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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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"Umm...do you know where I can find my brother?" He then pulls out a picture of a little boy with a bell around his neck "my parents sent this to me on my 9th birthday"
Han grabs the picture and looks at it. He gasped. There was something about the child in the picture, something familiar. He thought about the bell that hung from his own neck. "Nope. Sorry. Gotta run."
Jax sighs. "It's...depressing...to say the least. I don't like talking about it..." He says, trailing off and hoping that Tao doesn't force him to say it.
Slaxt quickly grabs his arm "W-wait before you go can I have my picture back? That's all I have left... I don't want to be alone again..."
"Sure. Whatever." Han threw the picture back at the boy. "It's a lost cause. If you haven't found him yet, then you will never find him" Han began to walk away. "Just give up."
The fighters arrive at the city, circling. "Do what he says..." Each aircraft fire one missile, hitting random sections of the city. They watch the frightened people run out, scared. Some had died from the impact. "I can't do this. Bugging out." Mobius starts to fly away, when another of his squad starts to shoot at him. "Traitor..." The rest follow.

John keeps on walking with his soldiers, eventually arriving. He sees Mobius One start to fly away, and being fired upon. "What the hell?!"
Slaxt looks at the picture saddened "No..." He jumps up an yells "I'll never give up I must find him he is the only family I have left!"
"He was the only family you HAD left. Should've found him sooner." Han laughed. "You're wasting your time." He turns around and faces the boy. "Not everyone lives forever, kid."
Jax sighed. "Trust me, you don't want to hear it..." He says, hoping that will dissuade Tao at least a little bit. Haiiro stares up into the sky in confusion as she hears what sounds to her like explosions. "I hope that isn't who I think it is or Elizabeth is gonna be pissed when I tell her..." She mumbles before sprinting off to find the man who had carried Elizabeth off after the incident with the puppet thing. The Watcher jumped as he heard explosions, stopping time and writing a note, setting it on the ground before jumping down from the roof and sprinting off to find John, who he knew had to be the one behind this.
"Mobius one. Return to your mission. Do not return to base. Remember your fellow pilots who had died for this." John sighs, and waits for a response.

Mobius One hated all this. The killing... the bloodshed... sure... it was for his fellow people... but too many people had died, just for one life, right? He shut the communicator off, and started to turn around, aiming the guns at another plane. "I'm sorry..." He turned the afterburner on, and sped toward it, firing, destroying the plane.
Slaxt drops the picture in tears... "Ok... I'm sorry for bothering you..."
Haiiro stops for a second. "Huh...now that's something that I've never heard anyone say to me...well...it was nice meeting you Slaxt." She sprints away, noticing an explosion in the sky. The Watcher growls angrily, appearing in front of John. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" He yells, tempted to kill John right where he stands but being stopped by the thought of how Elizabeth, who had now woken up and wondered where John was, would hate him forever for doing that.
Han had heard the explosions, but he didn't change directions. He didn't feel like fighting, especially with those damned humans. He headed to the entrance of the school, where he saw a girl that he had never seen before. He waved at her. "Hey! I haven't seen you around, you new?"

(@XxX Freaxx XxX)
"Everyone. Kill this man. Now." John backs away, smiling. Several of the soldiers actually charge, running faster than they should. Some stay in the back, aiming their guns.

Mobius one was know under fire from... three. Three F-22 Raptors... Okay... he could do this... He started to slow down, luring two of them to him, locking on. At the last moment, he points up, and speeds, causing the two others to crash into each other.
The Watcher creates a field of time energy surrounding him, so that anything that touched it that he didn't want to would stop in time. Three shadow versions of himself appear to the left and right of John and one of them appears behind John, holding him in the air by his neck. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Elizabeth walks outside, seeing the carnage that was happening, and starts running towards the school. The shadowy clone of The Watcher that had been bothering Chase slaps him and waits to see how he responds. Haiiro sees a bunch of soldiers, The Watcher, and John and hides, watching the events unfold.
(Dude stop it.)

"I have seen my brothers and sisters fall by your hand. Who wouldn't do this?" He smiles, looking at the Watcher. "You really think you can stop me? You can never stop me. Kill me, my friends will come back. Leave me be, you die. You can't win!!!"

Mobius One watches the other plane speed away, and looks down at the battle. He isn't human... he isn't... He locks on and fires a missile at the group.
The Watcher sighs. "Well guess what you damn idiot... unlike you, I can't die." He stares off into the sky and disappears, having no more reason to fight. Haiiro sprinted away when she saw the missile, hoping that she wouldn't get caught in the blast. Elizabeth managed to accidentally wander right into the potential blast radius zone of the missile without noticing it. The clone of The Watcher harassing Chase slapped him again, harder this time, still waiting for a response.
"Elizabeth... get out of here. Now. Please-Ah shit... damn ace..." He sees the missile, and braces for impact. "Run!"

Mobius finds others in the crowd, and smiles. Eliminate all supernatural entities... that is what he was supposed to do...

Chase wakes up, looking at the Clone. "Hey!!! Why is my cheek red?!" He feels around, and draws back in pain.
Elizabeth rushes over to John, not hearing what he had said, only noticing that something was wrong. She hugs John and the ground forms itself around her, forming an unbreakable barrier around her and John. The clone smiles before noticing something odd. "Wait...goddamn it that ritual I performed, you know, the one that made you into a cat person, it must have worn off, oh well, time to get the same results but permanent." It says calmly, pulling out a syringe filled with an odd purple liquid.
Han heard yelling and sighed. "I'm sorry but I have to go." He said to the girl. He disappeared and reappeared on a jet, standing with perfect balance. "Hello, human."

(@captain forever)
"Please. Go away... I don't want to hurt you..." He watches as the barrier grows around, sighing. "I don't want to live anymore..." He feels the missile hit the barrier, nothing happening.

Mobius one looks around, and finds... a demon on his plane... He immediately does a barrel roll, and speeds up, trying to knock him off. "Break this plane... break your neck..."

Chase looks at the syringe, and backs away. "H-Hey... I'm human... please don't..."
Han managed to stay on the plane. He quietly thanked the squirrels that helped him practice balance. "You're beginning to annoy me, human."
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