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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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She grabs your shoulder and kisses your cheek signing the words thank you smiling brightly

Kevin sighs then hugs you upset and disappointed of himself - Zoey I love you I would never ever want to hurt you... ever. - he kisses the top of your head
Christooher shrugged Hus shoulders and spoke while releasing his hold on her hand. "Thanks, I don't try to be." Smirking, Christopher laid back, allowing his hands to fold over the other behind his head. "So what brings you here anyway Arri?"
Arri shifted a little, repositioning herself into a more comfortable setting. "Well..." She thought for a moment,"to put it simply, I was sent here to learn to control my powers."

She looked at him, propping her chin into the palm of her hand, "what about you?"
"I'm simply here to act as a bodyguard. I have no I true reason other than such." Shrugging hi shoulders, Christopher yawned for a few seconds, before finally shifting his gaze over towards her figure."What kind of powers are you trying to control?"
"telekinesis, light and element manipulation, and, levitation, as you've seen.." Arri paused, looking at her bare feet as she tried to think of a name for her other ability,"hmm...I don't know what you would call it, but I can make weapons." She sighed, flopping onto her back, before she inquired,"what about you? You're a bodyguard for someone in a highschool for the supernatural, so I'm guessing you're set with a pretty cool power or two.."

The lag is too real.))
(You know that moment, when you loose everything you've achieved? Yeah, I lost Nuzelocke Alpha Sapphire. FML.)
"Sounds fun." Shifting his gaze once again, Christopher sighed. Standing up to his feet, he walked to the edge of the roof.He hadn't thought much of his abilities, and of course had never even cared enough to check all of them out. "Well." Christopher carefully placed his left hand over the engraved mark on his neck, parting his lips as if to speak. He hadn't the slightest idea as to how to explain what he was able to do to her.


Thinking for a few moments, Christopher stared blankly upon the ground below. "Cool...isn't what I use."
Arri watched him, sitting up from her laying position. Her head tilted slightly from his response, staring up at him with an expression of blank confusion. "Hmm?"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.c3472173e76afdfcdb0c588af24eb3d3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40439" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.c3472173e76afdfcdb0c588af24eb3d3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Christopher was silent for a few moments, before turning around and smiling at her. "Hungry? I could take you to the cafeteria. Or if you'd like off campus." Christopher showed no signs of acknowledgement of the previous conversation. Christopher thought for a few moments before continuing. "Afterwards, I advise you stop associating with me."
"Beware of mixed signals.."Arri looked confounded for a moment, but it quickly dwindled into an expressionless stare.

She sighed, averting her gaze to the scenery beyond the roof with a stubborn expression,"Why would I do that?"

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Christopher blew his breath. He could show her better than he could tell her. Removing his uniformed jacket from his upper body, Christopher took apart his button down white short, allowing for the mark on his neck to be seen. In thus, it began glowing a slight shade of enlightened red, more so of a pink color. In doing so, his irises did the same, himself turning to face her in the process. "Does this answer your question?" His teeth were clentched as he spoke and his eyebrows furrowed. The colored veins were spreading across and about his neck in all directions. "Stay. Away."

Tako blushes a deep red, smiling also. He closes the door behind him and goes to his room, sitting on his bed.
She giggles and keeps lookin out her window humming a song as it soon sounds as if two people were with her in the room humming along but it was only Lilly. She soon stopped humming as her eyes soon turned a little grey she sighed thinking to herself ' hungry?.. great he's going to think I'm a phsycopath ' she lays on the bed in her room looking up at the ceiling not wanting to do anything else but relax

@Tako Otoko
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Arri watched him, her expression fading back to nothing. She was tempted to take a picture of the figure before her, but resisted. Instead, she simply stated what she was thinking, "if you're trying to scare me, it won't work like that....While I don't long for it, I do not fear death like a human should." The girl sighed, looking at him with an odd expression.

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(My last post for tonight/this morning? xD . Tag me when you respond and I'll answer when I wake up.)

Christopher sighed. "You're going to be a handful." Shaking his head in utter disbelief, Christopher tucked his hands away into his front pockets, not even bothering to close his shirt. "Don't be surprised if you fall asleep near me and wake up with puncture wounds." Shrugging his shoulders, Christopher allowed a small smile to play at his lips. "So. About that food. Yes?"

Night! c: @Mashiro Shiina ))

Arri smiled a little from his statement,"I'm not going to be too worried about that." She didn't say her reason why, and stood up from her seat on the roof. After a second of thinking about it, she nodded with a slight smile as she asked,"do you like pizza?"
" Art? I don't even know what I've got. "

...†Once he finished speaking, he laughed lightly in an embarrassed manner. His overall demeanor then changed as he spoke†...

" What the hell..? "

...†Akira slowly sighed and turned to Layla. He then spoke†...

" I have to return to my dimension for a day. Something has happened.. "

...†Akira kissed Layla quickly and vanished, attempting to reappear in his dimension's world, however he was taken to space and facing his world. He spoke as a slight look of horror spread across his face†...

" What the hell has happened here..? "

...†He could clearly see his world's core. His world was moments away from destruction. His eyes were filled with sadness as he watched†...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/Rage_of_Silent_Gods_by_kire1987.jpg.1e9bf907adc8267e52b6b7ece5360006.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40446" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/Rage_of_Silent_Gods_by_kire1987.jpg.1e9bf907adc8267e52b6b7ece5360006.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

" Who would do such a thing..? "

...†Akira disappeared, reappearing within his world. He began walking through a city in ruins. The pillars of smoke rose high from the buildings, the corpses of Men, Women and Children littered the streets, covered in blood. Akira's expression remained blank due to him seeing lots of cities fall, but a natural sadness was still obvious. Akira sighed and continued walking. He would be scanning the area with his Blood Red eyes trying to look for anyone that was still alive, the slaughter would have been most likely caused by rogue Demons attacking the city. This is why Akira promised to destroy all of the rogue demons and put everything right, they were too dangerous to live. Akira soon saw a child curled up in fear and began walking towards her. Akira reckoned she was around the ages of seven and eleven. Akira's Blood red eyes focused on her with his Right hand on Datenshi's hilt. He had been through the same trick over and over. The trick was to use a young girl as bait to draw in any person that would try to help her. Akira looked around in search of anyone. No-one was in sight so he proceeded toward the girl with no caution at all, but kept his hand firmly on Datenshi's hilt. He spoke in a calm but dark tone. The girl was shaking out of fear, but Akira showed no sympathy towards her†...

" What happened here and why aren't you with your parents?... "

Girl: "D-Demons attacked the city... they came out of nowhere and murdered everyone. My mommy and daddy didn't make it out... alive"

" My suspicions was correct... so rogue Demons caused this... Ok girl, what is your name..? "

Mayu: " M-Mayu... "

" Ok Mayu.. I'm Fukushima Akira. Find away to get out of this city and go live with your relatives or something. Never comeback here... "

Mayu: " O-Ok.. but Mister Fukushima... Demons are still here... please be careful... "

" We have only just met and you're worrying about me. Just hurry up and get going... "

Mayu: " Ok, goodbye Mister "

" Yeah, yeah.. "

...†The Girl then ran off into a dark alley and faded into the darkness. Akira then continued walking while scanning the area some more. The Moon was red and it was much darker than ever before†...

" Now. How do I lure out rogue Demons..? Last time I checked, I believed it was raw human flesh being cooked. "

...†Akira soon picked up a random corpse and sat it in the middle of the street. He then lit it with his black fire. The smell of burning dead flesh soon surrounded the area. Akira had sat in front of the fire. He then spoke as he heard movement†...

" Only two of them..? "

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c15f06ace_Theyrehere.jpg.95d6c6b4ec14684aaa7880060881396d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40448" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c15f06ace_Theyrehere.jpg.95d6c6b4ec14684aaa7880060881396d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


@Mashiro Shiina



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((( Oh xD . I edited my post so that is made more sense and could potentially bring in new characters haha )))
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