Fantasy Highschool Life


Nickname(If Applies):death,grim,reaper


(Looks 18)


Sexual Orientation:straight

Good or Evil or Neutral:evil/neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)dorm

What Year of highschool your in:sophomore

What kind of being you are:grim reaper aka death

Powers/gifts:shadow bending, control the dead, flight, control of demon world creatures, nightmare

Likes: nighttime, the dead,the living

Dislikes: people that don't beleve in him, being alone

Personality: Shy, he's very protective of his things and if you get close enough to him he will start calling you his. He tryed hard to make freinds but hasn't because of what he is, she's sweet and caring often not caring for personal space

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.292f4a567453aee35ca0cee40da4fe0d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48528" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.292f4a567453aee35ca0cee40da4fe0d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Old form) basiacly looked like a nine year old

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.48724b30004606f284fcbbefd103192d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48524" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.48724b30004606f284fcbbefd103192d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Reaper form)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.b419edfb92f9075fc3a07e9640b57847.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49283" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.b419edfb92f9075fc3a07e9640b57847.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Little girl form)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.20145fbdb131d91613245693ea3793d4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49284" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.20145fbdb131d91613245693ea3793d4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Current form)

Bio: he was born into hell after he died by a Devils hand. Since then he was basiacly adopted by the devil him self and has become what humans call the grim reaper. Sent out to collect the souls that have sined many times.

Dating/lover/crush:none yet

Anything else:

@Shiroe Kurona



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[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Name:Thanatos
Nickname(If Applies):death,grim,reaper



Sexual Orientation:straight

Good or Evil or Neutral:evil/neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)dorm

What Year of highschool your in:sophomore

What kind of being you are:grim reaper

Powers/gifts:shadow bending, control the dead, flight, control of demon world creatures

Likes: nighttime, the dead,the living

Dislikes: food, people that don't beleve in him, being alone

Personality: out going, weird, he's very protective of his things and if you get close enough to him he will start calling you his. He tryed hard to make freinds but hasn't because of what he is

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

View attachment 112756

(Human form)

View attachment 112757

(Reaper form)

Bio: he was born into hell after he died by a Devils hand. Since then he was basiacly adopted by the devil him self and has become what humans call the grim reaper. Sent out to collect the souls that have sined many times.

Dating/lover/crush:none yet

Anything else:




Mamoreru Iha


Pink Devil or Devil's Child



(Looks younger)



Sexual Orientation:

Asexual Heteroromantic

Good or Evil or Neutral:

Chaotic Neutral

(A Chaotic Neutral character is an individualist who follows his or her own heart, and generally shirks rules and traditions. Although Chaotic Neutral characters promote the ideals of freedom, it is their own freedom that comes first; good and evil come second to their need to be free. Chaotic Neutrals are free-spirited and do not enjoy the unnecessary suffering of others. A Chaotic Neutral character does not have to be an aimless wanderer; it may have a specific goal in mind, but its methods of achieving that goal are often disorganized, unorthodox, or entirely unpredictable. If a Chaotic Neutral joins a team, it is because that team's goals happen to coincide with its own at the moment, but it invariably resents taking orders and can be very selfish in its pursuit of personal goals.)

Where you live:


What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are:



Mamoreru is basically a human shield. She can turn into a gigantic skeleton and protectes people who are in her hands..

Whenever she turns into what she is, purple smoke emerges making most dizzy (Has a range of 30 feet or so)

She's also able to remove sight and hearing for a certain amount of time (Concentration based. It exerts her physically. She can only do this once for everytime she's eaten.)

Mamoreru has abnormal healing, she can heal faster from bruises, concussions wear off faster, less chance of being dazed, etc. The healing also causes her to have stronger bones.

Mamoreru can heal people with her hands. It has to be done with extreme concentration in a long period of time but it can happen. It's slightly painful, speeding up the process of blood clotting, making the skin regrow, it comes with a price.

Although all of her strengths, while she's in skeleton form, everything is a few shades darker. She can't see very far what-so-ever. Because of her size as a skeleton, she's also slower than she would be. In her human form, if she gets hurt- although he has the abnormal healing, she still would bleed more profusely.

(Random Side Note: She's a fantastic chef.)


Cooking and eating food alike.

Junk Food

Bone Structure

(""\',..,'/"") <---
(Her pet Racoon)



Blunt Objects (i.e. Hammers, Maces, etc.)

(The sight of blood.)


Giving straight answers

(She despises it. It's torture to her.)


Mamoreru is strange to say at the very least. She wont talk unless it has to deal with: 1. Bone Structure. 2. Food. 3. It's about her pet, Racoon. 4. Someone talks to her. Though, she may make random comments or statements about facts. Although she many not seem like it, she's a logical thinker. She's very intelligent and normaly never has to worry about her grades and could most likely easily beat anybody at chess (Her favorite game). She's also very creative, being able to express her creativity through her cooking skills. Along with her cerativity, she's an extreme day dreamer. Which is most likely the reason she can never stay on task with anything. Even though she's logical, she rarely gives anyone a straight answer, mostly some sort of smart aleck response. Besides all of her other personality traits, she's quite caring. She doesn't show most emotions but if she's close to someone, she'd care for them. If they were sad, she'd give them a hug and such. The girl, is she doesn't know you, would most likely give someone a snarky comment if what they said offended her, but besides that, she's really nice and out going at times.


Mamoreru has short pink hair that she often has up in two pig tails on the side of her head and bangs that caress her forehead and eyelids. She has a lithe body that looks way to small for someone her age. She stands at 5'0"and weighs way less than the average. Her milky white skin complemented her dull red/pink eyes.

Human Form:


Monster Form:





Mamoreru was born.. or appeared, on a door step of a mortal family that contained a newly wed mother and father. No one knows who her original parents are or where they are, but she just showed up.The first sign of her 'powers' was when she was five. Purple and magenta smoke seeped from her mouth once and awhile- usually when she was asleep. It made the people around her dizzy. When she was six, she was playing outside and she broke her arm. Her parents got her in a cast and a three days later, her arm was better. They knew at this point, something was up. They were scared but said nothing about it. When she was ten, that was when it got very, very frightening. Her once blue eyes turned red. It wasn't noticable at first, but they started to turn brown- and then red after a few days.

Only a couple of days later- her hand turn to bone. It didn't stay like that forever, just an few minutres. She was sleeping, and her mother came in to tuck her in and she saw her hand was bone. Her mother rushed her to the hospital but once they got there, it was gone. Her hand was back to normal. Her adoptive parents got to scared after that and put her into an adoption center, where she never got adopted.

She kept on going to a normal school knowing about her powers. She always covered herself up in case the skeleton happened again. But an odd thing was- ever since her skeletal ability was shown, she loved bone structure. It amazed her and she obsessed over it- and still does.

When she was 15 and starting her Junior year at a normal school, her mouth started smoking. She's normaly used to it staying in her mouth and letting it dissapate, but it made her to dizzy. There was more being produced than usual. The spoke made her fall and knock the wind out of her- and so everybody saw. Mamoreru had to leave. No one was suppose to know about her power and so she said she smoked. It was the only way people wouldn't find out. If she said she had some sort of power- they'd send her to an insane asylum. She got expended and she went for an abnormal highschool, which is why she came in the school year late.



(Message if you want her to like someone? I dunno how this works...)

Anything else:



She also doesn't know the extent of her skeletal abilities.

Everything Above Is Still Subject To Editing

(If need be)
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[QUOTE="Princess Ktyria]



Mamoreru Iha


Pink Devil or Devil's Child



(Looks younger)



Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:

Chaotic Neutral

(A Chaotic Neutral character is an individualist who follows his or her own heart, and generally shirks rules and traditions. Although Chaotic Neutral characters promote the ideals of freedom, it is their own freedom that comes first; good and evil come second to their need to be free. Chaotic Neutrals are free-spirited and do not enjoy the unnecessary suffering of others. A Chaotic Neutral character does not have to be an aimless wanderer; it may have a specific goal in mind, but its methods of achieving that goal are often disorganized, unorthodox, or entirely unpredictable. If a Chaotic Neutral joins a team, it is because that team's goals happen to coincide with its own at the moment, but it invariably resents taking orders and can be very selfish in its pursuit of personal goals.)

Where you live:


What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are:



Mamoreru is basically a human shield. One of her gifts, or curses, she has is she can turn into a gigantic skeleton. Whenever she turns into what she is, purple smoke emerges making most dizzy (Has a range of 30 feet or so), she's also able to remove sight and hearing for a certain amount of time (Concentration based. It exerts her physically. She can only do this once for everytime she's eaten.) Mamoreru has abnormal healing, she can heal faster from bruises, concussions wear off faster, less chance of being dazed, etc. The healing also causes her to have stronger bones.

Although all of her strengths, while she's in skeleton form, everything is a few shades darker. She can't see very far what-so-ever. Because of her size as a skeleton, she's also slower than she would be. In her human form, if she gets hurt- although he has the abnormal healing, she still would bleed more profusely.

(Random Side Note: She's a fantastic chef.)


Cooking and eating food alike.

Junk Food

Bone Structure

(""\',..,'/"") <---
(Her pet Racoon)


Blunt Objects (i.e. Hammers, Maces, etc.)

(The sight of blood.)


Giving straight answers


Mamoreru is strange to say at the very least. She wont talk unless it has to deal with: 1. Bone Structure. 2. Food. 3. It's about her pet, Racoon. 4. Someone talks to her. Though, she may make random comments or statements about facts. Although she many not seem like it, she's a logical thinker. She's very intelligent and normaly never has to worry about her grades and could most likely easily beat anybody at chess (Her favorite game). She's also very creative, being able to express her creativity through her cooking skills. Along with her cerativity, she's an extreme day dreamer. Which is most likely the reason she can never stay on task with anything. Even though she's logical, she rarely gives anyone a straight answer, mostly some sort of smart aleck response. For example, someone may ask what she was thinking and she'd answer with, "Thoughts." Besides all of her other personality traits, she's quite caring. She doesn't show most emotions but if she's close to someone, she'd care for them. If they were sad, she'd give them a hug and such. The girl, is she doesn't know you, would most likely give someone a snarky comment if what they said offended her. For example, is someone said I don't care, she'd respond with, "Well obviossuly. It takes a brain to care." But that's only if someone upsets her or provokes her.


Mamoreru has short pink hair that she often has up in two pig tails on the side of her head and bangs that caress her forehead and eyelids. She has a lithe body that looks way to small for someone her age. She stands at 5'0"and weighs way less than the average. Her milky white skin complemented her dull red/pink eyes.

Human Form:


Monster Form:





Mamoreru was born.. or appeared, on a door step of a mortal family that contained a newly wed mother and father. No one knows who her original parents are or where they are, but she just showed up.The first sign of her 'powers' was when she was five. Purple and magenta smoke seeped from her mouth once and awhile- usually when she was asleep. It made the people around her dizzy. When she was six, she was playing outside and she broke her arm. Her parents got her in a cast and a three days later, her arm was better. They knew at this point, something was up. They were scared but said nothing about it. When she was ten, that was when it got very, very frightening. Her once blue eyes turned red. It wasn't noticable at first, but they started to turn brown- and then red after a few days.

Only a couple of days later- her hand turn to bone. It didn't stay like that forever, just an few minutres. She was sleeping, and her mother came in to tuck her in and she saw her hand was bone. Her mother rushed her to the hospital but once they got there, it was gone. Her hand was back to normal. Her adoptive parents got to scared after that and put her into an adoption center, where she never got adopted.

She kept on going to a normal school knowing about her powers. She always covered herself up in case the skeleton happened again. But an odd thing was- ever since her skeletal ability was shown, she loved bone structure. It amazed her and she obsessed over it- and still does.

When she was 15 and starting her Freshman year at a normal school, her mouth started smoking. She's normaly used to it staying in her mouth and letting it dissapate, but it made her to dizzy. There was more being produced than usual. The spoke made her fall and knock the wind out of her- and so everybody saw. Mamoreru had to leave. No one was suppose to know about her power and so she said she smoked. It was the only way people wouldn't find out. If she said she had some sort of power- they'd send her to an insane asylum. She got expended and she went for an abnormal highschool, which is why she came in the school year late.



(Message if you want her to like someone? I dunno how this works...)

Anything else:



Mamoreru's speach is monotoned. She rarely (almost never) talks with feeling.

She also doesn't knwo the extent of her skeletal abilities.

Everything Above Is Subject To Editing


[QUOTE="Princess Ktyria]



Mamoreru Iha


Pink Devil or Devil's Child



(Looks younger)



Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:

Chaotic Neutral

(A Chaotic Neutral character is an individualist who follows his or her own heart, and generally shirks rules and traditions. Although Chaotic Neutral characters promote the ideals of freedom, it is their own freedom that comes first; good and evil come second to their need to be free. Chaotic Neutrals are free-spirited and do not enjoy the unnecessary suffering of others. A Chaotic Neutral character does not have to be an aimless wanderer; it may have a specific goal in mind, but its methods of achieving that goal are often disorganized, unorthodox, or entirely unpredictable. If a Chaotic Neutral joins a team, it is because that team's goals happen to coincide with its own at the moment, but it invariably resents taking orders and can be very selfish in its pursuit of personal goals.)

Where you live:


What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are:



Mamoreru is basically a human shield. One of her gifts, or curses, she has is she can turn into a gigantic skeleton. Whenever she turns into what she is, purple smoke emerges making most dizzy (Has a range of 30 feet or so), she's also able to remove sight and hearing for a certain amount of time (Concentration based. It exerts her physically. She can only do this once for everytime she's eaten.) Mamoreru has abnormal healing, she can heal faster from bruises, concussions wear off faster, less chance of being dazed, etc. The healing also causes her to have stronger bones.

Although all of her strengths, while she's in skeleton form, everything is a few shades darker. She can't see very far what-so-ever. Because of her size as a skeleton, she's also slower than she would be. In her human form, if she gets hurt- although he has the abnormal healing, she still would bleed more profusely.

(Random Side Note: She's a fantastic chef.)


Cooking and eating food alike.

Junk Food

Bone Structure

(""\',..,'/"") <---
(Her pet Racoon)


Blunt Objects (i.e. Hammers, Maces, etc.)

(The sight of blood.)


Giving straight answers


Mamoreru is strange to say at the very least. She wont talk unless it has to deal with: 1. Bone Structure. 2. Food. 3. It's about her pet, Racoon. 4. Someone talks to her. Though, she may make random comments or statements about facts. Although she many not seem like it, she's a logical thinker. She's very intelligent and normaly never has to worry about her grades and could most likely easily beat anybody at chess (Her favorite game). She's also very creative, being able to express her creativity through her cooking skills. Along with her cerativity, she's an extreme day dreamer. Which is most likely the reason she can never stay on task with anything. Even though she's logical, she rarely gives anyone a straight answer, mostly some sort of smart aleck response. Besides all of her other personality traits, she's quite caring. She doesn't show most emotions but if she's close to someone, she'd care for them. If they were sad, she'd give them a hug and such. The girl, is she doesn't know you, would most likely give someone a snarky comment if what they said offended her, but besides that, she's really nice and out going at times.


Mamoreru has short pink hair that she often has up in two pig tails on the side of her head and bangs that caress her forehead and eyelids. She has a lithe body that looks way to small for someone her age. She stands at 5'0"and weighs way less than the average. Her milky white skin complemented her dull red/pink eyes.

Human Form:


Monster Form:





Mamoreru was born.. or appeared, on a door step of a mortal family that contained a newly wed mother and father. No one knows who her original parents are or where they are, but she just showed up.The first sign of her 'powers' was when she was five. Purple and magenta smoke seeped from her mouth once and awhile- usually when she was asleep. It made the people around her dizzy. When she was six, she was playing outside and she broke her arm. Her parents got her in a cast and a three days later, her arm was better. They knew at this point, something was up. They were scared but said nothing about it. When she was ten, that was when it got very, very frightening. Her once blue eyes turned red. It wasn't noticable at first, but they started to turn brown- and then red after a few days.

Only a couple of days later- her hand turn to bone. It didn't stay like that forever, just an few minutres. She was sleeping, and her mother came in to tuck her in and she saw her hand was bone. Her mother rushed her to the hospital but once they got there, it was gone. Her hand was back to normal. Her adoptive parents got to scared after that and put her into an adoption center, where she never got adopted.

She kept on going to a normal school knowing about her powers. She always covered herself up in case the skeleton happened again. But an odd thing was- ever since her skeletal ability was shown, she loved bone structure. It amazed her and she obsessed over it- and still does.

When she was 15 and starting her Junior year at a normal school, her mouth started smoking. She's normaly used to it staying in her mouth and letting it dissapate, but it made her to dizzy. There was more being produced than usual. The spoke made her fall and knock the wind out of her- and so everybody saw. Mamoreru had to leave. No one was suppose to know about her power and so she said she smoked. It was the only way people wouldn't find out. If she said she had some sort of power- they'd send her to an insane asylum. She got expended and she went for an abnormal highschool, which is why she came in the school year late.



(Message if you want her to like someone? I dunno how this works...)

Anything else:



She also doesn't know the extent of her skeletal abilities.

Everything Above Is Still Subject To Editing

(If need be)

Hey i think thats a pretty cool character i think my character Akihiko can interact with your character)

Name:Alexander Duncan

Nickname(If Applies):Alex



Sexual Orientation:straight

Good or Evil or Neutral:good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) in the dorm

What Year of high school are you in: sophomore

What kind of being you are: human

Powers/gifts:Able to control fire around me and generate fire from my body

Likes:girls outside hot places sleeping fighting

Dislikes:water cold places bullies annoying people

Personality:generally nice hotheaded irritated easily funny serious can be very mean

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

Bio:father was able to control fire and mother was just mere mortal and as a kid his father was killed for the gift that he had and his mother captured spending the res of her years in jail before she ended her own life his only companion now is himself but he doesn't like to talk about it

Dating/lover/crush:single and ready to mingle xD

Anything else:he is awesome
abomba123 said:
Name:Alexander Duncan
Nickname(If Applies):Alex



Sexual Orientation:straight

Good or Evil or Neutral:good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) in the dorm

What Year of high school are you in: sophomore

What kind of being you are: human

Powers/gifts:Able to control fire around me and generate fire from my body

Likes:girls outside hot places sleeping fighting

Dislikes:water cold places bullies annoying people

Personality:generally nice hotheaded irritated easily funny serious can be very mean

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

Bio:father was able to control fire and mother was just mere mortal and as a kid his father was killed for the gift that he had and his mother captured spending the res of her years in jail before she ended her own life his only companion now is himself but he doesn't like to talk about it

Dating/lover/crush:single and ready to mingle xD

Anything else:he is awesome
Name: Kai

Nickname(If Applies): Ghoul

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live: Dorm

What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are: Ghoulish Knight


~ Is able to control Crows; but they tend to turn on him if he's not 'worthy'

~ Kai can remove his skin at will without bleeding; and can only die through puncture of the heart.

~ He can turn his arms, or just one arm, into a black bone scimitar.

~ His skeleton structure is 5x harder than a normal humans. It's also black

~ Once the crows find him unworthy; he goes into scarecrow mode, which is when his spine rips through and grows 8 feet, stabbing himself and raising himself from the ground. The crows power is a lot stronger at that point, but he is in danger of having his heart eaten.

~ He gets stronger the more his body is damaged.

Likes: Smoking, chilling, and skateboarding.

Dislikes: Tough guys, bossy women/men, authority.

Personality: An extremely laid back individual. It takes a lot for someone to set this guy off. He will probably try to befriend you if he doesn't know you.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.4bc53ad5f70573789d4c9b0db3e50e20.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48785" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.4bc53ad5f70573789d4c9b0db3e50e20.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.d6c78951e1abf4e57bad351226a4cf74.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48786" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.d6c78951e1abf4e57bad351226a4cf74.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: He's a backpacker that has decided to finish his HighSchool days.

Dating/lover/crush: None yet

Anything else: More to be made during RP



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Name: Serenity

Nickname(If Applies):

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: N/A

What kind of being you are: Deity (Goddess of order)

Powers/gifts: Order Manipulation

Likes:Bunnies, order, justice, peace

Dislikes: Nothing really

Personality: Her name says it all. She seems to emit an aura of calmness that affects anyone around her

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

Bio: TBA

Dating/lover/crush: She has a weird crush on her brother, Ansom

Anything else: Nope
Name: Angel

Nickname(If Applies):

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) In dorm

What Year of highschool your in: Sophmore

What kind of being you are: vampire with wings

Powers/gifts: can control water

Likes: Almost anything

Dislikes: Bullies

Personality: Sweet, friendly, smart, kind, stubborn

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred) Look at profile pic

Bio: Ask

Dating/lover/crush: None yet
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Name: Kevin

Nickname(If Applies): James

Age: 16

Gender: male

Sexual Orientation: straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) dorm

What Year of highschool your in: senior

What kind of being you are: human

Powers/gifts: teleportation

Likes: drawing, food, guitar, singing

Dislikes: pretzels,

Personality: claustrophobic, lefty, powerful halfway, funny

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

Bio: funny funny

Dating/lover/crush: nobody

Anything else:
AsongOfIceandFire said:
Name: Serenity
Nickname(If Applies):

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: N/A

What kind of being you are: Deity (Goddess of order)

Powers/gifts: Order Manipulation

Likes:Bunnies, order, justice, peace

Dislikes: Nothing really

Personality: Her name says it all. She seems to emit an aura of calmness that affects anyone around her

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

Bio: TBA

Dating/lover/crush: She has a weird crush on her brother, Ansom

Anything else: Nope
Cool character can my character Akihiko interact with her
[QUOTE="Kai Ghoul]Name: Kai
Nickname(If Applies): Ghoul

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live: Dorm

What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are: Ghoulish Knight


~ Is able to control Crows; but they tend to turn on him if he's not 'worthy'

~ Kai can remove his skin at will without bleeding; and can only die through puncture of the heart.

~ He can turn his arms, or just one arm, into a black bone scimitar.

~ His skeleton structure is 5x harder than a normal humans. It's also black

~ Once the crows find him unworthy; he goes into scarecrow mode, which is when his spine rips through and grows 8 feet, stabbing himself and raising himself from the ground. The crows power is a lot stronger at that point, but he is in danger of having his heart eaten.

~ He gets stronger the more his body is damaged.

Likes: Smoking, chilling, and skateboarding.

Dislikes: Tough guys, bossy women/men, authority.

Personality: An extremely laid back individual. It takes a lot for someone to set this guy off. He will probably try to befriend you if he doesn't know you.


View attachment 113227 View attachment 113228

Bio: He's a backpacker that has decided to finish his HighSchool days.

Dating/lover/crush: None yet

Anything else: More to be made during RP


[QUOTE="Kevin Matthews]Name: Kevin
Nickname(If Applies): James

Age: 16

Gender: male

Sexual Orientation: straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) dorm

What Year of highschool your in: senior

What kind of being you are: human

Powers/gifts: teleportation

Likes: drawing, food, guitar, singing

Dislikes: pretzels,

Personality: claustrophobic, lefty, powerful halfway, funny

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

Bio: funny funny

Dating/lover/crush: nobody

Anything else:

U need a picture
Peaceswore said:
Name: Ken Tanaka
Nickname: Static

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral (but swinging to evil)

Where you live: House

What Year of highschool your in: Junior

What kind of being you are: element/shifter hybrid

Powers/gifts: Can manipulate, absorb and create electricity. Can shift into and species of bird, snake, spider and bear. He can understand what the animals he shifts into say.



Being informed of everything






Making a mess





Sweet, spicy, sour foods




Cooked carrots

Bitter food

Being called a pervert

Peaceful and/or awkward situations


Cooked carrots

Stick in the muds

Actual Mud

Large bodies of water

Closed spaces

Being a mess

Strict people

Cooked carrots,

Giving out free info

And rules


Ken is in the top grade when it comes to being a jack*ss. He is pretty sarcastic and not only is he a jack*ss but also a smart*ss. He laughs easily, and it's usually at brutal or messed up things. He is sadistic and loves to see people dance in his hands. He loves a good fight and is the opposite of a hot head, it takes a lot to piss him off and he just laughs off an insult. He is also a huge jokester/prankster, and did I mention he is an A class jack*ss? Oh and he is an A+ student (He only shows up to take the test, otherwise he is wandering around the school)

Appearance: View attachment 113278

View attachment 113279 View attachment 113280 View attachment 113281 View attachment 113282 View attachment 113283 View attachment 113284 View attachment 113285


He was orphaned by the age of nine, before he became an orphan, he lived with his rather large and well off family. He had is mother, father, aunt, uncle, grand mother two older sisters, one older brother, and one younger brother. He was the only one in his family that had any powers, and that's what made his life a hell. His parents and siblings feared him and kept him locked up and chained in a small hidden room. He was beaten often and had a few close calls with death, but one day he got lucky and his mother was drunk when she came to give him the small scraps of food he got every other day. He was able to manipulate her to unchain him, and as soon as she did he killed her. He went though the entire house and mercilessly killed everyone only hate covered his eyes.

After he was done he was shocked at what he did...but also happy. He laughed and laughed till the cops arrived. Before they entered he stabbed himself so it looked like he also was a victim which barley survived. After he was sent to the hospital and patched up he was then sent to the orphanage.

There he learned a lot of tricks that kept him on top of everyone, he learned how useful his power is and how information was just as good as his fists. Everyone in the orphanage hated him for his cleverness (and looks), and the feeling as mutual. He had been adopted several times, but the longest was for two months. After the tenth failed adoption he soon became sick of it and had a hard time at understanding why he kept being rejected.

He stopped caring and kept himself locked up in his room when people tried to adopt him he would do something to make them change their mind since he was so sick of it.


Anything else: He always has at least two switchblades on his person.

Don't mean to be a D-bag but my friend @Asphyxiated is using Izaya's appearance for his Vex Character Dx sorry for inconvenience
No problem, I didn't really want to go through 70+ pages to see what faceclaims have been taken, so thanks for telling me. Hopefully this one should work. :)
AsongOfIceandFire said:
Is serenity accepted?? You kind of skipped over her. @AriaTheWatcher
Can't find the cs...Err, When I do find it I'll tell you.


Peaceswore said:
Name: Ryuu Tahsi
Nickname: Static

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Evil (but pretends to be neutral)

Where you live: Dorms

What Year of highschool your in: Junior

What kind of being you are: Element/shifter hybrid

Powers/gifts: Can manipulate, absorb, create, and change into electricity and air/wind. He can also shift into different things of his choosing. He is capable of understand pretty much every language even animal speech.



Being informed of everything






Making a mess





Sweet, spicy, sour foods



Cooked carrots

Bitter food

Being called a pervert

Peaceful and/or awkward situations


Cooked carrots

Stick in the muds

Actual Mud

Large bodies of water

Closed spaces

Being a mess

Strict people

Cooked carrots,

Giving out free info

And rules


Ryuu is pretty sarcastic and he laughs easily, and it's usually at brutal or messed up things. He is sadistic and loves a good fight and is the opposite of a hot head, it takes a lot to piss him off and he just laughs off an insult. Oh and he is an A+ student (He only shows up to take the test, otherwise he is wandering around the school)

Appearance: View attachment 113286


He was orphaned by the age of nine, before he became an orphan, he lived with his rather large and well off family of nine. His parents and siblings feared him because he turned out to be a hybrid instead of either an element or a shifter. Because of this fear they kept him locked up and chained in a small hidden room. He was beaten often and had a few close calls with death, but one day he got lucky and his mother was drunk when she came to give him the small scraps of food he got every other day. He was able to manipulate her to unchain him, and as soon as she did he killed her. He went though the entire house and mercilessly killed everyone only hate covered his eyes.

After he was done he was shocked at what he did...but also happy. He laughed and laughed till the cops arrived. Before they entered he stabbed himself so it looked like he also was a victim which barley survived. After he was sent to the hospital and patched up he was then sent to the orphanage.

There he learned a lot of tricks that kept him on top of everyone, he learned how useful his power is and how information was just as good as his fists. Everyone in the orphanage hated him for his cleverness (and looks), and the feeling as mutual. He had been adopted several times, but the longest was for two months. After the tenth failed adoption he soon became sick of it and had a hard time at understanding why he kept being rejected.

He stopped caring and kept himself locked up in his room when people tried to adopt him he would do something to make them change their mind since he was so sick of it.

Dating/lover/crush: n/a

Anything else: He is actually capable of control a lot more elements but he is unaware of that. Right now it is only electricity and air/wind.


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