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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Blue i wake up the next day in my dorm to a bang on my roof top and get ready for my first day at school i didnt have class for a few more hours and so i got dressed and grabbed a book and walked out to the center of the court yard and climbed up into a big beautiful tree and nestled it watching other students pass below and some lookup and they see me but i stay quiet and in my tree not brave enough to climb down
Han continued his laughing and he looked over at the shivering goddess. "I'm sorry." He smiled and made the heat return. He dispelled the electricity. He threw a ball in the air and removed its kinetic energy, trapping it in the air. Han stared at it. "This is amazing." He muttered.
Haiiro keeps the blanket on for a little while to regain her warmth quicker, amazed by what Han was doing. "How did you do that Han?" she asks, staring at the seemingly gravity defying ball of electricity.
Han laughed. "It's a power that I used to have but I lost it." He transfered the ball's potential energy into kinetic and it fell back to the ground. "I have it back for thirty minutes every five hours."
Haiiro smiles, amazed at what Han just did. "That is so cool!" She exclaims, standing back up and dispelling the blanket.
Han nodded. "Yeah it is." He couldn't believe that Mar had wasted the power on doing evil things when he could have had much more fun. Han enjoyed the power that coursed through his veins. His eyes widened when he realized that during the thirty minutes of power, he was practically invincible. He grinned.
Han shrugged and walked over to Haiiro. "You can destroy things with a flick of your wrist. I think that's a pretty cool power." Han didn't mention that he could kill somebody by taking their life energy away because he didn't want her to be afraid.
Haiiro smiles. "And don't forget that I can turn people insane at will." She says calmly, still thinking that Han's powers were much better than hers.
Han nodded. "See. That's fun, right?" He kissed Haiiro and sat down on the couch. "Besides, I only get my power for thirty minutes. Then I have to wait a whole five hours to get them back." He sighed.
Haiiro shrugged, something in the back of her mind was bothering her, there was something she had forgotten and she knew it, but she couldn't figure out what.
Han yawned. "I'm going to take a nap. Wake me in an hour." He summoned a pillow and blanket and he lied down, eventually falling asleep.
Haiiro nodded. "Alright Han." She whispered to herself, walking around the room in a circle as she tried to remember what she had forgotten.
Han dreamt of freezing deserts and melting Antarctica. He laughed at the dreams, knowing that he probably can't do that but he liked the possibility. He laughed in his sleep and rolled over. A strong gust of wind blew through his room.
Haiiro fell over on her side, getting hit by the gust of wind right as she was turning and getting blown over. "What in the..." She stands back up and returns to pacing around in a circle.
Han woke up very suddenly. He stood up very fast which made him dizzy but he ignored it. "I need to try something." Han said as he walked to the middle of the room. Mar had told him some techniques that he could use with this power. "Watch this." He said to Haiiro as he raised his arms. The ground began to shake and after a few moments, skeletons began to rise from the ground. "Energy of death, baby." Han laughed as he circled around the group of skeletons.
a lady bug fly's by Blues face and i scream and fall out of the tree .

(btw real life fear here, im terrified of ladybugs creepy little things)
Haiiro yelped and started backing away from the skeletons. "Oookk...Uhh...please get rid of the skeletons." She says nervously, remembering part of her nightmare that had been bothering her earlier. She thinks that she hears a small bell ringing, but she doubts her own ears, thinking that her mind is playing tricks on her.
Han sighed and waved his arms. The skeletons collapsed in a pile of bones and the bones turned to dust. "Chicken." He muttered before becoming silent for a moment. He looked at Haiiro and a mischievous grin spread across his face
Haiiro sighs in relief, not really caring about being called a chicken. She summons a broom and a hole appears in the floor, leading into an endless void. She starts sweeping the dust of the skeletons into the hole, not even noticing Han's grin.
Han closed his eyes in concentration. "Since you're immortal, you've never experienced old age." He laughed and called upon the energy of life to speed up Haiiro's aging process. He opened his eyes to see a much older Haiiro. Gray hair and all.
Haiiro looks down and sighs angrily. "Really Han, really?" She says, dropping the broom. "Now I'm going to have to fix my physical form to undo this." She says angrily, trying to calculate in her head how long that would take.
Han shook his head. "No need." He simply waved his hands and the effect reversed, bringing Haiiro back to her normal age. "I'm going to go back to Earth. Care to join me?"
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