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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Something tells me he doesn't get a lot of anything from others..Jun thought and rolled his eyes when Shiroe asked about his well being,"do I look like I'm ok? Yeah? Then I'm fine. Dead mans blood doesn't affect me it just tastes horrible."
Jun stopped walking and squatted onto his toes, resting his elbows onto his knee caps and his chin into his palm as he waited.
"No thanks," Jun waved his free hand lazily, not really a fan of most human foods. He groaned, jaded, before sighing," what about you?"
Me?I used to have a crush on this girl called Yuroichi she lived in my dorm but then she met this child and.......Shiroe stayed in quiet and ate the sandwich She.....She left me....I probably think that child is a man Shiroe said as he ate another sandwich

Jun didn't try to keep himself from chuckling at Shiroes story, the deep sound bellowing in his chest,"out done by a kid, huh? Well, it could've just been that she wasn't interested you know. Sometimes people don't like rejecting others so they turn their attention to something else to distance themselves from the person." He shifted on his feet, dropping from his toes to his butt and sighing," my story, you could call it, is a bit different than that."
"..." Jun was quiet for a minute, not sure if telling him would phase Shiroe or if he wouldn't care. Either way, he asked, so he told, "I was with a young woman named Esma. I wouldn't say I particularly loved her, but she worshiped me, and I adored it," he glanced away for a moment as he tried to remember exactly what she told him, "well, after a year or two I got bored, and she got worse. Sputtering nonsense about love and how she 'didn't wish to part from me for a single moment even on her death bed.' So, I strangled her with her own garments our last night together." @Shiroe Kurona

((Sorry I had to sleep))

Moriko looked around at all the dazzling objects with awe.

"How did you get all these amazing things??"she asked as she examined the room.
Jun stared at him blankly,"I was just telling you of the only love interest I've had. I don't feel bad about her death or even miss the relationship we had. She was very annoying and boringly easy." He scratched his head and huffed," no one amuses me enough to catch my attention these days."

(I'm going to call it a night. Need to sleep. )
*Himeragi wakes up and then goes to the courtyard and meet up with Emiko with her friends so they can see a movie*

*Add is currently at Kuroh's dorm playing video games*

*Shiroh and Ciella are trying to help a student find her bag*

*As the council director observed them, he then laughed a bit*

''Haha...i miss the time when they were just carefree children...look at them all grown up...sigh, why cant we all just enjoy more moments like these...?''
Shiroe Kurona]([URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11585-fukushima-akira/ said:
@Fukushima Akira[/URL] Shiroe is not a mere human he is a legendary Grim Reaper he is Hard to defeat and Hunts for other species soul)
((( I know that. Akira doesn't, however.)))
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He looked around a bit. "ummm...well I am a Dragon. We need are stuff. Its probably best not to think about how we get it."
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