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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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That settles it then Logan thought, his fangs elongating slightly in anticipation. "That's very generous of you, thank you. Perhaps we could go somewhere a little more private later, if you still feel up for it?" he smiled, he was very aware that a lot of people did not like seeing him feed. Even on the willing, it made people uneasy and on edge. Logan did not want to gain any enemies here unnecessarily. This school was not like his last. @Queen of Fantasy
"I've been here about a week, have you been here long?" Logan asked, fairly certain that she was new too. Perhaps even newer than he was. That could work to his advantage. His gaze stayed on her, a soft smile on his lips. He was trying his best to hold back the bloodlust which was now somewhat surging at the promise of blood. He was still in control though, although his gaze had become slightly fixated on her. Didn't girls like attention though?
"For me as well, my last school had far less variety in species and a larger amount of humans. It was a lot more laid back than here. I'm sure you'll settle in just fine though, you seem like a really nice person" Logan smiled, failing at pulling his gaze away from her, although he did try. He could hear her heartbeat and he found himself paying it extra attention. He knew nothing about Gorgon physiology but nothing seemed to be wrong with it, which was good.
"Thank you!" She says blushing. She noticed his gaze toward her and figured he wanted her blood. "Do you want to me to donate now?"
"I must admit that I am struggling a little, it gets harder for me to be patient when I have a willing source available" Logan ran his hand through his hair, annoyed at himself for not being able to hide it better. Perhaps it would be best if they left now so that he could feed, although he didn't particularly want to abandon the other new girl to the crazy Demon and his not-girlfriend.

She'll be fine. You were the bloodlust prompted him to think and Logan couldn't help but find himself agreeing with it.
Yuu was aimlessly staring at Logan whilst he walked away, before she herself ventured off and grabbed a plate. She allowed the instructors to place whatever they so pleased on her plate, before she slowly made her way towards where she came from. Slowly and quietly, she exited the cafeteria, settling herself to sit at the area of which she was found, settling down to eat her food. Her growling stomach demanded her attention, which caused her to slowly raise what was a bowl of rice to her chest level, and slowly begin to eat.


Logan wasn't entirely sure he liked the way that her hair was looking at him, mostly because he wasn't used to being watched by a person's hair. He rose from his seat however, following her lead.

"Shall we then?" Logan asked with a charming smile as he offered her his arm to take. He wasn't entirely sure where to take her that would be secluded. It was chucking it down with rain still and so outside wasn't the best idea. As for his or her dorm? Well she could easily get the wrong idea and think he wanted more than just her blood. Not that he'd mind that if she were willing to share more, he could appreciate the girl's unique beauty after all.

"Any suggestions for somewhere more private?" he asked, she was donating her blood after all. It was only fair.
Valkyre said:
He'll come back :P He's hungry. Besides you ship them, even though Logan is a psychopath! xD )
(No. I meant. You made it rain.)

(I don't even know what to do now xD . I'm gonna have Yuu go on about her own accord now.)
You made it rain! It was raining when he found you in the forest :P I should probably make a second character at some point)

"Any objections to my dorm?" Logan asked as he started heading there, seeing as he could think of nowhere more appropriate at the moment. His gaze remained on Serine, trying to gauge how she was feeling about this. Empathy was not one of his strong suits after all but Serine's comfort was important. Especially if he wanted to try and drink from her in the future. @Queen of Fantasy
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DX Gosh. Now Yuu is gonna be soaked! And she doesn't have a dorm as of yet....gosh dangit see what you do Logan? e-e You will pay for this later)
hayden smiles as he exits the forest at full speed then he jumps off of the cliff but misjudges his jump and goes through a dorm window
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Sixxx said:
zoey hears him and goes to the bedroom and hugs him " we were so freaked out we didn't celebrate" she kissed him" i mean baby's aren't all that bad " she said smiling .
That's what I was trying to tell you... I don't care - he hugs you and kisses you happily
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