Fantasy Charries of Mine


The BloodRose Yokai

Introduction Ih-freet



Name: Ifrit

Age: Ninety three years

Race: Ifrit

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Occupation: Spy, Ninja, and Thief

  • Appearance

    Height: 5'7

    Hair: flame red, long pinstraight

    Eyes: pure black

    Body: Athetic

    Attire: A black cloak that goes to her ankles, black low-cut tank-top, dark grey denim shorts, ankle high black combat boots, and black leather gloves

    A silver circular locket with a picture of her older brother around her neck, silver nose ring


The imagery I get for this character is wonderful!

The name is complementing their looks and even their profession.

Start Critique

Ifrit has a great set up with a tad lack of information, though

being a spy/ninja that would make sense but since you went with the

bio presentation of the character, there can be more told about the character.


I tell this to everyone but I feel like the sexual orientation is irreverent unless it

directly is affiliated with something they've experienced or emphasis an important

character trait. I don't really see it being relevant and that's really my only complaint.

Spy, Ninja, And Thief is a tad generic.. I think you could get a bit more creative with a title.

Maybe "Rogue" for hire or something along those lines. Declaring yourself a Spy for hire is

a horrible idea, as well as declaring 'thief'.


She's moderately sized and based on the image provided

she is pretty attractive BUT she has to stand out like a light bulb making

being a ninja more of a difficulty. The world that is established is not much

invested into so when I look ahead at her Skills and such, they mention magic

but I don't know to what extent that this helps her or if magic is

a commonality. My personal opinion is that she needs a hat or

to at least cut her hair because long hair does not make for good close quarter combat duels

which if she is a spy, ninja or thief: she shouldn't have such bright colors. She can

but she has to be really really good beyond believably.

Personality & History

You establish that she has a past but never really go into it in her history.

For me, there is just a lot more information that could be expanded upon.

She has a rage which is completely horrible for a Spy or Ninja to have.

A Ninja likely requires high discipline and A Spy requires a blocking of

emotions and staying true to the task at hand. A Thief requires frequent training in

experience and dexterity. In order for all of this to be accomplished she'd have to be

completely dedicated to this lifestyle and from what she has experience and how her life basically turned to shit

I think that is possible; Though, it has to be established. She is a character who requires a high amount of

trust invested in order to get close to her. Maybe establish who has gotten close to her and what they did to

destroy the trust that she once had. We need to learn more about her experiences

Oh nice, she is 90.

Though, there is ninety three years of information that isn't really mentioned.

We need to know what skills she learned to get her to where she is now.

All we know is her entire family basically died and now she is on her own

and making it somehow. If you can't explain how she did it then you

can't expect the reader to nearly feel it justified as well.

I do feel that the world desperately needs to be established.

Magic, Equipment, and Skills.

Establish how she learned these spells and the difficulty it took to do so.

Explain how she gained her equipment and what significance it has to her.

Emphasis on her skills and how they've helped her in the past.

Final Critique

Your character is lovely though there are plenty of places that

need work and I do believe this character has plenty of potential to be

something completely phenomenal. There are just details missing and

justifications and motivations for why the character does what they do

and why the act the way they do. We understand she had a bad start

and made due with that but what did she do to make up for it?

How did she survive and what other conflicts did she have to overcome.

What made her keep going more importantly.

Most of all, I don't really know what world she is in. Is this Fandom or just

something that involves magic? That has to be established in perhaps a "World" tab that

gives a brief description of how they live and what life is normally like.

I hope you've read this with an open mind cause I do like your character

but I believe you can put more into her as she deserves it rightfully so.

- Civetta

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