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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Layla scowled. She didn't appreciate anyone tampering with how she had seen things or known it to be. Slowly standing to her feet, Layla caught sight of a male figure gazing upon the destrcuuction, assumingly he caused. Rolling her irises, Layla's form disappeared in a whif of black and blue fire, only to have her form appear perched and sitting on the edge of the roof of the half tattered building he was on. She didn't bother to look at him in any manner, but simply lowered her tone of of voice and spoke. "You damage my domain, and then seek to reek more havoc? Have you no bounds, sir?"

Yuu took moment to ponder his question. What was a nickname? What did it mean? Was it a person? Now with a troubled expression, Yuu sat pondering for quite awhile. In doing so, the color of the sky began to flash with lightening and a loud crack of thunder, which snapped Yuu out if her stance, causing her to stand up. Upon doing so, she bent over slightly, clutching at her chest area whilsther eyes twinkled with water.She had forgotten and dissed her duty. She wasn't supposed to allow any emotional influence on herself. No matter what, or danger would follow.

" ahh be sensitive there's baby in there, very squishy tadpole lookin little thing but a baby" she say smiling rubbing her belly " dont worry you will get cuter "she kisses kevin again " ok ill be back in a few we should do something when i get back though. maybe you me and your friend go out shoping and get some grub and maybe thing time dont let a hooker take him away" she say laughing she felt bad for his friend

@Mashiro Shiina (Yuu)

Shade rushed forward in one swift movement, wrapping an arm around the girl's waist so that she could bear weight on him if necessary. His face was slightly flushed as he realized just how close he was to the girl. He'd honestly never been close to any girls, physically or in any other real manner. Pushing the thoughts aside, he frowned slightly at the girl and asked her, "Hey, what's wrong? Are you injured?" He never was shown to his own room here, but he was sure that he could figure it out on his own if necessary.
Now I am going outside with you - he stands up and holds your hand - and we could go shopping I guess - he shrugs -
"ok come flying with me , id love the company but i need to fly , my wings are just about cramping up " she smiles " while you were gone i cleaned and broughts some more stuff from my dorm , its still in my bags tho i hope thats ok "
" Be quiet, Demon. I don't create anything, I just destroy. Now unless you don't wish to die, I'd suggest you leave. "

...†Akira simply looked at Layla for a second then disappeared, reappearing above the town. He placed both arms out and spoke†...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/dVjAShokaeWfvSna3GoAEz45ZWk@305x170.gif.63360a6cd1be682288513890040dbf8a.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40834" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/dVjAShokaeWfvSna3GoAEz45ZWk@305x170.gif.63360a6cd1be682288513890040dbf8a.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"∀⊕яtεx! "

†At that precise moment, the city suddenly began warping and black flames began erupting from the ground like a volcano. All who was touched by this fire seemed to melt. Akira laughed menacingly at the destruction he had just caused. Everytime Akira returns to Hell, he did this. To him, this was an addiction. One that he happily accepted. He soon began singing eerily, seeming rather amused at the Demons panicking. He gazed on his Black fire melting the Demons as he sung†...

" Burn, baby, burn! "


@Mashiro Shiina

((( I just realized that neither Akira nor Layla has seen each other's Demon forms like this. Layla was too busy calming Akira down to notice his Demon form, and Akira was in too much of a rage to notice Layla's Demon form lol Maybe we could have them fight without knowing them knowing it was each other?
;) )))



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Sixxx said:
"ok come flying with me , id love the company but i need to fly , my wings are just about cramping up " she smiles " while you were gone i cleaned and broughts some more stuff from my dorm , its still in my bags tho i hope thats ok "
Ok lets go... And of course its okay - he shrugged and opened te door his wings flying out of his back then folding back-
(Hm. Alright. Sure. I mean, gives me something to do.)

Layla growled. 'How dare he threaten me?' Standing to her feet, Layla blew her breath. 'He must have a death wish.' Slowly , but surely, Laylas form began to elevate itself into the air. Calmly, she extended her forefinger, tilting her head slightly to the side. No sound emitted from her mouth, but a word was said in that very instant, just before a bright, red beamed ray shot straight through the air. Immediately, it expanded on its own accord, covering the entire premises of the sky. If it hit him, it would simply allow internal damage to be felt. As fad as outside damage, a few scars here and there, a possible wound if a direct hit. She didn't bother waiting to see if her was hit, but simply extended her left arm next, her palm facing the area laid out before her. In the same instance as the last, a beam shot from the center of her palm, but this time, its coloring was that of blue. This restored the damaged items of which she willed, but destroyed that of which she couldn't care for. His entire destruction project was restored to its original state, and as for him,the beam would simply counter his destructive demeanor.


Lioness075 said:
@Mashiro Shiina (Yuu)
Shade rushed forward in one swift movement, wrapping an arm around the girl's waist so that she could bear weight on him if necessary. His face was slightly flushed as he realized just how close he was to the girl. He'd honestly never been close to any girls, physically or in any other real manner. Pushing the thoughts aside, he frowned slightly at the girl and asked her, "Hey, what's wrong? Are you injured?" He never was shown to his own room here, but he was sure that he could figure it out on his own if necessary.
Yuu slowly straightened her posture. A sharp pain was ringing through her head, but she couldn't quite make it cease. Slowly raising her right hand to rest on the top of her head, Yuu slowly shifted HDR gaze skyward once again. She needed to make a reason for him to leave her be. Thus, Yuu simply took her notepad and wrote another message. 'Yes. You, go.', Yuu then removed herself from him, turning and heading off into another direction, one of which led to the lining of the trees.
...†Akira's smile soon faded as he felt an energy blast come towards him, he simply turned around and unsheathed his sword. He raised it into the air and brought it down, splitting the beam in half, causing it to fly back into the city, causing more destruction. He spoke as he slowly dropped to ground level. His facial expression had quickly turned to a serious one. His power continued to climb as debris slowly began rising into the air as he spoke†...

" It seems you have some fight in you. Let's put an end to that. Go ahead. Hit me with your best shot, Demon. There's no greater joy than to see your opponent lose all hope once they realize it's futile to even attempt challenging me. "

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/10968190102a12910615002l.jpg.9c389bbd6ba627d2b13c5656aabb5f7b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40836" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/10968190102a12910615002l.jpg.9c389bbd6ba627d2b13c5656aabb5f7b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Zoey grabed his hand and pulled him into the elevator so and took them to the roof rambling on about the baby the only thing she said that was clear was that she did the math and in a few days she would be as big as some one who was 2 months along the door dinged and opened up to a bright sunny day zoey rann and jumped off the roof her large wings spread out she climbed higher and higher into the sky with each stroke " come on! " she calls down when hes just a dot on the roof

- he jumps once and his wings flap twice as he is now at the same height and he feels relaxed and he smiles his wings stopping and he falls then his wings catch him again he giggled and smiled happily he never really got the chance to enjoy somethings he was always caught up in work school or conquering his dreams -
Layla was not phased in the slightest at all. In fact, she had simply turned herself upside down, and was now observing him with a blank expression. "You annoy me. I hate intruders. And them, you flaunt and act as if you can kill me. Besides, you aren't invincible darling, realize that." She spoke whilst pointing to the beams he had supposedly cut in half. The same halves, had simply rounded and returned again, continuing their once slain path towards him. The more he cut them, the more they duplicated and came back. "So. I'll give you two options. Defeat me, or leave."
" i love the warmth on my wings " she climbed higher in the sky and them folded her wings free falling to the ground speeding to the ground like a bullet before opening her wings about 15 feet from the ground and she starts climbing again . twirling and laughing swooping by and sneaking a kiss mid air

" I'm a deicide. I won't be killed by something of this caliber. As for your little beams, I've had enough of them. "

...†Akira watched the two beams, they had went to either side of him, attempting to catch Akira in the middle. As they closed in, Akira simply stood. Just before they touched him, he was gone, causing the two beams to hit into each other, effectively nullifying them both. A voice rang out just behind Layla, the tip of his sword being slightly bloody†...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/10968190102a12910610765l.jpg.8356ee01e05bf19bb4e5e7465a31054d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40841" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/10968190102a12910610765l.jpg.8356ee01e05bf19bb4e5e7465a31054d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

" In case you didn't know, a deicide is a God-killer. Back to the topic at hand. I have given you a few small cuts on your arms. Next time I won't be so nice. "

...†Something seemed to be eating away at Akira, considering he only gave her a couple of cuts in this form. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he felt that something was off surrounding this Demon. He had felt this same presence before, but he couldn't figure out where†...



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Layla only allowed her eyelids to close over her crimson bloodied irises. "You annoy me. You talk too much." Slowly, Layla allowed her eyelids to crack open whilst her gaze went to the corner of her irises, peering behind herself at him. "Name?" Layla finally turned to face him, tilting her head to the side. She was curious as to who he was, and once she found out, she would have a name to call out once she rid of him. Waiting impatiently for his response, Layla bent down her upper body, sticking out her tongue to lick at the tip of his bloodstained sword. Straightening her posture afterwards, Layla licked her lips.
" My name? Don't you know it's rude to ask one's name without introducing yourself first? "

...†Akira continued looking at her as he focused on her movements with his blood red irises†...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/10968190102a12910616853l.jpg.8857bb2695ed67314cd9a4404b5a8a58.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40843" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/10968190102a12910616853l.jpg.8857bb2695ed67314cd9a4404b5a8a58.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Shade blinked at the girl's response and silently watched her leave him to stand by the table, alone. 'Alone, yet again, huh?' Shade thought to himself. It always seemed to end that way no matter what he tried. He'd somewhat left his usual shell of introvert-ness, only to have been told to leave and left alone again. It was slowly becoming frustrating to Shade. 'I still wonder to this day, why I bother with this shit...' Shade thought as he walked inside of the school, now wandering aimlessly down a hallway with his hands in his pockets.
"Is it?" Layla thought for a moment before carelessly shrugging her shoulders. "I don't care. I want a name." Layla watched him watch herself for a few moments before blowing her breath and speaking again. "And stop staring at me."


Lioness075 said:
Shade blinked at the girl's response and silently watched her leave him to stand by the table, alone. 'Alone, yet again, huh?' Shade thought to himself. It always seemed to end that way no matter what he tried. He'd somewhat left his usual shell of introvert-ness, only to have been told to leave and left alone again. It was slowly becoming frustrating to Shade. 'I still wonder to this day, why I bother with this shit...' Shade thought as he walked inside of the school, now wandering aimlessly down a hallway with his hands in his pockets.
(XDx Don't take it to heart. Yuu tries to keep away from others at all costs. Haven't you read her CS?)
(Haha, I have. It's not a problem as Shade has had this problem for most of his life. He's much like her as well, except he's been working on getting out of his shell lately, though it hasn't worked too well for him recently haha)
" When I see someone with a power like yours, I can't help but keep an eye on them. My name is Satan. And yours? "

...†Akira always gave people he never knew his title. Simply due to his reason of his opponents not being worthy of his real name. He continued to looked at her and spoke†...

" Also, why are you half naked? Doesn't that defeat the point of trying to protect yourself? "

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/Shiki-togainu-no-chi-17174956-1280-720.jpg.bd26ec903ddaef76a02dfed7a201d338.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40846" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/Shiki-togainu-no-chi-17174956-1280-720.jpg.bd26ec903ddaef76a02dfed7a201d338.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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((( They're both in their Demon forms. Akira and Layla hasn't seen each other in their Demon forms. Akira becomes evil and destructive while in Hell, which they are, this is the outcome. )))
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