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The one who made Aerth
Roleplay Availability
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Ill admit i dont have alot to advertise here as im more looking for players who know the source matieral somewhat. To summarise real quick...

Spirits/monsters live among humans.
Spirits/monsters sometimes fall in love with a human, if the human has mutual feelings then the spirit can offer some of its power to form a contract meeting their lover when the human soul reincarnates.

The rp would focus on three or four people who work for the Matchmakers helping souls to meet again.

My idea would be episodic in nature as one long arc about reuniting one or two couples is silly.
I'd be welcome to having people drop in and out or to have multiple characters.

As Gm I will throw some screws into the plans and collaborate with the players who have soul mates so it isn't as simple as a matchmaker pointing out a target and going
"You love them, go flirt"

While this rp would take alot from the source matieral I won't be following the main story (tushan susu/Hong Hong and the toaist)

Just the ideas and themes.
No rush to start or make this, just wondering if enough people have watched Chinese anime to know a decent plot for creative writing aha
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