Fantasy Asylum Interest Check and Character sheet submittance


The Ghost in your Closet
So I finally decided what my first actual thread would be. It has probably been over done a million times, but I have never done it personally. Basically it is an Asylum for Fairytale characters or any other characters you wish to play. they don't have to be an existing character of course. You can either play a patient or a doctor. If you are a patient then you must include why they are in the Asylum. They can have anything from a drug addiction to a fear of peanut butter being stuck to the roof of their mouth (Arachibutyrophobia if any of you were wondering) I must ask that you choose an attribute that is in some kind of relation to their overall personality.

The Setting

A high brick wall sealed off the building from the rest of the world. It is said that the screams of a thousand lost souls could be heard if you were to pass by at night. It was the end of the line for many, a mere resting place for a select few. It had an isolated feel, even though a great many patients were locked away inside the walls. Very few people that saw the inside of that stark white building came out again. Now I'm sure you, as the reader, are thinking that some sinister acts are being performed here but I tell you now, that is not the case. No this is merely a high security Mental Institute and Rehabilitation Centre. I ask you to come with me, through the wrought iron gates bound in chains to the heavily guarded front doors of what is known only as 'The Asylum'.

Character form


Fairytale/story/anime etc: (only if they are an existing character of course)



Why they're in the Asylum:



1. No overly intimate posts. Kissing, hugging and hand holding is acceptable but I'd prefer if there wasn't too many posts describing it. Just one post to initiate and one to react would be appreciated as the limit.

2. NO GODMODDING. I despise it and I will ask you to remove yourself if you do it. I will of course give you a chance to amend it. Suggestions of actions are permitted but telling another member what they do is not on. :mad: (this will be me if you do it more times than is necessary)

3. Swearing is permitted but only minimal. If anyone calls another a C***t then again, :mad:this will be me. Minimal violence is also permitted, but if you plan to do something like seriously injure another's character please ask them if its alright first.

4. If you cannot respond for a while and cannot let us know then be warned, we will only wait for you for so long. The need to continue is a powerful one and we are its slave I'm afraid.

5. Most importantly, take other's feelings into consideration. We're all friends here, we all want one thing, to have fun and create an epic tale. Please don't discriminate, please don't say anything that may upset someone. If it upsets you, it will more than likely upset them.

6. Last but not least, HAVE FUN!
I'm updating the character sheet as i forgot a few vital details.

character form


Fairytale/story/anime etc: (only if they are an existing character of course)




Why they're in the Asylum:


Other: (likes, dislikes, anything that could set them off. Anything of minor or major importance goes here)

So as your GM it is only right that I, IndubidablyAli, create the first characters. So give a warm welcome to Ali's finest and maddest Ladies and Gentlemen.

Name: Iris Riviana

Age: 17

Appearance: vibrant blue eyes stare out from dark sockets, pale almost translucent skin clings to her thin frame like a skeleton. Her dark brown hair hangs limply around her face. She used to be a pretty girl, and with a little more care she would be again. She wears an ashen grey hoodie with black skinnies that only just sit on her hips. Her nails are short and rough, chewed down as much as possible as a result of numerous breakdowns. Her shoes are worn down from years of walking, the soles of the converse wearing down. The black canvas fades into a mottled grey-brown. There is a hardness to her gaze that makes people wonder just what the girl had gone through before and was willing to do to get through the hardships she faced.

Personality: Iris is a slightly psychotic person. She has no sense of wrong or right. She is impulsive, open minded, outspoken and has a temper that is easy to switch on, difficult to switch off so to speak. She is violent when she loses control, unable to contain the wild emotions that flow freely through her due to years of abuse in a foster home. She is prone to bouts of paranoia and once her temper has cooled she often goes into a state of delirium. But despite all this she isn't useless.

Why they're in the Asylum: Has natural psychotic tendancies due to a traumatic past.

History: Iris spent the first eight years of her life on the move with her mother, a junkie that would go anywhere and do literally anything for her next fix, even offering her daughter as insurance until she could pay up. One day, some time after her nineth birthday her mother never paid up, leaving her daughter in the hands of a dealer by the name of Jarius. She spent the next five years dealing with abuse, both physical and mental. She made her first kill at the age of twelve, killing the dealer's lover when the woman almost strangled the life out of her. At fourteen she killed the dealer himself after he tried to abuse her for the last time, stabbing him multiple times with a switchblade. She ran away and tried to start anew but fell into a life of robbery and living out of garbage bins. She was found by the police and put into the system. It was her foster family that sent her to the Asylum, after she killed their dog and tried to murder her foster father for accidentally walking in on her in the shower.

Other: Likes: Penguins, reading, drawing, writing, cookies, cheesecake, the colour red

Dislikes: pain, hunger, overbearing men, authority figures, the colour purple

She is highly untrusting of her male counterparts and would rather stab herself fourteen times in the eye than even so much as be with one.

Name: Axel

Fairytale/story/anime etc: Kingdom Hearts

Age: 19

Appearance: (couldn't be bothered trying to describe him with words)

AXELLL.png ... AXELLL.png

Personality: Happy go lucky, with a very faint dark side. He has a temper, but not much of one, generally an easy going kind of guy, though he does take certain things seriously. Once he is your friend, you're his friend for life, unless you do something to break that bond. He does his own thing more than follow anyone elses orders.

Why they're in the Asylum: Pyromaniac

History: As a young teen Axel was prone to ignoring orders and doing his own thing. He found a love for fire at the age of twelve when he and another couple of misfits set fire to the school garden by accident. When the others had run away he had just sat there, fascinated by the flames. From then on he would burn anything just to feel the thrill and the beauty of the flames. At seventeen he had set fire to his principle's car, the school playground and then a couple of smaller fires at the local waste management depot. It wasn't until a week before his nineteenth birthday that he hit his best target yet. He set the fire that caused the end of his town's biggest theatre. The police decided for some inane reason (probably because his father was the town mayor and bribed them) that instead of prison he should receive treatment at the Asylum.

Other: Like: seasalt icecream, red, 'Got it memorised', fire

Dislikes: Potato, rain, lightning, lizards

It being fantasy i figured he should still have his elemental abilities, that is, the ability to conjour and control fire xD

And that is my character sheet done xD
Name: Ktashia Beifong

Age: 17 turning 18

Appearence: long black hair, light olive skin, skinny but muscular, average height, brown eyes, etc.

Personality: independed, has never had any friends, when her parents died in a house fire she never trusted anyone aside from herself and her sister again, if you get on her bad side you will never get off, friendly IF you get on her good side which isn't easy

Why she is in the asylum: terrible anger problems

History: when she was 14 and her sister was 12 her parents both died in a house fire and the town blamed Ktashia and Kneesha (sister) Ktashia ran away with Kneesha and moved into a new town to soon be put in the asylum

Other: likes; to have space and not to be bossed around, dislikes; people who get in her face and think they can get away with it, etc.

Cynthia Snow White


Snow White and the Seven Dwarves




View attachment 5835


Snow can be anything from timid to aggressive, depending on her current state of personality. She frequently converses with herself, and will have 'adventures with the dwarves' or 'quests to rescue the fair maiden from her sleep'.

Reason for Asylum stay:

Schizophrenia and Multiple Personality Disorder


Cynthia, or Snow as she insists on being called, has always been a peculiar individual. Her parents knew at around age twelve that something just wasn't right when she would still talk about her imaginary friends while the other children her age no longer acknowledged them. By age sixteen, they had regular events of her disappearing, running into an empty toolshed in the woods and whenever anyone approached her, she insisted she had to hide because her evil stepmother was deteremined to kill her to be fairest in the land.

After two years of barely tolerating her odd behavior, her parents gratefully deposited her in her own living arangements, immediately severing ties. Things were going fairly well as she lived in her own state of mind for a few years, mostly on the streets after abandoning her dwelling to once again escape the queen, until she busted into a child's play castle weilding a meat cleaver, announcing she had to 'kill the wench'. Needless to say, a trial followed and the end result was her being sent away to the asylum.


Personalities include: Happy, Grumpy, Sneezy, Sleepy, Dopey, Bashful, Doc, the Evil Queen, the huntsman, and on occasion Prince Charming. On occasion, Snow can be violent (depends on current personality), but it isn't frequent, however she does not follow directions well and lives according to her 'world's standards.
Name: Reginald/Theo Hargreaves - The Mad Hatter

Story: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass

Age: 25



Personalities: Reginald was always a kind-hearted boy and even now in the Asylum is gentle and , although now he is often in a state of confusion as to why he is here in the first place. He suffers from a mixed anxiety-depressive disorder

His alter ego however is the opposite. A perfect psycopath, Theo is coldhearted, egotistical, remorseless, impulsive and irresponsible. He is fairly promiscuous and can be charming but it is entirely superficial and he only uses it to manipulate others. He is very easily angered and will become very violent when so.

Why they're in the Asylum: Multiple Personality Disorder, Mixed Anxiety-Depressive Disorder, Murder

History: Reginald Hargreaves had a relatively happy childhood, with a mother and father who loved him and big sister who he looked up to. As he got older and entered into his teen years, family life started to deteriorate but only behind closed door, in the community the Hargreaves pretended that everything was ok.

One night though, the neighbours heard screams coming from the Hargreaves residence, shortly following by gunshots. When the police arrived, they found Mr and Mrs Hargreaves, as well as their daughter, shot dead and a 16 year old Reginald suffering from shock curled up in the corner of a room. When questioned by the police though, Reginald could not recall what had happened. While orginally a suspect in his family's death, the investiation proved that it was in fact Mr Hargeaves who shot his wife and daughter before turning the weapon on himself.

Reginald's lack of memory was explained as posttraumatic stress disorder by a therapist, however as a result of this he continued to disasociate himelf when ever faced with stressful situations. The next couple of years Reginald spent in several foster homes, some of them abusive which only worsened his condition. After he turned 18, things seemed to improve: Reginald was living by himself, he had a job working in a small headwear boutique and he seemed to be associating with others again. After a while he got into a relationship with a girl he worked with, named Alice, who he eventually became engaged to. Around that time however, Reginald's dissociative behavour started to return and he started having blackouts. One day Alice saw her fiance with another woman but when she confronted him about it, Reginald said he had no memory of it, that he'd had another blackout that day. Their argument grew more heated, Reginald experienced another blackout.

When he came to, he was back in his own home. He tried calling Alice, but she wouldn't answer. Figuring she was still angry and was just ignoring him, Reginald decided to give her some time and space; they were meeting for tea and cake at their favourite cafe in a few days, it was a monthly tradition of theirs, and he planned on talking to her then. When the day came around however, Alice never showed up to the cafe. The police, however, did.

Reginald was arrested and charged with murdering Alice and burying her body in his backyard. A psychiatrist's report stated that he was now suffering from multiple personalities. His alter persona, who called himself Theo during their sessions, was found to be extremely violent at times and he/they were sent to a psychiatric hospital as a high-risk patient.

Other: Reginald likes cakes and sweets, puzzles and classical music. He doesn't like it when he doesn't get an answer if he asks a qustion, nor does he like being in the Asylum (when he remembers where he is) and mentioning that he killed Alice will trigger Theo into coming to the surface. Theo likes getting what he wants mostly and is fond of taunting or provoking others into fights. He hates being condecended to or when people try to get him to leave so they can talk to Reginald again. They both hate needles and the strait jacket they are made to wear on occasion but love tea and riddles.

I sort of had an idea for a joint character. If someone else wanted to play an Alice character, I could change Reginald's late fiance to Mary Anne, whome Alice is mistaken for in the book. Reginald becomes convinced that he hasn't actually killed his fiance and falls in love/becomes obsessed with this new woman, whereas Theo hates her and just wants to kill her again. Could be interesting. If no one wants to though, I'll leave it as is.
Ah ok, I was wondering where it was. Actually I think it might have done better in Fantasy, because they're not the actual characters, they've got slight twists to them and they're not placed in any of the fairytale worlds. It's more just inspired by them isn't it?
Yeah, you could ask if you like. The mod's are heartsteall22, Ranmyakki, and Riddle78. So you could ask one of them and they would probably do it for you.
Seeing as we're low on characters, is it alright if I make another?

Name: Madam Marie-Catherine d'Aulnoy

Fairytale/story/anime etc: Fairy Godmother - various tales

Appearance: Madam d'Aulnoy

Age: 56

Personality: Kind, considerate and mother hen type of woman, Marie looks after the patients of the asylum. She has a lot of patience, however she does believe it's healthy to induge the patients in their fantasies too much, and she uses reason - or at least, their level of logic - when talking to them and trying to get them to behave and take their medicine.

Why they're in the Asylum: Madam d'Aulnoy is the Head Nurse

History: Marie Jamel was born in the city of Marseille in France, after her parents imirated from Senegal in northern Africa. She spent most of her young adult life there, studying to become a nurse, until she met her future husband, Francios d'Aulnoy who was studying to become a doctor. After graduating, they were married and worked togeather, travelling to various hospitals around the world. Marie became pregnat however and they settled down to raise their newborn son, Jamie. Twelve years later, Francios died in a car accident and Marie was left to care for her son on her own. This was only the first sign of troubles that would come. In his late teens, Marie's son developed schitzophrenia. To be able to provide the best care she could for her son, Marie took courses in mental health care and sought out advise from the best doctors she knew in the field, however it wasn't enough. There was nothing Marie could have done to stop Jamie from taking his own life. Unable to help her son, it became Marie's mission to help other people's children to over come or deal with mental issues. She thought, prehaps, at least she could spare other mothers the pain of losing a child the way she had.

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