omniscience(Knows how to play every type of instrument)

Likes: Music, Instruments, Musicals, Singing

Dislikes: Booed off stage, Bad music, Illogical lyrics

Personality: Lyre s very calm and good-natured. He loves to sing and he tends to do it a lot, even when he is told not to.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

Bio: He will reveal it through music :D

Dating/lover/crush: Music

Anything else: He loves music if you couldn't tell.

y0k9o said:
Name: Zomo Kie
Nickname(If Applies): Cobra



Sexual Orientation:Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral:Neutral

Where you live : Dorm

What Year of highschool your in:Junior

What kind of being you are:Cat person


Likes:Shell fish [Lobster, Crab, Shrimp], normal cats

Dislikes: Braggers, popularity, spicy foods

Personality:Fun, Quiet, always has a straight or frown and rarely smiles


View attachment 116808

Bio:Grew up alone, hated by

Dating/lover/crush:Crush on Amaterasu Okami

Anything else: Always seems gloomy, but isnt
All are accepted.

not yet

Slaxt said:
Akira wait what. I'm confused.
I offered Aria-chan help around accepting CS', she agreed due to her being busy and being unable to come on as much lately.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/upload_2015-5-4_8-1-44.png.433cf4996a8409f2c512343c1d9adde1.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51198" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/upload_2015-5-4_8-1-44.png.433cf4996a8409f2c512343c1d9adde1.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • upload_2015-5-4_8-1-44.png
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[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]I offered Aria-chan help around accepting CS', she agreed due to her being busy and being unable to come on as much lately.
View attachment 117658

Awesome. I like how you had the MK theme in the back. (=~=)
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]I dunno why, but I was craving to listen to it xD

We all are. xD
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]It's gonna play a part in Akira's attitude when fighting xP

Nice. I like to use rock music when I fight, adds to the wildness. XP
Roman said:
Nice. I like to use rock music when I fight, adds to the wildness. XP
I use epics when I fight. Like this (Akira's main battle theme):


[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]I use epic:?s when I fight. Like this (Akira's main battle theme):

Well I'm gonna start with Kio, he's free for interactions I guess :P )
Name: Trix

Nickname(If Applies):

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Evil

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) House on her own

What Year of highschool your in: 4

What kind of being you are: Succubus

Powers/gifts: Can charm people as well as erase their memories

Likes: stuffed animals, sharp things, the colour pink, night time, sweets, reading

Dislikes: being cold, snow, snobby people

Personality: quiet, reclusive, moody, short tempered, guarded, loyal, sassy

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

Bio: Growing up Trix wasn't close to any of her family, she spent most of her time alone even though she did have a quite extensive group of friends. She had a talent for drawing but as she grew older the subjects of her art became more and more elusive and mysterious. She quit making art when she started high school, trying not to draw attention to herself, which most people find odd her being a succubus and all. She spends most of her time at home reading when she's not at school.

Dating/lover/crush: No one yet

Anything else: ~When she's not around others is the only time she wears her glasses
trix said:
Name: Trix
Nickname(If Applies):

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Evil

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) House on her own

What Year of highschool your in: 4

What kind of being you are: Succubus

Powers/gifts: Can charm people as well as erase their memories

Likes: stuffed animals, sharp things, the colour pink, night time, sweets, reading

Dislikes: being cold, snow, snobby people

Personality: quiet, reclusive, moody, short tempered, guarded, loyal, sassy

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

Bio: Growing up Trix wasn't close to any of her family, she spent most of her time alone even though she did have a quite extensive group of friends. She had a talent for drawing but as she grew older the subjects of her art became more and more elusive and mysterious. She quit making art when she started high school, trying not to draw attention to herself, which most people find odd her being a succubus and all. She spends most of her time at home reading when she's not at school.

Dating/lover/crush: No one yet

Anything else: ~When she's not around others is the only time she wears her glasses
Nora said:
Name: Raine Lushe
Age: 17

Gender: male....

Sexual Orientation: bisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: neutral

Where you live: dorm

What Year of highschool your in: 3

What kind of being you are: unknown


Ink/unnamed material manipulation

Highly Increased senses- sound, taste, smell, and touch.

Damage control- can take increased amounts of damage, heals quickly, and has a high endurance level.

Likes: games, animals, sleeping, competitions, being amused

Dislikes: being startled, spiders, the smell of fish.

Personality: curious, aggressive, oblivious, confident yet easily embarrassed, easily bored, anxious around strangers.


View attachment 117791

View attachment 117789 View attachment 117790


Raine was once a pretty evil character who caused a lot of trouble for people at a young age. He was cursed by a warlock to change into a girl on full moons, and was captured by a correctional facility for young supernaturals where he was held captive. The only contact he had with anyone was the doctors who came to check on them every month. So, he doesn't know much about the world outside of what he learned before being caught. He eventually escaped and found refuge here at the highschool.

Dating/lover/crush: none

Anything else:
Accepted :)
Name: Natsumi/Natsuru

Age: 16/17


Species: Fallen Goddess/Fallen God


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c257e40ad_BraveFrontierMaxwellCardes.png.7769410194a391af438fdd17b888b769.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51290" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c257e40ad_BraveFrontierMaxwellCardes.png.7769410194a391af438fdd17b888b769.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bios: Unknown


Their both Bisexual

Natsumi is an
Elyos and Natsuru an Asmodian (Elyos is a higher ranking Angel higher than Arch Angels and Asmodian is a higher ranking of Arch Demons)

They both like to mess around with other Gods and Goddesses

Both are close friends with Ciella, Emiko, Himeragi, Add, and Suzano

Natsumi's and Natsuru's Theme




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    Brave Frontier Maxwell Cardes.png
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[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Omg I just realized that there's another succubus now xD

indeed! Hello there X3
[QUOTE="Fantasy Crazy]Name: Vanessa
Nickname: Vee

  1. Age: 15
    Gender: Female
    Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
    Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral
    Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) House
    What Year of highschool your in: Freshmen
    What kind of being you are: Cat/ human
    Likes: Friends, animals
    Dislikes: New schools, elevators, not fitting in
    Personality: Vee acts tough but is really a big softy, can be silly
    Bio: Is new girl at school, her family moves a lot, lives with three brothers, Ryan, Joey and Dan
    Dating/lover/crush: N/A
    Anything else:


I had no idea what I was doing, mind if I create a new character and restart?
[QUOTE="Fantasy Crazy]*Sigh*
I had no idea what I was doing, mind if I create a new character and restart?

yeah go ahead xD

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