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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Haiiro stares at the drawing, admittedly impressed by Adam's art skills. She stares back up at the sky. "My name is Haiiro, and thank you." She says, not even sure if Adam heard her or not. She was surprised that someone had actually talked to her, although, it seemed that less and less people new about her reputation of causing destruction and death wherever she went with each passing day.
(Confirmed keep baby sora away from Mashiro)
[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina](okay........then whos that whore?


Which one? ;D )
Mahiro pulled away after a moment and teleported with him outside of the line of restaurants, "So which one are we going in?"
Luna shrugged her shoulders, resting her head to lay on his shoulder. Her own gaze fell groundward, herself becoming lost in complicated thoughts. She didn't really care what it was, as long as she had food in her stomach. Shoving off irrelevant thoughts, Luna became focused on her feeding privilages , and her sources. "Toshi, I need something."


Asphyxiated said:
Which one? ;D )
(Erm. That one. *pointed at a popsicle stick*)
"We're going to the Kitchen now Luna-Sama." Toshiro starts moving faster, quickening his pace as he was worried for his Master, even though he didn't show it visibly on his face.
LonelyAssassin said:
Mahiro pulled away after a moment and teleported with him outside of the line of restaurants, "So which one are we going in?"
"Tch.." Tease. Vex stared at him a second before turning to look at the restaurants. He searched through them until rustic hues settled on a familiar café sign. "That one." He pointed, his other hand still in his pocket.
He smiled and turned "well Haiiro would you like to join me for some food " he bowed at her and smiled standing straight and lighting up a joint and her grined
Mahiro nods and walks over to the Cafe, he opens the door and steps inside looking around, there were people in here already. Students. And. SHIT. Mahiro teleported back outside of the Cafe and had his back against the wall, his eyes wide. "Lets go somewhere else."
Haiiro's stomach growled and she shrugged, standing up. "Sure." She says, still a bit confused as to why Adam was not afraid of her like most of the other students at the school were, maybe he was new, she wondered. Jax takes this opportunity to float away to the roof of the school.
Sora finally arrived in the school courtyard he sees Haiiro and Adam "Hmm...." Sora slowly walks up behind them he then pops up and sings "Haiiro and a boy kishing in a twee k-i-s-s-i-n-g!"
LonelyAssassin said:
Mahiro nods and walks over to the Cafe, he opens the door and steps inside looking around, there were people in here already. Students. And. SHIT. Mahiro teleported back outside of the Cafe and had his back against the wall, his eyes wide. "Lets go somewhere else."
Vex watched him, raising a brow. "Something wrong?" He asked, peeking into one of the windows curiously.
Luna simply nodded her head. She saw no need fpr further conversation, considering he misunderstood her statement. Silently now, Luna allowed her eyelids to shut over her irises, for the short few moments taken to arrive to the kitchen. Even so, he moments of rest have been short-lived, which of course, was bound to take its tool, but not promptly for Luna.
Asphyxiated said:
Vex watched him, raising a brow. "Something wrong?" He asked, peeking into one of the windows curiously.
"My Brother's in there." Those were the only words he said

[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]Luna simply nodded her head. She saw no need fpr further conversation, considering he misunderstood her statement. Silently now, Luna allowed her eyelids to shut over her irises, for the short few moments taken to arrive to the kitchen. Even so, he moments of rest have been short-lived, which of course, was bound to take its tool, but not promptly for Luna.

Toshiro sat her on a Chair in the kitchen and made her something to eat, he had no idea what to make and so made her a sandwich and got her a drink of water which he placed on the table, he sat on a chair next to her and leaned back - waiting for her to wake up.
Haiiro jumps in surprise when she hears Sora, wondering how long he'd been there watching. She blushes and stares at the ground silently.
Sora stares at Haiiro's face and pokes it "Wai is yer face wed? Are yew sick?"
Haiiro blushes an even brighter shade of red and glances at Sora. "I'm fine Sora." She says, seeming a bit embarrassed.
"Your brother?" Vex glanced at him, then back into the window. He only saw a few unfamiliar students, and that one guy who was after Yuki. Curious, he asked," which one?"

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Upon the feeling of being moved, Luna opened her gaze, only to find a sandwich and a cup of water set out in front of her. For a few moments she stared at it, before slowly shifting her gaze towards the area beside her, spotting Toshi. Thanking him only mentally, Luna returned her gaze to her plate, lifting the sandwich into her hands and slowly nibbling on its edges.
Adam snarls at Sora and keeps walking " im going to get some grocery's and make you some food,beautiful girls cant eat sludge" he entered the store scoffing at the crappy ingredients as they walked down the aisles
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