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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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"Wait...you can't be serious that has to be some kind of joke... you know what don't even answer that." Elizabeth angrily says before grabbing her stuff storming off on her way to school.
Elizabeth gave Kaylee an angry glare and then stormed off once again.
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A red light emanated from Kaylee's body as it went from a size 5'4 to 6'8, her clothes disappeared and were replaced with dragon scales along the right side of her body "The girl knows not of her mistakes"
"I could kill you now. End your misery, my other form, she has corrupted your mind to much to undo the damage"
"What the hell are you tal..." She said turning around, stopping mid sentence, and stopped struggling. She was both confused and scared out of her mind.
"I...don't get it... how can someone exist and not exist at the same time???" Elizabeth asked, using the hand that wasn't being held to try to get a grip on the stone in her pocket.
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"But...you're acting completely differently then Kaylee would..." Elizabeth stated, clearly not understanding.
A bright red flash engulfed them. Kaylee stood holding Elizabeth's hand in the middle of the park "Are you ok?"
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