Fantasy Freshman


Night Howler
Roleplay Availability
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Here you can post up your character but you must follow the sheet I've set up please and thank you

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Nickname(If applies):












[My Character]

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Name: Red Stewart

Nickname(If applies): Beast

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Species: Animal shifter

Weapon(s): Usually her bare hands and knives

she has the power to transform into any animal or neko

Red has telepathy and control over elements

Personality: Brave, Stubborn, Silly, Kind, Clever and Strong

Likes: Sweets, Music, Friends, Party's and Her powers

Dislikes: Spicy food, Soda, Silence, Bullys and Homework

Bio: will be revealed

Other: none​



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Name: alex dudley

Nickname(If applies): fluffy, foxy.

Age: 16

Gender: male

Species: fox-human shifter

Weapon(s): scythe, sniper, sword, dagger.

Personality: nice to all but get on his bad side you won't even see him coming.

Likes: baby animals, drawing

Dislikes: ugly things, haters

Bio: wip

Other: wip

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Name: Jason

Nickname: Killer Musician

Age: 15

Gender: male

Species: Cat-person

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c13fae5a1_download(3).jpg.120ca39515b1c544ee6e34bca2d9b783.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39140" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c13fae5a1_download(3).jpg.120ca39515b1c544ee6e34bca2d9b783.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapon(s): Mysthical Musical instruments

Personality: Loud and obnoxious, doesn't really what people think. Likes to annoy others and is very fond of music.

Likes: Music, food, fellow musicians

Dislikes: Bad music, swimming

Bio: (revealed in RP)

Other: doesn't like to made fun of.



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Name: Castiel Mannors

Nickname(If applies): Cas, Cassy

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Species: Archangel

Weapon(s): Swords, knives, hands, magic

Personality: Castiel is pretty fun to be around and he tends to spread positivity, mainly because he is an angel. Not many people can say that they had felt negative around Cas.

Likes: Happiness, flying, having fun

Dislikes: depression, boring stuff

Bio: Will revealed later.

Other: Fluent in Latin and Angelic.
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Claws, Teeth, Kahr PM9 (Handgun), Blade Knives


Can come off as mean and cold to strangers but she is really nice once you get to know her and earn her trust.

She is loyal to her friends and family and will do anything for them.

She is quite tough but also has a very emotional side and so she is kinda sensitive.

She is very protective over her property (guns, knives) and if someone tries to steal them, their funeral...

She can get really angry if you piss her off and can keep a grudge for years if not apologized to.


Honesty, Loyalty, Guys, The Moon, The Night, Snow, Nature, Other Wolves


Jerks, Fire, Lies, Isolation, Closed Spaces, Being Alone


She was born in a family of werewolves. At age 4, her entire family was slaughtered while she was in the woods playing with her friends. She fled and survived. She learned to live on her own until at age 9 she found a new pack. They eagerly adopted the white wolf and she became a part of them. She defended them from humans and was loved. She worked her way up in rank until she became StarBeta. One day when she and her Alpha along with four Betas were wandering the woods, a pack of rouges attacked them. She was the only survivor. She is now without a pack, an Omega. She wanders the woods, doing nothing at all..


She has never been in love.

She is very good with guns and knives.

Name: Suzanna Mey

Nickname(If applies): Cutie Mey

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Species: NekoGirl

Weapon(s): Her claws

Personality: She is very playful, some say even flirty. She is very silly and kind to some but warms up to new people poorly.

Likes: Wrestling, winning

Dislikes: Losing, and getting denied a match

Bio: She grew up with a litter of siblings in the woods, and wrestling has always been a past time of them

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(sorry that it's a book cover; that's just how I imagine her. her hair is also longer than in the picture)

Name: Kristine Jacobs

Nickname: Krist

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Species: 1/6 Ker(Greek flying death spirit- attributes that she has are clairvoyance and also can tell when someone is about to die) and haunted by a homicidal Ato-oi-kozo(Japanese spirit that follows someone)

Weapon(s): Throwing Daggers- see picture for example

Personality: Krist is very energetic and wild. She doesn't exactly like to be told what to do, rather she does her own thing and doesn't give a crap about what people think. Unless they think that she's crazy. Krist is a bit of a sadist(due to a homicidal spirit that's been talking to her in her head since she was born). She's also impulsive and has a short temper that causes her to easily blow up at any time at all. She is strong willed and stubborn, hating when she's at a time in which she feels weak.

Likes: throwing knives, goofing off, being herself, when her voice is the only one in her head

Dislikes: arrogant people that think that their better than her, the homicidal spirit constantly talking to her and telling her what to do, seeming insane, knowing that someone is about to die but knowing that she can't do anything

Bio: Krist lived a fairly normal life until she realized that she didn't have any imaginary friend. She had a homicidal lunatic following her around. Turns out, he'd choosen the freesher meat. The spirit had been following her mother since Krist she was three, and that's when Krist began to be followed as well. At first, the thing was kind and joking but when she turned six, it grew evil. Krist went to her mother, terrified, and learned who she was. She had always seen the glows, but thought that they were just something different for her only. Turns out, they mean that people are about to die. Since then, Krist was afraid and taught herself to fight. She didn't plan on letting people die if she had a choice. Her mother had been horrified, so at twelve she ran away. In her mind, if her mother couldn't accept that people deserve to live than screw her. The voice stayed, egging her on and driving her as mad as it could but she remained as positive as she could be, pushing it away and gritting her teeth; she didn't plan on letting it drive her to her death.




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Name: Azriel Wilde

Nickname(If applies): Aura

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Human-Angel Hybrid

Weapon(s): His shadow can be made to form a small spike or fist, but otherwise he does not use any weapons.

Personality: Usually speaking only when needed or when spoken to, Aura can be somewhat quiet and anti social towards others however he does not see any problem with it. He does not care very much about strangers, however on the chance you catch his eye Aura will follow and be a bit overly affectionate towards you.

Likes: Hugging, reading, listening to music, research, and watching people. Oh and anything with sweet potatoes.

Dislikes: People who stare at him, the word "freak", and pickles.

Bio: Aura was a orphan who was used in an experiment in order to turn human's into angels, however it was officially considered a failure when Aura turned 12. Not wanting to end the subject's life, one of the lead scientist's named Ashley Wilde adopted him. He has been home-schooled most of his life, and due to that along with his new guardian rarely allowing him to interact with others he learned not to care very much about strangers. Ashley decided to enroll him in the school so he could learn to open up a bit and to eventually find out his goal in life.

Other: He has a white wing on the right side of his back, and is able to control his own shadow to form small objects or body parts. It can also attach itself to him, and can communicate to him as if it were another person in his mind.
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Name: Walter Dohl

Nickname(If applies): Walt

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Weapon(s): Telekinesis

Personality: Very calm and serious. He rarely talks unless spoken to first.

Likes: Music, sports

Dislikes: Loud/annoying people, television

Bio: He's a normal human with the power of telekinesis, something he was born with



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Name: John Abraus

Nickname(If applies): Johnny, Psycho J

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Species: Psionic Human

Weapon(s): He doesn't use weapons. He tortures people from the inside, seeing their fears and pains, and destroys them from the inside. He can also create a universe for whoever he mentally connects with.

Personality: He is quiet, often going through the minds of people, and analyzing them. Sometimes, he gets really, really shy around girls and walks away.

Likes: Intelligent Minds, school work, creating worlds.

Dislikes: Physical work, plus weak minds.

Bio: An experiment gone wrong. That's what most would say, he was created as a weapon, designed to kill. He had been taught many ways of killing, from the knife, to the gun. Later in his life, he was taught to fly a plane, which he does well. When he was 13, he had escaped, running all his life. Sometimes, if crossed, he will torture the person, trapping them in their own mind.

Other: He loves to engineer almost anything. Also, he plays, many, many instruments, and practices Judo. (Not chops, search it.) He deems he is "Too intelligent" for the normal crowd, which is why he usually stays away.

APPEARANCE: Guys/gasmask.jpg
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Nickname(If applies): n/a



Species: shifter (from half cat half human to speaking cat)

Weapon(s): throwing knives, bow

Personality: likes other people, but is shy at first, funny, energetic

Likes: people, swimming, blades

Dislikes: hateful comments tword him, thunder, hot chocolate

Bio: has a mother, has a 6 year old sister, raised In a small town, always got A's in school.

Other: prefers to hunt alone or with one person<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/_20150110_230916.JPG.d0e34796dedfbfb87f3871db640e4f43.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39218" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/_20150110_230916.JPG.d0e34796dedfbfb87f3871db640e4f43.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39219" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name:Hell La Death





Weapons<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c1418e05f_download(1).jpg.ccc0aeb73c95e82b2634c35bf6611b02.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39234" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c1418e05f_download(1).jpg.ccc0aeb73c95e82b2634c35bf6611b02.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality:Hell Is a very mischievous dude that looks like he is friendly and kind but he is the opposite of that

Likes:Playing video games,Pranking,Blood and gore,Violence,Girls

Dislikes:Losing and Kind people

Bio:Hell was once an angel but after disobeying an order of god he was sent to hell and turned into a devil and since then he has defeated multiple devils and demons from hell and after becoming the devil king he tryed to defeat the angels but still couldnt and couldnt reach the same level of power as God and the angels

Other:Well i think to be revealed

His appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c1419075f_download(2).jpg.10b8e46932ba1a4b393fe8cd05f7b2b1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39235" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c1419075f_download(2).jpg.10b8e46932ba1a4b393fe8cd05f7b2b1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Aito

Nickname(If applies): Mostly called nerd,baby,prince,pretty boy,etc.etc.

Age: 17

Gender: boy ( but I swear he seems quite girlish)

Species: Human (but little does he know he's a warlock)

Weapon(s): He's Very Crafty so he usually makes weapons from scraps he finds around school, and he is also a warlock so he doesn't know that he has magical abilities.

Personality: Genius, Childish , Emotional, Caring, Friendly

Likes: Friends,Family,Ice Cream, Candy, getting good grades, making things, sleeping, having dreams about casting magic spells. The new World Of WarMass game

Dislikes: Nightmares, Fighting, Being useless, losing friends.

Bio: When Aito was born he was raised by a single mother who spoke rarely of his father, being raised by a mother didnt really help him when he went to school. He was usually called gay for his lack to comprehend boys at his school,

He never really liked his life as much as he should've. When he entered middle school in the first day the teacher misunderstood him for a girl causing him to be made fun of constantly, all he ever heard from that day on was "pretty Boy!" Or "Eww It's a Lesbian a Girl that likes girls." Just constant nonstop bullying causing him to go and move one day just to stumble upon a school named....

Other: (Btw you learn more about how he got his witchcraft powers later in the story"



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(With no teachers yet then no but you guys can make schedules if you want till anyone want to play some teachers because I can't be everyone)

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