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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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(( Thank you! ))

Vee runs as fast as she can to her new school, headphones dangling on her neck. The soles of her shoes gripped the pavement as she bumped into a wall. "Oops." She murmured and started running again.
Alexis wonders who else will be in her class as she sang she saw a girl running inside and she smiled and noticed another new girl and thought * Which classes are they going to?*
Cade walks into the school building, looking at the beautiful boys and girls that she should find attractive. Not one of them do. She walks with a threatening aura as if saying she'll fight anyone who stands in her way. Carrying her nest with baby birds to her class whom seem happily fed and surprisingly warm in her embrace.
Warm water lightly flowed from the sleeping Nanami, lightly washing off any dirt on the birds, careful enough to not cause any harm to them. The water then evaporates, Nanami's hands out in front of the birds, one jumping over to them, her hands keeping the bird warm and comfy, not doing anything that would scare or harm the little creature.
Cade stares at her as if waiting for a slip up. Tensing up for fear of harm to her adopted child. "Why do you insist on picking me for your entertainment. Is this a game? If so..." Cade looks at a passerby thinking whether or not she should blast them.
Elizabeth smiled and walked into the school, heading towards her first period math class, humming a cheerful tune.
Elizabeth walks into the class and stops whistling, sitting down at her desk and silently staring straight ahead, not listening or watching, just staring at the wall.
Vee rushes to Power Control, she thinks that she can try to master her power of talking to the deceased. Vee shoves open the door and takes her seet, putting her feet on the desk.
Mai strangely followed into the same class as Tao and Elizabeth, even though she wasn't a student there. She sat next to Elizabeth, Nanami still asleep on Elizabeth's back. The Nanami on the back of Cade was just so gentle and steady, not making a single mistake with holding the bird, even though asleep. She lightly moves the bird back to Cade's hands before hugging around Cade's neck lightly, having been almost too gentle with the bird, that Nanami seemed like it wasn't even possible for her to be a god.
Alexis looked at her and says " Sup " and she waves to Vee " Im Alexis a Ninetails whats your name? " she asked
She smiles at Alexis, "I'm Vanessa, but you can just call me Vee." She says politely.
" Nice too meet you Vee, so what do you specialize in? " Alexis asked and she held her pale strait up conjuring up a small blue flame
"Well, I can communicate with the dead, and I'm guessing you specialize in Fire?" She asks with a chuckle, staring up at a pale white owl flying around that only she could see.
Cade walks into the Power control class with Nanami on her back, two baby birds in a nest cradled in her arms, and warm air surrounding her to keep the baby birds warm. She sits in the back of the classroom and sets Nanami in the seat next to her gently. Putting she baby birds on her desk sitting down. Not paying attention to the class at all.
Cade just stared back at Vee. Wondering why she's trying to be nice and social with her. From the things she's learned today she knows she doesn't deserve it. Cade just shakes her head and stares down at the baby birds.
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